Quinn (The Waite Family) (10 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Quinn (The Waite Family)
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Jazzie was flighty.
She couldn’t hold down a job if her life depended on it.
And she seemed to have the attention span of a goldfish.
But Quinn loved her.

“No, not off the top of my head.
You could just take the job Alyssa offered you and be working for a great boss.
It’s still open.”
And would stay so until Jazzie took the thing, as far as Alyssa was concerned.

Alyssa had opened the cafeteria in the main building and there were plans for ones in the new buildings as well.
Jazzie would be perfect for the job as head baker.
It was a great opportunity in that she’d be the only cook and Alyssa and the rest of the family could keep an eye on her.

“Nah, I don’t do charity. How about that place on Winder?
They just opened up and will need someone to watch over the place, won’t they?” Jazzie asked hopefully.

Quinn sat on the bed.
“And it’s already closed down.
Health department. And I don’t think the job from Alyssa is charity. She wants you to be her cook and she will pay you.”

Jazzie shook her head. “Let’s order pizza.
That guy who delivered last time was cute.
I’ll even let you pick the toppings.” Jazzie was already scrambling for the phone as she spoke. “Pop too.
Coke this time. And you pay. I’m unemployed.”

Again, Quinn thought about her sister’s state of employment, but knew better than to say it.

Her cell phone rang just as Jazzie reached for it and made them both jump back. Jazzie picked it up and opened it. “Quinn’s house of ill repute. Tell us your pleasures and we’ll make them happen.”
Jazzie’s smile faded as she listened.
“Sure, she’s right here.”

Quinn took the phone and put it to her ear.
Hopefully whoever was on the other end had a sense of humor. It was Drew and he most certainly did not.

“What if I’d been a client?
You should teach your sister to have respect for other people’s phone calls and—” Quinn closed the phone then opened it and turned off the power.

“Is he mad?” Quinn looked at her sister.
“I was only kidding around.
Maybe you should tell him to get the pike out of his ass and learn to loosen up.”

Quinn agreed.
“Let’s order that pizza, only this time let’s use the house phone. And don’t worry about Drew.
He’s pissed at me most of the time anyway.”

The wine was opened as Jazzie ordered their dinner. While she ordered and flirted, that was.
Quinn had one glass and was pouring the second when Jazzie hung up. Quinn decided to drown her sorrows and if that wouldn’t work, she was going to get drunk—shit faced, as she’d heard it called.

She was having a shitty week and she’d worked hard to avoid Drew all week too.
She had succeeded for the most part too.
That was until today.
The meeting with the department heads, the phone calls, then her meeting with the accounting department had had him at each one of them.
Avoiding him there had been impossible.

The accounting department wanted more centralized ways to keep track of the monies being spent.
They said that Alyssa’s money was going out too quickly to be safe. Safe?
Quinn didn’t understand and asked what he had meant.

“It’s her money, right?
And I’m pretty sure she can spend it anyway she wants. Not to mention, she has like billions of it.”

The accountant, Brian Santos, looked at her and shook his head.
“Miss Waite, you don’t seem to understand. We need to curtail her spending before she takes the company down with her and that just won’t do. No, you need to tell her to stop spending it and to save. We wouldn’t want to have to be broke by the end of the year now, would we, girly?”

Quinn walked away.
It was that or shoot the man. She also made a note to have someone else go over the books. They didn’t need someone like that working for them.

By the time the pizza arrived Quinn was on her third glass of wine
and well into her fourth when the bell rang again, signaling another guest.
She drained it on the way to the door.
She was giggling when she opened it and nearly took a tumble into the man’s arms there.
And when she looked up into his eyes, they were furious.

“You hung up on me. Then I couldn’t reach you again. I don’t appreciate you hanging up on me then turning off your phone. It’s childish.”
He pushed his way past her when she tried to close the door on him.
“We have things to discuss and I’m not going to be put off again. You’ve been avoiding me.”

Quinn was pretty sure she was drunk because there was no way her mind could go where it did while he was standing there yelling at her.
Carnal thoughts of sweaty bodies and crumpled sheets, clothes strewn about the room, her room, kept looping in her mind. She simply leaned in and buried her nose into his neck.

“Yummy, you smell so good.
I think I’d like a taste.”
Quinn felt his hands on her arms the second she ran her tongue along his throat. “Yep, you taste as good as you smell.”

“Quinn,” he whispered, his voice tight.
“What are you doing to me?
This isn’t…Christ, yes.”

Quinn didn’t know herself, but she liked it.
Walking him back, she pressed him against the wall and then herself into him. He felt so good, hard and warm, smooth and silky. Need rushed her body when she felt his cock hard and thick against her belly as she covered her mouth over his.

