Rock Bay 2 - Letting Go (18 page)

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Authors: M. J. O'Shea

BOOK: Rock Bay 2 - Letting Go
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It all worked out pretty damn well for Mason, because he got to touch and taste Drew like he’d been wanting to do since that first dinner at his place—hell, before that—and he got to watch Drew go out of his mind with lust, all at the same time. And he didn’t even go near his dick. He started with a few sucking kisses to the side of Drew’s neck. Mason knew Drew loved that. He’d done it before. He trailed his fingers up and down Drew’s sides too, and his back, and used his nails on the tight curve of Drew’s ass. Mason couldn’t remember how many times he’d wished he could dip his fingers into the back of Drew’s pants just so he could feel that perfect ass.

Drew was hard as hell, and breathing raggedly, and clutching at Mason’s shoulders. “Feels so good,” he mumbled. And Mason had hardly done anything. Who were these lame-os that Drew had slept with before? Then Drew ran his hands down Mason’s back and cupped his ass, and Mason realized it had nothing to do with skill or experience because all Drew had to do was touch him, and he melted all over the place. They were just that attracted to each other. He wished they had been together longer, that he could just turn around and tell Drew to fuck the hell out of him right there with no preamble and nothing between them. It was one of his favorite fantasies, and one that he’d never been intimate enough with any of his exes to try. Maybe someday.

“Let’s get outta here,” Drew moaned. “Yeah?”

Drew ran his fingers into Mason’s crack and shivered. “Yeah.” He reached for the shower gel and squeezed some into his hand. He washed Mason with gentle but efficient motions, sluicing the soap from his skin. Mason took some soap and did the same for Drew, enjoying the planes and textures of his body. When they were both rinsed, Drew pulled open the curtain and stepped out, holding up the clean towel he’d brought in for Mason.

It wasn’t until they were in Drew’s big bed, naked and holding each other, that Mason brought up what he knew they were both thinking but were too scared to say out loud.

“What are we doing, Drew?” Mason ran his fingers down Drew’s chest for comfort. “I hate to make it this big discussion, but I don’t want to start anything you’re not comfortable with.”

Drew cleared his throat. “I hadn’t really thought it through. I want to be with you, but other than… well, you know. I’m just inexperienced.”

“So no limits, we just see what happens?”

Drew nodded, then he leaned forward nervously and kissed Mason. Mason kissed him back and wound his hand into Drew’s hair. Drew

moaned when Mason pulled a little on his hair and deepened the kiss. He slung his leg over Drew’s narrow hip and pulled until they were lined up, hard cocks rubbing against each other.

“Fucking hell,” he muttered. He’d been right in the shower. It never felt so good. Ever. “What? Am I doing something wrong?”
Are you kidding?
Mason coughed out a breathless laugh. “No. You feel goddamn amazing. I can’t believe how perfect we fit together.”

Mason was afraid if Drew talked too much, he’d get nervous, or start to think too much. There really wasn’t time for thinking, not with the way the sparks were combusting between them, all of that early attraction detonating by the second. He flipped them so Drew was on the bottom and wriggled his hips between Drew’s legs.

“I’m gonna taste you now. Okay?”

Drew gulped visibly and nodded, and Mason reached up to swipe his thumb across Drew’s lips. Then, with one more small kiss, he slowly made his way down Drew’s body, taking so much longer than he usually would, tasting collarbones, nipples, and so much of his warm skin in between. When he got down to Drew’s erection, he smiled to himself.
Time to show him what he’s been missing.
Mason knew what he was doing, and he had a feeling Drew hadn’t really been with anyone else who did. If so, he sure hadn’t benefitted from it. He looked too surprised by everything that felt nice.

Mason stroked Drew’s dick a few times, gentle to get him warmed up before he went in with his mouth.

“You like that?” he whispered. The only response he got from Drew was a nod and a whimper. “Good. I think you’ll like this even better.”

Mason took Drew’s erection between his lips, slowly letting it sink in, using his tongue and suction and the wet warmth of his mouth until he’d taken Drew into his throat. It was something that he’d always done easily, and as far as Mason knew, it wasn’t a common skill. Drew shouted out and shoved a fist in his mouth. Mason kept his eyes open, loving the reaction, the bowed back, the sexy moans. Watching his partner come unglued had always been his favorite part.

“Mason, I’m gonna….” Drew’s face went from pleasured to frantic, his cock was impossibly hard, his hand clutched convulsively at Mason.

Mason slowly raised his mouth from Drew’s erection and replaced it with his hand, snaking his way back up so he could kiss Drew. The combination of tastes, Drew’s mouth and the tang of his precum drove Mason wild. He humped against Drew’s leg and kissed him convulsively. When Drew froze, arching and filling Mason’s hand with wet heat, Mason shivered. Just the sight of that shocked wonder was nearly enough to make him come on his own. Add to that the moans and the pressure of Drew’s thigh against his dick and he was there. Just a few thrusts and he came against Drew with a whimper.

