Rock the Viper (18 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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He suddenly drops my legs to the floor and my negligee ends up around my ankles. His eyes travel the length of my body, “You are stunning Peppa, I want to taste you.”

I notice his hands go to his jeans and he pops a button. “I want to kiss every part of your body.”  I watch as he pulls the zip down. “But, that’s going to have to wait, because I want inside of you Peppa, and I can't wait any longer.”

He pulls his jeans down to his ankles and kicks them off. I lick my lips as I take in the size of his hard dick and the word donkey comes to mind and I smile.

“Do you like what you see Peppa?” My head snaps back up to look into the face of a smiling Juan and all I manage to do is nod yes.

He moves closer till our bodies are touching again, his hands are everywhere touching every part of my body. I finally get to see his snake up close and personal as I trail my finger up and down it. He places little kisses everywhere he can reach. He finds his way back to my mouth and I moan into it as he starts to rub his dick between my legs, making himself wet with my juices.

I feel his dick at my entrance as he taps it a few times. He stops kissing me and rests his head on my shoulder as we both try and fight to get air in our lungs. He turns to kiss my neck and gives it a quick suck and then my breath literally leaves my body. He wastes no more time and thrusts himself into me and a scream is ripped from my lips. He stalls when he can't go any further and lets me adjust to his size. He whispers into my lips, “Are you ready for me?” I say yes and kiss him to let him know just how ready I am.

He starts to move in and out of me and the thrusts come hard and fast. My body meets his every time. He puts his forehead on mine and I start chanting his name. He changes his angle and goes in for the kill. I let the pleasure wash over me as he fastens the pace. I can feel my body heat rising, the tingle starts to let me know I'm close. He starts to chant my name and he gives it to me harder, four more thrusts from him and I shatter in his arms while screaming out his name. He's not far behind as I notice his breathing has shortened. He thrusts into me one more time and moans my name into my mouth as he finishes me off with a soul destroying kiss. He lowers us to the floor and holds me in his arms till we both come back down from where ever it is we go. I look up at him and a yawn escapes my lips. I put my hand over my mouth and mutter a sorry.

He laughs, “I should get you to bed, it's late, and you need to get up soon for work.” He stands with me still in his arms and carries me to my room he places me on the bed and gets on it too. “I can stay till you fall asleep if you like?”

I run my fingers across his face and quietly speak the words in my head that I can't seem to say out loud.

“I would love that.” He pulls me in tighter gives me a quick kiss and says, “I love you Peppa.” I close my eyes and fall to sleep with a smile on my face.

Chapter 18  (NOAH)


After Saturday’s fuck up all I wanted to do was spend as much time as I could today with Peppa. So, after getting dressed and making my way to the kitchen, as I could hear talking, I walk in on Monica and Peppa giggling. It didn't take me long to work out what they were talking about as Monica was standing there in Cruz's T-shirt. I couldn't keep my hands of Peppa this morning and after kissing the hell out of her, I asked what she wanted to do today. She suggested watching films and I didn't have a problem with that, as it meant I could cuddle up to her all afternoon. I excused myself as I had some work to do.

When I entered my office, my answer phone was flashing red and I had a few messages, so played them. There were a few from reporters asking for interviews, one from the university that was doing a radio interview with Viper and one from Jacob saying one of our bands was in trouble and could I phone him. First, I phoned the reporters and dealt with them trying to work out dates and times and that was hard because of the stupid times Viper was only available for. I decided to ignore Jacob’s message and phoned the University and ended up arranging Viper to sing after they did the interview.

I made my way back to Peppa to tell her the news but I notice something was wrong, she isn't as happy as she was when I left her. She says she will come and watch the band and it gives me a night to look forward to because we will get out of the house and be together. We cuddled up on the sofa that afternoon and I listened to her laugh and then groan when I was watching the film I had chosen.

