Pregnant (5 page)

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Authors: Tamara Butler

BOOK: Pregnant
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“CHECK PLEASE.” He yelled to the waiter.

His story didn’t add up but then again why would he lie. She is pregnant so maybe she was having that sickness thing that I always hear about the pregnant women having. I’ll just call her later and see how she’s feeling.

CHAPTER 12 (Whitney)

“Is this him?” The nurse questioned, retrieving the picture of Ryan and I that fell out of my purse when I was trying to rush out of the doctor’s office. I just came in to do my monthly check up, only to find out that I have Gonorrhea. A fucking sexually transmitted disease. I was fire hot and just about ready to slap a bitch. The only person that I’ve been fucking is Ryan and no one else. So that means he gave it to me. He has to be sleeping around on me. 

I’m not dumb. I can read him like a damn book. Whenever he comes back from his “business trips” he’s always a tad bit distant. Plus, he looks physically tired and drained and the only time he gets like that is when we continuously fuck; non-stop. So like I said before, I’m not dumb. I should have known something was up when I felt the burning, tingling sensation in my pussy last week. But anyways I was trying to leave when the picture fell out of my purse and the nurse picked it up faster than the blink of an eye.

“Is this him?” She repeated.

“Yeah.” I tried to grab the picture but she backed up slowly.

“He goes by the name Ryan?” She acquired starring hard at the picture.

“Yeah. Do you know him?” At this point I was completely confused.

“No but my sister Madison sure does.” She said as she paced the room.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that his stupid ass ran out on her once she told him she was pregnant.”

“Don’t sit up here and lie in my damn face. Ryan doesn’t have any kids and if he did they would have come out of my pussy.” I don’t know who this girl is but she’s really getting on my bad side. If she wants to share some of the beat down that Ryan is about to catch as soon as I get home, then I would gladly do her the honors and let her have it. She is irking my nerves. She told me to wait while she went to get her purse and even though I didn’t want to I did. But only because I’m curious as to how she knows him and how her sister Mary knew him; or whatever the fuck she said her sisters name is.
She shows me a picture of her two-year-old niece. 

The little girl looks identical to Ryan. 

CHAPTER 13 (Kiara)

The phrase “You thought I wouldn’t find out? HUH?” kept replaying over and over again in my mind. The look on his face couldn’t be read. He looked as if he was very upset; but not with the situation. He looked as if he was upset with himself for doing me the way that he was. At one point I even caught him nearly starring at my stomach as if he wanted to reach out and touch it. He was just yelling and threatening me; telling me what he would do to me if I didn’t abort the baby. He threw me into the wall a lot but he didn’t dare to hit me in my still bruised face or my protruding stomach. I don’t even understand why he cares. Why the hell does he give a damn about my whereabouts? He is not my dude. Yes, I’m carrying his baby but so the fuck what. If he wants nothing to do with the baby, then he needs to stay out of my life.

Actually let’s go back to the part where I said he didn’t hit me in the face. I was lying. Before he walked out of the bathroom he back handed me causing his ring to cut my face a bit. It was just a small cut though.

“Do what the fuck I told you to do. Why are you being so damn hard headed? Get rid of that shit and then I’ll be out of your life for good. Okay. “When I didn’t respond he yanked me towards him by the collar of my shirt. I promise you that my feet came up off the ground for a brief second. “Do you fucking understand me bitch?”

“Y----yes.” I muttered. I hit the floor and he walked out of the bathroom like nothing happened. A woman walked in afterwards and looked at me in disgust as if I was in the bathroom fucking him or giving him head or something. Hell I’m the damn victim. I wish everyone could see that.



I disposed the bloody napkin in the trash can after I wiped my face with it. I pulled my hair down from the silk bow that was upholding my hair into a tight neat pony tail so that my dark brown tresses would flow free and cover my face; or better yet cover the new bruises that I’d just received. I pulled a band aid from my purse and placed it over the cut on my face. I winced once my fingers touched it. Pulling down my shirt and glancing in the mirror one last time I exited the bathroom only to see that Princess and that thing she calls a husband were nowhere to be found. Bastard; I thought to myself. He probably made up some bullshit lie about me being sick and going home on my own. 

