Pregnant (6 page)

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Authors: Tamara Butler

BOOK: Pregnant
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“That’s not punch.” He declared. I looked him directly in the eyes prior to replying angrily. “Where the hell were you?”

“Didn’t I tell you to wait in the fucking car?” He shoved chips into his mouth and tried to put some in my very own mouth but I pushed his hand away.

“Don’t answer my damn question with a question. Where were you? You had me waiting for your yellow ass for almost an hour.”

“I had business to take care of sweetheart.” He affirmed starring back at me.

“What kind of business?” I asked crossing my arms.

“None of yours.” He began laughing like he had just told a very amusing joke. “Seriously though it was just business and not the kind you’re thinking about.” He readjusted his fitted hat so that it was now sitting backwards on his head. “Let’s go. You----.”

I knew it. Any time black people throw a party it’s either a fight or someone starts shooting. Dominic damn near tore my arm off dragging me out of the party through the back way as the shots continued to ring and people continued to scatter and scream. “You okay?” He questioned touching my stomach once we reached the stop sign three or four blocks away from the party.

“Yes.” I had finally caught my breath. I have never been in a predicament like this before. I was terrified. What if something happened to me or my baby? What if?

“I’m sorry I got you into this.” He said softly with a coy smile as he used one hand to drive and the other to rub my belly. I placed my hand over his that was still resting on my protruding belly. “It’s okay Dominic. You didn’t know they were going to start shooting.”

He just looked at me and slowly removed his hand as we pulled up to our apartment. “Don’t think I’m a punk or anything because I apologized and shit; and don’t be trying to tell nobody I did it either.”

“Okay.” I said through a smile. I guess channel seven news was right for a change. It was in fact getting colder by the minute. “Here put this shit on.” Dominic draped his jacket around my shoulders.

“Wow. Thanks. You are such a gentleman.” My voice was dripping with sarcasm.

“Give me my shit back then.” He chuckled before snatching his jacket back. I waited behind him while he unlocked the door. In the apartment it was colder inside then it was outside. The stupid heater was broken. That’s when I knew it was going to be a long and cold night.

CHAPTER 14 (Kiara)

I starred at Dominic as he stood in the kitchen once again clad in nothing but black basketball shorts and a black wife beater. He was drinking one of my Gatorades while peaking around the corner to see if I was watching.

“What the hell are you doing?” He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a coy smile subsequent to turning around fully to face me. I could now see his tattoos clearly. They looked so sexy on him. If I wasn’t mad at him then I would have reached out and traced them just so that I could have some sort of physical contact with him. “Why are you drinking my juice Dominic? What did I tell you about that?” I raised my eye brows awaiting his response.

“See what had happened was---.”


“You’re pregnant. I just wanted to taste it first to make sure there weren’t any poisonous chemicals in it.” He tried to put the bottle to my lips but I pushed his hand away.

“What you mad at me now?”

“Fuck you okay.” I gave him the finger just like I did his little girl friend Janice earlier. Exiting the kitchen, I wasn’t expecting to be pushed softly against the wall.

“I can buy you some more juice. Money ain’t shit to me. Is that what you want? I’ll go out now and replace the ones that I drank.”

“Don’t even worry about it Dominic. Just move out of my way so I can go lay down.”

He eyed me down. I wasn’t surprised when his eyes landed upon my breast. The night gown that I had on allowed them to be free and yet still perky at the same time. He licked his lips sliding his hands from my shoulders down to my waist. I turned my head as his tall frame towered over my smaller one. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him. “Not until you tell me that you’re not mad at me.”

“Dominic---.” I whined.

“Just tell me.” He begged.

“Your phone is ringing again.” I plainly avowed with ease.
He now had one hand over my head and the other one still on my waist. I slipped from underneath his hard body only for him to grab my hand and pull me back gently. “I’m not----mad.” He let my hand go once I articulated those words.