We settled down to watch the next film and my hands had started to wander over her body when Juan, and then Cruz and Saul, showed up. I told them about Wednesday which perked Cruz up and he went into a controlling mode and wanted to get practicing straight away. It wasn't till Cruz and Saul left that Peppa showed us the video of the night when we went to the strip club. I knew it was from Jacob. I made sure that Peppa knew nothing happened that night.

We lay back down and she turned and kissed me when I told her she was the only one I wanted in my arms and she turned over again to carry on watching the film. It wasn't till her attention was taken away from me that I let my anger run through me. I knew I had to find a loop hole, anything in Jacob’s contract to get rid of him. The hate I have for this man was boiling inside of me. I think back to the night at the strip club, I saw him hand his phone over when we entered so he must of had a second one hidden, the sneaky little fucker. If he could do this I knew he would go to any length to hurt Peppa and try and split us up.

Monday morning I have Jacob’s contract on my desk, going through it with a fine tooth comb trying to find anything I can to sack him for. Then the man himself bursts through my door and slams it shut.

He looks angry and storms up to my desk, “Do you check you're fucking messages?”

I lean back and put my hands behind my head, “What do you want Jacob?”

“Well, if you checked you're message and rang me back like I asked you to, you would know that the band, The Duel, has been busted for drugs and have spent the night in jail.”

That bit of information certainly had my attention and I let out a, “Bollocks.”

I grab my phone and look at Jacob, “Are they home yet or still inside? And is there any evidence videos etc. .?” And I grit my teeth together when I say videos. A shocked look goes across his face but it quickly disappears.

“They're out but you better phone Hans first, as he was threating to quit the band this morning.”

I notice he doesn't say anything about videos, and a string of, “fucks” leave my mouth. I also notice Jacob is looking down at my desk. I look down to see what he is looking at and realize it's his contract. I close it quickly and his head snaps up and he glares at me. I pick my phone back up and say, “Excuse me, I have a few phone calls to make.” I dial Hans up, who is the lead singer of The Duel. Jacob looks back down at his contract, sneers at me and storms out the room slamming the door behind him.
Fucking idiot

Hans answers on the forth ring, “Hans, it's Noah, you want to tell me what happened?”

Hans starts shouting down the phone at me, “Yes, they are stupid wankers for getting caught. Then I have to spend a night in jail because of them! They can fuck off! I quit!”

I finally get a word in. “Are you sure you want to leave the band?”  A short, “Yes.” Is shouted back at me.

I sigh and go on to say, “Ok, are you really sure you want to do that? You will lose all the money.” I know this will get him to back down and he says, “I will think about it.”

I grin and say, “Yeah ok, you calm down and phone me later.” He hangs up and I end up with a headache.

It doesn't get any better through the day as I phone the other members of the band and threaten them with one last chance. When I pick Peppa up, I'm on the phone, so don't speak to her and I find her later on and tell her what is happening and she understands.

Tuesday was the same, trying to sort the shit out that The Duel had caused. The media wouldn't stop hounding the office for news trying to find out if the band was splitting up or not. Once again, I find no time for Peppa and I miss her like crazy. I do manage to sit with her for five minutes, eat, and get a kiss and a cuddle.

That night, I finally manage to get Hans to agree to meet me in my office the next morning. I finally relax a bit and look forward to a night out with Peppa, watching Viper sing the next night.

Jacob enters my office the next morning with his arm around Hans. They bumped into each other in the lift, so Jacob invited himself to our meeting. It took two hours to talk Hans out of quitting and no matter how much I hate Jacob, he did a good job helping me talk Hans around.

When Hans left, I was left alone with Jacob and he asks, “Do you fancy going to lunch somewhere to celebrate?”

I laughed in his face as I walked past him and opened the door. “Jacob, I have to work with you and that’s bad enough. I never want anything to do with you outside of work again. Now will you please leave?” He walks out without a word.

Around lunch time a knock comes at my door, I'm on the phone trying to resolve the damage done at the hotel by The Duel from when they were busted. I walk over to the door and open it and in walks my angel. She instantly makes me smile and my dick goes hard. She walks over to stand by me and sits her ass on the edge of my desk. My thoughts immediately go to bending her over and taking my pleasure.

