Read PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans Online

Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (27 page)

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“Now go over there and fuck my wife, she’s waited long enough,” Krave said as he pushed Konceited away with a force that knocked him down. He stood up and walked over to me with his head hung low. His was supposed to be portraying a man that was being taken advantage of, and he was doing a good job. He slid back into me with ease and fucked me tenderly.

“Don’t make love to my wife nigga, fuck her brains out,” he said as he hit Konceited across the head with the fake gun. I moaned out in pain and pleasure as Konceited banged into me, then turning me around and hitting it from the back when he was told to do so. A few minutes after that, I heard the sound of the lube bottle being opened. I knew what was coming next and waited to see how things would work out.


Konceited had stopped working me when he noticed Krave standing behind him with a full hard-on.

“You fucked my wife so now I’m gonna fuck you. Now both of you get on the floor and stay there.”

Once on the carpet Konceited tried to talk his way out of things, but Krave had a tight grip on the back of his neck and wasn’t going to let go until he got what he wanted.

“If you fight it, it will only hurt you more and make me get rough.”

“But I’m not gay; I came here to get some pussy, that’s all.”

“Well now it looks like you’re going to also be serving some ass. Get back in that pussy and SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Krave yelled as he hit him harder than the script called for. I could hear and see him applying the lube on Konceited ass. He tried to fake like he didn’t like it but I caught his eyes rolling to the back of his head when the cameras weren’t on his face.

“Stay still for a minute mother fucker, you got a tight little ass that needs working into.”

Konceited hollered and squirmed just like he was supposed to.

“Please, don’t do this, it hurts, I can’t take it.”

“That’s too fucking bad nigga ‘cause I’m giving it. Now listen and listen good. I’m gonna fuck you while you’re still fucking her. Keep the rhythm or I’ll blow your head off. Oh, and by the way baby, I’m Bi,” Krave said as Konceited fucked me and he fucked Konceited at the same time.

Everything fell into place and the scene went smooth. It had been the first time that I had seen a threesome scene go that way but if the boss liked it then I loved it. When everything was said and done there were only a few lines left to say. And as Konceited’s character pretended to get dressed to go back to work, I played shocked when finding out my husband was Bi.

“Don’t you think that you should have told me that you were into men?”

“Well, now you know. Come on, baby that was a win-win situation for the both of us. Plus, you never told me that you were such a whore while daddy was out to work.”

I sat in his lap and kissed his lips softly.

“So are you thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked as I looked over to Konceited. Krave pushed me on the couch and walked over to the man that he just pretended to violate.

“That was some good ass, nigga, we both enjoyed it. We were thinking that maybe we could do this again.”

It came out sounding more like a demand than a request.

“I already told you, sir, I’m not like that. If you weren’t holding a gun to my head then I would have never done that.”

“Same time, same day, same place, and same play, nigga.”

Konceited made his way to the door and once he had it open, Krave had once more warning to give.

“Don’t make us come looking for you, and I don’t mean my wife and I.”

Krave held the gun up to his lip and kissed it. He wanted to send a clear message to the man that was walking out of the door.


“CUT, that was perfection,” Mr. Cappello yelled from his director’s chair. It made me feel good to know that we had performed to his level of standards.




“So, Jazzy, what are you doing tomorrow?” Krave asked as the three of us headed out of the warehouse.

“Nothing much, I was just gonna hang out and chill, why?”

“Well, we’re having a little barbecue at the house and I wanted to know if you wanted to come. Don’t worry, we didn’t invite everyone from work, just a select few,” he said while nodding his head toward Tanya and her crew. The word of what went down in the ladies’ locker room had spread through the whole warehouse before our taping was even done. And by the look on his face, I’m sure he knew about Breeze’s and my relationship.




“We thought that maybe you had changed your mind,” Krave said as he opened the door to his upscale condo. He had been in the business for a good amount of time and his surroundings told the story. His house was decked out and every room seemed to look better than the last. As he gave me a tour, I saw some people from work while the others were strangers. He introduced me to his roommate Ebony and I liked her from the start. We sat on what seemed to be the newly build deck sipping our gay friendly colorful drinks and got to know each other. It was funny because she seemed to know about all the drama at work and even filled me in on some things that I didn’t know. Like how her roommate and his lover got in the game and how Breeze had a habit of getting with what she called the flavor of the month. She told me that neither Tanya nor I was the first and won’t be the last to fall for a snake such as Breeze. Those were her exact words. At first, I was offended but there was so much truth in what she said that I just sat back and put it in my mental file cabinet.

“Is she talking your ears off about Fantasy pictures?” Krave asked while handing both Ebony and I fresh drinks.

“I’ve been telling her that she knows so much about the place that she might as well work there.”

