Rite of Rejection (Acceptance Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Rite of Rejection (Acceptance Book 1)
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Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for traveling with me on Rebecca’s journey. From the first word, her story always felt like one that demanded to be told. While I always knew how her story would end, Rebecca (and the others) surprised me with how they would get there. I really don’t feel like their author, but only the person lucky enough to share their adventure with others.

It’s my hope that you’ve loved this book as much as I loved writing it. If you did, or even if you didn’t, I’d love to hear from you.  You can write to me at
[email protected]

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And finally, if you feel so inclined, I am always grateful for readers who share their opinions with others. If you loved this book, please tell a friend. You can also leave a review on
, or anywhere books are discussed online. Our fellow book lovers are a constant guide to helping us find out next favorite novel.

Thank you again for being a part of Rebecca’s story.


Before you stands the future!




This book has been a labor of love that never would have been born without the help of so many. Thank you to my wonderful partners in crime at SAW. Not only would this book have a completely different (and kinda stinky) first chapter without your help, I never would have had the courage to share Rebecca's story with the world. Write on, writers! To my wonderful online friends and beta readers, Rachel, Sarah, & Beth, thank you for chewing me up and cheering me on at the same time. A big thumbs up to my editors, Brent, Zoe, and Tanya. You guys were a dream-team to work with and I know I'm a better writer thanks to you. To my agent, Marisa, thank you for believing in this story, even when everyone else said Dystopian is dead. And finally to my amazing little family, Nick, Sophia and Isabella, thank you doesn't feel like enough. Your support gave me the time and space I needed to bring this story to life and your love gave me the motivation to be the best writer I can be. Love you, mean it!



About the Author

Sarah Negovetich knows you don't know how to pronounce her name and she's okay with that.

Her first love is Young Adult novels, because at seventeen the world is your oyster. Only oysters are slimy and more than a little salty; it's accurate if not exactly motivational. We should come up with a better cliché.

Sarah divides her time between writing YA books that her husband won’t read and working with amazing authors as an agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency. Her life’s goal is to be only a mildly embarrassing mom when her kids hit their teens.

You can learn more about Sarah and her books at



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