Quinn (The Waite Family) (5 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Quinn (The Waite Family)
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Cait was the Chief of Police. She was also a good friend of the family, and married to Spencer Grant.
Spencer was a professor at the university and an all around good guy. Alyssa knew that if anyone could help, it would be Cait.

“I’ve already called her and Spence.
We’re having dinner with them tomorrow night at our house. Todd is coming by to look at my old car.
I’m going to sell it to him cheap.”

Alyssa grinned.
Smart husband this man of hers. “And what am I going to do? I hope you know I’m not going to sit idly by and watch you have all the fun.
If he’s as good a kid as he seems, I want to help him too.”

Cain’s grin had her shudder. It was both sexy and hungry at the same time. She suddenly knew that he was no longer thinking about the young Todd and instead was thinking about her. She felt her body respond to him.

“I want you, Alyssa.
I want you right now.
Lean back on the seat and I’ll show you just how much.”

She felt her panties soak and her nipples harden.
Damn, this man could make her go from normal to hot in a matter of nanoseconds.
But she wanted to touch him first.
Shaking her head at him, she reached for his cock, which was hard and thick.

“My turn.
Lean back against the seat, big boy. I’m going to take your cock into my mouth first.
Then if you can hold off until we get home, I’ll ride you like you’ve never been ridden before.”

His hiss of approval made her pussy gush again.
Sliding down on the seat and then to the floor between his legs, Alyssa looked up at him. She unbuckled his belt as he pulled his shirt up.
Easing the zipper down, she kissed the area as she exposed his skin.

“I’ve thought about this all day, taking you into my mouth, tasting you.”
Alyssa pulled his cock free of his pants and licked up the length of him.
“Thinking about making you suffer like you did me last night.
Making you ache like you made me ache and need.”

“You loved it and you know it.” His voice was rough and low.
Glancing at her watch, she grinned at him.
She had forty minutes and she was going to enjoy this.


Taking Sin to the airport the next afternoon had Cain thinking about how much he wished they all lived here again.
He missed his sisters and now with Alyssa, he found he wanted to spend even more time with them.
He said as much to Sin when he was alone with her.

“I’m making a career out of this, big brother, and as much as I love you, the thought of spending much time with you and Alyssa…well, let’s just say that it’s a little too much for one person to handle.”

He flushed.
“We’re newlyweds.
Of course we like to spend time with each other. Someday it will happen to you and I plan to tease you about it as well.”

She laughed, that full, throaty one that made men turn and stare, and women as well.
Sin was the epitome of her name.

“First of all, never going to happen.
I don’t care for men all that much that I’d want to spend more than an hour or two with them if I’m not scratching some itch.
Secondly, and more importantly, you two will be doing this for the rest of your lives.
Enjoy her and yourself.
Leave me be, all right?”
She kissed his cheeks and it took some of the bite out of her statement.
“I love you, Cain.”

He nodded and told her he loved her too.
But he wasn’t sure which bothered him more, the comment about not happening to her or the itch part.
He decided not to touch either one.
When her plane took off, he and Alyssa stood and watched the dot become smaller and smaller until it was nothing in the sky.

“I like her.
She’s a lot like you and Quinn, but more so.
Did she tell you that she doesn’t plan on ever marrying?” Alyssa asked as they left the airport.

Cain looked down at his wife. He wasn’t sure why it surprised him that she knew. Alyssa and Sin had spent a great deal of time together last night and this morning just talking. He was glad that Alyssa loved his sisters because they loved her as well.

“I have an appointment with Drew in an hour,” Alyssa said as they got into his car.
“We’re going to go over the Peabody account and then I have a meeting with the new employees at the store.
What do you have planned for the day?”

“My mother. She wants to talk to me about the money situation that my father left her in.
Then I have a late day at the clinic.
Are you coming over later?”

Alyssa crinkled her nose.
She and Guinevere Waite didn’t get along.
Cain supposed that was an understatement.
His mother still blamed Alyssa for the death of Cain’s father, Roscoe.

Roscoe had kidnapped and threatened to kill Quinn if Alyssa didn’t give him two million dollars.
When he’d tried to kill Cait Grant, she’d opened fire on him and killed him and his partner.
It wasn’t Alyssa’s fault, of course, but his mother didn’t care. She seemed to think that it was, including the kidnapping, because she hadn’t given him the money in the first place.
Money that he would have squandered before demanding more.

“Okay, then I’ll meet you at home.
I love you.” And she slipped out of the car in front of the Howard building.

Cain drove to the hotel where his mother was staying.
He didn’t invite her to their home, but he did pay for her stay.
He shuddered to think what would happen if they were all under the same roof.
Besides, he loved having their home all to themselves.