“Jesus,” Drew whispered. “I didn’t… I mean.
Mason chuckled softly. “I know.”

They lay there quietly for a few minutes, Drew dragging the pads of his fingers slowly up and down Mason’s heated spine. It was getting chilly, though, and Mason’s come was drying cold and sticky between his belly and Drew’s leg. He moved to grab one of the towels from their shower.

“I’ve got it, hon,” Drew said and tugged him back down. “You’re my guest.”

That was adorable. And sweet. It sounded so different than Todd’s “babe.” Mason decided that he liked it. And he liked how considerate Drew was.

Drew returned from the bathroom with a damp towel. Mason couldn’t help but watch him as he crossed the room. Even in the shadowy dark, Drew was beautiful. He obviously worked out, but he wasn’t beefy, like those guys that tried way too hard. He just looked toned, and smooth, and like someone Mason couldn’t wait to get his hands on again. Drew leaned over and wiped Mason’s belly off tenderly, and his sensitive dick, and his hand. Then he wiped himself off and crawled onto the bed, pulling back his sheets and duvet so they could both wriggle their way in. Drew pulled Mason close and lifted his thigh so Mason could thread his leg between Drew’s. Then he wrapped his arm around Mason’s shoulder and pulled him in for a long, slow kiss.

“I liked when you called me 'hon’,” Mason said quietly against Drew’s lips.
Mason nodded. “Mmm-hmmm. And I like that

you like to cuddle afterward. So many guys refuse to do that. You do like this, right? You’re not just doing it because you think I’d expect it.”

“Of course I like it.” Drew smiled and squeezed him. “Why wouldn’t I want to touch you?”

“I don’t know. I guess some guys want their space.”
Drew shrugged. “I might have. With someone else. It doesn’t matter, though. Needless to say, I don’t with you.”
They kissed again, then Mason snuggled his face into Drew’s neck and breathed. Even though he’d just showered, he still smelled like Drew, whatever that scent was that Mason loved and had just started to get used to—sweet, maybe a little salty like the ocean air, warm. Sexy. He squeezed Drew just because he could.
“Mason?” Drew said quietly after a few moments.

“Yeah?” He’d been sleepy, but he was awake still. Just warm and comfortable.
“I know you’re really tired tonight, but sometime soon I want to try that on you.”
All of a sudden not so tired. “Yeah?”

“Yeah. But you’ll have to be patient with me. I don’t really know what I’m doing.”


“I think you’ll do just fine.”


Chapter Fourteen


, I haven’t seen you in two days,” Logan said to him when he dragged his tired ass into the apartment. He’d spent that first night and then the next day and night with Drew before he had to go to work.

“Sorry.” He did feel a little bad about ditching his friend. “How was that family reunion you guys catered?”

Logan grinned. “Cool! I really think I like this job. And Tally is freaking awesome. He was a running back in high school, and he played third base, and we talked about sports the whole time. We were thinking of starting a men’s league up in Rock Bay.”

Mason chuckled. “I think you might have a brocrush.”
“A little bit,” Logan admitted. “But he’s a cool guy.”
“Would it cross any weird work lines for you to come to the barbecue Thursday night?” It had gotten to be a new tradition with their little group, and Mason really looked forward to it. Everyone had been pretty busy lately, so there hadn’t been one since Logan got there, but Mason did want to include him.

Logan smiled. “Nope. Tally already invited me. His barista, Travis, is coming with his girlfriend.”

“Cool. We can ride up together, then. I’ll just have Drew meet us there.”

“You are so into this guy.” Logan socked him on the arm like they’d been doing forever. “I’ve never seen that smile on your face before.”

“I am,” Mason answered cautiously. “I really do like him. I’m just—”


“Being cautious, right? Cause of a-hole

“I guess,” Mason conceded.

“Dude, Drew is
Todd. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and it’s not like a possession. Todd’s a fucking douche.”

Mason had to laugh at that. Todd
a fucking douche. “I believe you’ve made your position on Todd very clear.”

“Yeah. I’m glad you kicked his ass to the curb. Douche.”

“Hey, I’m going to hit the shower and probably take a nap, okay? I’m worn the hell out.” Logan made a thrusting motion with his hips. Mason laughed again. “You’re dumb. Sometimes I think you like the boy action.”

“Nah, but I do love giving you shit.” Logan gave Mason his signature grin. “Go take your shower.” Mason went to walk toward the bathroom. “Oh, hey. Do you want me to make you a sandwich or something? I found the grocery store.”