When I hang up the phone she says she has missed me and, fuck, I have missed her too. My hand travels up her leg to her pussy and I cup her and start to rub, she feels so wet. My hand slips into her knickers and I pinch her clit and she moans. I love her little moans, she has no idea how much they drive me wild. I kiss her to let her know how crazy she is making me. I ask her to turn around and bend over my desk and she does. I’m so close to losing myself in this woman. I want to spank her ass when she gets in position, she is so fucking hot.

I lift her skirt and start undoing my zip when we are interrupted. I couldn't stop laughing at the sight of my PA’s face, she went every colour of red. And so did Peppa when she turned to face me but we ended up laughing about it. When Peppa left, I sat all afternoon with blue balls and I hoped tonight was the night I had her again.

That afternoon I made sure all phone calls were dealt with. I wanted to enjoy tonight and that meant not answering my phone for work. I left as usual to pick Peppa up and take her home. I could see she was excited about tonight. All hell had been let lose when we walked through the door, the lads where moving their stuff from the basement into the van. Peppa runs off to get ready and that’s what I do too.

We sort out the traveling arrangements and I kiss Peppa and tell her I will see her later. The radio interview went well the lads did great. They were all asked if they were single and Juan made it very clear he was very taken and winked at me. I heard the interviewer sigh and noticed her shoulders slump at his comment. I think she thought her luck might have been in. I said my goodbyes to the lads and wished them luck, told them where we would be sitting and I made my way to the bar to find Peppa.

As I made my way through the crowd, I spotted Peppa and Monica and the group of lads surrounding them and I watched as she threw her head back and laughed. I felt this rage come over me and when one of them put his hand on her, I completely lost it. The thought of anyone touching her but me made me see red and I marched right over. When I dragged her away and she was seated at the table I felt the guilt of my actions and when we were dancing away to Viper I said I was sorry and she seemed to accept it and I relaxed a bit.

The vibe from the crowd was awesome. The lads really played their hearts out tonight and the girls loved them. They had finished the set and made their way to the table. Juan surprised everyone when he went down on his knees in front of Peppa and his hand came over and rested on top of mine. But when Juan kissed Peppa, my jealous streak came back, the thought of,
this doesn’t look very professional
hit me too as I looked out at the crowd. Then all the whispering started and I caught some of what was said. “I thought she was with him?” “Oh poor man, he has no chance against Juan.”

That’s when I lost the battle to fight the emotions going on inside of me and I snapped my hand away from under Juan's and walk outside. I leaned back against the wall of the university and I’m not alone for long as I watch Juan walk over to me. He stands in front of me and puts his hands on either side of my head and says, “Do you like hurting Peppa? Because you walked out of there leaving her thinking she did something wrong.”

I take a breath in and slowly let it out and go on to explain what happened and why I did what I did. Juan made me feel guilty from his questioning but he also made me see sense and that I need to tell Peppa, tell her it wasn't about her and tell her why. He also said he will try and be more professional around me, but said it was hard when the three of us were together as he wanted to have us both in his arms and show his affection. We ended up kissing and I let him take it one step further as he put his hands down my jeans and strokes me.

Peppa had gone to bed by the time we made it home. I would have to talk to her in the morning.

Chapter 19  (JUAN)


As I make my way to my woman, I find her curled up with Noah on the sofa watching a film and I find out she loves vampire films. The guilt wriggles through my veins and I need to talk to Saul about what to do.

Noah tells us about a gig and I see Cruz's eyes light up, he loves playing live and the attention that comes with that. I know his OCD will kick in and he will make us work at getting every note right. Peppa also tells us about hearing our song on the radio and that brings a smile to my face as she explains she was jumping up and down, singing along to the song.

This is the one downside I hate about being a vampire. I miss so much because I need to sleep through the day. There is nothing I would like to do more than to wake up with Peppa and Noah, have morning sex and spend the day making food for them, watching films, doing every day human stuff.

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