Read ROAR Online

Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #Fiction

ROAR (63 page)

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“Change of plans. Let’s shower and go to bed. I need to be inside you.”

She smiled up at him. “Sounds divine.”

After a quick shower, they dried off, more or less, and tossed back the duvet. The foreplay in the bathroom made him that much more eager to stretch her out on the bed and love every inch of her beautiful body.

“Hands touching the headboard. Honor bondage.” While there weren’t places to grab onto, he wanted her to surrender to his touch rather than worry about pleasing him. He’d find his pleasure later.

Kristoffer stretched his body over the length of hers, propping his weight on his elbows. He dipped his head to kiss her lips and pulled her lower one with his teeth. She moaned.

Moving to her ear, he nibbled on her earlobe, and her hips bucked up in response.


He trailed tiny bites down her neck to the crook and across her shoulder before moving to the other shoulder and going up her neck again. This time when he tugged at her lower lip, she opened her mouth to invite him in.

But that wasn’t what he wanted now. He maneuvered down the bed until he hovered over her breasts. Her buds were already swollen and probably super sensitive right now. He grinned as he lowered his mouth to one and kissed it before taking it between his teeth and pulling upward. Her back lifted off the bed to follow him when the pressure became too much, but he hadn’t told her she couldn’t move. Yet.

He let the nipple go with a plop and stared into her eyes. “Keep your back on the mattress, or I’ll have to return to Plan A.”

Not that he’d told her what that was. He trailed his finger lightly down the underside of her arm and continued downward to her hip. He eased to his side and played with the curls at the top of her mound. She maintained control of her body well this time. Teasing the area around her mound, he then stroked her thighs with his hand.

“Bend your left leg outward.”

She granted him easier access, and using only his finger, he grazed her curls once more before leaning over, taking her nipple and areola into his mouth again. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive peak, his mouth continuing to lavish attention there while his hand explored her abdomen, belly button, and mound. When his middle finger slid along her cleft, he dipped his fingertip into her. So wet. But he was having too much fun with this slow exploration of her body. Pushing himself up to a seated position, he reached for a bolster pillow.

“Lift your hips.” She did so, and he positioned it underneath. Crawling between her legs, he lowered his face and spread her folds open. Her lips had been shaved this morning, just the way he instructed her to keep them, which made going down on her that much hotter for him.

He dipped his head closer, closer, until just the tip of his tongue licked her up one side, across the top, and down the other. He pulled away and checked her. Hands fisted against the headboard, teeth nibbling on her lower lip, eyes clenched shut.

He grinned. Not ready yet.

Lowering his head to her again, he opened her labia wider again, and his tongue teased the less sensitive area of her clit, delved inside her vagina, and slid up to flick against her clit in earnest.

The mewling sounds she made might have brought Noma in here to investigate if he hadn’t shut the bedroom door earlier. His right hand moved to where he could slip first one then two fingers inside her while he continued to torment her clit.

Her breathing grew more shallow and rapid as she came closer to the edge.

Stretching out over her again, he said, “Look at me.”

Pamela opened her eyes, pleading with him to bring her relief.

“Soon, baby. Touch me.” He’d have to put the condom on in a bit, because he wouldn’t send her to Afghanistan with a baby growing inside her. But after she came home, he intended to talk to her about when would be a good time to get pregnant. He wanted a complete life with her, and the thought of having a little girl with strawberry blonde curls or a boy who reminded him of him or Gunnar at that age, brought him up short.

Would she want kids? He’d never given it a lot of thought before, but then they’d only recently committed to each other in a relationship. Talk of babies could wait until after she accepted his collar.

She lowered her left hand and grasped his hard cock. Feeling her hand squeezing, stroking brought him to the edge, too. They were both so combustible that trying to take things slowly rarely met with success.

Unable to wait another minute to bury himself inside her, he reached onto the nightstand to grab a condom, sheathed his cock, and maneuvered himself over her. “Guide me inside with your hand.”

Rising onto both elbows again, he waited. He wanted her juices to lubricate the condom. She pulled his cock toward her until the head was inside. She squeezed her vaginal muscles around him.

