Pregnant (4 page)

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Authors: Tamara Butler

BOOK: Pregnant
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Instead what I saw was the total opposite. There was a picture of an apartment and in big bold letters it read “
.” The flyer had every bit of information that I needed. Where it was, how much the rent was, his name, what number to call, and how many rooms and bathrooms it had. I picked up my pace so that I could catch up with the guy who was putting the flyers up.

“Excuse me; DOMINIC I have a few questions about this.” I stated pointing to the flyer in my hand. He smirked at me prior to walking a little closer to me so that we could hear each other clearly. His cologne tickled my nose as his tall frame towered over my small petite one. He licked his lips prior to lifting his hat from his head and turning it backwards so that we could have some sort of eye contact. He was gorgeous. He reminded me of Gino a little but I seemed to be attracted to him more. His posture, gestures, and his movements had me hypnotized. I got tongue tied and I ended up asking him a stupid ass question.

“Is this the number I’m supposed to call?”

He chuckled; raising an eyebrow as if he was astounded by the question that I asked. “Isn’t that what the paper says ma? I’m glad that you can read.”

That comment resulted in us arguing in the middle of the street. I stormed away from him in the direction of McDonalds. I needed that big Mac to calm my nerves. The rent for the apartment was something that I knew I could definitely afford. I don’t want to ever have to depend on any one again. So I went to the only place I knew I could make some quick cash; and that’s “Club 54”. Club 54 is a strip club down town. My friend works there and I’m positive that a night or two could earn me a big wad of cash. I’ve done it before. Money is money. No matter how you make it. Right?


CHAPTER 8 (Kiara)

“Kiara you my girl. I love you like a sister. But I don’t agree with this decision that you’re making.” My friend 
 affirmed as she stood in front of the mirror touching up her make up. She was up next to go on stage. 

“What do you mean you don’t agree with my decision? I’m trying to make it just like you Asia.”

“I know; but you and I both know that this profession is very dangerous. It’s especially dangerous for you in your condition.” She laid her hands on my stomach to make her point.

“I’m about to be a mother. If anyone can relate to my situation, then it should be you. I’m going to be a single mother pretty soon and I need the money right now. It’s fast and it’s easy. It’s not something that I want to do but I have to do it in order to support me and my child. I have nothing to my name Asia; nothing at all.”

“I understand that but there are better ways. Get a regular Job.” She said.

“No you don’t understand.”

“Yes I do. I know what you’re going through but I don’t want to see you get hurt. How about I just lend you the money?” She questioned.

“No. I can’t take your money.” I shook my head no.

“Stop being so stubborn Kiara. Just take it. Do it for me.”

“I don’t know when I’ll be able to pay you back.”

She smiled. “Whenever you can. It’s no rush.”

Our conversation was interrupted. “Girl get upstairs. Monique is almost finished and you’re up next.” One of the other strippers said.

“I’m coming. Just give me a second.” She turned her attention back towards me. “Get out of here and go home. This here ain’t for you.”

“Okay. Thank you.” I said before hugging her.

“Don’t mention it.” She winked at me before fixing her golden brown wig and pulling her dress down. “How much do you need?”

I remembered that the flyer said that the rent was only a mere nine hundred and twenty dollars a month but of course we would be splitting it in half. So I asked her for the nine hundred and twenty dollars so that I’d be able to pay rent at least twice before I found a decent job.

“Thanks again.”

“You’re welcome.”

I spent one last night in my house before I had to move out. Dominic said that I could move in whenever I wanted to so tomorrow’s going to be the big day. Asia’s brother Rodney owns a trucking company so he’ll be helping me move. Moving isn’t always bad. Sometimes a change of scenery is good.

“Maybe. Maybe not. We shall see.” I mumbled to myself as I rode the bus home for the last time. I still can’t believe that bastard took my damn car!

