Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (21 page)

BOOK: Riptide [Kismet Cove] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Rory smiled as he took her to a new level of pleasure and let her come at last. As she came undone beneath him her cries of release were the sweetest music he had ever heard. Dazed, she lay panting in Evan’s arms as Rory moved up the bed to kiss her, letting her taste her own essence on his tongue.

“Remind me not to call you
again,” she whispered breathlessly, her lips still moving against his. “At least not until I’ve had a month or two to recover.”

Chapter 15


The three of them stayed piled together in a blissful tangle for a while, until Jess’s breathing returned to normal and her limbs once again moved when she asked them to. She was sandwiched between her lovers, her arms around Rory’s shoulders and Evan’s arms draped atop of hers, holding them all together. She could feel both their erections pressed against her body, and she knew the minute she moved she was going to have one of her favorite fantasies come true. Well, it was a very recent fantasy, but that didn’t stop it from being one of her favorites.

She stroked the back of Rory’s neck and his head lifted immediately so that his dark-chocolate eyes met hers. “Hey, sexy,” Jess murmured as she ran her fingers over his lips and was gifted with a slow, sensuous smile that sent a fresh set of tingles down her limbs.

“You ready for us, baby?” Rory asked, lust sparking in his gaze.

“I want you both so much.” Jess turned her head so she could see Evan. “Make love to me, please?”

Both men groaned in agreement and Rory lifted himself up and to one side, sprawling his big body down one side of the bed as Jess and Evan untangled themselves. Still feeling the pleasant afterglow of her most recent orgasm, Jess gave Evan enough space to shift himself to the middle of the bed and stretch out on his back. As his blond head hit the pillows he patted his chest and winked at her.

“Come on up, sweetheart.”

Evan’s hands wrapped around her waist and half lifted her up and over his body so that she was straddling his hips. His cock was pinned along the seam of her pussy and as she leaned down to kiss him they both moaned when even that small movement pressed their bodies together.

“Need you,” she whispered into Evan’s mouth just as their lips met. His tongue mated with hers, stroking and thrusting as she rocked her hips and ground her clit against the hard shaft of his erection. Evan’s hands were still on her hips when she felt another hand slip between them, lining up Evan’s cock so that he could thrust up into her. Evan’s entire body shuddered as he drove himself high, hard, and deep and Rory withdrew his hand without comment. Instead he came around behind her and stroked his fingers over the curve of her ass and along the backs of her thighs. The contrast of Rory’s light touches and Evan’s powerful thrusts were making it hard for Jess to remember to breathe, never mind think.

“Just let it go,” Rory told her in a tone as gentle as his caresses. “You don’t need to do anything but let us love you.”

Evan groaned in agreement even as his hands tightened on her hips, guiding her into a slow, rocking rhythm that sent shimmering threads of bliss coursing through her core. Rory’s hands left her body and then she felt something cool and slick being poured onto her skin. Goose bumps washed up her back and then Rory’s hands were back, warming her as they traveled across the slickness and carried it down to the rosebud of her anus.

Evan’s constant give and take made it easy for her to relax as Rory’s fingers breeched her narrow opening, stretching her carefully as he introduced more of the lubricant. The initial burning quickly faded and Jess let herself be distracted by the pleasure of Evan’s cock stroking deep inside her pussy. Jess let her head drop to Evan’s chest as she rode him, forcing herself to relax even more as Rory stretched her even further as he penetrated her with a third finger. Bright pleasure and dark pain blended into one exquisite, overwhelming sensation and Jess moaned, clamping her inner walls around Evan’s cock.

“I think she’s ready,” Evan groaned as her body squeezed him tighter.

“Just breathe and trust me,” Rory told her and withdrew his fingers.

Jess felt more cool liquid being spread over her skin and then Rory moved up close enough that she could feel his thighs against hers. The head of his cock pressed up against her opening and she breathed out slowly as he pushed his way past the tight ring of muscle. Her vaginal muscles tightened up around Evan’s dick again and he stopped moving, letting her adjust to this new experience.

