RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC (29 page)

BOOK: RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC
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Empty. Hollow. Dead. That’s how I feel. All my physical
senses have deserted me. I can’t see, hear, smell, touch, taste. I fall back on
the wall and slide slowly down until I’m sitting on the floor. The last three
months flash through my mind. Everything I said and did. Everything I should
have said and done. Now, I’ll never get the chance.
I’m sorry
. Doctors
only say that when… no.

“What do you mean you’re

“Maybe I should start from the beginning.”

“Is she…

“Yes! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

“Well, what
you mean?”

“She’ll be fine. Eventually.”

I expel the breath I’ve been holding. Relief floods my body.
She’s going to be okay. “What happened?”

“When the cops found her, she was tied to her bed.”

He holds my gaze, as if willing me to figure out the meaning
behind his words. One word flashes in red neon in my mind—bed. “Fuck, no!
Please, E… don’t tell me—”

He nods.

“Jesus Christ!”

I can’t breathe. The only thing I can think about is finding
the motherfucker responsible and making him suffer.

“They did a rape kit, nothing invasive yet. They’ll need her
permission for that when she wakes up but they’re not optimistic about DNA. Her
attacker used a dildo.”


“Yeah… pretty big one, too. He… It was still inside her when
they found her.”

“Oh, God. E….”

He pulls up a chair, sits next to me, and places his hand on
my shoulder.

“I’m not going to lie to you, brother. He did a number on
her. The doctors had to stitch her up.”

I stare ahead of me, numbness taking over.
The pain she
must have felt. The fear. And I wasn’t there.

“She has a dislocated shoulder. They think that happened
from her fighting against the restraints. There are a few shallow cuts on her
body, but those are the least of her injuries.”

“Can I see her?”

“I’ll try to get you in once they’re done with her.”

“Thanks. Make sure they put her in a private room.”

He nods. “Already taken care of.”

I walk back to the others in a daze. Toni and Chrissy run to
me, staring up at me hopefully.

“She’s going to be fine.”

They breathe sighs of relief.

“What happened?” Chrissy asks.

“She was…” I can’t even bring myself to say it. If I do then
it’s like it becomes real. Then again, I need it to feel that way. I need it to
fuel my anger. “She was raped.”

They gasp and hold each other as fresh tears roll down their
cheeks. The boys try to console them, but it’s no use. I know exactly how they

It’s well after midnight when the doctor emerges.

“Are you a family member?” he asks me.

“I can’t find her sister. She’s the only family Raven’s got.
Until we do, I’m her family.”

He nods and shoves his hands in his pockets.

“Without going into specifics, she’ll be fine. She’ll need
time to heal, but there’s no serious, permanent damage. She’s resting right

“Can I see her?”

He glances around at all our faces and nods.

“Just for a minute.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

I let the others go in first because I don’t know how I’ll
react when I see her. When they leave, I step into the room and lose it.
Whatever I was holding on to before, to keep from breaking down, snaps. Seeing
her lying there, not moving, her shoulder bandaged, rips me apart. The sheets
hide her other injuries, but they’re the most prominent ones in my mind. The
tightness in my chest spreads through my entire body. I drop down into the
chair next to her bed and take her hand in mine, bringing her fingers up to my
lips. It’s my fault she’s in this hospital bed. I just know it. It’s a message.
As soon as I find out who sent it, I’m sending them to Hell. Someone walks into
the room, but I don’t even glance in their direction.

“Sir? Excuse me, but you have to leave now.”

“I’m not leaving,” I tell the nurse calmly.


“I don’t care what you have to do or who you need to talk
to, but I’m not leaving.”

“Sir, please, don’t make me call security.”

“I’m not leaving,” I repeat.

I don’t care what anyone says. There’s no way they’re
getting me out of this room.

E’s voice comes from the doorway. “It’s okay, Cindy. I’ll
take care of it.”

He places a firm hand on my shoulder. “I’m not going
anywhere, E.”

“Don’t worry. You can stay, but she’ll be out for the rest
of the night. You should get some sleep.”

“I wasn’t there.”

“You can’t blame yourself for this, brother.”

“Why not? Are you telling me this isn’t some kind of
payback? That someone’s not using her to get to me?”

“We don’t know that.”

“I wasn’t there. That’s not happening again. Ever.”



 Jesus. I feel like I’ve been run over by a steam roller.
Every inch of my body hurts. Even my vagina. What the hell happened at that
party last night? More importantly, why don’t I remember?



. So soothing. I open my
eyes and come face to face with the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. His
features are marred by a worried frown. What’s wrong? He’s still in his suit,
which I assume is from last night, but he’s disheveled. His shirt is crumpled
and his tie is untied and lying around his neck.
Why have I not woken up
naked in his arms?
I look around the room and realize I’m in a hospital.
the fuck happened last night?
The ache between my legs gives me an idea,
but he couldn’t possibly have done that much damage, could he? Before I can ask
what happened, someone enters the room.