~Chapter 9~


Drew was dizzy with the sensations she was creating in his body.
He needed to get control or he was going to embarrass them both and take her right there where they stood.
Turning them both around, he had her lifted up and her legs wrapped around his hips. Her mouth and tongue didn’t stop moving. He was quickly losing it and he wasn’t ready for that.

“Bedroom?” he asked against her throat.
Even as he asked he was hoping it was close. If it wasn’t, then all bets were off and she was going to be under him soon.

“Stairs. Left. Hurry.”

They stopped twice to taste, to touch, and to feel. Drew was on fire for her, his body needing hers like a drug.
Once they were in the room he nearly dropped her to the floor and took her then. She’d freed his cock before they’d had the door open and was making him hurt with her hands wrapped around him.
He was seconds from coming.

“Please, Drew.
I need you.”
With her legs still wrapped around him, he lowered them to the bed. He tore open her blouse; buttons flew everywhere. Cupping her breast in his palm, Drew covered the silk-covered orb with his mouth, his teeth nipping hard at her nipple he could feel beneath.
Her body arched up, her fingers curled in his hair.

There was no time for foreplay. Besides, as far as Drew was concerned, their whole relationship had been leading up to this. She was driving him to the edge quicker now.
Running his hands up under her skirt, he felt silk and flesh, thigh-highs and a thong. Drew grabbed the fabric and tore it from her body as he freed her breast. Reason was gone, need pounded at him. His cock poised at her entrance, Drew lifted his head to ask her if it was safe when she lunged up and took him.

She was tight, wet, and hot. As soon as he rocked into her core she came screaming his name.
Her sheathed tightening around him brought him with her. Throwing back his head, Drew roared out his release.
He was both happy and disappointed that he’d not been able to see and taste more of her.

Drew couldn’t move after he dropped onto her. He finally managed to roll them over, her body spread over his a few minutes later. But if he needed to do anything else, he was sunk.

Quinn Waite lay over him.
Looking down at her sleeping face, he still couldn’t believe it. Christ, she was passionate.
And his body was already stirring for another taste of her, longer this time, he hoped.

Drew moved around and tried to get comfortable, but the state of his undress, or partial undress, was making things dig into him in places he didn’t like. He’d never had time to even take his things out of his pocket, or his shoes off. He was pleased when she reached for him in her slumber. Standing next to the bed, he toed off his shoes as he unbuttoned his shirt.
His pants, undone, fell to the floor.

She was beautiful. Even with her blouse torn and her bra open, she looked good enough to eat.
Laying his pants over the chair with his shirt, he was about to slip into bed when he realized she couldn’t be any more comfortable than he’d been. With unsteady hands, he undressed the woman he’d just had the most incredible sex in his life with.

She was so limp that he had some problems getting the rest of her shirt off.
She kept reaching for him and more than once he had to take deep breaths to regain some control again.
The bra was easy now that her shirt was gone, but Drew couldn’t resist taking another sip of her plump breast.
By the time he had her skirt off he decided to leave her stockings on.
They looked delicious on her and besides, he was afraid he’d hurt himself if he tried to remove them himself.
His cock was already hard and ready again.

Drew lay down and Quinn immediately rolled over on top of him. Her hands started stroking him again and he couldn’t seem to slow her down—not that he was trying all that hard. When she sat up and spread her legs over his hip
s Drew rolled her to her back.

“Please,” she whispered. “Take me again. I want to feel you inside of me, Drew. Please?”

Taking her hands into his, Drew laced her fingers above her and into the bars on the headboard.
She was so hot he could feel her wet heat pull at him.
With some of the initial need for her sated, he moved down her body. Every time her hands let go of the headboard he would stop what he was doing.
As soon as she put them back, he resumed.

“Good girl,” he told her. “My turn now. I’m going to taste you and I don’t want you to touch me. You distract me from what I want, and I need to taste you.”

“Please, Drew.
I need you.” He nipped at her nipple. Not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to get her attention.

When he nipped at her hip she rocked up to meet his tongue. By the time he settled between her thighs, he wasn’t sure this was a good idea.
He wanted to taste her, feel her come into his mouth as he fucked her with his tongue, but his cock was begging for release as much as Quinn was for him to give her one.
Opening her nether lips with his fingers, he flicked her clit with his tongue. She arched up at him, her hips leaving the bed.

Taking her clit into his mouth, he pressed two of his fingers deep into her and feasted. Her first orgasm flooded his mouth with her cream, soaking his fingers.
He moved down to drink from her and could taste her and him on his tongue.
She was hot and spicy. Drew continued to fuck her with his tongue and fingers until she came again, then again.
While her body was still trembling from her release, he sat up on his knees and lifted her up and onto him.
His cock touched her womb. Taking her breast into his mouth, he lifted her up and down on his cock until he could feel his own release coming.
Laying her back to the bed, he pounded into her, hard and quick.
Covering her mouth with his, he captured her scream as she came again. Drew came with her; her pulling and milking him drained him.

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