Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I think you’re using this whole washing thing as an excuse to put your hands all over me, Mr. Frazier.”

“Hmm, you’ve finally figured it out.” He drew the cloth over her clit with enough force to make her gasp. “Want me to stop?”


“I didn’t think so.”

Rory drew his knees up and out, forcing her legs to part wider until her entire pussy was completely open to his touch. He pushed his stiff dick to one side as he washed her carefully, and then moved his hand around to begin the process again with her bottom. As he pressed a finger to the rosebud of sensitive flesh he found there he told her, “Tonight we want to take you at the same time. Evan in your pretty pussy and me right here.” He pushed the tip of his finger in the slightest bit and Jess quivered. “Would you let me do that?”

“Y—yes,” she stammered and rocked back against his hand, her pussy clenching at the thought of her two men claiming her together.

“We don’t have to, baby. Not if you don’t—”

“I want to,” she interrupted him and then blushed. “Please? I really want that.”

“I knew you were the perfect woman for us,” he said and then groaned as his cock twitched and hardened again. “Do you like it that way? Have you been keeping secrets from us?” He teased at her rosebud again, wiggling the tip of his finger until he was inside her ass up to the first knuckle.

Jess moaned and nodded, too embarrassed to speak but too turned on by what he was doing to deny it.

“You should have told us, baby.”

“Too embarrassing.”

“Sex is nothing to be embarrassed about. You are gorgeous, and we want to do anything and everything you’ll allow us to do.” Rory withdrew his finger and washed his hands with the cloth before dropping onto the floor outside the tub.

“Now, I believe I promised you an orgasm before I fucked you, didn’t I?”

“Yes, please.” Jess squirmed, trying to bring more of his cock into contact with her aching clit.

“Since you asked so nicely…” Rory finally reached between her legs and rubbed her clit between his thumb and forefinger, sending a surge of molten lust coursing through her. Her hips bucked and she moaned as he tweaked her clitoris again. After all the teasing, she was already primed, and at his next touch Jess felt the first tingling rush of her impending release start to spread outward from her womb.

Rory fucked her with his fingers, pressing hard over her clit and then past it to slide into her slick channel. As her hips jerked against his hand he sped up the pace until the water in the tub was splashing over the sides at her frantic motions and she was racing toward the peaks of ecstasy. Jess was splayed out, her legs caught and her body held captive so that she was entirely at Rory’s mercy. He pushed her body to new limits and she reveled in the freedom of having finally given herself over completely. There was no need to reciprocate, or even consider her lover’s needs, there was only pleasure and her reaction to it. She took everything he gave her as he focused his entire purpose on one thing, bringing her to orgasm.

When Jess’s climax finally hit her body arched up out of the water and she cried out Rory’s name as his fingers continued to pluck at her tender flesh, stretching out her orgasm until she was quaking and limp.

He gave her only a few short minutes to recover her senses and then he gently flipped her over so that she was face-to-face with him, her legs straddling his hips as he leaned against the back rest and braced his feet against the far end of the bathtub. Behind him, Jess could see the Pacific rage and churn as the promised storm hit them full-on.

She turned her gaze back to Rory and realized a storm just as powerful was brewing in his dark eyes, and she leaned in and kissed him, her arms twining around his neck as he drew her down onto his cock and filled her until there was no room for anything between them. Skin to skin they moved, rocking slowly in an easy give and take that left no room in Jess’s mind for anything else. Rory’s cock stroked over the magical spot that made her gasp, and he groaned as her cunt squeezed tightly around him, milking him hard as she bucked and tried to get his cock to touch that spot again.

“Found your sweet spot, did I?” Rory’s hands tightened around her waist and she let him take over as he guided her into the right position to hit her G-spot again.

“Yes!” Jess moaned as he found the right angle and started fucking her faster, sending jolts of pleasure through her body with every thrust and grinding her clit down against his pelvis before he lifted her up and then plunged into her again.

Her mouth found his and their kisses fell into the same rhythm as their bodies, tongues twining and parting in time to each penetration of her quivering pussy. Jess felt his thighs tense and his cock thickened inside her as he pushed them both to the brink of orgasm and then felt herself tumbling over it. Rory was not far behind her, pumping his cock into her body as he groaned her name and finished with a triumphant shout.

