Read PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans Online

Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (26 page)

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“You can give me all of the advice that you want when it comes to work, but as far as life lessons, well maybe you should learn a few of them yourself, that is before you start trying to teach them.”

From that day on, Breeze’s father decided to let him crawl, walk, and fall on his own. He loved his son but he would just have to find his own strength to get up from his fall, and move on from the mistakes that he was bound to make.




“What is it Jazzy, I’m busy right now,” Breeze asked once Tanya walked out of his office and I walked in.

“This won’t take long; I just wanted some info on the guys I’m filming with today.”

Breeze took in a long drag of air as if I was a split second away from getting on his last nerve.

“Your threesome is with one gay dude and a Bi one who happen to be real life lovers. You’ll be interacting with only the Bi one of course.”

I knew that he thought that I was going to overreact but I didn’t. I was working on accepting my current position in life and I wanted to prove that to him.

“It’s not a big deal, but in the future, I want a heads up on all of the scenes that I’m going to be in. As a matter a fact, make sure that the info is given to me at least a day in advance.”

I walked out of his office feeling proud and satisfied. The look on his face made me realize two things, he was surprised at my openness, and my message was understood.

I watched Krave and Konceited interact, trying to figure out their relationship. Who was the bottom, who was the top, who held who in bed, which one did the cooking and cleaning? I could have gone on for days with my list of questions but no one would have answered them, I never asked any out loud.

“What’s up sexy, my name is Konceited, Jezebel right?” Konceited asked while extending his hand. I looked over his body starting from the hand that he held out to me. He was cute, almost pretty. His light caramel skin was smooth and didn’t look like it belonged to the tall thug like boy-man who stood before me. I was told that he was twenty-three but he looked more like he was seventeen.

“I’ve heard a lot about you and I loved the scene you did with Lust. I’ve wanted to meet you for a while, so when Breeze told us that we would be working with you, my shit got hard the minute he said your name.”

The look on my face said it all. What did he mean his shit got hard?

“Aren’t you gay, women still turn you on, so you must be the ‘BI’ one, huh?”

I had almost forgot that Breeze did say that one was gay and the other Bi.

“I’m more straight than anything else to tell you the truth, dick mostly pays the bills,” he said as we shared a laugh. I was in the same boat as him, fucking to pay the rent so I didn’t judge.

“Well, what about him?”

We looked over to his lover Krave and I waited for his response. When I stole a glimpse at Konceited, it was as if he was trying to find the same answer that I was searching for when I looked at Breeze.

“Don’t strain your brain boo. Things can be complicated that way, I feel you on this one.”

There were times when I looked at Breeze and didn’t quite know what I was doing either. I liked him but I knew that it wasn’t forever.

“Your ears must have been ringing, huh?” I asked Krave as he walked over to me and his…boyfriend.

“Was he bragging about me again?” Krave asked while laughing. I laughed too, but for a different reason.

“So, how does this work with you two, have you done a Bi threesome before?”

I asked as I looked my first companion’s boy toy over. He was also cute but in more of a manly way. His skin was a bit lighter than hot cocoa and looked spotless. His short haircut was sharp and he shared the same almond shaped eyes as me. When I looked at him, I didn’t see a gay man, I just saw a man that was gay. He wasn’t too fagged out but if I was to put these two against each other, I would bet my money on Krave being the ass bandit.

“This isn’t our first time in a three-some but this is my first time so close to the fish tank if you know what I mean.”

“Well, it’s a good thing that you don’t have to go swimming in it, huh?” Krave high fived me as he laughed at my last statement.

The director of this scene, who happened to be Breeze’s father, went over how he wanted the film which was titled
Baby Bi the way,
to play out. Once we got everything down packed, Krave, Konceited, and I headed for showers, hair, and make-up.





The green light flashed on telling everyone that a taping was in session. I turned into the sex kitten Jezebel while wondering if either Krave or Konceited had to also get into character, or if it just came natural to them.

“You’re late; didn’t I tell you to be here by three?”

“I was about to call you and tell you that I wasn’t coming but I figured that it would be better to do it in person.”

“You were going to cancel on me at the last minute?” I asked Konceited as he stood at the makeshift front door. He was dressed as a mechanic with a nametag and all.

“You being married just doesn’t sit well with me. What if he comes home, what if he---.”

I pulled him into my fake apartment and closed the door behind him cutting off his words.

“What did I tell you when we were at your auto shop; didn’t I tell you that my husband was always on the road? I rarely see him because of his job. I’m left here horny and lonely. Now tell me, what is a girl to do when she’s left alone in the house with a wet pussy and no man?”

I pulled him close to me tasting his delectable looking lips. They were plump, soft, and wet from him just licking his lips as he looked at me. To get into character, I put on a skimpy nighty that was sure to turn him on.

“Wait, wait, I’m not doing this, I can’t.”

