Pregnant (9 page)

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Authors: Tamara Butler

BOOK: Pregnant
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"So you don't think of me as a hoe?" I questioned

"No. You're just you. You're Kiara and that's all you can ever be. You've said it already. It was a big mistake and I understand. Stop thinking about it so much." Dominic said.

"I can't. I've disappointed so many people. I just don't know what to do."

"Look at me." Dominic lifted my chin so that I was looking him directly in his eyes. "You haven't disappointed me-----." He said.

CHAPTER 24 (Kiara)

"Dominic can you massage my feet please?" I questioned him throwing my sore feet into his lap.

"If you don't move your miss piggy looking ass feet away from me----." He joked.

"Dominic!" I whined.

He chuckled. "Man you know I was just playing with you."

It's been awhile. I'm now big as ever; the same damn size as a house. I look like I'll pop any minute now. One more month to go and I'm dropping this bun right out of the oven. I still don't know what I'm having yet. I want it to be a surprise. Princess and I are no longer friends. Every time I tried calling her she either never answered or cursed me out and then hung up. Every time I saw her at the grocery store or mall she'd just walk past as if I was non-existent
so I finally gave up.

Dominic and I have grown closer. We make out like all the time but of course we haven't made it official. Dominic soon interrupted my thoughts.  "You want to ride with me right quick?"

"Huh?" I misunderstood the question.

"I said do you want to ride with me right quick." He repeated. "I didn't say do you want to ride ME. Get your mind out of the gutter Kiara."

"I wasn't thinking that." I said trying to plead my case.

"Yeah and I'm the queen of England." He declared.

"Whatever Dominic don't get slick."

"Anyways do you want to come?" He finished massaging my left foot and was now showing equal attention to the right one.

"Where?" I asked with a yawn.

"My home boy house." He said as I gave him an apprehensive look.

"It's just to chill. He's having a little get together. Like a house warming."

"You know what happened to me before the last time I went to a party Dominic." He shook his head.

"This isn't a party bae. It shouldn't be more than 15 people there." When I didn't say anything he continued his statement. "You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you so don't even act like that."

"Ok I'll go."

"Thanks. ------I love you." He said slowly not realizing what he said.

"What?" I questioned.

"Huh?" He declared confused.

"What did you just say?" I asked. Oh now he wants to play.

"I said thanks." Dominic shrugged his shoulders.

"But what did you say after that?" He was acting like he didn't want to go back and repeat what he said; basically playing stupid but I know my ears didn't deceive me.

"I don't remember."

"Ok whatever you say Dominic." I rolled my eyes and he eventually changed the subject.



There she stood. In silence. One hand clutched her stomach whilst the other was clutched tightly to the sink in the bathroom. She hurriedly wobbled out of the bathroom and back into the den where the house warming was being held. Another pain shot up through her body. Her mouth hung open as a moan escaped her mouth. She doubled over in pain this time seeing liquid slide slowly down her legs. “D----Dominic." Her breath was caught in her throat. This was finally it.

There Dominic stood. His tall frame was no longer in a straight stance. His shoulders slumped forward as his forehead dripped with persistence. Him and Kiara both knew what had happened but no one wanted to utter the words.

“How could this happen. I'm not due for another-----MONTH." Her last word came out in a yelp seeing as how she was cut off by a contraction. "Oh shit what happened?" His ignorant home boy Kareem inquired.

"My water broke what does it look like moron?" Dominic stood behind her slowly massaging her back while she began her breathing exercise.

"WHAT? NOT ON MY BRAND NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR." Kareem's girlfriend felt the need to put her input in. Kiara simply rolled her eyes and Dominic said the words that she was really thinking.

"Bianca shut up. This is not the time or the place. Bruh handle your girl before----."

"Dominic just get me to a hospital please." She had to get his attention by tugging on his shirt. She could barely stand and the contractions weren't helping much either.

"You're just going to let him talk to me like that Kareem-kins?"

"Yeah." Kareem conjured. All Bianca was to him was a good fuck. She wasn't his main; just a side hoe. He liked her at first and they've been together for quite some time, but now she's beginning to irritate him.

"Take your stupid ass over there and open the fucking door. Make yourself useful----." When Dominic was angry, he had the tendency to say whatever popped into his mind. Bianca marched herself over to the door with her lips poked out and did as Dominic said. Kiara was now on her way to the hospital and she would soon endure ALOT of pain; more than she expected.


“Get this thing out of me!” In the midst of everything a sweaty Kiara hadn’t noticed that there was a knock at the door. Her curly tresses were now permanently stuck to her face. There she laid; her legs wide open and she seemed to be in the same position that had gotten her pregnant in the first place. Her clammy fingers tried to grip her knees but there was no use. She was tired and was just ready for it all to be over.

Dominic’s eyes tried to stay averted from her very exposed pussy but hey he’s a man. Pussy is all he knows. Curiosity killed the cat and he finally looked. He decided right then and there that childbirth was a very beautiful thing. He thought that Kiara couldn’t have gotten any prettier at that very moment.

CHAPTER 25 (???)

“What the fuck are you doing?” Sleeping peacefully after coming from visiting Whitney, Ryan hadn’t expected to be held at gun point. He and Whitney had so called made up. They were discussing possibly getting back together and now this bullshit had to happen. His crust filled green orbs danced across the person’s appearance, who was standing at the edge of the bed.

“Oh don’t tell me that you’re scared baby. Why such a long face?” She said cocking the gun and stepping closer towards Ryan. “Don’t you remember baby? You said you loved me. But in reality you were only LYING TO ME! I hate being lied to sweet heart. So now you have to PAY!”

“Man don’t do this shit----. We can work it out!” Ryan yelled. Men cry sometimes too and at this very moment that’s what he did. He cried.

