Rock the Viper (25 page)

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Authors: Sammie J

BOOK: Rock the Viper
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I woke her with a kiss and I didn't want to stop there, but as soon as she knew Juan was in the room, everything changed. She was scared of him and if I was honest with myself, I was too. Juan tried to explain everything from blood to being Entwined and I was taking it all in, but I had a hard time digesting it all and I could see Peppa was having the same problem. Jacob was mentioned again but all I thought about him was I wished he was dead and I never wanted to see him again.

It wasn't till Juan mentioned he could hear our thoughts that I decided to see if that was true. So, I tested him and thought of his tattoo and my thoughts started to clear as I realized that he was the real deal and I needed a moment to myself. So, I headed to the bathroom. Once I was alone and did what I had to do, my business mind kicked in. I had a vampire rock band and I could make millions from that. But I soon squashed that idea as I had images of Juan and the lads being held and tested because we humans wanted to know how vampires worked. Then images came of people trying to kill Juan because they thought he was a monster. That wasn't the only reason. Peppa loved him and I did too, so his secret was safe with me.

When Juan explained the Entwining it hit me that I shouldn't even be involved in this, it should have been Juan and Peppa, but somehow I was the third wheel and that hurt. I watch as Peppa walks over to Juan and he gets on his knees. I don't see the vampire, I see the man when he asks her not to hate him. Peppa cries and I leave the bed to go to her, but she walks to the bathroom and shuts us out. Juan and I stand and look at the door Peppa has walked through. Juan groans and suddenly bends over doubled in pain and I rush to his side.

“Juan is there anything I can do? Should I get Saul or Cruz?”

He stands and looks at me with tears in his eyes. “I need to sleep, the pain is getting too much.” His hand comes to my face but it drops again as he has no strength. “Look after her. I hope you can both accept me. This hurts Noah, and don't ever think you are the third wheel because I'm happy I have you both. I love you and I love Peppa, don't ever forget that.” I watch as the tears fall but then he is gone in a blink of an eye.

I don't know how long I stood there. It was only when Peppa's sobs penetrated my ears that I took action. I went to her room and picked out some clothes for her and left them on my bed as I went to get her out the shower.

When I towel dried Peppa, I told her I was going to make something to eat and to join me when she was ready. We both avoided what we should be talking about and were lost in our own thoughts.  Her phone rang and she talked to whoever.

She told me that the police said she could go back home. Then reality struck and I begged her to stay here with me. I could tell she was hurt and confused and deep down it didn't surprise me when I walked in and saw her with a bag. She needed time and went to Monica's for the weekend. It hurt watching her walk away, it really fucking hurt. I turned to the drink as everything came crashing down around me. I was scared. Peppa had no reason to come back even though she said she would.

I was sitting on the sofa when Juan walked in and I told him she had gone, he took it bad. I could see the pain etched on his face and he quickly made his escape. I hadn't had anything to eat since earlier and the drink was making me feel fuzzy, so I laid out on the sofa. I suddenly had a flash back of a woman on top of me moaning. I struggled to breathe. I died right there as my heart stopped beating for a second. I fucked another woman, I cheated on Peppa and I couldn't stop the tears that came and I cried like a baby. 

I heard Saul talking to me, but I kept thinking I was going to lose Peppa when she found out. Then Juan was there talking to me, trying to calm me down. Saul made it clear I hadn't fucked the woman, as I couldn't get hard. Which was a relief and then I was angry and wanted to lash out at Jacob. The hate for that man grows stronger with each minute. And once again Saul put me at ease by telling me Jacob had been dealt with.

Juan gets on the sofa with me and holds me. I send a text to Peppa letting her know how we both feel, and I can only hope she feels the love for us too. Because if she didn't accept Juan then there would be three very broken people and I couldn't lose either of them.

The next day I went to the office, I couldn't be in the house if Peppa wasn't there. I sat there for most of the day thinking everything through and the one thing I kept telling myself is,
I'm not letting her go, she can have her space but she's not walking away from me.