The Howard estate was huge, as was the house.
Just after Cain and Alyssa returned from their honeymoon several months ago, they’d moved in.
Her mother had been staying there prior and it needed a major overhaul.
Mother and daughter didn’t have anywhere near the same tastes in anything.
Then there were the changes that had been made.
Locks, security, and the staffing as well, as they had put in a solarium off the third story master bedroom.

The house was massive at over fourteen thousand square feet of home. Upon entering the stunning two-story grand foyer, there was the spiral staircase that went up two more levels to the bedrooms and master suite on the uppermost floor. The master suite ha
its own safe room now, an exercise room, private patio, and sitting area. Huge walk-in cedar closets were bigger than his first apartment—hell, as big as the whole apartment building, he thought with a grin. The family area and the kitchen with a patio were their favorite places to start their day together with its views of the gardens out back. Alyssa said her father loved this area more than any other in the whole house. The family room with its three-story vaulted ceiling and access to the veranda looked down over the fireplace that was big enough to roast a hog or two in. The media room with another fireplace led the way to a cozy area for family and guests if they ever wanted to entertain.

The work shop and utility room off the first floor was his domain and he loved going in there and working on the old cars that Nathan, Alyssa’s father, had never gotten around to finishing.
The man had loved to tinker so it seemed, and had every tool imaginable to do it with. Cain loved this part of the house as well. There were spiral stairs in the veranda and stairs in the grand foyer to go up to the second floor. There were five bedrooms with private baths upstairs, as well as a large private retreat. Then there were the gardens.

The house was surrounded by over two hundred acres, mostly wooded areas, and a security fence went around the ten acres closest to the house.
Their drive was private and a security team was out front twenty-four-seven.
No one got in without permission, and that was seldom given unless he or Alyssa allowed it.
His sisters, Drew, and his grandda Thomas, were the only ones who could come and go as they needed.

Pulling up in front of the hotel, Cain’s phone rang.
Smiling, he answered.

“Hello, Damon. How’s retirement treating you?
Is Charlotte driving you nuts yet?”

Last month, Damon Grant had retired. He’d been threatening it for some weeks now and Cain was surprised when the man, a dedicated doctor himself and Cain’s mentor, actually did it.

“We’re having a blast, my boy.
Thanks for the cruise.
Tell Alyssa that we love it.
I need to ask a favor. Not a biggy, just something that I’ve just thought of.”

He’d been just thinking of things nearly every day since he left, but Cain smiled. The man had given him this practice and had also been very helpful in his career as a doctor.

“Of course. You know I’d do anything for you and Charlotte.
Name it.” And he knew that he would too. The man was everything to him.

“I need you to arrange something for me.
Charlotte and I will be back on the seventh and I want to make sure that the house is ready for us. Do you think you could please do that for us?
Don’t have a clue what that might involve, never had much say in the house anyway once I married, but there you have it.
Not that I’m a chauvinist, but you might want to see what your lovely wife has to say on the matter.
She had to do her own home and she probably has a hint or two to lend you.”

Cain laughed.
Alyssa was the least domestic person he knew and Damon knew it. If Cain wanted a hot meal and she was in the kitchen, she’d more likely than not tell him to microwave his cornflakes.
He was very happy for the cooks they had on staff.

“I’ll do that.
I’ll have someone pick you both up as well if you let me know when your plane lands.
Then when you settle, we’ll get together for dinner.
You can show us your pictures.”

After getting that settled Cain made a note on his phone and he got out of the car. His mother was waiting in the lobby, and she didn’t look any happier to see him than he did her.

“Mother. We were going to meet in your room. What’s going on?”
He kissed her cheek and then helped her pull her jacket on.

“That room is a pigsty.
I swear there are bugs as big as a cat in there.
You’ll have to put me up somewhere else or at that house of yours.
I’m sure that the girls wouldn’t mind moving out so that I can have some privacy.
It’s too nice of a house for them anyway.
Besides, I’m thinking of moving back here permanently and I could make that my home as easily as any other, I suppose.”
She made it sound as if the house wasn’t up to her standards.

You can move back to Ohio if you want, but you do so on your own. The house belongs to me and I will not ask my sisters to move.
As for this hotel, I own it as well with Alyssa and it’s one of the nicest ones in the state.
If it’s not to your standard, then find other accommodations on your own or go back to California. It’s entirely up to you.”

He let her glare as he led her out to the car. He would take her to dinner, hear what she had to say, and send her on her way. If only it were that easy.

“I’ve been evicted from my house. I’ve nowhere to go.
I have to come here or I live in a box.”

So not what he wanted to hear.

~Chapter 5~

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