Rock the Viper (17 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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I whisper in Juan's ear that I need to talk to him about something. So he lets Cruz know he will join them soon and Cruz and Saul leave the three of us to it. I sit up and scoot away from Noah. I take my phone out of my pocket and take a deep breath and look at them both.

“I was sent something this morning, a video. When I first watched it, I went to pieces but now I have an idea why it was it and you will see what I mean.” I hand the phone over to Noah and Juan leans in closer to him to watch it. I watch their faces for any sign of emotion but all I'm getting is frowns. They both look at each other and say, “Jacob.” And then turn back to look at me.

Noah asks, “Why didn't you say anything earlier? I promise nothing happened, what you saw in the video that was it.”

Juan interrupts, “He's right, not long after the video stops, I take the girl off my lap and send her on her merry way and Noah did the same. Nothing happened Peppa.”

I look at them both with a sad smile, “It upset me at first and then I was angry. I don't understand why Jacob is doing, I guess I do. He's trying to hurt me because I hurt him and yes, it worked. But I won't let him spoil what the three of us have and I trust you both. I wish we didn't have to deal with him.”

Noah reaches for my hand, “Believe me, I’m beginning to think the same way.”

Juan hands me my phone back, “I think you should keep that, maybe it will come in handy if you get any more and you can go to the police with them. I don't like the thought of you being sent more or watching them but they could be used against him.”

Juan stands, “I better get downstairs before Cruz comes up and drags me down by my hair. He's going to be a nightmare for the next couple of days. He's a perfectionist.”

He walks over to me smiles down at me, “I love you, no one else belongs in my arms or lap.” He kisses me and leaves with, “Finish watching your film, I will see you later.”

I turn back to look at Noah, he lies back down and pats the space next to him and I join him. I press play and Noah tightens his hold on me and says, “No one feels right in my arms but you.” I turn to face him and reward him with a kiss.


PEPPA (3 Days later)


The next three days go past in a blur. I phone the police first thing Monday to be told they are still investigating my case and I can't go home yet. I go back to work but on the pretense that Noah drops me off and takes me home. Lara shows up for a work but she's not her normal self and is very distant. I ask what’s wrong but she waves me off like she always does.

I don't see much of my men, as work for Noah takes a turn for the worst when one of his other bands get caught with drugs, and fighting with each other causes one of the band members to threaten to quit. Juan is rehearsing hard. I did go and watch a few times. A few kisses and cuddles were exchanged between the three of us and I was beginning to miss them, so I was looking forward to tonight and spending some time with them both.

Around lunch time, I told Lara I was heading out to eat. Today, I had made a sandwich and a coffee and thought I would surprise Noah and take him some lunch. As I crossed the road to Devil Records, Jacob exited the building. My heart went into my throat and I started shaking but I carried on. He looked over at me, no emotion showed on his face. He turned and carried on walking. I let the breath I was holding in out and made my way to Noah.

I had calmed down by the time I made it to his office. No one was about, I guessed they were either in meeting or had gone for lunch. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later Noah opens it. He's on his phone, but smiles at me when he sees me and makes the gesture with his hand for me to come in. I walk in and watch him walk to his desk and sit in his chair. I make the gesture that I should leave but he shakes his hand no.

I walk around his desk and place his coffee and sandwich on it and when I get to his chair I brush his leg with mine and lean back on his desk. He hasn't taken his eyes of me and I watch him as he scans me from head to foot and I feel my body react to his stare. He says to the person who he is talking to, “I will phone you back soon with the info.” And he hangs up and places his phone on his desk.

He stares up at me and I see his desire. “This is a nice surprise, and you brought me lunch too. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He moves his hand to rest on my leg and it makes its way up under my dress.

“I wanted to say Hi, you've been busy lately and I miss you.” I say the YOU on a moan as his hand starts to rub my pussy through my knickers. He keeps on rubbing as he stands and my hands grip his desk to steady myself as his fingers find my clit and he pinches it. I throw my head back and blurt out a, “Oh yes.”