“Did you get sourdough and cheddar for grilled cheese?” His absolute favorite.
“Of course. I know you well. The sandwich will be ready by the time you get out of the shower.”
“You’re awesome, Loogs. Thanks. But none of the thrusting in front of Drew, okay? Like I said. He’s shy.”
Logan scoffed. “He knows me by now. But I won’t. No worries.”
Mason showered quickly, trying not to think of the shower he’d had with Drew the day before. It had been so hot. All filled with wet kisses and more and more adventurous touches. Then Drew had knelt and sucked him off, and holy
The guy might not have had much experience, but he knew how to use his mouth and use it well. Mason shuddered just remembering it. He wanted more. Like immediately. Drew was going to be there in a few hours, but it wasn’t going to be like that. Not in front of Logan. They’d touch and hold hands, but his bedroom wasn’t very far from the living room. It wouldn’t be fair to subject his new roommate to moans and loud breathing.
His sandwich was amazing, as always. Logan was a fantastic cook, even if he’d never admit it. And his nap was even better. Mason was asleep before he even thought to set an alarm for a few hours later.

called Logan finally, when Mason wasn’t answering his phone.
“’Lo?” was the muffled response he got.
“Um, Logan, this is Drew. Mason’s not answering his phone.”
He heard the rustling of paper and then a throat clearing. “Oh, yeah. He totally passed out after work. I know he meant to wake up before you got here. I’ll come let you in. Hold on a sec.”
Less than a minute later, a flour-dusted Logan threw the front door open. “This building is such a pain in the ass. I’d really like to have been able to buzz you in. My dough is rising as we speak.”
Drew smiled. “I guess they never mean for houses like this to be apartments. Is he still asleep?”
“Yeah. I figured I’d give you the honor of waking Sleeping Beauty up.”
“I feel bad. Maybe I should go if he’s that tired.” Drew hesitated at the doorway until Logan turned and rolled his eyes.
“Are you freaking kidding me? He’d kill me if I told you to go home. Just go up there and work whatever magic mojo you were working the past two days to get that goofy smile on his face. I’ve never seen him look so happy.” They started to trudge up the three long flights to Mason’s apartment.
Logan nodded. “It’s awesome. I approve. Just shut the door before you go in there to wake him up. There are some things that even best friends shouldn’t know about each other.”
Drew laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
When he walked into Mason’s room, light and golden and filled with the setting afternoon sun, he found his boy sprawled out in a pair of pajama pants and a tank top right on top of his comforter. The pants were thin and didn’t leave much to the imagination. Drew wanted to touch, to pull those little pants off and taste everything that was underneath them. He’d never been so intent on it before. The physical side of his relationships had always been compulsory, not exciting. Never this explosive, driving need to feel everything with the other person in his life. He wanted to feel everything with Mason.
He set his laptop bag on the floor, slipped out of his flip-flops, and crawled onto the bed next to Mason. Mason didn’t wake, but he cuddled his body right up next to Drew’s and pulled Drew’s arm around his waist.
“Hey,” he mumbled softly. Drew figured he must’ve woken a little bit. Drew had also had a long day, and two nights with not much sleep—not that he was complaining, of course, but Mason’s warm body and the setting evening sun in his eyes made him sleepy, and the next thing he knew he was waking, in the dark, to Mason sitting up abruptly. He looked around, confused for a moment, then seemed to finally focus on the man in bed next to him.
“Drew?” Mason reached down to ruffle Drew’s hair.
Drew arched and stretched. “Mmm-hmmm?”
“How long have you been here?”
He looked over to the clock on the nightstand. “An hour. You just seemed so sleepy, I didn’t want to wake you up. Logan let me in.”
Mason smiled and leaned over to give Drew a long greeting kiss. “Sorry I was asleep when you got here. I must have forgotten to turn my alarm on.”
“It’s okay, hon. I must’ve needed a nap too. And Logan was out there being Martha Stewart with the baking. I was happy in here with you.”
Mason cocked his head. “Logan’s
? Like bread and stuff?”
“Yeah, doesn’t he do that?”
“Not that I knew of.” Mason snorted. “Guess he’s turned over a new leaf, getting all into the catering business with Tally.”
Drew pulled Mason into his embrace for a long hug. It felt so good to have Mason’s body right up next to his. Like it had always been there. He dropped small kisses along Mason’s neck and moved the tank top aside to nibble at his collarbone. His free hand drifted down into the back of Mason’s loose pants. He scratched delicately at the soft skin on Mason’s round little ass. Mason shivered and wriggled closer.
“Feels good,” he murmured. Then he started tugging on Drew’s shirt to pull it out of his cargo shorts. “Off.”
“You sure? Logan’s right out in the kitchen.”
“I just want to touch you. Besides, we’ll be quiet.”