“Good. That’s all you had to say the first fucking time.” He smacked me on my ass before going to retrieve his phone. It’s obvious that whoever it was wasn’t going to give up any time soon until he answered. I shook my head and grabbed my blanket. This shit is ridiculous. For as much as we pay to stay in this mutherfucker you’d think that the heat would at least work. I cuddled up under my blanket on the couch and flipped on the television. The next thing I knew the power shut off. I was just about ready to curse somebody out but then I realized that we weren’t the only ones without power. The walls were somewhat thin so I heard every curse word coming from the couple next door. I stood up still covered tightly in my blanket and wobbled over to the curtains. I saw that even the street lights in this area weren’t working. I huffed and sat back in my same comfortable spot.
“Shit.” Dominic stubbed his toe on the wall and ended up hopping around on one foot like he was doing an African tribal dance. He placed a candle on the countertop in the kitchen and soon lit it. He lit one more candle and walked towards me slow enough not to blow the candle out with any sudden rapid movements. He just stood adjacent to me silently not uttering a word at all.

“What?” I acquired.

He smiled a sly smile and replied “Get up.”

“For what?”

“Just get up and let’s go to my room. It’s warmer in there than it is in here.”

“Hell no. All those females you’ve had in your room----in your bed. I think you must have fallen and bumped your damn head and lost your cotton picking mind. I like saying that all of a sudden. I laughed to myself whilst he sucked his teeth.

“It ain’t a problem for me Ki-a-ra. We can always go to your room.”

Throwing the remote control on the couch, I stood up and Dominic grabbed my hand leading the way to my very own bedroom.

CHAPTER 15 (Whitney)

              “Baby where you at?” Ryan yelled once he stepped foot inside the house. I rolled my eyes at the thought of him calling me baby. I know he didn’t mean it. I know he didn’t love me. I don’t even know why I stuck around with his ass. Maybe it’s because deep down inside I just needed someone. All my life I’ve always had someone so being without him wasn’t an option. But right about now I think it’s time for a change. I need to get out; meet new people, and just start over with my life. I never responded to his question. Instead I just continued to pack my things into my suitcases. 

“Baby. You ain’t hear me calling you?” Ryan said when he entered the room. I glanced at him, shook my head, and continued my task.

“Where are you going?” He asked. I guess he didn’t quite grasp the subject. He didn’t understand that I was hitting him with a silent treatment. He grabbed my arm but with my quick reflexes, my hand came down slowly and connected solely with his cheek.
Before I knew it I just let everything that I had inside of me out. I kept hitting him and he just stood there and took it with an unadorned straightforward face. That’s what made me angrier. I didn’t think that I would start crying because I promised myself that I wouldn’t; but I did. 

“Man what the fuck is wrong with you?”

“I’m sick and tired of you cheating on me.” I yelled with a tear stained face.

He chuckled. “Cheating? Man Whitney ain’t nobody fucking cheating on your ass.”

“Why would you stand here----and lie in my face Ryan? Do I look stupid to you?” He didn’t answer me so I continued. “Look at this.” I took the picture out of my pocket and threw it at him. It was a picture of the nurse’s sister Madison and his so called daughter.

“Where did you get this from?” He whispered starring hard at the picture. “Don’t worry about it. All you need to know is that I’m leaving your sorry ass. Oh and I forgot to mention that you gave me an STD. So you might want to let all your other hoes know that you’re infected as well.”

He screwed his face up and then glanced back at the picture.

“I can’t believe this nigga fucked those nasty ass hoes raw and then came back here and fucked me raw with the same nasty ass dick.” I said out loud to no one in particular. I zipped up my suitcase and then got started on the next one. Ryan picked up my suitcases and threw them over the balcony of the staircase causing everything to fall out of it and scatter everywhere.

“What the hell is your problem?” I shouted.

“YOU.” He yelled.

“Me?” I was super disordered at his actions.

“Yes you. How the fuck are you going to just pack your shit and leave me like I don’t mean shit to you?” He grabbed my arm but I pushed him off of me.