What was I supposed to do now? I don’t have a car and I damn sure am not about to catch an uber, the bus or walk. I sighed to myself silently as I fished my phone out of my purse cursing myself as I dialed the number. I held my breath for I knew that I would never hear the end of this.

“Hello.” His soft yet profound voice answered the phone on the fourth ring; right after I was thinking of hanging up and putting an end to my misery.
“H---hello.” I stammered.
“Who’s this?” He questioned. I could tell that he was looking at his phone; at the number that I called from trying to decipher whether he knew who I was or not. I didn’t bother answering his question though.
“Dominic can you come pick me up? Please?” 
I held my breath for the simple fact that I had no clue what was going to come out of his mouth. Maybe he’d say yes and then again maybe he would let another one of his usual rude remarks drip from his lips like water drips from a faucet. 
I know he already figured out who I was from my voice. 
Trust me he’s heard my voice enough to know what I sound like. I’ve had to yell at him repeatedly about eating the food in the fridge that belongs to me, cleaning up after his self especially in the bathroom that we share and playing loud music whenever his guy friends come whilst I’m trying to sleep. I heard him suck his teeth prior to asking me in a harsh tone “Yeah, where the hell you at?” He questioned.

“By the broward mall at Red Lobster”

“Hold on right quick alright?” He mumbled.

“Okay.” I stood outside of the restaurant waiting for Dominic to return to the phone while rubbing my arms. The wind was blowing and it was a tad bit cold out. It’s been cold a lot lately from this stupid cold front that’s making its way through. It’s supposed to drop to the low fifties tonight. 

“Hello.” The tone of his voice told me that he was unsure about whether or not I was still on the phone.
“Yeah, I’m here.” I mumbled.
“Now where did you say you were?”
“Red Lobster.” I repeated to him.
“Okay ma. Give me about 20 minutes.”
“Ma? Who the fuck is that?” 
I heard a voice in the background yell.
“Man Janice shut the fuck up.” He yelled away from the phone.
“Don’t tell me to shut the fuck up. Who is that on the phone Dominic?”
 I’m guessing that the voice in the background belongs to Janice; whoever the hell she is. But she better not start no shit with me because I am not in the mood.
“Man I’ll be there in a few.” He said to me.
“What the fuck did I tell you about doing that!?” I heard him shout. His words were soon cut off once the call ended.
Waiting patiently, I glanced to the left only to see the same woman from the bathroom that was giving me dirty looks, walking towards her car with a man who I’m assuming was her husband. She kept staring at me like I had eight heads attached to my head or something. “Do you know me?” I acquired and the lady jumped as if I had somewhat startled her. She silently shook her head no. “Well then bitch turn your damn head.” She sneered at me before getting into her car. Hell I wouldn’t have even said anything if she wasn’t starring so damn hard. She brought that upon herself.

I heard loud music and bass coming from a car that sharply turned the corner. It was Dominic of course. I slowly made my way over to the car and was about to hop into the back until I heard him damn near command the girl who I’m guessing is Janice to get into the back seat.

“Excuse me?” Janice looked at Dominic as if he had lost his cotton picking mind. I always wanted to say that----. But anyways she looked at him as if he had lost his cotton picking mind and dared him to repeat what he said.

“I said get the fuck in the back seat.” Dominic repeated leisurely. She rolled her eyes and unbuckled her seatbelt. She was really about to get into the back seat so I could sit in the front. If it was me, Dominic would have got beaten all upside his head for talking to me that way but he must be laying the dick down good on her ass since she was obeying him. I know that I never stood up to Gino before but this is different. Gino scares me. He was a reputation too; and doing or even saying the wrong thing can cause a person to lose their life. But trust me Gino is going to get his sooner or later. I don’t know why he’s acting this way towards me all of a sudden but all I know is that I don’t like it one bit. But like I was saying before, Dominic has a lot of hoes on his dick so I’m assuming that these stupid ass females will do any and everything to please him just so that they could be seen with him and let everyone know that they have the title. None of them seem to know that neither one of them has the title. He doesn’t want them he just plays with their emotions, fucks them, and leaves them. He’s going to figure out sooner or later as well that doing these girls like this is wrong. I believe that there is nothing wrong with settling down. However, niggas now days don’t think that way. As long as they have a dick attached to their body then that’s what they’re going to continue to think with.