“Sure you can, and if not, I’m a good teacher.”

I unzipped his fake uniform and stroked his long thick stick that was already rock hard.

“Your lips can lie but your body won’t; don’t deny it, baby, you want me, too.”

I slipped off the black slinky lingerie and stood in front of him naked. He grabbed his dick and let his body sway back with that thug lean. I sat down on the couch and spread my legs. He needed to see what he was thinking about turning down.

“Come one, baby, I’m so wet, I need you, and she needs you,” I said stroking my sweet spot, and as I played with myself, he walked over to me as if he had no choice, as if his dick and brain were two separate entities that never shared the same body. Once over to me, he picked up my right leg and slipped off my stiletto.


I thought that Breeze was specific when it came to directing, but his dad, Mr. Cappello, had to have things his way or no way at all.

Once he slipped my shoe back on the tapping resumed. Konceited kissed from my shoe, up my ankle and calf, and up my thigh. When he blessed my clit with his tongue, I was surprised to see that he knew what he was doing.


That’s where I had to yell cut. Sucking dick wasn’t the first thing that I liked to order off the sex menu, so I really couldn’t see myself going down on him. All I kept thinking about was where his dick had probably been prior to this scene. So I walked over to Mr. Cappello and pulled him aside. When I told him my reasoning for interrupting things, I couldn’t tell if he was pissed or amused.

“I hope that you don’t think that you can do this work without sucking a man off. That’s a part of sex and fans of Fantasy Pictures expect to see that.”

“Well, maybe we can get around that. I’ve done oral before Mr. Cappello, but I just don’t think that I could do it to him, he’s…gay.”

“No, Jazzy he’s Bi but I get what you mean. I’ll let you off the hook this time but this is your one and only pass, understood?”

He called over Krave and Konceited and told them the change of plans. Action was called again and we picked up where I wanted to be.

“I gotta have you in me baby,” I said as I pushed his head away from me. I stood up and lay on the coffee table that was made of thick glass. It came in handy when the camera man wanted to film from under it. It made for a good visual.


I didn’t know why Breeze’s father found it necessary to scream out his orders but we heard him loud and clear. I was lubed up and ready to go. He got me hot while licking my nipples and sliding his little BIG man in me. I could tell that he was a thug boy because he fucked like one, straight and to the point. He was out to break backs and bus nuts, no love in-between. We made sure that his back was to the door so that he wouldn’t see when Krave, my husband entering the front door. I moaned load and working my hips as he put it on me.

“What the fuck is going on here?”

Krave yanked Konceited off of me and slammed him against the wall of the living room set.

“I’m, I’m her mechanic, I just came to drop off her car,” Konceited answered with Krave’s hand tightly around his neck.

“Looks like you dropped off more than just her car. I should kill you ass…and her too,” Krave added, as he looked my way.

“I knew you were a slut, but in my house, you fuck him in the house I’m killing myself to pay for?”

Krave was such a good actor that I kind of got caught up in the whole situation.

“Baby, please, I’m so sorry, I’ll make this up to you, I promise. Just let him go.”

I walked over to him and tried to pry his hands from around Konceited’s neck. Once he let go, I handed Konceited his clothes and told him to leave, fast.

“You think that you can just walk away from this shit? No one’s leaving here, not until you both pay for your sins.”

Krave pulled out a fake gun that could have past for the real thing.

“Get your nasty ass back on that table bitch, and you, get her nice and hot.”

Krave had become the monster that he was trying to portray. He embodied a gun-crazed husband who had gone over the edge. He stood and watched as Konceited turned me on with his hands and mouth. Krave pulled off his clothes, moaned and spoke as he stroked his stick.

“That’s right, little nigga, get her nice and wet.”

I don’t know about anyone else but nothing bothered me. Not even when we had to pause and wait for the stills to be taken. I was turned on to the max. There was something about the authority in his voice that had my sugar walls running wet.

“Turn around, let me look you over, I wonder if you’ll be good at it?”

Konceited didn’t answer. He just stood there as if he was scared for his life.

“Get on your knees and suck my dick.”

“I think that you’re taking things too far, baby, let him go, you’ve had your fun.”

Krave let out a devilish laugh and walked up to his real life lover. He put the gun up to his head and spoke slowly.

“If you don’t suck my dick the way that I tell you to, I’ll shoot you and make her a fucking cripple.”

Konceited did as he was told. He kneeled down and came face to face with Krave’s nine and a half thick dick. He acted as if he didn’t know what he was doing forcing Krave to take control of his head and damn near chocking him by going too far down his throat. I watched as Konceited tried to push him away but that only made Krave go deeper and faster.

“Yeah, look at him, baby, he’s kind of good at it, I bet he’ll be a pro in no time,” Krave said as he moved his hips to Konceited’s steady rhythm of dick sucking. I played with myself as I waited for my turn to come.

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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