Rock the Viper (16 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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Juan stands and holds his hands out to the both of us and pulls us up for another hug. He asks us to spend time together to get to know each other and he leans in and kisses me, which shocks me but warms me from my head to my toes and I smile. Peppa makes a comment about the kiss and Juan goes on to show her how hot his mouth can be. I want in on the action and it's not long before Peppa is in my arms and I kiss her with all I have. She asks us to never make her choose one over the other. Juan brings us back in for a hug and tells Peppa he would never make us do that and I know I couldn't do that either. He also says jealousy has no place in this relationship and that we need to talk to each other. I'm not going to lie, I’m going to find the jealousy part hard to deal with, but I know I need to keep it in check for this threesome to work. When she says she is willing to try, I kiss her forehead and let her know I'm happy about that. Juan calls me his man and I frown but I let it sink in and find I actually like the idea. Peppa says we should go down to the basement to see what is happening and walks in that direction. Juan takes my hand in his and we follow her like that all the way down. I never did get to explain the whole Jacob black eye thing to her.

Chapter 16  (JUAN)


I wake the next morning and all I want to do is go and find Peppa, take her in my arms and never let her go. So I shower quickly, let Cruz and Saul know I'm heading out on my own to feed as I want to get back to Peppa as quickly as possible. Thirty minutes later I'm fed and hungry for something else and there are only two people who bring out that need in me. And I'm lucky to find them both in the kitchen but I don't like what I hear when I walk in. Noah has upset Peppa and I see the hurt written all over her face. I want to know why, and he better hope he explains himself well to me. Peppa leaves us to it but not before kissing us both. I sit on the chair that Peppa vacated and my whole body gives off the vibe of anger. “What did you do Noah?”

“First off, we both need to talk to Peppa about her safety. She went off with Monica this morning and didn't tell me or leave a note.”

“Fair point, and I will talk to her about that. I'm waiting Noah.”

He runs a hand down his face and I see him shake a little. “A friend paid me a visit and Peppa walked in and saw her kissing me.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Did you say kissing you? I hope you didn't kiss her back?”

Noah shakes his head “No... No, I didn't I swear. Juan it felt wrong having Fay in my arms, it felt so wrong. It wasn't anything special between us. We would fuck and that was it, but I ended it. I told Fay I had found the one I want to be with.”

A frown comes across my face, “So, Peppa saw this and assumed the worst I take it?”

“Yes, I explained the whole thing but I knew I had hurt her. All these emotions are going through me and fuck Juan, its Peppa I want. I even told her I love her, because I do, but how am I supposed to get that across to her. I don't think she trusts me.”

I put a hand on his knee, “It's going to take time, and we will both need to show her we can be trusted.”

Since I walked into the kitchen I could smell the sex on them both and I wanted to know how it was, if he felt more connected with Peppa, so I asked in a roundabout way. “Is there anything else that happened that I need to know about?”

I could see him playing out whatever was running through his head as he smiled and he blurts out. “We had sex.”

I half heartily laugh at him. “So, after she thought you cheated, you had sex?”

“It wasn't like that, somewhere in all that happened she let me in and it was perfect Juan, she's perfect.”

“Fuck, I wish I had been there, and Noah, Peppa and I will have our own time together. I'm sorry I missed out, you lucky man.”

That’s when I hear the shouting coming from the other room and I let Noah know Jacob is here and we make our way to take our places at Peppa's side.

I felt my vampire side take over and my fangs drop down, but I kept my mouth shut so no one could see them. If I had my way, Jacob would be dead on the floor drained but that was the old me. Saul felt it too as he stood behind me and placed a hand on my back and spoke into my mind telling me to calm down. We hadn't used this ability in such a long time that it shocked me and I actually felt myself calming down because of it. I let Jacob have his say. He wasn't going to physically harm anyone. It was with his words that he wanted to cause the most damage. And he did.

