Promise Me Darkness (6 page)

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Authors: Paige Weaver

BOOK: Promise Me Darkness
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I was enjoying my California roll and trying to act normal around Ben when my phone beeped. My heart raced when I saw who the text message was from — Ryder.

Where r u?

I started typing, peeking up at Ben once.


Asshole. Ur not alone w/him r u?


Good. U deserve better.

Hmmm. Should I?
I started typing again.

Have someone in mind?

Staring at my phone, I waited. There was no response.
What had I been thinking?
I wanted to kick myself for sending that text. Then my phone beeped.


I was still staring at the text when Ben reached out to take my hand. Forcing a weak smile, I slipped the phone back into my purse.

“You okay? You’re shaking,” Ben said, covering my hand with his.

“I’m fine.”

“So about the frat party? Will you be there tonight?”

“Sure,” I answered. I smiled at Ben again but my mind was on the text.

Me. One simple word that had my heart racing and my stomach doing flips.


After lunch, I returned home and found Ryder on the couch watching television. Empty beer bottles were scattered on the coffee table and he was working on another.

“Why are you drinking this early?” I asked, taking a seat beside him.

His bloodshot eyes glanced over at me. "I’m bored without you here,” he answered, taking a swig of beer.

I wanted to ask about the text but couldn’t get the words out. I was being a chicken shit (Eva’s words not mine).

Not sure what to say to him, I glanced at the TV. He was watching the national news. Scenes of soldiers boarding planes played out while a frazzled anchorman reported from a foreign location. In big, bold letters, the words "USA AT WAR" flashed across the bottom of the screen.

The images reminded me of why Ryder was here — to enlist. The thought made me ill. If the United States was going to war, he would leave faster than I thought.
What would I do without him?
I took a deep breath, not wanting to think about it anymore.

“So Ben invited us to a frat party tonight but it looks like you started early,” I said, pointing to all the beer bottles.

“I can’t be around that shithead.”

“Well, I’m not going to leave you alone,” I said. “You’re going.”

He stood up, towering over me. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Maddie. When I’m around you…" He took a deep breath and started over. "Things are getting weird between us. It’s probably best that I stay here.” Without elaborating, he walked away, heading for the bathroom.

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one confused on what was going on between us. My dad always said that if something was bothering you, don’t ignore it. Deal with it. And that’s what I was going to do. I jumped up and rushed to the closed bathroom door before I could change my mind.

Water was running in the shower and Ryder was in the process of taking off his shirt when I walked in.

I swallowed hard. His abs flexed as he dropped his shirt on the floor. The ink on his body was beautiful, there was no other way to describe it. The black designs swirled and disappeared below his wickedly, low–riding jeans. I wanted to reach out and touch them, find out how far down they went. I crossed my arms over my chest instead.

He put his hands on his hips, unaware of the effect his bare chest had on me.

“What?” he asked, impatiently.

I took a step into the small bathroom and leaned my hip against the counter. Steam filled the room, fogging the mirror and swirling around us.

“What do you mean ’things are getting weird’?”

He sighed. “Just forget I said anything.”

“No. We need to talk about it.”

“We are NOT going to talk about this now. I’ve had too much to drink.”

“We ARE talking about it!” I argued, putting my hands on my hips. “We’re friends, Ryder, we need to get whatever this is out in the open and deal with it.”

He rubbed a hand over his face in frustration. “I can’t. There are some things even friends shouldn’t talk about.”

“Like what?” I asked, annoyed. “Maybe your wonderful attitude?”

“Don’t push me, Maddie,” he warned in a low voice.

“Then talk to me!” I shouted, livid.

He stepped closer, crowding me. “You want to talk? Fine, we’ll talk!”

I saw the fire burning in his eyes. I saw the tension in his body. What I didn’t see were his next words coming.

“I want you, Maddie. I want to fuck you. I want you beneath me in bed.”


“You happy now? Got the information you wanted?” He scoffed, disgusted. “Hell, you’re not even my type! And you’re a goddamn virgin!” His voice dropped, the anger disappearing. “I know it’s wrong but I want you, Maddie.”

