Quinn (The Waite Family) (4 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Quinn (The Waite Family)
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Cain had never thought of himself as a foot man, but the sexily-painted toes of his wife made him dizzy with need.
And the tiny gold chain that she wore around her trim ankle had his cock surge with aching arousal.

Running his hands up and down her calves then her thighs, Cain adjusted his cock in his trousers again.
He finally pulled his belt open and unsnapped his fly.
His cock strained to be free from the tight confines of his boxers.
As soon as he touched her warm skin between the skirt and stockings he knew that he was going to take her on that big desk.
Going to his knees, Cain ran his fingers under the hem of her skirt as he leaned in and nuzzled her breast. She moaned with him.
He could feel her nipple harden under his mouth.
Opening it just a bit, he took her nipple into his mouth and nipped.


He looked up at her sleep filled eyes. “Who else, love, would be coming in here doing this to you?” Her grin had him nearly panting with need.
“Put your legs over my shoulders, Alyssa.
I need to taste your honey and cream.”

Without hesitation, she lifted her right leg and draped it over his shoulder.
Pulling her ass closer to the edge of the seat, he peeled her skirt higher up on her hips, exposing the dainty little panties and tops of the stockings to him.

“Alyssa, I’m going to lick you until you come then I’m going to pull you onto my cock and take you on this desk.
My cock buried deep in this hot pussy over and over until I come too.”

She wrapped her fingers in his hair and pulled him to her.
Her scent, her need nearly had him come then. Her curls were wet with her need and he slid his finger deep into her as he watched her face.

“Please, Cain. I can’t wait. I’ve thought about you all morning and I’m so ready to explode on your cock.”

Cain leaned down and nipped the tiny bud of her femininity.
She moaned and arched up against his mouth. Sliding in and out of her with his finger, he suckled at her pussy and drank from her.
Her quick, hard climax had her tighten her thighs around his ears and fill his mouth with her.
Over and over he licked and nipped at her, sliding in and out until he thought he would burst from it himself. When she came again then a third time, Cain used his free hand to pull his boxers down and stroke his cock.
It wasn’t enough, he needed more.

Still covered in her cream, he pulled her out of the chair and impaled her onto his cock as he came, roaring out her name as she screamed out his.
When the door burst open as soon as they finished, he had scrambled to protect and hide her from the intrusion.

There stood her secretary, gun drawn and staring opened-mouthed at the two of them.
As quickly as she came in, Rachel Dunning turned and left the room.
Cain still got a chuckle out of it whenever he thought about it. She asked to be transferred to another department the next morning.

That was how Quinn had become Alyssa’s secretary.
It had been working out very well for the two of them, or so Cain thought.
He knew that Alyssa seemed a lot more relaxed when she came home.
And when she was at home, she was all there and her mind wasn’t on what she had left at work.

Cain tried to remember if Alyssa had said anything about Drew and Quinn other than they fought a lot.
He leaned forward and dialed his wife.
He might as well see what she knew.
After explaining about what Drew had said he asked her what she thought.

“I think that whatever it is, we should leave it alone.
If we try to step in, one or both of them will get pissed and I love them both too much to want either of them to be mad at me.”

Cain agreed. “What do you think he meant by they had gone on to more than just workmates?”
Cain wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but knew he needed to ask. “You don’t think they’re sleeping together, do you?”

For whatever reason, Cain didn’t want to think about his sister having sex. He shuddered when he thought about it.
There were just so many things a man could know about his sisters.
And their sex lives was way too much.

Her laughter brought him back to the present.
“I think if she’s having sex with Drew then he’d be a bit more relaxed all the time.
I think if either of them were having the kind of sex we are and as often, they wouldn’t be fighting so much.”

Cain had to agree. Just the thought of being deep inside of Alyssa made his cock jerk in response.
He started to ask her if she had an hour for him to come over and relax her a bit more when there was a knock at his door.

“I’m sorry Dr. Waite, but Todd Whip is here to see you. He said that it’s important. He doesn’t have an appointment, but I can squeeze him in now.”

Cain nodded and waited for the door to close before he continued with Alyssa.
Damn it, that boy was going to be trouble and he just knew it.
Cain had a fleeting thought as to what he had been like at seventeen and shuddered. “I’ve got a patient.
I was going to come over and see you. Maybe get in a little relaxation time myself, but duty calls. Will you be home on time tonight?”

“No. And neither will you.
We have that dinner with your sisters tonight?
We’re meeting them at the Four Seasons.
Don’t be late, Cain, or I’ll not show you the pretty little package I received today.”

Her sexy laughter skimmed over his skin and heated his blood. Before he could ask anymore she hung up. He sat there holding the dead phone, thinking about her nude body on their new bed when a knock sounded again.
He quickly hung up and adjusted his raging hard-on as he went to the door, thankful for the long lab coat. She was going to pay for that, he thought with a smile, just as soon as dinner was over.