CHAPTER 9 (Kiara)

These past few weeks have been pure hell living with Dominic. Yes, he’s exceedingly attractive but his demeanor irks my last nerves every single day of the week. He’s bad-mannered and he brings home a different girl almost every other night. The routine is always the same. Primary they sit on the sofa and cuddle; he whispers something into their ear, and then they head to the back to his room. I can scarcely get any sleep with the damn head board banging against the wall and their unvarying moans for him to go deeper; or for him to fuck them harder. He’s nothing but a man whore. He has no standards at all. He’s already proved my point that he will essentially fuck anything that breathes and has a pussy seeing as how he’s always with a different female.

I rolled my eyes as I folded my clothes in the living room. I’d just washed and dried my clothes so now they needed to be folded. Dominic came sauntering into the apartment without even acknowledging me. He was headed straight for his room; the shower probably. I smirked and turned my attention back towards the television. Re-runs of College Hill Virgin Islands is on. I was trying to save the other half of the money for next month’s rent but a sister had to eat so I ended up dabbling in the money a tad bit. Fortunately for me I had three job interviews this week and I planned on nailing all three. I was so engulfed in my train of thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed that Dominic had reappeared. He was now in the kitchen clad in only a mere towel. It was draped snugly around his waist. His honey toned body and abs were glistening from the water of the brief shower he’d just taken.

“Did anybody come by for me?” He questioned.

“If you’re asking me if one of your hoes came by the apartment; then no. They didn’t.”

He sucked his teeth while screwing up his face. “Why they got to be hoes?”

“Because they are.” I simply stated.

“Man whatever. Fuck you.”

“I wouldn’t fuck you even if you were the last nigga on earth.”

“Yeah so you say.” He walked away shaking his head; slightly chuckling. I lied to him and to myself. I would fuck him if I had the opportunity to. As of right now I’m horny as hell.

CHAPTER 10 (Kiara)

Oh my god Princess isn’t this cute?” I acquired as I held up cute little baby booties extremely close to her face.

“Yeah----cute.” She affirmed nonchalantly.

It was still awkward being around her knowing that I’d done what I did with Gino. But I wasn’t going to act all nervous and distant around her so that she’d become somewhat suspicious. Hell she was acting weird too. Maybe we both had secrets that we were hiding. As we were walking I noticed that Princess was removing everything that I was putting into the buggy.

“Bitch what the hell are you doing?” I questioned.

“What does it look like? You don’t even know what the hell you’re having yet. Buying all this shit for the baby when you don’t even know the sex of it is stupid.”

“Oh shut up. You’re such a baby hater.” I began to rub my protruding belly. It had been three and a half months and I was finally starting to show a little.

“No I’m not. Gino is not messing up my figure with no big head ass, snotty nosed children.”

“Yeah okay Princess. Like I’m going to believe that.”

“You don’t have to believe me. It’s the truth.” I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was serious but from the look in her eyes, I could also tell that there was something that she wasn’t telling me. I’d told her that I got knocked up by a one-night stand that I had with a nigga from the club. Of course she believed me but deep down inside I knew the real truth. Once again I rubbed my three-and-a-half-month old stomach before we continued to look at the baby clothes in Babies-R-Us while catching up on things. Oh and if you’re wondering where I would be getting the money from to pay for the clothes, then I’ll tell you. I got a job as a secretary at a Law firm. I get paid a lot but not that much. Hell it’s more than I had before so I’m happy. Dominic is still being his usual sexy and rude self. I can honestly say that life is good right now; despite the fact that Gino has been blowing my phone up. I never picked up though. I just changed my number. So I guess I’ll never know what he wanted. Fuck him anyways. I don’t need him.

Princess and I left Babies-R-Us and headed to Red Lobster. We were shopping all day and at this point I am super hungry; I mean I am eating for 2 now. I guess a change of scenery was all I really needed to turn my life back around. Well almost….


“What the hell is he doing here Princess? I thought this was going to be our time.” I looked outside of the restaurant windows to see Gino exiting his car. He was the last person on earth that I wanted to see. 