I was speechless.
Say something
, my inner voice shouted.
Tell him you want him too!

Placing his hands on either side of me, he trapped me against the bathroom counter. “Years, Maddie," he said, huskily. "I’ve wanted you for years.”

His lips slammed down on mine.

Shock had me frozen for a second before his mouth demanded a response. When he forced my lips open, I relented. His tongue ran lightly over my lower lip before delving into my mouth, tasting me. His hands grabbed my hips, gripping me with need. Heat traveled down my body to pool somewhere private, somewhere intimate.

My hands had a mind of their own as they lightly touched his stomach, finding rigid muscles beneath my fingertips.

Without breaking the kiss, he lifted me to sit on the bathroom counter. Nudging my legs apart, he moved between them. His hands left my hips to tangle in my hair, holding my head steady as his teeth gently nipped at my bottom lip. His kiss matched his personality — wild with no holds barred, demanding and taking what he wanted.

His lips moved over to graze my ear. “I want to be inside of you, Maddie,” he said in a whisper. “Let me be the first.”

I closed my eyes at the tingle his words sent through me. The softness of his jeans against my bare thighs made thinking impossible.

“Forget the party. Forget Ben. Stay with me.”

His mouth took control of mine again, his tongue teasing and tormenting.

In the back of my mind, I knew this wasn’t right. I loved Ryder. I really did. I couldn’t live without him. He made me feel things I’ve never felt before. But this was wrong even if it did feel so right.

It was impossible to think with his lips hot and full on mine. But when his hands slipped beneath my shirt to glide over my bare stomach, I knew I couldn’t do this.

Using both hands, I pushed him away, breaking our kiss and separating us by inches. We were both breathing hard, staring at each other with hunger.

“This is wrong,” I whispered.

"Does it feel wrong?" he asked huskily, moving between my legs again. His hand eased under my hair, caressing the back of my neck.

“No, but we can’t do this,” I said, breathlessly. It would be so easy to give into my feelings and pull him to my bedroom. To give him what he wanted.

“One time, that’s all I’m asking for," he said in a raspy voice, brushing his lips against mine. "No one has to know. It will be between us. Our secret.” He trailed his lips down to my jawline while his hands cradled my head gently.

I closed my eyes, his lips hot against me, his frank words ringing in my ears.
One time? Was I just another girl he was trying to score with?
I couldn’t be that kind of woman even if I wanted him.

I needed more.

I put more strength behind my push this time, shoving him far away from me. He hit the bathroom wall with force, stunning him. Before he could touch me again, I jumped off the bathroom counter and ran to my room. Slamming the door behind me, I slumped against the wall.

My heart was pounding wildly. The air was rushing in and out of my lungs quickly. I felt exhilaration and worry at the same time.

Ryder. Kissed. Me.

The scary thing was I wanted him. I wanted him in my bedroom. I wanted him to be my first.
This couldn’t be happening.
I couldn’t want my best friend this much.

“Open the door, Maddie,” his deep voice said sternly from the other side.

I stared at the door, afraid he would open it. Afraid of what I would do if he did.

“Go away, Ryder!”

“I want to talk to you. Open up,” he said, low and calm. "Now."


It grew quiet. Thinking he left, I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I needed to get my head on straight. Eva was right. Ryder was a player, the worst kind. I refused to be added to his collection of women, no matter what my body wanted.

I suddenly grew angry.
How dare he treat me like another one of his floozies! Me, the girl who knew him better than anyone else!
The girl that was always there for him no matter what stupid things he did or said.
He couldn’t scare me away or ruin our friendship, damn it!
Determined not to hide from him, I pushed off the bed and yanked open the bedroom door.

He was leaning against the wall, staring at me solemnly. I started to walk around him when he reached out to grab my arm.

“Wait, Maddie.”

I moved out of his reach and walked quickly to the kitchen. Jerking open a cabinet door, I took down a coffee mug and slammed it on the counter. I heard him walk in but I refused to look up.