~Chapter 4~


Cain was late.
Alyssa was going to murder him if he wasn’t already dead somewhere along the side of the road. She clicked off her phone again without leaving a message. The least he could do is answer his phone, she thought.
Putting the phone into her pocket, she turned to her new family.

“He isn’t answering.
Let’s go and sit and if he shows up we can all gang up on him and his lack of punctuality.
I’m sure he’s fine.”

“And if he isn’t,” Sin said with a small smile, “he won’t be when you’re finished with him, correct?
I like you, Alyssa. I think Cain will do well with you on his ass all the time. It’s great to see that he’s met his match in you.”

Alyssa liked this sister, Sin.
She actually liked them all.
Sin was by and far the most outspoken, but Alyssa had been warned about that from Jazzie.
She winked at Sin as they sat in their seats.

“I’m sure I have his number.”
The waiter left them their menus and took their drink order.
“So when do you go back, Sin?
I’m guessing you can’t tell us where.”

“No, I can’t tell you where, but I go back tomorrow afternoon. This is just a short layover and I maneuvered it around so that I landed close enough this time to visit.” She looked sad for just a second then brightened.
“Seeing you all has made the hassle well worth it.”

Sin had told them yesterday that she and her men were being shipped out again but didn’t know when.
Alyssa knew that Sin’s commanding officer had called this morning and also knew that Sin wasn’t happy about whatever he’d said to her.
Alyssa smiled when she thought of the mouth on Sydney Waite and thought that she might have her teach her a few of those curse words.
They were just ordering their dinner when Cain showed up.

Alyssa knew immediately that something had happened. When she started to ask him about it he shook his head and laced his fingers with hers and gave her a squeeze.
She wanted to drag him to the nearest closet and make him tell her, but knew that he would do so in his own time.
His sisters, if they noticed, said nothing to him about his mood.
Dinner continued on and she was sorry to see that whatever was bothering him was affecting his time with his family. When they called it an evening, he pulled her into his arms in the parking lot after the women left.

“I’m sorry, baby.
I just need you to hold me for a minute. Then I’ll tell you, I promise.”

Alyssa held him; she would hold him forever if he needed it. “You’re scaring me, Cain. What is it? Your mother? My mother?
Oh God, she’s starting on you again, isn’t she. You can tell her for me that no matter what she tries, she is not getting—”

His kiss cut her off.
It was hard and slightly painful at first, hot and unforgiving.
Then it changed. It changed into more.
More heat, more mouth, and more touching.
When a horn blared behind them, Cain broke it off, but didn’t step away from her.
He leaned his forehead against hers.

“We need to get home.
I took a cab over here so I can ride home with you.
I’ll pick my car up in the morning, or have someone go and get it. I’m in no shape to drive.”

That worried her more than anything. Cain loved to drive and he loved the little sports car she’d bought him as a wedding present.
She was nearly bursting with the need to know when they slipped into the car and he closed the connection between them and the driver. The limo slid into traffic just as he started to talk.

“Remember me telling you about that young boy, Todd Whip?
He came to see me today.
I don’t…”
Cain leaned back on the seat as he continued.
“He got his girlfriend pregnant and he wanted to know if I’d perform an abortion for her.
She’s going to a hack later in the week and he’s worried for her safety.”

Alyssa looked up at Cain. Her heart started pounding in her chest at the thought of what he might be thinking. She knew that she and Cain were trying to have a baby, but didn’t know what his stand was on abortion.
Before she could ask, he continued.

“She’s twenty-five and should fucking know better.” His voice was bitter and hard.
“Todd is just a kid, nearly eight years her junior.
What the hell was she thinking?
Todd said he thought he loved her, but now he’s thinking she was using him.
Alyssa, she wants him to kill her husband.”

That startled her.
Todd was only a kid, damn it.
Then something occurred to her. Why did she want an abortion if she wanted Todd to kill her husband?

“That’s his punishment because he refused to do what she wanted him to do.” Cain growled as he went on. “She told him that if he couldn’t help set her free, then he didn’t deserve to know his kid.
Stupid bitch. To do that to some…some kid is beyond cruel.”

Alyssa agreed.
“Do you think she’s really pregnant, Cain?
I mean, if she wants Todd to kill her husband, then she would be the type of person to lie about a baby too.”

“Yeah, I thought about that too. Apparently, so did Todd. He’s a smart kid, a lot smarter than I gave him credit for.
He wants me to do the abortion so I can see if she really is.
Then he asked about the police.” He looked at her as he took her hand.
“I want us to help him.”

“Of course we will. What can we do besides calling Cait Grant?” Alyssa pulled out a pad of paper from her purse.
“He’ll need to be somewhere safe until this thing is over.
And then we’ll need to make sure…
What are you doing?
Don’t just sit there like a bump on the log, call Cait Grant.”

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