“I know Kiara, but he kept complaining about us not spending time together. Plus, how could you say no to that face?” She questioned pointing to him through the window.

“Easy. By simply saying no.” I rolled my eyes at her comment.

“Oh be quiet and stop whining. He’s here now.”

“Yay.” I mumbled un-enthusiastically. 

“Over here baby!” She yelled flailing her arms into the air so that he’d know where we were sitting. I rolled my eyes on the sly once they began to tongue each other down.

“Did you order yet?” Gino questioned her sitting down across from me.

“Nope. We were waiting on you.” Princess leaned over and placed a tender kiss upon his cheek causing me to roll my eyes once again. Once she uttered the word “we” his orbs soon turned my way making his gaze land on me. I diverted my eyes away from his quickly. The sight of him made me want to do some very cruel things.

Once the food arrived we all ate in silence because there was so much tension at the table. So many lies, secrets and deceit floated around as we enjoyed out meals. All that could be heard was the scraping of our plates, the sound of us swallowing our food, and the slurping of our drinks. I excused myself from the table. I had to piss so badly; I couldn’t hold it. After washing my hands and splashing water on my face I had a little talk with my reflection in the mirror. “Okay you can do this. It’s just dinner. You don’t have to say a word to him. Just eat your food and avoid all conversation and eye contact with him.” I mumbled. “You can do this.” I repeated.

Getting ready to exit the bathroom, I wasn’t expecting to be thrown back in. A certain some one hit me so damn hard that I flew? I hit my back pretty bad on the napkin dispenser. I yelped out in pain only for him to bum rush me and slap his hand directly across my mouth. That’s where it remained. He made sure that my pleas and cries wouldn’t be heard. “You thought I wouldn’t find out? HUH?” He yelled directly into my ear.

CHAPTER 11 (Princess)

I love you too baby. I miss you so much.” Princess said into her cellular phone as she also looked over her shoulder to make sure Gino wasn’t coming.

“Damn babe. I’ve only been gone a couple of days and you feigning for me already? You miss daddy dick huh?” Ryan chuckled at his joke as if it was funny. But it wasn’t funny to me. I didn’t even find it amusing.

“Don’t ask stupid questions. You know I do. When are you coming back?” I questioned. I’d rather be with him than to be with Gino’s annoying ass. He can’t even put it down in the bedroom like my baby Ryan can because he’s kind of lacking a little bit of tools in the tools department. Here I was spending the day with my best friend and here comes G blowing up my damn phone. He’s too damn clingy for me.

“I’ll be back Saturday.” Ryan stated

“Good. I can’t wait to see you. I went shopping and brought some lingerie for you.”

“Oh you gone model it for me?” Ryan’s voice was beginning to turn me on right here in the middle of red lobster.

“Of course. But it depends on what you’re going to do for me.” I declared waiting on his response while checking around the corner once more to see if Gino was coming. Ryan is a freak. So sometimes I like to push his buttons just to see what he will say.

“It depends on what you want me to do.” I can tell that he is licking his lips; the same lips that eat my pussy so good that I can barely even think straight.

“Oh shit Gino’s coming. I love you and I’ll call you back later baby.” I stated really fast and hung up before he could respond.

“Who was on the phone?” Gino quizzed me before he sat down.

“My mom. She didn’t really want anything important.” I said avoiding his piercing eyes.”

“Oh. ----you ready to go?” He questioned.

“What about Kiara? She hasn’t come back from the bathroom yet”

“I saw her on my way back. She said she wasn’t feeling well and that she already called a ride.” He said before climbing out of the booth.

“You sure?” Something seemed odd to me.

“Yeah. She walked right out the restaurant doors. Didn’t you see her?” He said.

“No. But Damn. She left her shopping bags in my car. I guess I’ll have to drop them off to her tomorrow.” I said sliding out of the booth as well.

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