“Boy, please, how many times do I have to tell you that I couldn’t suck dick for a paycheck?”

“Well, you know what they say about people who are always asking about something.”

“What’s that?” I asked Konceited after he added his two cents in.

“Either they’re thinking about doing it or they will end up doing it pretty soon. Either way it all leads to the same thing. Thinking most likely leads to doing,” he said with a big shit eating grin on his face. I watched Ebony while he talked and from what I could tell, Konceited was right. Only she seemed too scared to jump in head first without giving it a long good thought, smart!

“Well, if you really want to get a feel for the job, maybe you should come to Vegas with us. There’s going to be a huge convention and award ceremony, you can room with me, I don’t think that Breeze is going to make it.”

I saw a spark in her eyes as soon as the words left my mouth, Konceited was definitely right about her.

“Well, when you’re sure about Breeze not going, let me know, I’m down for whatever,” Ebony said trying to play cool, but it was too late. Her face had deceived her and showed her true feelings on the matter at hand.

“Are you nominated for anything, K and I got news of our nominations two days ago?”

Krave seemed so proud to tell his news as he wrapped his arms around Konceited’s waist and kissed the back of his neck.

“Breeze said that the scenes that I did were filmed too late to be submitted. His father was supposed to try and pull some strings but my hopes aren’t up.”

“Don’t sweat that shit, from what I heard and saw, I’m sure that next year’s biggest awards have your name written all over them.”

Konceited’s words rang with both sincerity and truth, and deep down inside, I couldn’t wait to be able to stand in front of my peers and bask in the limelight, even if it would be because of porn.




Chapter 12

“Satisfy Your Kravings”


After filming “Baby, Bi the way” we started chilling with Jasmine, and she would occasionally go out with us. I knew I liked her from the moment we met. She was really nice and came off as a genuinely good person. In a weird way, she kind of reminded me of myself. Along with Tyree, all three of us filmed one hell of a scene together. Everyone in the industry was talking about it. We were told we received multiple nominations for the Adult Video Awards that year, just for that film alone. That was the first, and only piece of pussy that Tyree had since I turned him out. I knew he wanted her again because he would constantly bring her up. Even Ebony had to tell him to shut up, and to stop thinking about her. He mentioned to Breeze that we needed to film a sequel with her. I found out later from Jasmine, that Tyree asked her out off set but she turned him down. I was relieved to find out he wasn’t Jasmine’s type. At least he was still cool with her after she respectfully made it clear that she wasn’t interested.

A few weeks later Tyree had to leave for a week. It was the first time we were apart from each other since he moved in with me. A new porn studio that was just starting up flew him out to Santa Barbara to film their first big production. I wanted to go with him, but I was too busy shooting six one-on-one scenes for “Satisfy your Kravings”. I was the star of the film, and the only one who would appear nude on the cover of the DVD. You know you’ve made it big if you’re the only one, or the main one on the cover. It was hard being away from Tyree, so after I would get off work I would hang out with the girls. Jazzy, Ebony, and DeeDee all became close friends so they were hanging out together on the regular. Now I was the one tagging along. Nothing was new with DeeDee; she was still having an affair with Mr. Cappello. Ebony was still pretending like she was hunting for a job. Jasmine, on the other hand, had a lot to say. She told us all about her relationship with Breeze. We all kind of figured out Jasmine was sleeping with Breeze, but now we were hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth. I was thrilled to know the rumors were true. I knew if I ever needed something from Breeze, but had a feeling he’d say no, I would just get Jasmine to ask for me. Even though Ebony was my friend, and I knew her the longest, whenever we went out we all got along and had fun, but it was obvious to me that Jasmine and I talked more and became closer, since Ebony and DeeDee were usually kicking it with each other. DeeDee was sweet on Ebony. I knew she was Bi, but I felt like she was wasting her time if she thought she could get with Ebony. I hoped DeeDee’s intentions were strictly platonic. Ebony told me she was straight as an arrow the day she moved in with me, so I couldn’t see her dating, or sleeping with another female. Even though it did seem like they were dating since DeeDee would take Ebony out, and she didn’t mind buying her things. We hung out pretty much that entire week, and it felt like the longest week ever. I missed Tyree so much. He texted me once and said that by the time he was done shooting all day, he was exhausted, and would go back to his room and go to sleep. He was too tired, and didn’t feel like talking. I thought that was fucked up since I tried calling him all week, but his cell phone was off. When he turned it back on as he was returning home, he got the text from Breeze at the same time as I did, because right after I read it, Tyree called me.

“What’s up, baby? Did you just get this text from Breeze saying there’s emergency meeting today, and that everyone needs to come in for testing immediately?”

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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