Rock the Viper (19 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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That thought soon leaves my mind as I see the video Peppa was sent and I'm glad I'm a vampire as an image of getting rid of Jacob with no evidence runs through my head. I leave Peppa and Noah to their vampire film and make my way downstairs to a night of Cruz judging everything I do.

Cruz is tuning his guitar and has a note pad with him, so I know he has started to list everything he's not happy with. I walk up to my brother, who is sitting on the sofa, and sit down next to him and he looks over at me, so I smile and say. “I see he has started already, he knows we can play the fucking songs.”

Saul shrugs his shoulders, “You know what he is like, and he’s a perfectionist. It stems from his...”

I don't let him finish, “Yeah, I know his days as a Ringmaster, but I’m not a lion and he doesn't need to know my every move.”

Saul laughs, “Isn't it easier to let him get on with it than argue.” I nod my head yes.

I pause for a moment before I say, “Saul...I.” I run a hand through my hair. “I want to tell Peppa and Noah what I am. I hate keeping this from them and if I want this relationship to move forward and work, they need to know the truth.”

Cruz is suddenly in my face. “Truth! Are you fucking mad? What are you going to say? Oh! By the way Peppa, I'm a vampire and I need blood to survive and I have killed humans in my past. How do you think Noah will take that? Oh, he might like the fact that we are the only vampire rock band out there and make more money from that. But then what will come from that?” He raises his voice. “Hunters that’s what will happen you do remember them right?”

I push Cruz away from me, “Of course I remember the hunters. I was there when they killed our family and your sister. How can I forget? You don't think I play that night out over and over again and watch the one's I loved burn to ash, and watched as my brother went on a bloody rampage. I know Saul does, as he tried to save Julia from having her head cut off. He watched the one he loved die. I'm not going to let that happen to Peppa and Noah. We have been so careful with hiding the truth. This is something I have to do Cruz. They are my Entwined and because of that they will keep my secret, I'm sure of it.”

Saul shakes his head from side to side, “Please stop talking about the past, it's a different world now. You really think if he told them they would want the world to know? Not everyone thinks the way you do Cruz.”

“What you fail to see, Saul, is that Noah is a business man. It's all about the money. How long do you think it would stay a secret with Jacob or even Lara being around us all?”

Saul sighs, “We're vampires Cruz, and we will deal with it. If that means using mind control to wipe the minds of people who don't matter, then so be it, and when was the last time you saw a hunter? Fifty years ago?”

Cruz shakes his head, “That’s not really the point. They are out there and will recruit. I don't want to be looking over my shoulder wondering when we could be attacked. I really hope you can trust them Juan.”

I stand, “Ok guys enough. Don't you think I haven't thought of all that? For once in my life, I'm scared of losing someone I love. I'm beginning to wish I wasn’t a vampire. I need more time, I can see that, so forget I said anything and let’s get back to business.”

Without looking at either of them, I walk to my drums, pick up my sticks and wait for Cruz to start.

The next couple of days Cruz is relentless, which causes arguments to break out between us and I have to step in a few times because Saul wanted to kill Cruz. We each walk out at one point to have some alone space before we say or do something stupid. The thing is, we all know it's only going to get worse when we go on tour, or, maybe all the women will distract Cruz and he will relax a bit. My thoughts often turn to Peppa, I haven’t really seen her and when I do it's for a quick hello and how are you, but I take what she gives me through her kisses and hugs.

I awake to the night of the interview and playing live. Excitement fills the house as we all get ready to leave for the night. I’m looking forward to spending some time with Peppa again, I've missed her. It’s a pain pretending to be human when you have to load and unload your drums. If no one was looking, I could use my vampire speed and have it done within two minutes, but it takes a good 30 minutes to have everything loaded and ready to go.

When we get to the university, we are shown into a little room where a student with a recorder and notepad waits for us. It's me she can't keep her eyes of, she flirts, but I remain professional. She even touches my leg a few times which causes me to flinch. Noah saves me a few times by moving on the interview and when she asks are we single, a smile spreads across my face and I keep my eyes on Noah as I watch her face change when I say I'm taken.