“Hunter,” the newcomer says.

Gage clenches his jaw, straightens, and turns toward the

“Renley,” he says through clenched teeth.

“Here we are again,” the sheriff replies.

“Fuck off, Renley. I don’t need your shit right now.”

“Well, you’re going to get it. I need you to come with me.
We’re taking you in for questioning.”

Questioning? For what?

“What the fuck for? You think
did this?”

Renley approaches my bed and looks down at me

“Miss Alvarez… do you remember what happened last night?”

I glance between the two men in confusion. I think Renley
mistakes it for fear.

“I can protect you. Just tell me who did this.”

Okay. Now I’m even more confused. I need an explanation.
“Gage?” My voice is barely a whisper. I clear my throat. Renley looks like he
just hit the jackpot. Another man comes up behind Gage and starts to read him
his rights. Panic takes over. “Gage?”

“She’s crying out for me, you idiots!” he shouts.

“Stop… please,” I beg.

No one is listening to me. Gage is in handcuffs. I’m in a
hospital bed feeling like shit, and I’m drawing a complete blank on yesterday’s
details. It was yesterday, right? I mean… I don’t know how long I’ve been in
here. No, it was. Renley said it was last night. I want to scream out that Gage
didn’t do anything wrong, but the look in the sheriff’s eyes stops me. I also realize
that parts of my body are bandaged. This is about more than just sex. That’s
not how I landed in this bed.

“You’re not getting away this time, Hunter. I’ve got a
witness. I got you, motherfucker,” Renley says with a cocky grin.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I watch them drag Gage away.
My heart tells me that there’s no way he hurt me, but my mind battles with the
word “witness.” Someone saw something. My heart shatters into a million tiny
shards. I trusted him.

How could he do this to me?


Continues in Claimed...


– (v) State or assert that something is the case; Express
something definitely or clearly in speech or writing. Synonyms – assert,
declare, profess.

– (n) A demand or request for something considered one’s
due Synonyms – request, demand.






Where we left off in Tempted...


I can’t believe this shit is happening again. I’m handcuffed
and being dragged through the halls of the hospital like a common criminal.
Well... I
a criminal. The fucked-up thing is I keep getting arrested
for crimes I didn’t commit. Rape. Why the fuck would I need to rape any woman,
let alone my own? This is some bullshit.

“You’re making a huge mistake, Renley.”

“Why? Because you’re such an upstanding member of the

“I’m no saint, but I’m no rapist, either.”

“Maybe. It could just be a coincidence that two women you’re
connected to end up getting raped. I’m not taking the chance on a third.”

He pushes me into the elevator just as E approaches. “Call
my lawyer,” I tell him. He acknowledges with a dip of his head and pulls his
phone from his pocket. I lean on the back wall, shaking my head.

I don’t have time for this. Raven needs me. I should be
with her but instead I have to deal with these motherfuckers. Fuck. She needs
me and once again, I won’t be there.




Raped. That’s what the doctor standing over me said. I was
tied up, drugged, stabbed, and raped.  How did that happen? The last thing I
remember is getting into the shower. After that, it’s all darkness.

The doctor’s lips are still moving, but I’m not hearing a
sound. The thought of someone violating me in the worst possible way is the
only thing on my mind. Raped. Judging by the feeling between my legs, pretty
brutally, too. Now they’re asking my permission to violate me further with
their tests.
What the hell. It can’t get any worse.
In the midst of my
pain and confusion, one thing becomes clear.
It couldn’t have been Gage. No
way. I can’t believe I even thought that for a second.

“Miss Alvarez?”

I stare at the doctor with dead eyes. Did he ask me
something? I have no idea. There’s just one thing I need to know. “Who?”

He clears his throat and drops his gaze to the floor. “The
police have arrested—”

“It wasn’t him,” I stop him before he can even get the name
out. He raises a brow at the conviction in my voice.

“Do you remember anything?”

“No. But I
it wasn’t him.”

“Yes, well… the police are investigating. If Mr. Hunter is
innocent, I’m sure he will be cleared.”

“He’s innocent,” Dr. E’s voice rumbles from the door. He
shoots a death stare at the other doctor and moves to my bed, his expression
becoming tender as he looks down at me. “Hey. How do you feel?”

“Like I just went ten rounds with Floyd Mayweather.”

His jaw clenches and anger flashes in his eyes. It reminds
me of Gage. I’ve never seen this side of Dr. E before.

“A moment please,” he says.

The other doctor nods and leaves. Dr. E pulls up a chair and
takes my hand. “I doubt this… but do you remember anything from last night?”

