Rock the Viper (24 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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I quickly text back letting him know,
I'm OK, I'm in a hotel and doing a lot of thinking.

A text comes straight back asking,
will you be back at work tomorrow? And is it ok if he pops in for a cuddle, as he misses me.

I laugh a little and text back,
yes I will be at work and I would love a hug to.

He texted back and says,
good because I really need one right now.

I text back,
me too
Goodnight Noah.

And his final text reads,
Goodnight sweetheart.

My heart swells and a tear rolls down my cheek, but I wipe it away. I'm not going to cry any more I have done enough for a life time.
Till the next time.

I take a taxi to work the next day. I was expecting Noah to be standing there waiting for me, but he wasn't. I was also ready to face off with Lara if she showed her face at all. I had a feeling that wasn’t going to happen.

It was a busy morning, which kept my mind off things. I managed to sneak in a sandwich and the crowd disappeared later on in the afternoon. I was cleaning up when I heard the door go and in walks Noah. I smile at him and he smiles back. It doesn't take long before I'm in his arms and his lips find mine and I melt more into him. When I look up at him I see the dark circles under his eyes and hate knowing that I caused them. He kisses my forehead then looks back down at me, “I've missed you.” I give him a quick kiss to the lips and say the same thing back to him.

I see sadness cross his face and he closes his eyes when he says, “Come home Peppa, please come home.” 

I kiss him again, “Is Lara gone?”

He opens his eyes and nods his head, “Yes, I sent her packing. I have no idea where she went, but I made it clear she wasn't welcome any more.”

For some reason, I felt sad for her, but she made her own bed, so now she gets to lie in it. I bite my lip and say, “Will you pick me up after work?”

He looks shocked, “Yes of course I will.” 

I laugh, “You were expecting a fight weren't you?”

He laughs then, “Yes something like that I was prepared to beg if I had to.” His phone goes and he looks at it, “I have to get this, but is 5:30 pm ok?” I nod my head yes. He leans in and kisses me goodbye and he walks away answering his phone.

Noah picks me up at 5.30 pm on the dot and he doesn't let go of my hand all the way home, and I don’t want him to. When he parks up he turns to me, “I know Juan will be happy to see you, he hasn't dealt with this well. He thinks he has lost you.”

I frown at Noah, “Really he thinks that? He hasn't lost me, not unless he doesn’t want me anymore.”

Noah takes my hand and kisses it, “There is no chance of that, come on let’s get inside and find our man.”

When we walk inside Noah's phone goes again so he walks off to talk and I make my way to the lounge. On the TV I notice a note has been stuck to it addressed to Noah. I read it, it's from Juan, saying they have gone back to their own house, that he thinks we all need some space and he thinks him being here would mean that I wouldn't come back and he hates that. He also told Noah to tell me he loved me and that Noah knew how to contact him.

I stood staring at it and felt my blood drain from my face, my chest felt heavy and I struggled for breath and a wave of sickness washes over me.
I did this, I made him leave, oh god I made him leave
and I clutch my heart as I let out a sob. 

A sound catches my attention and I take a look round,
there it is again
it’s coming from the kitchen and then I hear it again,
my name someone is saying my name
. I walk over to the kitchen door and peer inside, my legs buckle from under me but I manage to hold myself up on the doorframe as I see Lara's beaten body lying on the floor. I shout out for Noah and rush over to Lara. I get on my knees and look her over from head to foot.

Her face is battered and one of her eyes is swollen shut. There is blood coming from her nose and mouth. I shout for Noah again and then find my phone and dial 999. I reach for Lara's hand and hold it and tell her, “It's ok the ambulance is on its way,” she moans. “It's ok Lara I'm here.”

Noah comes rushing in and stops dead in his tracks when he spots Lara lying on the floor. I watch as the blood drains away from his face. He comes over and bends down next to me. He strokes Lara's hair away from her face. He looks at me and asks, “What happened? Who did this?”

I put my other hand on his knee, “I don't know I found her like this. She hasn't said anything else but my name. The ambulance is on its way.”

He leans over to look in Lara's face, “Lara, it's Noah, can you hear me?” She tries to nod her head yes. “Who did this to you?”

I watch a tear roll down her face as she says quietly, “Eric.”