Rory eased himself inside with painstaking gentleness, going so slowly that Jess felt nothing more than minor discomfort. Finally she grew impatient and wriggled her hips, drawing a raw-sounding groan from both men.

“Baby, if you do that again I’m not going to be able to hold back,” Rory warned her.

“I don’t want you to hold back, I want both of you. It’s all right Rory. This is what I need.”

“Fuck!” Evan swore as she rocked her hips forward slightly, taking him deeper. “I don’t know how long I can last, either. This is too good.”

Jess saw the look of adoration Evan was giving her and it warmed her soul.

“Now you’re truly ours,” Rory declared and let himself slide in the last inch, until he was completely buried inside her. “So tight!” he groaned and Jess tensed her body, feeling every inch of her two men as they filled her so fully she could barely breathe.

She wasn’t sure how they did it, but somehow her men moved in concert, Rory withdrawing slightly as Evan drove himself as deep as he could, and then Evan’s hips were pulling back as Rory moved to fill her. Back and forth they went and Jess could do nothing but hang on, her world so full of sensation and pleasure that she felt like she was drunk with it.

Soon her pussy began to clench and she knew she was on the verge of coming as her two lovers began to accelerate their pace. Groans and soft cries of need filled the air and she was no longer sure who was saying what. She was not sure of anything except the slow-blooming flower of passion that unfurled deep inside her and then carried her away on a wave of pleasure so deep she lost herself completely. Jess barely heard her men call her name as they both came within seconds of each other, jetting their hot streams of cum deep into her body.

Nearly senseless with pleasure Jess collapsed onto Evan’s broad chest and waited for the room to stop spinning around her.

“Fucking hell, that was incredible.” Evan’s arms came around her as he spoke, cradling her gently against his chest. “You okay, sweetheart?”

“Mmhmm,” Jess murmured. “Better than okay.
much better.”

She felt Rory brush his lips over her back and then he was carefully withdrawing from her body. “I love you,” was all Rory said as his weight shifted and she felt him leave the bed. She managed to lift her head enough to watch him walk to the bathroom, and it gave her more than a little satisfaction to see he wasn’t quite steady on his feet. Once she heard the sound of water running she turned back to Evan and grinned.

“I think we broke him.”

Evan burst out laughing. “No, sweetheart, we didn’t.
did. You broke both of us.” He pressed a very soft kiss to the tip of her nose and then stretched out with a contented sigh. “I’ve been used and abused and I’ve never been so happy in my life. Thank you.”

Jess gingerly moved off of Evan and was not surprised when her legs gave out and she flopped face-first onto the bed. “I think I broke me, too.”

Evan was up in a flash and hovered over her, a look of worry on his handsome face. “Are you okay? We didn’t hurt you, did we?”

“I’m not hurt, just weak in the knees.” She rolled over and gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’m weak in the knees, and just about everywhere else, too.”

“What’s wrong?” Rory came out of the bathroom still gloriously naked and Jess couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to get so lucky as to have not one but two gorgeous guys in love with her.

“Nothing’s wrong. But I may need you two to carry me out of here tomorrow morning. I’m spent!” Jess announced and threw a hand over her eyes for emphasis. “If this is the way things are going to be between the three of us, I’m never going to need to go to a gym again. I’ll end up skinny just trying to keep up with you two.”

Rory rumbled in protest and came to sit beside her on the bed. “Don’t you dare get all scrawny on us, baby. We like your curves.”

Evan nodded. “You’re beautiful just the way you are.” He reached down and stroked her breasts. “I’d be very unhappy if you took these beauties away from me.”

Jess burst into a fit of giggles. “All right then, no diets, but only because I couldn’t stand to make either of you unhappy.”

“Thank you.” Evan kissed her sweetly and then left the bed, padding over to the bathroom. “And don’t think I don’t see you ogling my ass there, sweetheart.” He tossed the words over his shoulder before closing the door and leaving her and Rory alone for a moment.

“Lie still and let me clean you up a bit.” Rory held up the washcloth he’d brought with him and Jess smiled at his thoughtfulness. “You’re sure everything’s fine?” he asked as he started gently running the cloth over her inner thighs. “That was…I guess intense is a good word to describe it.”