“Talk to me,” he demanded in a low voice.

I filled up the coffee pot and measured out a heaping portion of coffee. After pushing the on button harder than was necessary, I finally turned to face him. I tried not to let my eyes stray down to his bare chest or the jeans slung suggestively low on his hips. It was bad enough staring into his heated blue eyes. The thought just made me angry.

“You’re going to drink this pot of coffee and sober up. I’m going to the frat party. Alone.” I turned to leave when he grasped my upper arm, stopping me.

“Don’t touch me, Ryder. Don’t you dare touch me ever again.”

When he let go of my arm, I walked away. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Chapter Five

For hours, I remained at a local coffee shop. I couldn’t be in the same house with him. I was too afraid of what I wanted. So I caught up on emails and cruised the Internet. I was tempted to call Eva at work and cry on her shoulder but instead, I checked in with my dad and tried to keep my mind off of Ryder.

It was early evening when I finally headed home. Rain fell softly, making the streets slippery and the heat all that much more oppressive. I should have been paying more attention to driving in the rain but there was only one thing on my mind — who waited for me at home.

My nervousness shot up a notch at the thought of facing Ryder. I knew if he touched me, I would be lost. And despite the fact that I loved him, one night in his bed would never work. I just wasn’t that type of girl.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to face Ben either but I had to if I wanted our relationship to work.
But did I want it to work?
I wasn’t sure anymore.

By the time I made it home, I decided to be truthful with both of them. We were all adults. We could handle it. Taking a deep breath, I opened the apartment door.

Ryder was sitting on the couch, holding a cup of coffee. He didn’t try to talk to me. In fact, he didn’t even look at me. It kind of hurt.

I somehow managed to walk past him without falling apart. In my room, I changed into a short black skirt and a dark red blouse with matching heels.

Back in the living room, I tossed my keys on the couch beside him. He gave me a questioning look.

“Just in case you need to go somewhere you can use my car. I’ve got a ride to the party. Just make sure you’re sober if you drive,” I said.

“Maddie, listen to me…”

I turned to leave. I couldn’t talk to him right now. I didn’t trust myself around him. I shut the front door quietly behind me, not wanting to go. Each step I took away from him caused an ache in my chest, a yearning to stay.

Through the rain, I spotted Elizabeth’s car parked next to my small Honda. The rain made walking in heels a challenge but I was intent on leaving.

“Hey, Maddie,” Elizabeth said as I climbed into her BMW. She was a fellow student and a friend of mine, thanks to a semester of tutoring her in chemistry.

“Thanks for the ride. I didn’t want to leave my friend without a car tonight,” I said.

“No problem. I saw Ben earlier today at the campus gym."

"Oh, really?" I murmured.

"Yeah. He said he felt really bad not driving you tonight but he said that you understood, with his responsibilities and all."

I nodded but didn’t feel the need to respond. Ben took his fraternity very seriously. He was working on his master’s degree in finance, had a summer internship at a large accounting firm, and was president of his fraternity. He had so much going for him. He was successful. He wanted a family. He wanted me, only me.

But he wasn’t Ryder.

I watched the windshield wipers try to keep up with the falling rain. The radio played some latest, greatest pop song. Every few minutes, Elizabeth would try to strike up a conversation but she gave up when I only responded with one–word answers.

Through the windshield, I watched the houses and businesses fly by and tried not to think about Ryder. My body still burned from his lips and hands. His words still rang in my ears; ’I want you, Maddie. I want to fuck you.’
How would I ever be able to forget them?
But I had to. There was no other option.

Soon we were pulling into a crowded parking lot. The frat house sat in front of us, white with enormous pillars. Huge, imposing Greek letters were proudly displayed above the door. Loud, bass–filled music echoed from inside, hitting me like a force when we walked through the front door.

People were crammed inside, making the once regal home come alive with energy. Laughter and yelling competed with the mind–numbing sounds of techno music. Everyone who was anyone seemed to be here.

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