Noah stands and explodes, “I'm going to kill the fucking bastard.” He starts pacing the floor.

I look up at him and say, “Noah please calm down, think of your sister.” He looks at me and all I see is hatred. I know it's not aimed at me but it scares me.

“Calm down, look at her Peppa! He beat the fuck out of my sister!”

He bends down again at Lara's side and as calm as can be he says. “Where is he Lara? Where is the bastard living?”

She turns her head away from him and with his hand he gently turns her head back to him and through gritted teeth he says, “Where is he Lara?” 

Another tear rolls down her face, “At the flat.”

Noah gets up and looks at me, “Will you go to the hospital with her? I will be there as soon as I can.” And he turns to walk out the room.

I shout after him, “Noah please don't go, your sister needs you.”  But he keeps going.

I look down at Lara and back at the door Noah walked out of and I start to panic. I want to run after him and talk him out of whatever he has planned. To tell him that he needs to be with his sister. I know if Noah gets his hands on Eric, he will kill him. Through my panic I think of only one person who can help and I phone Juan. He answers on the third ring and I don't give him time to speak and through sobs I say.

“Juan please help, Lara's been beaten up by Eric and Noah's gone to find him. I'm scared Juan. I'm scared at what Noah might do. Oh god what if he...”

“Peppa, do you know where Noah went?”

“To the flat, to my flat.”

I hear him talking to someone and then his voice is back online, “Ok Peppa, I'm leaving now to find him. It will be ok I promise. I will find him and bring him back.”

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, “Thanks Juan, I...I'm going to the hospital with Lara, will you bring him there?”

Loud knocking on the door and a voice shouting Ambulance services rings through the house. “Juan, you still there?” 

“Yes Peppa I’m here, you need to go and I do too. I will see you later, bye.” And we both hang up.

The next hour is a blur. Lara is checked over then strapped on a trolley and wheeled to the ambulance. I get in with her and hold her hand all the way. All I can think about is that I hope Juan gets to Noah in time. Once we get to the hospital, they take her away and I'm shown to a room to wait.

I get lost in my thoughts. It's funny how when something bad happens that you have that light bulb moment. When you look back at you're past and then you see your future planned out for you. I didn't like what I saw in those moments, so I decided to change them.

I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes. I open them again when I hear the door go and in walks Noah and Juan. I'm quickly out my seat and half way across the room where Noah meets me and takes me into his arms.

He looks down at me, “Is she ok? Have you heard anything?”

I shake my head, “No one's been in yet.” I notice his face, and his mouth is bleeding and he has a cut over his eyebrow. I reach up to touch his face, “Are you ok?” 

He smiles, “I will be ok. Juan stopped me before I did something I would later regret.” I kiss him on the lips and mouth saying, “Good,” into them. He steps back and says, “I should go and see if I can find anything out, will you be ok waiting here?” 

I nod, “Yes, I'm not going anywhere.” He smiles and turns and says something to Juan when he walks past him.

My heart swells and misses a few beats when I look over at Juan and I think how beautiful he is.

A smile spreads across his face, “You think I'm beautiful?”

I take a step nearer to him, “You reading my mind again?” Another step nearer, “And yes you are beautiful.”

He frowns, “Sorry I didn't mean to...” I press my body into his and look up into his face “It's ok. Please hold me Juan.” I feel his embrace as his arms go around me and I hold on tight because I'm never letting him go.

I feel myself being lifted and my arms go around Juan's neck and he walks over to a chair and lowers us both into it. My head rests on his shoulder and I kiss his neck and I watch as he takes a loud swallow. I then kiss him below his ear and along his jaw. He turns his head slightly and our eyes lock. I feel so alive in this moment, my body craves this man and I know he craves me. I make the last move and I kiss his lips. Gently, he groans and opens his mouth for me. The kiss is full of desperation; belonging and you're mine, because that is what Juan is, he's mine. We both pull away panting taking big gulps of air. I take all the air I need, my eyes never leaving his and I kiss him again.

A loud cough makes us pull away quickly and I watch Noah walk over and kneel down in front of me. He smiles, “I always miss out on the fun.”

Juan chuckles to himself and I ask Noah, “How is she?”