Jess slumped over him, and it was a minute before she regained enough of her bearings to realize there was a lot less water in the tub than there had been before. She shivered, her wet skin now exposed to the air.

“Cold?” Rory asked and sat up a little, looking around them. “Oh shit. Uh, baby? I think we need to cut short the cuddling and go mop up the floor.”

“Oops,” Jess peeked over the edge of the tub to large pool of sudsy water now flooding the tiled floor. “Hey, Evan? Could you come in here for a second? Rory made a mess and he’s going to need a hand cleaning it up.”

Evan opened the door and stepped into the bathroom, right into a pool of rapidly cooling bathwater. “Oh for the love of…” He stared down at his soaking wet sock. “I can’t take you two anywhere nice. All right, I’ll start mopping up in here. Rory, you get to call housekeeping and ask for more towels.”

Chapter 14


Jess grabbed one of the massive, fluffy robes hanging by the bathroom door and slipped out past Evan and back into the main room. While she and Rory had been bathing, Evan had been busy. The blinds had been drawn on all the windows, and the only light in the room came from the fire that was cheerfully blazing in the gas fireplace. A bottle of sparkling wine was chilling in a bucket of ice, and as Jess crossed over to the bed she spotted a negligee laid out across the coverlet. It was a concoction of lace and sheer fabric, all done in the softest shade of apricot she’d ever seen.

Jess lifted it off the bed and laughed as she realized that she could see right through it, but instead of worrying about it she just shrugged out of her robe and slipped it over her head, letting it flutter down around her. She tugged the spaghetti thin straps into place over her shoulders and then glanced down to see how it looked. It fell to just above her knees and the plunging neckline was deep enough that she felt like her breasts were on display.

“It’s supposed to look this way,” she muttered to herself and made herself stop playing with it. Needing to distract herself, Jess went and draped her bathrobe over the back of one of the chairs and then rummaged through her purse until she found her hair brush. She went to stand by the fireplace as she unclipped her hair and brushed it out as she listened to her two men bicker and joke with each other as they finished cleaning up the bathroom.

So this is what love feels like.

Jess knew she was smiling as she finished brushing the tangles from her hair. The guys’ laughter filled the room with as much light as the fire, and she was content to just bask in the warmth of it all.

When Rory walked out of the bathroom she just looked at him and smiled, and for a moment she didn’t understand why he stopped dead and stared at her.

“Ev? You need to come out here,” Rory called to Evan and then raked his eyes over Jess from head to toe. “You look—”

“Holy shit, there’s a goddess in our room,” Evan broke in and leaned up against the doorjamb with a look of smug approval. “We did good. Didn’t we?”

Jess nodded and did a slow pirouette so they could see her from all angles. For once there wasn’t so much as a whisper of doubt in her mind, and she soaked up their admiration like a rose after the rain. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”

“No, you’re beautiful. That just enhances everything.” Evan was already walking toward her as he talked, and as he got closer Jess could see his dress pants were soaking wet and marked with traces of soap suds.

“You’re a bit of a mess, lover. I think you need to get out of these wet clothes.” Jess reached out and tucked her fingers into the waistband of Evan’s pants, pulling him closer even as she started working on undoing his button and fly.

“You help him get sorted, baby. I’m going to go call housekeeping. We are officially out of dry towels.”

Jess gave Rory a nod and then dropped to her knees at Evan’s feet, tugging his pants down to low enough he could step out of them. Evan gripped the mantel for balance and then groaned as Jess leaned in and nuzzled his cock through the thin fabric of his silk boxers. She pressed her mouth to the thick shaft, running her tongue over the silk until she felt him shudder. Without moving her mouth she slipped his wet socks off and dropped them on the floor before running her hands up the back of Evan’s newly bared legs.

“You look so fucking beautiful right now, sweetheart.” Evan stroked her hair, wrapping a strand around his finger before releasing it again.