“It was amazing, and wonderful. I’m not hurting at all,” Jess reassured him and then decided to ask the question that had been in her mind since he’d first suggested they make love together. “Is it always like that? I mean, that intense?”

Rory’s hand stilled and he lifted his head to stare into her eyes. “Evan and I have shared women before, but never like that.”

“Never?” Jess’s heart swelled at the realization that no matter how much her men had experienced before she’d come into their lives, this was the one thing she had with them that no one else ever could. It was a first time for all of them.

“Never. We wanted to wait for right woman. That’s why we were so worried we’d hurt you. This was something we’d never done before.”

“Well, you did it perfectly.” Jess threw her arms around Rory and tugged him down on top of her, kissing him happily. “I love you so much.”

“Oh sure, I leave the room for three minutes and you to are at it again!” Evan grumbled as he rejoined them. “I thought you were worn out, sweetheart?”

“It was a temporary energy surge.” Jess reached out for Evan and drew him in so she could kiss him, too. “Rory just told me this was a first time for all of us, and I was trying to show him how much that meant to me.”

“It meant a lot to us, too.” Evan glanced at Rory, who nodded and stood, scooping Jess up off the bed as Evan pulled down the covers so they could all get in and get comfortable.

Jess found herself once again snuggled between her two favorite bookends, her head on Rory’s chest and Evan spooned up behind her, his hand resting on the curve of her hip.

As Rory reached out and turned off the light, a gust of wind slammed into the windows and room was filled with the sound of rain splattering against the glass. Jess just burrowed deeper under the covers and held onto her two men. She knew that for tonight at least, they were safe from the storm.


* * * *


Evan listened to the storm that raged outside, the violent wind and rain counterpointed by the soft breathing of the woman he held in his arms. As she settled into a deeper sleep she let out a tiny snore and Evan smiled to himself. He had it bad if he even found Jess’s snoring adorable, but he was more than okay with that idea.

As Evan lay there in the darkness he sent out a tendril of thought to Rory, and found his blood-brother’s mind as awake as his own.
“So, we’re committed now. How are you feeling?”

A touch of laughter accompanied Rory’s reply.
“I thought I’d be having second thoughts by now, but I’m not.”

“After what she just did with us? We’d be insane to be reconsidering. She’s the most amazing women I’ve ever met.”

“And she’s all ours or she will be once we get through tomorrow. If my father won’t accept her, we’re keeping her anyway, right?”
Rory asked for confirmation, but they’d had this conversation many times before.

“She’s worth it, Rory. There are others who could lead the colony, but there’s no one else I want to share my life with.”
Evan let his feelings bleed into the thoughts he was sending to Rory, making his opinion as clear as he could.

“Then we’re in agreement.”
Rory’s thoughts went silent for a moment and then he added,
“Do you think she’s going to accept us after all of this is over?”

“I still think she’s one of us, or at least she’s got a bit of selkie in her bloodline somewhere. Once she gets over the shock of it all, we’ll be able to figure it out together. She loves us, bro. I don’t think she’s going to walk away from that. Not even after she finds out we’re a bit more myth than men.”

“If Aaron and Rick could manage to bumble it as badly as they did and still keep Jenny, I think we have a good chance,”
Rory said and both men shared a silent laugh. The selkie men Rory had talked to had claimed they did a great job of explaining themselves to Jenny, to whom they had now been married for more than twenty years. Jenny’s version of events, though, had brought tears of laughter to Evan’s eyes as she’d gone into detail about where her men had gone wrong and what Evan and Rory could do better when their time came.

“She has to stay.”
There was an unfamiliar undercurrent of fear in Rory’s thoughts.
“I don’t want to go back to the way things were before we fished her out of the ocean.”

“Neither do I,”
Evan answered.
“So let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Chapter 16


The three of them made the short drive to Rory’s parent’s house in relative silence, and Jess couldn’t help but notice that both of her men seemed to need to be in constant contact with her. Holding her hand, touching her leg, or stroking her cheek, they were always finding ways to connect with her, as if they needed the reassurance almost as much as she did.

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