Noah ushers us to a door and we stand and wait to go on stage. I felt the energy and let the feelings of knowing Peppa was out there flow through me. I also felt the energy from the crowd, the vibe they were giving off was astonishing. I had to shut out the voices. I took one last look at Saul to make sure he was handling the smell of blood. He looked fine and gave me a nod to reassure me. And then we ran out on to the stage.

The room went crazy but my eyes were on the two people who mattered to me most; my woman and my man. As I watched Noah hold Peppa, and kiss her neck, my thoughts turned sexual. Images of me standing in front of her, watching Noah play with her tits flashed through my head. Then finally, the three of us becoming one when Noah and I take her together. I was so fucking hard but I needed to get my head back into the music or the lion tamer would be on my back.

The crowd went fucking crazy when we finished and all I wanted to do was to get to Peppa. As I made my way to her, again the crowd immersed themselves on us and I had to fight my way through. One girl even throws herself on me and sticks to me like a limpet, but my eyes never leave Peppa, her thoughts come to me as she takes in the scene.
I hate this, I hate this, get off him you bitch, he's mine.
I can't help but smile and I lift the limpet off me and carry on to my woman.

I drop to my knees when I reach her. I don't know what came over me but I needed her to know no one else mattered and I wanted to let all those around us watching know that I was taken. So I kissed her, I mean I really kissed her, and I was lost to Peppa. It came as a bit of a shock when I watched Noah walk away and then saw the hurt on Peppa's face. I don't know what happened but I was going to find out. I left Peppa with Monica and went in search of Noah. I found him against a wall and I made sure he stayed against it with the press of my body and asked him if he liked hurting Peppa.

“Of course I don't, I ...”

I raise an eyebrow, “You're ashamed of us?”

“No, of course not, I'm jealous ok, I wanted to kiss her too.” He went on to explain to me what happened earlier when another man touched our woman and how he was still pissed about that and me kissing her like that made it worse. I knew he was holding back and there was more but I had to wait for him to tell me.

“What was stopping you from kissing her too Noah?”

He shakes his head, “Why did you do that? And right there in front of everyone?”

I look him right in the eyes, “Do what Noah kiss my girlfriend?”

He shakes his head from side to side, “They all saw me holding her, being a couple and you come along and do that....”

I look at him confused “I don't understand.”

“I'm a professional Juan. I'm also your boss. How did you think that looked to everyone with you pawing all over my girlfriend? It didn't help hearing people say they felt sorry for me.”

I feel my anger rise but I kept it in check. I lean in closer, almost like I’m going to kiss him, but I don't. “I don't care what people think, I'm in love with Peppa and you know what? I'm in love with you too. And I'm not going to hide that from anyone. If you feel you have to, then that’s your problem. But the one thing I will not tolerate is you hurting Peppa. She has done nothing wrong. Did you even think what this is doing to her? I bet she is blaming herself.”

He looks away from me. “Don't ok, it's always me who hurts her. I can't seem to stop it. I hate that I caused her pain, yet again. Why do I keep doing that?”

“We all have a past Noah, and there are going to be things about each of us that we will have to deal with. It's plain and simple, you're jealously needs to be brought under control. I will say it again, we are a threesome, and you have nothing to be jealous of. She loves us both. I love you both. Now can you say the same?”

He is silent for a while then looks back at me, “Yes, I love you both, but I need to ask something of you. Can you please show some respect when it comes to my work? I don't want to hide our relationship, but I feel there is a time and place and I'm not ready for everyone to know yet.”

“I understand what you’re saying and yes, I can respect your wishes but I need to know, will you ever be ready to let go and not worry about what everyone thinks?”

A small smile appears on his face, “Yes, I need some time. Shit, I need to find Peppa and apologize.” He tries to move.

I don't let him escape. “She's gone home and I agree you really need to apologize. Even get down on your knees and beg if you have to. You need to make this right.”

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes, “I know, I'm sorry.”

I move my hand to his face and trace his lips with my finger. “You're a good man Noah, it will be fine. Now, can I get a kiss please?”