“I remember Ellen dropping me off and then getting in the
shower. That’s it.”

He nods and takes a deep breath, gently squeezing my fingers
in reassurance.

“We’ll find the motherfucker who did this. All the guys are
on it. Don’t worry.”

“Gage?” I ask hopefully. I need to know what the police have
done to him.

“He’s down at the station, but they have nothing. I won’t be
surprised if he’s back here by this afternoon.”

Thank God. I need him. I need him here to hold me, to make
me feel safe.
Oh, God. What if this guy comes back for me?
Panic grips
me. Tears stream down my cheeks as I begin to hyperventilate.

“It’s okay, Raven. You’ll be fine. I’m here, and I’ll have
two guys posted outside at all times. You’re safe.”

No, I’m not. I won’t be until Gage gets here.




Renley tosses a Ziploc-encased object on the table. My
stomach roils. It’s a dildo. It’s
dildo. The one that violated my
girl. The thing has to be at least ten inches long and four inches wide. Her
blood is still on it. I turn away and clench my fists on the table. I promised
I’d never let anyone hurt her, and I failed. I wasn’t there.

“What’s the matter, Hunter? Can’t get it up?” Renley sneers.

My lawyer told me not to say anything until he gets here,
but fuck that. “Fuck you. This was

“Yeah, well, excuse me if I don’t believe you.” He takes the
seat opposite me and his deputy leans on the wall in the corner. “I couldn’t
get you for Janet Presley, but your ass is mine this time.”

“Sorry, but I don’t swing that way. Your deputy looks like
he does, though.”

Deputy Michaels grinds his teeth together but keeps his

“Don’t worry, Michaels. I’m sure he’ll be very popular with
the inmates up in State.”

“You have nothing on me and you know it. That’s why I’m
still sitting here.”

“You were both seen riding around together in the morning—”

“That’s not illegal.”

“No, but rape is. Never knew you liked them so young,

. “Her doctors will tell you she was a
virgin before she was attacked. I never touched her.”

“And that’s why you raped her. Because she wouldn’t
you touch her.”

“I did
rape her,” I state vehemently.

“There was no forced entry. She let her attacker in. She let

“She was excited about her birthday party. She could have
left the door open.”

He leans forward and stabs the desk with his index finger.
“We have a witness who saw you leaving her house right before the ambulance

“Bullshit. I was nowhere near there and I can prove it.”

“Let me guess. One of your guys can vouch for you.”

“I have dozens of people who can vouch for me, but I don’t
need them.” This is one of those times I’m thankful for surveillance cameras,
and also for the fact that Tek is a paranoid son of a bitch who puts them
everywhere. “I’ve got video footage documenting practically my entire day.”

Renley clenches his jaw. “How do we know it hasn’t been

“My guys only watch live feeds. I’m the only one who has
access to the recordings. Bring me my phone and I’ll show you right now.”

I can practically hear his teeth grinding against each
other. He sees his whole case blowing up before his eyes. He jerks his head toward
Michaels and the other man leaves the room. Leaning back in the chair, I
observe him. Usually, I’d love to throw his failure in his face, but I just
need to get out of here and back to Raven. She needs me.

Michaels returns and I quickly tap into my security system.
I show them the Kitty, making sure I point out the timestamps of my arrival and
departure. Same thing for Scythe.

“My sister Ellen, and I’m sure anyone who saw them, can tell
you she picked Raven up at the salon and took her home.”

I bring up the footage from my house and show them me
entering, then Ellen arriving, and finally me running out after I got the phone
call. The officers stare at each other with uncertainty.

“You could have easily gotten someone to do your dirty work
for you.”

“If that’s so, Deputy Michaels, you just agreed your witness
is full of shit.”

He blanches, realizing the mistake he’s made. Renley taps
his finger on the table. “Say you’re innocent. Why would someone go through all
this trouble?”

“A lot of people have grudges against me, Renley.”

I gesture toward him and he narrows his eyes at me. This has
gone on far too long. It’s time to set the record straight.

“Look, I need to get back to the hospital, so I’m going to
settle this once and for all. I didn’t hurt Janet. Her psycho of an
ex-boyfriend did and threatened to kill her if she didn’t finger me. I
convinced her to recant after I promised to get her far away. And I did. If you
want proof, I can make a phone call and she’ll be here by tomorrow. I just need
to know you’ll drop this once she tells the truth.”

They stare at each other again, having some unspoken
conversation, and then Michaels nods.

“There’s still the matter of the missing evidence.”

“You can’t blame me for your negligence, Sheriff.”

He’s shit out of luck if he thinks I’m copping to that.
Especially since I’m going to need my contact at the lab now. I dial Rambo and
put the phone to my ear. “Rambo, I need you in Stony View yesterday… and bring
your old lady.”

BOOK: RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC
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