He hissed at the sensation, even with a condom on. “So tight.”

Smiling, she slid his head in and out, going a couple of inches deeper every time. His hips moved to her rhythm. When his fingers played with her clit again, her breathing hitched, signaling that her orgasm was close.

Wanting to try a new position that would be much more likely to hit her G-spot consistently, he pulled out. “Turn over and get on all fours, Sprite, facing away from me.”

She cocked her head then grinned as she quickly got into position. He knelt behind her, but quickly realized his little sprite’s legs were much shorter than his. Taking another bolster pillow, he had her lift each knee one at a time to raise her to the right height. He’d have to invest in a wedge cushion if they wanted to try this again, but he was close enough now to make this work.

“Lower your head onto your arms.”

Lining himself up at her opening, he held onto her hips as he entered her halfway, pulled out, and then thrust the rest of the way inside.

“Oh, Christ!”

Was that what he thought it was? He pulled out and rammed into her again, eliciting the same response. Definitely stimulating something. He developed a faster pace, and soon her words and sounds merged into incoherent noises that were all pleasure—for both of them.

Lying over her back, he reached between her legs and began stroking her clit, his cock still buried inside.

“Oh, yes! Please, don’t stop!”

He grinned. Now to see how close she would get before she begged for release. Alternating positions, sometimes upright, others bent over her back, he pounded against the bundle of nerves inside before changing things up and stroking her clit into a frenzy.

“P-p-please, Sir! I can’t wait any longer!”

“It will be even more incredible if you do.”

She groaned in frustration.

He slapped her ass, and her muscles squeezed his cock. As he pumped in and out, he delivered more slaps to the side of her ass. When he reached the point of no return, he said, “Come for me. Now.”

He climaxed before lowering his body over hers again and reaching for her clit. “Yes!” She clenched his cock, drawing every last drop from him as her own orgasm exploded seconds after his.

When both were spent, he remained inside her, not wanting to break the connection. In five days, she’d be on her way halfway around the world. He’d try to go a little easier on her ass the next few days, because she’d be sitting in uncomfortable airplane seats for several long flights, but he intended to take advantage of every moment they had together.

While he disposed of the condom and cleaned himself, he returned to the bed to see she’d straightened the bed, blown out the candles, and gotten into bed with her sexy back toward him. He turned off the light and got into bed, curling up against her, his arm wrapped around her waist and his hand cupping her breast.

“I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight, Sir. That was incredible. So much deeper—and you hit all the right spots.”

“My pleasure.” He kissed her shoulder. After a pause, he said, “Not to overwhelm you with anything else after our talk at dinner, but when you return from Afghanistan, we should start looking for a house together. Owning a house jointly in both our names where we can start fresh will be an important step for us to take in our relationship.”

One without any ghosts
. Tori might not have lived here, but two of the saddest years of his life had been spent within these walls. He wanted them to live in a place filled only with joy—and with Pamela’s touches throughout. “We’ll select it ourselves to fit us and furnish it the way we want.”

“Sounds a bit overwhelming, but if you give me a few days to recover, I’m sure I’ll be ready to house hunt. If I left you to your own devices, everything would be white or neutral colors.”

“Are you saying the condo is bland?”

She rolled onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow to search his eyes. “I’m saying that white walls and white carpets are just too—dull, for lack of a less polite word.”

He grinned. “The condo folks told me I could have it painted, but I didn’t really care when I moved in.”

She brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, but didn’t need to say anything for him to understand her empathy for where he was in his life then.

After a brief moment, she smiled. “I’m glad it’s not a personal decorating choice then. I’m not into knickknacks and wallpaper, but I do love southwestern colors splashed on the walls.”

“Good idea. The decorating ball’s solidly in your court.” He pulled her on top of him, framed her face, and moved in for a kiss. Which led to another opportunity to worship her body.

More than an hour later, she straddled his spent cock buried deep inside her. A smile on her lips, she collapsed beside him. “I am the luckiest woman on earth.”