“Speak for yourself,” Drew muttered. It was nearly impossible for him to keep the moans back when Mason was touching him.
Mason put a finger on Drew’s lips and smiled all naughty and sexy at him. “You can do it. Think of it as a challenge.”
With that, he went in with his mouth, starting with Drew’s neck and his collarbones, just like Drew had done, but moving on to his nipples, his belly… and wait, was that the button of his shorts coming off?
“That doesn’t look like just touching, mister.”
“Shhhh.” Mason tossed him another naughty grin and tugged Drew’s shorts down. “Remember to be quiet.” With that he engulfed Drew’s suddenly hard dick with his mouth, the mouth that could do things Drew had never even imagined.
It was the third time Mason had gone down on him, and every time he swore it got better, hotter, more intense. More intimate. Mason slid his hand up Drew’s belly, and Drew found it to wind their fingers together and squeeze.
“Feels so good,” he whispered. He wanted to moan, buck his hips. Turn around and return the favor at the same time. “Mase, c’mere. I want to taste you too.”
Mason lifted his head. “Really?” he asked quietly. He looked surprised.
“Yeah. Really.”
Mason stripped his pajama bottoms off and scooted around so he was on his side right next to Drew. Drew leaned in and kissed Mason’s thighs, pushed up his tank and kissed his warm belly, then went right for his erection, which was making a glistening wet patch against the skin of his lower abdomen.
,” Mason groaned loudly.
“Shhh,” Drew reminded him with a grin, lifting his head.
Mason instead went right back for Drew’s cock, bending his own leg at the knee to give Drew more room. It felt so damn good, touching and being touched, tasting and being tasted. It was just… he really didn’t have any words for it. Instead of thinking, Drew turned his mind off and just felt. He felt Mason’s tongue teasing at the sensitive head of his dick, he felt the soft, smooth skin of Mason’s own dick against his tongue. He would’ve thought it would be new, feel weird, be too different for him to get right into it, but he’d loved it from the first time. Maybe he just loved the way Mason reacted, like there was nothing better in the world, but it made him bold.
Drew lifted his head from Mason for a moment, brought a finger to his mouth and wet it. Then he went back to his task and traced his finger through Mason’s crease. When he pushed gently against Mason’s entrance, a muffled groan vibrated on his cock.
I think he likes it….
They hadn’t gone there yet, but Drew wanted to. It was something he’d always been so curious about. Something he never would have asked one of the Rock Bay girls to try with him.
“Is that okay?” Drew asked, pausing.
“Hell, yeah. More,” was Mason’s muffled reply.
Drew was happy to give more. He went back to Mason’s dick, which if anything was harder than it had been before, and pushed gently, slowly, until his finger was sinking into the tight heat of Mason’s body. Mason groaned again, and the vibrations were nearly enough to set Drew off. He went in search of Mason’s prostate. Just because he hadn’t tried it before didn’t mean he hadn’t done a lot of research. A
. Sometimes he thought his wrist might break from the amount of research he’d done. He knew when he found it, the little knot of nerves that had Mason breaking out in shivers and precum leaking into Drew’s mouth. He rubbed and sucked harder, using his tongue the way he’d felt Mason doing. The soft groaning had him on the edge. He could feel Mason getting close to that edge himself. It was in the roll of his hips and the surge in his hard cock. Drew moaned. That must’ve done it.
“Fuck, I’m coming,” Mason whispered forcefully. He tried to pull away, but Drew wouldn’t let him. He kept sucking and rubbing until every last shaking drop of Mason’s release had slid down his throat. Mason did the same to him, sucking Drew until they were a sweaty, smiling heap lying on top of Mason’s comforter. Eventually, Mason turned and crawled up Drew’s body to kiss him. He tasted Mason, and sweat and something salty and a little bitter. It was the most intimately erotic moment of his life up to that point.
“Um, holy shit,” Mason said quietly.
“Uh-huh. Seriously. Holy shit.”
“So you like that? Um, anal, I mean….”
Mason nodded. “Yeah. Not with everyone, but it can feel really amazing.”
Drew hesitated. He didn’t quite know how to say the next thing without just saying it. So he just said it. “I think I’d like to find out if I like it too,” he mumbled quietly. “If you’re okay with that.”
“I’m okay with that.” Mason kissed him slowly. “So you think you’re awake enough to get dressed and go chill with Logan for a while?”
Drew felt his cheeks turn red. What if Logan had heard any of that?
Oh, Jesus.
“Sure?” The answer came out like a question. Drew was questioning if he’d go out there and explode from embarrassment. Even if Logan hadn’t heard, he sure as hell had to know what they’d been up to.
Mason laughed. “It’s fine. We were really quiet. Plus, I got to listen to him get it on with like half of our dorm freshman year.”
“What was the matter with the other half?” Drew asked. He sat up and started to look for his shorts.
“They were guys.”

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