He kisses me along my neck and jaw and makes his way to my mouth and says into it, “I've missed you too.” Then he takes me in a knee bending kiss. He shifts my knickers to one side and I feel his fingers touch me intimately. He suddenly pulls away and I feel the loss, my body is screaming for more so I lean forward and try and kiss him but he steps back again.

His voice turns husky, “Turn around Peppa, I want to take you over my desk.” I turn and place my hands on the desk. I lower my top half so my breasts touch the wood and lift my ass higher presenting myself to him. I feel him press himself into me as he lets me feel how hard he is. He lifts my dress and the door to Noah's office opens and we both look up into the shocked face of his PA, Mrs Teachen. I feel my cheeks warm with a blush and hear Noah say, “Fuck” as he lowers my dress for me. Mrs Teachen says, “Oh my, I'm sorry.” Turns and leaves the room shutting the door firmly behind her.

I bang my head a few times on the desk saying OMG, then stand and turn to face Noah, who is standing there quietly laughing to himself. I slap him on the chest, “It's not funny, Noah.”

He grabs me and pulls me in for a hug and I find myself laughing too. His phone starts ringing and he looks down at it, “I better get back to work.”

“Yeah, me too. Oh god, I have to walk out there and face your PA. I’m so embarrassed.”

He takes my face in his hands and kisses my forehead, “There's nothing to be embarrassed about, and she didn't see anything. But her face was a picture.” He laughs. “I'm looking forward to tonight Peppa. I hope we get to finish what we started here.”

His phone goes again and I step away, “I better go and let you get that, I will see you tonight.” He answers the phone and I walk to the door, I turn to find him watching me. I smile and blow him a kiss. I prepare myself to walk the walk of shame. I lower my head and blush again as I walk past Mrs Teachen desk and mutter a goodbye.

The afternoon passes quickly and Noah picks me up at 5:30 pm to head home and get ready to go to the university. It's all a bit of a mad rush, but I manage to get a hug and kiss from Juan. I head to my room to get ready. I curl my hair and decide to leave it loose. I put on a bit more make-up and change into a pair of jeans and the only dressy top I have is a lace short sleeve, so I put that on and I head out to find everyone.

I find Lara and Monica sitting on the sofas and Noah and the lads walk in after me. It's decided that Noah will go with the band as they need to set up their equipment and Monica will take me and Lara. I get a quick kiss from both my men, and a promise from Juan that he will be all mine tonight and they leave.

Not long after they left, Monica asks, “You both ready ladies? I'm so looking forward to watching Viper live again.”

I bump her shoulder, “Don't you mean watching Cruz and lusting after him.” We both giggle.

Lara stands, “I'm not coming, I'm not feeling too great, I'm going to bed.” And she walks away. I look at Monica and she shrugs her shoulders I know something is wrong with Lara, but she won't talk to me. I decide to question her again at work tomorrow.

Monica and I head over to the university and find a place at the bar. The room is starting to fill up and Monica and I find ourselves being chatted up and having a laugh with some of the students. I turn when I'm tapped on the shoulder to find Noah not looking too happy. He looks at my company and says, “Please excuse me while I take my girlfriend away from you all.” He grabs my hand and I grab Monica's as he pushes his way through the crowd and leads me to a table in the corner.

I sit, so does Monica, and Noah asks if we want anything to drink and we both let him know what we want and he heads to the bar to get them.

Monica looks at me with a concerned face, “I’ve never seen Noah act that way before.”

I laugh, “It's ok, don't worry. It's the green eyed monster he will get over it.” Noah comes back to the table and sits next to me and hands us our drinks. I lean into Noah, “You want to tell me what that was about, dragging me across the room.”

He runs a hand through his hair but the door opens by us and we watch as Viper heads to the makeshift stage and screams go out across the room. Juan winks at me when he walks past and we all stand to watch them play. Noah moves behind me and puts his arms around my waist and I lean back into him. He shouts into my ear, “I'm sorry.” And I nod a yes to let him know I'm ok and we watch as Viper rock the stage.

I can’t take my eyes off Juan, not even when Noah starts kissing my neck. Juan keeps his eyes on me too. The room is filled with students dancing and shouting how much they love them. Girls try and get on the stage and manage a few times and hug and kiss Cruz, but are pulled swiftly off the stage. The roof feels like it's going to come down when they finish as the cheers and screams get even louder. I have to put my hands over my ears as Monica is screaming right next to me.