“No Dominic it’s okay. I’ll just get in the back.”

“You sure?” I shook my head yes and retreated to the back.

Just as fast as he pulled up, he pulled off just as fast.

Jane, Janna, Janice whatever the fuck her name was had a serious eye problem. She must have felt threatened by me because she was glaring at me from the passenger seat in the rear view mirror. Every time I looked up she was glaring at me. But then she’d soon rolled her blue contact infested eyes and turn her head. 

How did I know they were contacts? How is she going to be dark as night with blue eyes? Oh and don’t get me started on that bleach blond hair color in her head. She looks like a damn burnt broomstick. All I know is that I am not in the mood. My back is still aching from the hit that I’d taken against the wall from when Gino threw me into it. My feet are sore and I’m tired as hell. I was a force that didn’t want to be reckoned with. She looked at me again but turned her head again once I looked up. “I got something for her ass” I mumbled.

I stuck my French manicured middle finger up so that the next time she looked she would get and eye full. I sat there and waited on her sneaky, envious glance. I watched her light blue eyes travel towards my face once again only to discover my skinny middle finger instead which was awaiting her arrival like a big red ass stop sign. She huffed and folded her arms as if she was mad. Hell I’m the one that should be mad. Her man looking ass is the one with the eye problem; not me. It was silent now seeing as how Dominic was changing the CD. My eyes were slowly closing but they popped back open as soon as that bitch uttered a word to me. I told you she felt threatened by me or else she wouldn’t have said anything to me.

“Bitch you lucky you’re pregnant or else I would have been whooped yo ass.”

I chuckled at Janice’s remark before responding. “No bitch you’re the one who’s lucky that I am pregnant. But whatever I don't talk I throw hands. In a few months come see me and we’ll see how much mouth you have then.”

I heard the seatbelt click. She began to slowly turn around. Was this bitch going to try and hit me? I straightened my posture and waited to see what she was going to attempt to do. The next thing I knew Dominic slammed on the breaks causing her body to get thrown forward and her head hit the dash board with a loud thud. I chuckled again once I heard her yelp out in pain before lashing out at Dominic. He was clearly ignoring her though as he turned the volume up. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was disappearing behind the clouds basically signaling me that night fall was approaching. I was just ready to dive into my bed after a hot bath but Dominic had other things on his agenda after dropping that hoe Jayla---I mean Janice home.”

We ended up at some party. “Stay in the car and lock the doors. I’ll be right back. I promise.” He said.

I did exactly what I was told for the first thirty minutes but it was hot inside the car and this nigga still hadn’t come back yet. I started to honk the horn but I realized that with the loud music inside the party nobody would have even heard me in the first place and I didn’t want to draw attention to me by those who were standing around outside. Waiting another twenty minutes I was growing upset that he hadn’t come back yet and that he didn’t answer my two phone calls. Exiting the car, a frequent amount of boys began to bellow vulgar things in my direction. I just brushed them off and made my way inside. I held my stomach so that no one would accidently bump into me. One dude even grabbed my hand and asked me to dance with him. I declined of course and slid my small hand from his bigger and damp one.

There were so many dudes posted against the wall either bobbing their heads to the music, dancing or shall I say damn near fucking one of those loose ass girls against the wall, or smoking a blunt. I didn’t see Dominic’s ass anywhere. If he wasn’t on the dance floor, then he had to either be out back doing illegal activities or up in a room somewhere doing the do if you know what I mean. I can’t believe him. He had the nerve to leave me in the car while he went to go get some pussy. Well actually I’m not really sure that that’s what he really went to go do but I’m so mad that I’m assuming things. I’m hungry as hell too. I didn’t even get to eat all my food at Red Lobster. 
I ended up in the kitchen; not intentionally but I wasn’t complaining. My throat was a little parched and I was going to drink a little punch but before the liquid could actually touched my lips, a swift hand snatched the cup from my grasp.

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