“Oh don’t you dare try to turn this around to make it seem like you’re the victim. I love you okay. But it’s obvious that I don’t mean a damn thing to you.”

“Look I was going to tell you.” He whispered.

“About what?” At this point I just wanted him out of my sight.

“About me having a daughter; I just wanted the time to right.” He sighed before sitting on the bed and placing his hands over his face.

“Oh so when would be the right time? When she’s damn near eighteen?” I screeched.

“I just---.”

I put my hand up. “Save it. I don’t want to hear it. You’re not worth the time.” I turned to leave I will just come get my things later at this point I’m just ready to go.

“Don’t walk away from me.” He grabbed me yet again.

“Don’t fucking TOUCH ME!”

“I love you.” He blurted out.

“Yeah right.” I laughed in his face.

“I’ll change I promise. We’ve been through too much for us to just end it right now.”

“I’m helping you out. Once I’m gone you won’t have to sneak around on me. You’ll be a free man.” I said as I continued to walk out.

“Man Whitney chill the fuck out. Fuck them hoes I don’t want them. I want you.” He said all out of breath.

“That’s too bad. You’ve already lost me forever.”

CHAPTER 16 (Kiara)

“Ouch Dominic. That hurts.” I shrieked.

“Stop being---such a big baby.” He was laughing as if this was funny.

“I’m not it hurts. Stop doing it so damn hard.”

“Either I do it HARD or I don’t do it at all.” He said.

“What the hell. You can’t give me an ultimatum. It’s your fault that it got stuck inside of me in the first place.” I rolled my eyes at him he’s irritating me right about now.

“I can give you whatever the hell I want to. It’s your choice on whether or not you decide to take what I’m giving you.”

“Ok.” I affirmed covering my eyes with my free hand and taking a deep breath. “Just pull it out Dominic. But hurry okay.”

“Ok.” He shook his head. “Imma do it on the count of three. One, two---.”

“Ouch! You didn’t even count to three you bastard.” I yelled hitting him in the chest.

“It’s all better now. I put my magical touch on it.” He said.

“It still hurts.” I whined.

“Let me see.” I gave him my finger and he kissed it. Then he looked at me and we made eye contact while he raked his tongue up and down my finger; slowly sucking it as if he was sucking on a lollipop. “How does it feel now?” He questioned.

“It feels wet and nasty.” I said as I wiped my finger on his shirt. Of course I was lying but he doesn’t have to know that. We were wrestling in the dark; obviously since the power is still out and when that retarded ass, fine ass, light bright nigga hit me with the broom I got a splinter in my finger. “Man you know you like that shit.” He chuckled.

“Whatever.” I quietly excused myself to the bathroom with a candle in tow. I had to pee like a pregnant lady seeing as how that’s kind of sort of what I am. I released my---toxins I guess and tip-toed back to my bed room only to find Dominic laying on his back directly in the middle of the bed. His bare arm was draped sexily over his eyes and his breathing slowed down a bit. I knew he wasn’t sleeping because I wasn’t even gone for a long amount of time. I’m not going to say that it’s impossible to fall into a deep slumber that fast but c’mon now this is Dominic we’re talking about. I crawled into the bed and straddled him. No I was not sitting on his ding-a-ling if that’s what you’re thinking. He didn’t move at all he remained in his constant state. I decided to mess with him a little bit. I played with his supple, crimson lips first. I outlined them with my fingers slowly and once he didn’t respond I began to tickle his adorable diminutive ears.
He stirred a little but he never uttered a word. Scooting back a bit, my ass was now solely rested upon his dick. I didn’t expect for his hands to quickly find their way to my hips. He grinded himself into me and pulled me down hard so that I could feel every inch. I clasped my hands over my mouth to prevent the throaty moan that wanted to freely escape my mouth.

“Keep telling me to fuck you and I might take you up on your offer,” He mumbled grinding against my now soaking wet, pulsating, aching pussy again. I’m so damn horny. It seems like I haven’t had dick in ages.

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