Quinn (The Waite Family) (7 page)

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Authors: Kathi S Barton

BOOK: Quinn (The Waite Family)
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His voice was husky and low. It sent shivers down her body and into her core.
She was suddenly glad she’d kicked off her shoes because she was positive that she wouldn’t be able to stand up on them.

When his first button was undone, she leaned in and kissed the exposed area.
He tasted hot and spicy, his skin warm and firm.
When he leaned back more and braced his hands on either side of her, she unbuttoned two more and licked him.
His moan made her look up at his face.

“Don’t stop, Christ, don’t stop now. You’re making me crazy with need, but I don’t want you to stop.”
He leaned in and took her mouth in a hungry kiss.
“Finish me.”

Moving the next button from its tiny hole, she moved his shirt over enough to find his nipple. It was as hard as hers felt and she couldn’t resist taking the small brown disk into her mouth and nipping him.
His fingers threading into her hair had her held in place. Not that she wanted to move.
When his groin moved against her, a hard thrust over and over into her hips, she gripped his waist and threw back her head.

“Please, Drew, I need you to…please?”
She didn’t know what she wanted him to do most, touch her, kiss her, or simply take her to the floor and take her.
When his hand slid up her thigh and under her skirt, she shifted her legs apart, wanting him to touch her heat.
She was very glad she’d opted to not wear hose today and may not ever again.

His fingers moved along the seam of her ass and then further down.
When he was at her entrance, she moaned again. Then he entered her, his finger moving inside. He buried his face in her neck and nipped.

“I want you, Quinn, right now. But we can’t. I don’t have any protection.
Baby, please, I’m sorry.”
His thigh slipped between her legs and he lifted her against him.
“Come for me, Quinn.
Come please.”

She couldn’t have stopped if her life depended on it. Her body didn’t just respond to his command, but detonated.
His mouth covered hers and muffled her screams. Over and over her body peaked; wave after wave washed over her until she was sure she would die from it.
When he commanded her to come again, she did, riding his fingers and his thigh hard until she was spent.

Neither of them moved.
Quinn could feel his cock and wanted more than anything to give him the same pleasure he’d given her.
Moving her hand down his front to his zipper, he stopped her with his hand covering hers.

“If you do that, I’ll come.
And for as much as I’d like to right now, I have nothing to wear for the rest of the day.”
She wanted to laugh, but all she could think of was his cock coming all over her.

He didn’t move his head, which was still lying heavily against her neck, and he bit her gently. She giggled.
Instead of lifting his head, he turned to look at her.

“I don’t find this all that funny, love. I’ve got the worst case of blue balls known to man.
Giggling at a man in this much pain is just cruel.”

Before she could answer, which she was sure would make him
in more pain, someone knocked on her door.

“Quinn, it’s Alyssa. Have you seen Drew?”
Both Quinn and Drew burst out laughing.

~Chapter 6~


Shannon Howard sat in the diner and looked at the man across from her. Samuel Howard, her brother-in-law and sometime lover, was not in the best of humor.
When Guinevere Waite had asked them to meet her here she said she had something to talk about.
Nothing she could say could be worth sitting one more second in this hovel. Shannon was ready to leave.

“She’s not even technically late yet. It’s only fifteen after. You show up at least an hour late for things and expect people to wait for you.” Samuel leaned back in the booth.

“I am not late, I’m fashionably on time. There’s a difference when you have money.” Well, used to have money.
“She is doing this just to piss me off and we both know it. What could that person possibly say to me that she couldn’t say over the phone?”

Samuel didn’t say anything, but his look, that look of incredulity, said it all.
Shannon wasn’t going to dignify it with any answer.
She had been avoiding the incessant phone calls and the annoying little notes for weeks now.
The woman’s husband tried to kill his own child, what could she possibly think they could have in common?

“She has five more minutes then I’m leaving. I have a hair appointment at eleven that I can’t possibly be late for.
And I have that meeting with my daughter.”

“You have a meeting with Alyssa? Since when?” Samuel looked shocked and that made Shannon angrier.

“I told you that I was seeing her today.
I’ve told you twice already. She needs to loosen the purse strings more. I can’t possibly live on that little income and do the things I need to do. Why, she embarrassed me to death last week when I went to the Country Club and they told me that my membership hadn’t been paid.”
Shannon shifted on the vinyl and wondered again why they didn’t have special seats made of real leather for when people of money came in.

“And that…that house,” Shannon shuddered.
“I’ve seen better accommodations in those pet hotels.
I plan to tell her that I’ve had enough of her treating her mother this way.”

Samuel snorted.
“She’ll just tell you to get a job again.
Just like she has the last six times you’ve gone there to see her. And if you think that guy in the lobby is going to let you in then you’re crazier than that son of yours.”