He rubs a hand down his face, “Two broken ribs, some cuts and bruises.” He lowers his head, “He's been hitting her for a while. Her body is covered in bruises.” 

My hand goes to my mouth, “Oh god, I guessed something was wrong, but I never pushed it when she told me everything was fine. I should have known. I should have been more of a friend.”

Noah's head quickly snaps up, “No, Peppa, don't do that, don't blame yourself. I'm not playing the blame game and neither are you. She's an adult Peppa, she can make her own mind up.”

I take his face in my hands, he closes his eyes and a tear escapes. My heart breaks for him. I press my lips against his and our arms go around each other and Juan puts his arms around us both.

The moment is broken when a couple come in crying and holding each other. I stand and offer my hand to Noah, he takes it and gets up and I say, “Let's go home.”

We walk out together and when we get to Noah’s car Juan takes my hand and I turn to face him. “Noah needs you right now, and with us leaving Friday for the tour.” I open my mouth to speak put he carries on, “Yes, I need you too Peppa, and I need Noah, but things aren't resolved between us yet, we still need to talk.”

He turns to Noah and leans in and kisses him and whispers something. He turns back to me, “Can I pick you up from work tomorrow and walk you home so we can spend some time together.”


I smile up at him, “On one condition, stop reading my thoughts.”

Juan laughs and pulls me into his hard body. He lowers his head and says, “I will try as long as you promise to stop thinking about licking my snake.” He then takes me to hell and back with the most heated kiss I have ever had. When I open my eyes he is gone and he takes my heart with him.

When Noah and I get back, he asks me to stay with him for the night. I agree and we both end up in his shower together. We are both so tired, but as soon as his hands are on me, soaping my body up, I want him. I smile as I turned up the sexual tension between us up a notch by putting some soap on my hands and rubbing it all over his chest. I watch as his dick hardens and lick my lips. It doesn't take long before my hands are on his dick and stroking him up and down. He lets out a groan and starts thrusting himself into my hands. He starts to kiss my neck and his hands find my breasts and he squeezes them together. I find myself pushed up against the cold tiles of the shower wall. He doesn't waste any time with foreplay, he pushes himself into me and I moan out my pleasure. He doesn't give me any time to think before he's pounding into me; it's hard, it's fast and its scream worthy. I scream his name as my body implodes around him and he explodes inside of mine. 

That night I cuddled up to Noah, wishing there was someone else in bed with us. I want to make things right with Juan and tomorrow night I was going to do everything I could to bring him back to me.

Chapter 25  (NOAH)


I open my eyes to see another pair looking back at me. My heart beats a little faster and I can't stop my hand from going to his face. Juan is a good looking man, not as pretty as Peppa, but still I can see the appeal. I frown as my thoughts turn to,
why is he here, staring at me?
And then I think of Peppa, but he shows me she is ok as she is in my bed fast asleep. I try and move but my body hurts, especially my head. It feels like I had too much to drink. I try and remember the night before. I remember meeting Jacob and having a drink but everything after that, nothing. So, when I ask Juan what the hell happened, I wasn't expecting what he told me.

I had a close friendship with Jacob, we did everything together. We worked together, we played together. For him to not only want to hurt Peppa, again, but leave me in a vulnerable position made me sick to the stomach. All of this because of one woman, he had her, he lost her. I wasn't going to make the same mistake. But that news was nothing compared to what Juan told me next. I thought he was going to tell me he cheated on Peppa but what came out of his mouth only happened in films.

A fucking Vampire. Does he expect me to believe this shit really? A god damn mother fucking blood sucking vampire. Juan says there is so much more he needs to tell us but I'm still trying to get my head around this vampire bullshit.

So, like any other man who doesn't believe what is being said to him, I asked him to prove it. So, he did and I held on from shitting myself. He had fangs and he could of used them right then as I tried to scream out my shock. I swear my heart was going to beat right out my chest but Juan held me and told me he loved me. The funny thing was, I believed him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me because, like he said, he could have done so already. I think it was the shock of being told too many things at once and the fact that I still had the drug in my body that made me throw up. I couldn't handle everything in that moment, but I had to be strong, as I knew Peppa wasn't going to take what Juan had to say well.

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