“Too late!” Four bullets were sent into his body. All he could do was gasp for air. She placed a deadly kiss upon his lips. “I really did love you. But now you’ll see what consequences you face when you fuck with me.

CHAPTER 26 (Kiara)

In walked Gino. He had to have damned near persuaded the nurse to let him in because he was the father of the baby. Dominic didn’t notice him at first. He was too bust clutching Kiara’s hand tightly wishing that he could take away all her pain. He had to do a double take at first. He thought that his eyes were deceiving him. He couldn’t understand why Gino would embarrass himself by showing up. His jaw clenched but he swore up and down that he wouldn’t start anything-----at least not now anyways. Kiara opened her eyes just in time to see his face.

“What the hell are you doing here? Get OUT!”

“You’re doing well.” The nurse interjected. “Just a couple more pushes and-----.”

“You did this to me you BASTARD!” She yelled at Gino. Gino chuckled and sauntered closer to the bed, while Dominic eyed him the whole time.

“I need more drugs! Give me more drugs!” She yelled. She looked up and saw Dominic’s smiling face. “I see the head.” He affirmed.


“And the last name is?” The nurse asked Kiara.

Her son’s name was Ashaun Jamar-----blank. She had tried to reside from putting a last name for as long as possible but now she knew she had to do it. Dominic and Gino had already gotten into it about who was going to cut the umbilical cord. They got so heated that they were both kicked out. So she didn’t want to start anything but putting gino’s last name and disrespecting Dominic; or vice versa. She still hadn’t figured out why he showed up but she had some words for him once they did get a chance to talk.

“Excuse me Ms. what’s the last name?” The nurse asked again.

“His last name is-----Jones. She gave the baby her last name.


A few weeks later the apartment was quiet without Dominic. Well not that quiet due to the late night wailings escaping baby Ashaun’s mouth. Dominic went away to visit his parents and promised to be back soon. He tried to get Kiara to come as well to meet his parents but she wasn’t ready for that so she used the new born baby as an excuse not to travel.

As she danced around the house singing her favorite Rhianna song “
there was a knock on the door. “Now who in the hell could that be?” She checked on a sleeping ashaun before checking the peephole. Of course it was Gino; bearing gifts. She opened the door slightly.

“And you want what?”

“Man don’t fucking act like that. Open the damn door.”

“Oh hell no.” She quickly tried to close the door but his brand new size eleven Jordan’s wouldn’t allow it.

“Ok I’m sorry.” He said.

“Sorry for what Gino?” She interrogated him with a baffled look.

“Everything. I swear so much has happened and I never meant for things to happen this way. I’m trying to change.” He pleaded his case. She sighed long and hard before unlocking the chain. “Fine come in.” She said. She wasn’t giving in that fast though.


She watched Gino interact with their son. A small smile tugged at her lips. She was still mad at him though. He put her through a lot but their son deserved a father. Another knock came across the front door.

“Well damn from all these knocks you’d think that I was a ---prostitute.”
She slurred her words when she saw a cop standing outside her door through the peephole. “Yes officer how may I help you?”

“Do you know------Ryan Smith?” The officer asked.


“Well ma’am we need you to view a body.”

“What? What happened?” She was shocked at what she was hearing.

“He was shot and killed in his home and his body was just discovered.” The officer stated.

“Oh my god are you serious? ------.” She knew Ryan had a lot of enemies but she couldn’t figure out who would do such a thing. He wasn’t a bad person. “Well why do I have to view the body?”

“Well he doesn’t have any immediate family and your number was the last one that he dialed.”

“Woah rewind. My number was the last one that he dialed?” She repeated because she was trying to understand what was going on around her but it didn’t work; she was still very confused.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Baby what happened.” Gino came to the door holding a now once again sleeping ashaun. She ignored the fact that he had called her baby.

“Ummm Gino. Ryan is------dead.”



CHAPTER 27 (Kiara)

"What the hell is going on Kiara?" Kareem stood in front of Kiara inside of the interrogation room. The room only occupied the two of them, for everyone else had exited so Kareem could talk to Kiara about the whole Ryan situation. Of course none of them knew that the two were somewhat friends. The room was sound proof and all they could see was their lips moving. Kareem drew a fine line between his job as a policeman and his personal life but at this moment in time he felt the need to interfere.

"I wish I knew." She said wiping a lone tear from her eyes. All of the drama was finally getting to her. She couldn't take it anymore. "Ryan is----I----they---said---I DIDN'T DO IT." She began speaking in broken sentences.

"Look it's okay. Calm down."

"I----can't Kareem. They have all these pictures of me half-dressed saying that they found them scattered around Ryan's house. They said I must have been his lover and once our relationship went bad I must have hired a hit man to kill him. I fucking LOVED Ryan like a brother. I've known him half my life. I would never do anything like that to him......YOU GOT TO BELIEVE ME. Please!" She pleaded.

"I do but---."

"But what Kareem? I have a fucking motive. I was giving birth the day he was killed. I don't know who would try to set me up but I'm innocent. I swear."

"Look you got to calm down. I can barely understand you."

Kiara just put her head down and cried whilst mumbling "I'm innocent."


Due to Kareem's sweet talking words, Kiara was soon released from the precinct.

Kareem dropped her off back home so that she could attain the car that Dominic had let her borrow whilst he was out of town. He would hopefully be returning tomorrow seeing as how Kiara was going crazy without him. She could barely get to sleep at night between Ashaun's crying and not having a nice, warm, toned, muscular body sleeping beside her; or in her case behind her spooning her signifying that he was her protector all throughout the night. She rushed over to Gino's house to pick up her son only to become upset with the sight that she saw.

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