As I held Peppa in my arms I felt her pain; the sadness and the hurt at Noah not telling her Jacob gave him the black eye. I was happy that Noah suggested we talk but wasn't happy with what Peppa had to say. This woman truly had no idea how Noah and I felt about her, so I let her know. I knew all of her insecurities, as she was projecting them like no one's business. I made sure she knew I was in this for the long haul. My only concern was the jealously I felt coming from Noah at times, so I would make sure I included him more when the three of us were together.

I made a comment about checking on Cruz, and followed Peppa down to the basement while holding hands with Noah. All the while my thoughts turned to telling them both what I am as I felt the guilt of holding back that information and I would rather they were told by me and no one else. But when is it the right time to tell someone you love that you're a vampire?

As we walk into the basement Saul is strumming away on his guitar and Cruz is trying to teach Monica how to sing, but not with much success. Peppa and Noah take a seat on the sofa and I walk over to my brother.

“Hi Saul, is that Julia's song? It sounds good.”

He stops playing and looks up at me. “Yeah, I'm playing with some different chords trying to make it sound right.”

I smile at him. “I'm sure whatever you do will be amazing, as it's from your heart, so to speak.” And I wink at him and go on to say, “I wanted to thank you for having my back earlier, it could of ended differently, so thanks.” I give him a man hug and smile at him.

He smiles back. “You're my brother Juan, I will always be there for you.” And that causes me to hug him again.

I walk over and sit next to Peppa, she is holding Noah's hand and takes mine too, and that’s how we sit as we watch Cruz and Monica flirt, and I watch him like a hawk so he doesn't step out of line. We all relax and enjoy the moments we share, I can see Peppa sending Noah and I sly glances and she smiles to herself. I could read her mind but I will leave her with her thoughts, as they are making her happy. I put my other arm over the back of the sofa and rest my hand on Noah’s shoulder and he gives me a smile to let me know he's happy with that.

It's not long after that I feel Peppa's head rest on my shoulder as she has fallen asleep. It has been a stressful day for her and I knew what Jacob said still played on her mind.

I tapped Noah on the shoulder and nodded my head down at Peppa. “I will carry her to bed if you can open the doors for me.”

He looks at her with a little sadness in his eyes, as he still feels guilty about what happened today, but he lets go of her hand and stands and says, “Ok.”

She doesn't stir once and when Noah opens the door to her room, I place her on the bed and put the covers over her. I kiss her forehead and say goodnight and Noah does the same. I shut the door behind us and Noah says goodnight and goes to walk away. I grab him by the hand and bring him back to me.

“Today didn't go too well, did it? But it can only get better and you and I will make Peppa happy. I can't wait till we are finally together physically and mentally as a threesome.” I kiss him on the forehead, whisper goodnight to him and saunter to my room.

Chapter 17 (PEPPA)


I don't remember getting to bed last night. I knew someone else must have put me there as I awoke still wearing the dress I wore yesterday. I remember sitting and holding my men’s hands and listening to Cruz sing. Everything came rushing back to me then about yesterday, but I pushed it down. It was a new day and I was going to show the world that I was strong. Of course I wasn't, but I had to try. I get ready and put on my underwear a pair of jeans and Cami top and head out to the kitchen to make a cup of tea and some toast.

I turn the radio on and dance to a song while I wait for the kettle to boil and then Viper's song comes on and I freak out, “OMG! OMG, they are on the radio!” And I start jumping up and down and clapping my hands.

A voice suddenly comes from the back of me, “Bloody hell Peppa. Keep the noise down will you, you will give me a headache.”

I turn to Monica, still excited, and grab her shoulders and shake her while jumping up and down again. “They’re on the radio Monica, listen.” I start singing along to the song.

That's when I notice what she is wearing as I look her up and down. I stop what I’m doing as my jaw hits the floor.

She stands there with the biggest smile spreading across her face, “Cat got your tongue Peppa?”

I was speechless for about a second, “O.M.G you stayed over last night and that’s Cruz's T-shirt.”

She looks down at herself, “Is it? I picked it up off the floor somewhere.”

I wag my finger at her with a smile, “You slept with him? OMG you slept with Cruz.”