I don't wait for an answer, I take what I want. He doesn't push me away. He groans and grinds himself into me. I push my luck when my hand starts to wander down his jeans. I was waiting for him to stop me, but he doesn't. “Can I touch you Noah?” He doesn't answer with words, he kisses it to me, and I find his hard dick and stroke him up and down while he moans into my mouth.

We both turn our heads when we hear people and I step back from him. I wanted him to know I could respect him. We headed back inside, both with raging hard ons, but with smiles on our faces. We packed up the van and headed home. Peppa had gone to bed by the looks of it and Noah said he would talk to her in the morning.

Before he went to bed, he let me know Peppa was working late tomorrow and he was meeting his parents, so could I pick Peppa up when she finished and I agreed. I headed down to the basement to put my drums back together and played for a while.

I heard someone walking around upstairs, so went to check out who it was. I watched as I saw the most beautiful woman in black walk to the kitchen and I followed. I stood behind Peppa and waited for her realize I was there. As I took her in, my dick hardened. I was still frustrated from my encounter with Noah and it was time I had my way with Peppa. I told her she looked sexy and then went on to tell her Noah would talk to her and explain and that it would all be ok. I felt her relax a bit and took a chance by letting her know I wanted her by backing her up so she couldn't escape me.

I lifted her up so her legs went around me and pressed myself into her. She felt so good in my arms. I sucked on her neck as her blood called out to me again, but I had to stop myself before I did something stupid. So, I sucked on her nipples instead and it wasn't long before the smell of her arousal made its way to my nose and I felt myself lose it. I couldn't wait any longer, I needed inside her. The word Donkey came from her thoughts, which confused the hell out of me. But I soon had her where I wanted her and didn't hold back any longer.

Once I was inside her, that was it, she was mine. I was like a mad man banging his head against a wall. I fucked her hard. My name left her lips and this drove me on. I changed my angle, which made her moan even louder and I pounded into her over and over again. I felt her pussy tighten around my dick. I knew she was close and I was too. Her name slipped through my lips and then she lost herself to the pleasure and I felt her juices flow. A few more thrusts and my juices flowed too, mixing with hers. My legs buckled, so I lowered us to the floor. The connection grew stronger between us, I felt it. I knew I needed her blood next to fully be Entwined to her, then she would be mine, but I had no idea how or if that would happen.

I carried her to bed and heard her thought of,
I love you Juan
, but she didn't say it so I did instead. I will never love another woman the way I love her. I kissed her forehead and left her room for mine.

Chapter 20  (PEPPA)


The alarm goes off on my phone to let me know it's time to get up. I move to turn it off and I feel the soreness between my legs. The early hours with Juan play over in my head and I giggle to myself as I think about what I would do if he was in my bed now. I would have jumped him of course. I need to get up, it's going to be a long day and I know I have to face Noah and hear him out this morning, which I'm not looking forward to. I take a shower, put my usual jeans and top on, and go and make myself a quick cup of tea while I wait for Noah to take me to work. I take a sip from my cup when I feel arms go around me and Noah rests his chin on my shoulder.

“It seems all I do lately is say sorry to you, but I am Peppa. Last night I acted irrationality and I can't apologize enough.”

I turn to look at him and he drops to his knees. I frown down at him, “What are you doing Noah?”

He laughs, “Juan told me if I had to, I needed to get on my knees and beg. Do I need to beg Peppa?”

I put my hand out to help him up, “No, get up you idiot.”

He moves to get up, “Hang on. What’s this?” And he pulls my black negligee out from under the counter. I blush and bite my lip as he stands and hands it over to me.

“I take it this is yours? And by the look on your face, I'm guessing you weren't the only one to get naked. Would Juan have been naked too by any chance?”

Words don't come to me, so I nod my head yes. He steps into me and holds me in his arms and I notice the smile on his face. “Is it weird that I'm really turned on right now at the thought of you and Juan having sex? I hope it was good.”

Still nothing comes out of my mouth, so I nod again. He slaps my ass and says, “Well, if you have nothing to say, it’s going to be easier explaining last night than I thought.”

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