He grinned over at her. “And I, the luckiest man. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” He went to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and wash up before rejoining her in bed with a washcloth to clean her. He wouldn’t have the chance to care for her this way for almost five weeks.

“I could have done that, you know. I need to pee anyway.”

While she was in there, he tried to think if anything had been left unsaid. They had very little time together before she’d have to leave him.

“Sprite, you hold the power as to whether you choose to be collared. Consider all of the pros, cons, and ramifications of each answer until you know in your heart what’s right for you.” He stroked her hair. “After you’ve had sufficient time to rest up from this assignment, I’ll be waiting for your answer. But I’ll wait as long as it takes you to decide.”

“I don’t think I’ll need any more time than you’re forcing me to take, Sir.”

“I want to be sure you consider everything.”

They remained silent a moment, until she propped herself up and revisited their earlier conversation. “Let’s look for a house in the hills.”

“We can look anywhere you’d like. How about Genesee or Morrison?”

“Oh, I love Red Rocks Park! Let’s see if there’s anything around there in Morrison.”

He grinned. So much enthusiasm. “Will this be your first owned house?”

She nodded. “First property owned, actually. I always rented inexpensive apartments before.”

Maybe he’d scout out some listings while she was in Afghanistan so they could hit the ground running when she returned—after she rested up a few days. This would give him something to do while she was gone to maintain his sanity.

She nibbled her lower lip.

“What is it, Sprite?”

“I was wondering…”

“Wondering what?”

“Not wondering exactly, but I want to change my position on something.”

The thought of positions and his cock twitched, but he was more than depleted for the night.

“Do I have to pry it out of you?

She grinned. “No, I’m just trying to choose the right words to tell you I’d be open to having a baby with you.”

His throat closed tighter. “I think you just did—tell me, that is. I’d planned to ask how you’d feel about babies when you returned. My biggest concern is how it will mesh with your profession.”

“I love what I do, but doctors have babies all the time.”

more often than not.”

She shrugged. “I can take a paid maternity leave of six weeks and then there’s the Family Medical Leave for another twelve if I want to take longer. If Children’s isn’t able to accommodate my needs for family time after that, I may need to change jobs.”

“But you just landed that one.”

“Family comes first. And I’ve never been a mother before. I don’t know how I’m going to change when I become one. But how do you feel about adoption if we aren’t…”

“I’d love our adopted baby as much as one you give birth to. But let’s try for at least a year before going that route.”

“I love you, Kristoffer Roar Larson. I just want to make sure you know that before…”

He pulled her by the back of the neck until his lips on hers broke off any reminders about leaving.

*     *     *

Kristoffer and Pamela had been in each other’s arms near the ticket counters for the past thirty minutes. The airport security lines weren’t unbearably long, and they wanted to grasp every possible moment together before she had to leave to catch her first flight in the long journey to Afghanistan. She wouldn’t arrive in Kabul for nearly thirty-eight hours.

“The next month is going to be one of the most difficult ones of my life,” he said. “Hell, I missed you when I took that thirty-minute walk on the beach at your mom’s. How am I going to survive thirty days?” More like thirty-four-and-a-half, but who was counting?

“I feel the same way.” She pulled away and searched his face. “Promise me you’ll keep busy and try not to think about me too much. I won’t have it as hard, because this new hospital will be in perpetual motion if it’s anything like the last one.”

He raised a brow hoping his Dom stare spoke volumes. “Don’t run yourself ragged. I don’t want you having a relapse.”

“I won’t. I’ll eat, rest, and drink lots of water.” She smiled. “But I know you’re still going to worry about me too much. It’s second nature for you to worry about the ones you love.”

“Don’t you forget it, either.”

She pulled him down by his lapels until she could kiss him on the cheek. “You’ve calmed me down already. I promise to follow your long list of instructions, and I’ll be in touch at least once daily. I can’t promise a set time each day, so don’t freak out on me if one day it’s morning and the next one nighttime. For the most part, I’ll be asleep when you’re awake and vice versa, but I’ll try to get a message or call out to you before or after each shift.”

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