She giggles and nods her head yes, “Oh Peppa, his body is to die for and his dick, I swear it huge.” She goes on to show me how huge Cruz is by showing me with her hands. “He must be about this big I reckon.” We both giggle.

I feel hands go around my waist and then a kiss to my neck, “Morning beautiful, and what's so big?”

I turn in Noah's arms and place a kiss on his lips and my mouth finds his ear as I whisper, “Cruz’s dick is that big.”

He laughs and then whispers in my ear, “Add another inch to that and he will be a donkey.”

I slap him on the chest but giggle at the same time. He places another kiss to my neck and works his way to my mouth.

I hear Monica clear her throat, “Ok I'm going to get dressed and go home. Peppa ring me later, I have details.”

But I don't get to answer her as Noah takes me in a mouth-watering kiss so I lift my hand and wave instead.

When we are able to breathe again, I tell him about the bands song being on the radio, which makes him smile but he didn't jump up and down like I did. Noah says he has a few phone calls to make and asked if there was anything I wanted to do today.

“I would love to relax and watch films, if you fancy doing that?”

He nods a yes, gives me a quick kiss and heads for his office and says, “See you later,” to me.

I finally get my cup of tea and go and sit in the lounge and relax and enjoy the peace. My phone makes a beep noise and I pull it out of my jeans to check the messages. When I open the message I have received and watch the video I thought I was going to be sick and my hand went to my heart as if I was trying to protect it from breaking. I sit there for I don't know how long trying to rationalize what I saw but I can't, so I watch it again. I hear the music playing and watch two women undress. I see two men sitting there but it's not until the girls get on their laps that I see who it is, as they both look at each other. This weekend has gone from bad to worse as I watch the two men who say they love me let these women grind all over them.

The tears fall then, it seems that is all I do lately but there is nothing I can do to stop them. It's not till I have calmed down that I really think about it and start questioning myself. Who and why would someone send me a video like this? I check for a number but there isn't one. I start to put myself in their positions, if I was the one sitting there, would I let a male dancer do the same and the answer to that is yes, but that's all it would be. I have to hope that was all it was to for them. 

I think back to last night and the talk we had. I believed what Juan and Noah had told me. I needed to start trusting them. Then I'm back to who would send it to me and Jacob is the only one I can think of and that makes me angry. I'm not going to let that small minded jealous idiot ruin things for me and I decide to talk to Juan and Noah about it. I go to the bathroom freshen up and make my way back to the sofa. I wish the image of their hands on other women's bodies would stop repeating in my head but it's going to take time.

Noah shouts out to me about an hour later, I had turned the TV on but really wasn't watching it. “Peppa guess what?” He laughs, “You will never guess, so I’m going to tell you. The band has a radio interview Wednesday night at the local university but they phoned and asked if Viper could play a few songs after. I thought we could all go make a night of it.”

I look at him standing in the door way and force a smile, “That sounds great, oh wait, I was going to do my stock take that night.”

He walks over and sits next to me and asks, “Can you change it?”

I think about it, “Yes, I can do it Thursday night instead.”

He hugs me, “Great, we can get out and have some fun, you can invite Monica if you like.” He stands and heads for the kitchen, “I will make us something to eat and then I'm all yours.”

I smile at that thought and tell myself, “I can do this, I'm going to be strong.”

Noah and I had started watching the third film in our marathon when Juan made his presence known. We had watched a comedy and then I let him watch one he wanted where the men were all action heroes. We were comfy lying together on the sofa when Juan walks over sits on the floor and gives me a hello kiss and says Hi to Noah and looks at the TV.

“So what are you watching?”

My hand instantly goes to his hair and I run my fingers through it, “The Lost Boys, it's my favourite film.”

Juan turns his head to look at me. “Really? You like Vampire films?”

I smile, “Yes, I love them.”

Cruz and Saul are next to make an appearance and Noah sits up and tells them about Wednesday. They seem excited to be getting the chance to play live again and Cruz wants to start rehearsing straight away. I also tell them about hearing their song on the radio this morning and how excited I was. Cruz said, “Cool.” And smiled.

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