Shannon started to tell him that Nathan wasn’t crazy but depressed. And he wasn’t just her son, but Samuel’s as well. The poor boy had been through so much. But he’d been absolutely no help when she’d asked him to be.
Imagine a drug addict not knowing what to use to knock someone…
She wasn’t going to think about that disaster right now.

Shannon was still surprised that her late husband and Alyssa’s father had figured out that the boys weren’t his.
She’d been surprised to find that Robert wasn’t, but Nathan?
She’d known right from the beginning that he hadn’t been her husband’s.
And the nerve of him blaming her for her having those affairs.
If he’d spent more time at home instead of with his fucking daughter then she wouldn’t have had to seek her sex from others.
He had dropped that bombshell on her at the reading of the will.

The door to the diner opened and in walked Guinevere. Shannon tried not to gawk, but the woman had no fashion sense at all. And her hair…Shannon wondered if the woman cut it herself and then thought that it went well with her choice of clothing.

It wasn’t as if she was dressed in a jogging suit, it’s just that Shannon thought she should at least dress for the people she was associating with. Her hair was the least of her complaints. There was the fact that her makeup was cheap. No one should buy their cosmetics at a drug store.
There, she’d said it. Guinevere must have purchased her cosmetics there along with her attire.

Then her clothes, she was wearing the wrong season for her skin tone and she was wearing no lipstick. How a woman could even think of leaving the house without a bit of lipstick was beyond her.
Shannon actually reached for her bag to give her a tube of hers when she remembered that she had to get more money before she started giving poor women her eighty-five-dollar a tube colorant.

“I’m sorry I’m late, but I had a horrible morning.
Just horrible. I had to go and see my son and he was no help. Not that he ever has been.
You’d think bringing a person into this world would make them have some respect for their parents, wouldn’t you?
Then my daughters…well, I don’t need to tell you how ungrateful daughters can be.” She flopped down in the plastic chair and picked up her menu.
“Have you ordered yet? I just love the food here.”

“Ummm, no. We were…I’m not hungry.”
Shannon stole a glance at Samuel and nearly burst out laughing at the look on his face.
“You go ahead. Don’t let us stop you.”

“Oh, that’s too bad.
Oh well, I’ll just have something light.” Guinevere opened her menu and when the waitress came back with a water and coffee, Guinevere ordered what amounted to half
one side of the page.

When she had her juice and her first course she took out a notebook and pen and opened it to the first page.
“I want you to help me get back at our children.
They need to be taught a lesson. There is no reason for them to treat us as if we didn’t bring them into this world.”


Quinn and Drew moved along the hallway toward the conference room without looking at each other. Quinn wanted to see his face; actually, she wanted to see all of him, but was terrified to admit it. She still couldn’t believe what they had done, what she had done in her office.
Heat infused her face again.

Alyssa’s timing was perfect, or not. Depending on which minute she was asked, Quinn might give a different answer every time.
She wanted her to have not come to the door and she wished that she’d been a few minutes earlier. Quinn wished that she had let Drew take her to the floor and she wished that she had been sterner about him leaving her office.
Her head was beginning to hurt. Taking a quick glance over at Drew Quinn thought he didn’t look any happier.

What had she been thinking?
Sex with her sister-in-law’s lawyer?
In her office? Against the door?
Christ, she was never going to live this down if it ever got out.
She had to make sure that no one found out, anyone. Especially not Alyssa.
Or her brother.
Holy shit, Cain would kill her.
And then Drew.
She was so deep in thought that Quinn nearly walked by the door that Alyssa and Drew had gone into.

“I need to get this done,” Alyssa said as soon as the door closed behind them.
“I’ve put it off for weeks now and I can’t any longer.
I need to get someone in my outer office that is permanent.
I know that the people working there have been…what’s wrong?”

Quinn looked over at Drew who was looking at Alyssa.
She knew
was the first thing that popped into her head. The gossip had already found out and it was all over the company now. Quinn started to stand up to tell Alyssa what had happened, but Drew stopped her with a hand to her arm.

“What do you mean?
Nothing’s wrong,” he stated as he continued to look at Alyssa. “I think this is a great idea.
You can’t keep retraining another new secretary every week. It’s good practice for the employees, but you need someone who can give you a daily counting of your appointments, not take your time up while you train them on your calendar.”

“I know that, but I like helping them. It’s very rewarding. But you’re also right about it taking up a lot of my time. And I need to devote more time at home too.”
Alyssa looked at them both.
“Any suggestions?”

Quinn was nodding, though her heart was tight. All she could think about was Drew and what they had done. What he thought they were going to do.

She looked over at him and nearly groaned out loud. His buttons were all wrong.
Not only that, but she was sure Alyssa knew it. It was the small little hesitation in her speech then laughter burbled out.
Laying her head on the table, Quinn suddenly wanted them all to go away.
When she felt someone run their fingers through her hair, she was disappointed when she lifted her head and found Alyssa there.

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