“Thank you.” Jess leaned back and smirked as she looked up at him. “You look really handsome in that shirt and tie, but I think you’d look better without them.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

“Bullshit, I have to tell you things twice all the time. You never listen to me the first time,” Rory commented from the far corner of the room as he put down the phone. “And if the only way I can get you to listen to me is to tell you to get naked while getting up close and friendly with your dick, then I’m fine with having to repeat myself.”

Rory came to stand near the door, his hand already gripping his cock as he stroked himself, his eyes on Jess. “Suck him off for me, baby. But make it quick, housekeeping’s coming with our fresh towels, and no one gets to see your sexy ass naked but Ev and I.”

“Agreed.” Ev winked at her and lightly bumped her chin with his groin. “So by all means, let’s get on with the fun before we’re interrupted.”

“Pushy, pushy. How did I get so lucky as to fall for not one, but two pushy alpha male types?” Jess muttered as she eased Evan’s cock out of his underwear and brushed a kiss to the already moist tip.

“You didn’t,” Ev groaned his words, his hips already jerking slightly in anticipation of what she’d do next. “Rory’s the bossy one, sweetheart. You and I will keep him happy by doing what he says…most of the time.”

Jess just winked up at Evan and parted her lips to take in as much of Evan’s cock as she could. She let her jaw relax as he slid into the warm recess of her mouth, teasing the tip and then the underside of his thick shaft with her tongue. She finished tugging his boxers down to his ankles and then reached up to wrap the fingers of one hand around the base of his cock, her palm brushing his balls.

“Jess!” He let out a strangled moan of her name and rocked his hips, pushing himself all the way to the back of her throat. “I’m not going to last long if you keep that up.”

Jess just hummed in satisfaction at his reaction and began working his cock over eagerly, sucking and tonguing him as she worked every inch of his impressive length in and out of her mouth. Her fingers pumped in time to the movements of her mouth, and she felt a thrill of power as she felt Evan’s legs tremble with the effort of staying upright.

Evan buried one hand in her hair, holding her close without restricting her ability to move too much.

“That’s right, baby. Just like that, you’re going to make him lose his mind any second,” Rory encouraged her and she glanced over to see him standing with his legs spread and his cock a deep shade of red as he stroked himself off. Acting on instinct Jess reached out her free hand, gesturing for Rory to join them by the fire.

He was beside her in a second, and she took over jerking off his beautiful cock, smoothing her hand over the head and down, mirroring what her mouth was doing to Evan.

“Holy fuck, I…yes!” Rory groaned and Evan managed a broken chuckle.

“Tell me about it,” Evan said and then Jess felt his balls tighten against her palm as he started to come.

Jess kept her hand busy stroking Rory as she let Evan fuck her mouth, relaxing and letting it happen as he cradled her head with one hand and rocked his cock against her lips and tongue until he came with an explosive, “Yes!”

His cum filled her throat so she swallowed, licking and sucking until he started to soften, and then she released him with a sly smile up into his face.

“I love all of you, sweetheart. But right now I’m particularly fond of that amazing mouth of yours.” Evan leaned on the mantel and winked at her. “If you hurry, you can probably break both of us before housekeeping gets here.”

“You don’t have—” was all Rory managed to say before Jess turned to him and sucked his thick, heavy cock into her mouth with a moan that she knew vibrated right through him. Between her hand job and his arousal at watching her suck off Evan, Jess was confident that Rory was already primed and nearly ready for his own release. She cupped his balls in her hand and toyed with them as she pleasured him with her mouth and fingers, stroking and sucking as she let him in all the way to the back of her throat and then swallowed several times in rapid succession. She heard Rory growl her name and his hips jerked of their own accord as he plumbed the depths of her mouth with his cock. Rory’s hands dropped to the crown of her head and his shaking fingers wrapped around her hair as he came on a rumbling groan. He tasted subtly different than Evan, the smoke and cedar taste of Rory’s mouth echoed in the taste of his seed. She swallowed him down and nuzzled her nose against his skin, reveling in the way she had just brought both of them to orgasm. She felt sexier and more alive than ever before, and as she lifted her head to look at her two men she knew in a flash of insight that this was where she was supposed to be, and these were the men she was destined to love.

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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