We sit back down and Noah takes my hand in his, I turn to look at him and his face is right there as he plants a kiss on my lips. I turn to watch the crowd and wait for the band to make their way to the table. I can barely see Juan, everyone wants a piece of him, and they touch and take pictures. I notice a few kisses are planted on his cheek. He gets nearer and makes eye contact with me and smiles, and I smile back. I watch as a girl throws herself into his arms and kisses him full on the lips. He stands still, still looking at me. I try and not let anything show on my face and I feel Noah pat my leg. Juan pulls the girl off him and puts her down away from him. He doesn't even look at her, he keeps making his way to me.

He stops right in front of me, drops to his knees, puts one of his hands over Noah's and mine and then his other cups my face. He brings his mouth down to mine and doesn't waste any time, his tongue enters, finds mine and we lose ourselves in each other. I feel Noah's hand quickly move from mine, then I come back to reality and break from the kiss to watch Noah stand. He doesn't even look at me as he walks away. I lower my head so no one can see the pain that is plainly showing. I hear Juan say, “It's ok, don't worry. I will talk to him.” And he stands and follows in the footsteps that Noah had not long taken.

I look back up and find a few faces looking at me and all I see is disgust on them. My heart starts beating faster, my hands turn clammy and I stand. I turn to grab Monica's hand and pull her away from whoever she was talking to.
I have to get out of here
. As soon as we get outside, I take in big gulps of air as I feel like I'm going to pass out. Monica manages to get me into her car and I sit there with my head between my legs breathing in and out.

Monica rubs my back. “Peppa are you ok?”

I sit back up straight and nod a yes, “I will be fine.”

Monica starts the car and takes me back to Noah's. I say sorry and I will phone her tomorrow. She seems worried and asks if I want company till someone gets back. I tell her I'm fine and wave as she drives away. Lara finally opens the front door. I have been banging on for the last fifteen minutes and I'm so mad. I walk straight past her not saying a word and head for my room. I throw myself on the bed but I'm too mad to cry and the word Why starts going around my head. I must have fallen asleep at some point, as I awake and check my phone to see its 3 am in the morning and I’m still in my clothes.

I head to the bathroom and take a quick shower and put on a silk black negligee I bought when I went shopping. My mouth is dry from the alcohol I consumed that night, so I decide to head to the kitchen to get some water. I can hear the lads rehearsing as I open the fridge to find a bottle of water. I shut the door, turn around and walk into a hard, bare chest and I look up into the face of Juan.

“Hi.” He says as he looks me up and down, he touches the strap of my negligee. “I love this, it's very sexy.”

I lower my head, but he brings it back up with his hand to look at him. “I've talked to Noah, its fine, he told me what his problem was. He has let certain things get to him which he will talk to you about.”

“Was it my fault?”

He shakes his head, “No Peppa, it was mine and other factors but like I said, he will talk to you and explain.”

“Ok, thanks for talking to him. I should head back to bed, it's going to be a long day for me.”

He gently places a kiss on my lips, “Noah said you had stock taking to do, can't I tempt you to stay up a little bit longer?” I don’t get the chance to give him an answer as he kisses me till I forget my name.

Juan presses his body closer to mine and I feel myself being pushed backwards until my back comes to rest against the fridge. Juan’s hands start travelling up and down my body. His hands find my ass and he lifts me up, my legs go around his waist. He ends the kiss and lowers his eyes to watch my breasts rise and fall as I struggle to breathe. His hand moves to release my strap from my shoulder and I gasp as I watch it fall to expose one of my breasts. He lowers his head and takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks and his name leaves my lips. He sucks harder, which causes me to push my lower half harder into him and we both let out a moan. He then uses his other hand to push the other strap off, and both my nipples are now begging for attention. He looks up at me and smiles as he takes my newly exposed nipple into his mouth, while his fingers pinch the other one. I can't help the moans that leave me as the pain and pleasure shoots right to my pussy and I rub myself on his hardness.

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