As soon as I walked through my front door I heard arguing and I walked in to Lara shouting the odds that she would tell me she saw Juan and Peppa fucking. It came as a bit of a surprise to her when I told her the truth. And then out of nowhere she dropped a bomb of her own. The first time she let Eric into her life she ended up in hospital. He involved her in a robbery and she crashed the car. She lost her baby she didn't know she was carrying and he went to prison, where I thought he still was. And when she said she was going to marry him from the insurance money from the Flat that Eric had destroyed. I lost my fucking mind. Peppa was shocked. I could see that and I could also see the hurt and betrayal she felt and it didn't surprise me when she walked away.

I started pacing the floor and turned to my sister and shouted, “Why Lara? You are so stupid to think that man loves you. Why would you let him back into your life after the last time?” She tries to say something. “No, I love him doesn't work with me Lara. I want you out of this house. I want you gone Lara.”

I turn my back to her and I hear her say, “You choose Peppa over me?”

I try to keep my temper when I turn back to her say, “This isn't about Peppa, you stupid girl. This is about the choices you made and the company you keep. Get out of my house Lara!” 

It's then I hear Juan say Peppa's name and watch his blurred figure rush out the front door and I start to follow. What I witness breaks my heart as the two people I care for are both hurting and I don't know what to do about it. I help Juan off the floor and catch a glimpse of Peppa as she walks away. I tell Juan she will come back to us, even though I'm not sure if that is true.

I lead Juan back into the house and Lara walks towards us. She has a bag in her hand. She stops in front me and says, “Noah I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt anyone.”

I shake my head, “Leave Lara.” And I carry on walking.

The next day I don't leave my room. I can't face anyone. Funny thing, there is no one to face as there are only vampires in my house now and they won't be up for hours. So I lie there, I don't even answer my phone when it rings, as the tune that it plays tells me it's work, and then the next one that comes tells me it Lara and she can go to hell. I send a text off to Peppa asking if she is OK but nothing comes back.

I finally decide to get up as I need to eat and head for the kitchen. After I make some food I make a beeline for my office but I stare into space. I send another text to Peppa asking where she is, again nothing and I start to worry and question myself.
I hope she isn't hurt? Why isn't she talking to me? I should go and find her?
But yet I still sit there and do nothing.

I notice it's now dark and decide to head back to bed. I hear my name being called and find Juan standing there. He looks destroyed and sad and I wish I could make it all better. He's the first one to speak. “Have you heard from her?”

“No, I have sent texts but she hasn't answered.”

He lowers his head and puts his hands in his jeans, “Ok. Noah?” He looks up at me. “Will you let me know if she gets in contact?”

I walk over to him and take him in my arms, “Of course I will.”

He pulls away from me and looks me up and down, which causes my dick to stir. “Noah you stink. Go take a shower. I'm all for sweat, but for the right reasons.” He winks at me.

I laugh and blush at the same time. “Thanks for that. I’m off to get one now and then bed. Work tomorrow, and a lot to catch up on.”

He leans in and gives me a quick kiss, “Talk soon and sleep well, goodnight Noah.”

I smile at him “Goodnight.” And I turn and walk to my room. I send one more text to Peppa asking her to please get in touch as I'm worrying and head for a shower.

When I get back I find a text from her and I'm so elated my fears take a back seat. I let her know I need a cuddle and she texted back saying she does too. I arrange to go and see her at work and I actually smile out of pure pleasure, as I feel the need for my Peppa. I send one more text and I fall to sleep.

I couldn't wait to see Peppa, but because I had let work go, I was so busy catching up that I didn't get to go over and see her till the afternoon. I watched her through the window for a bit but couldn't hold back any longer. I walked into the Café and made my way to her and held her tight. I asked her to come home and once I told her Lara was gone, I could see that made her happy. I was expecting to have to beg her more so when she asked if I can pick her up, I was shocked but content.

I couldn't let go of her hand on the drive home as I needed to know that she was real and she was really coming back. My phone went as soon as we entered the house and I left Peppa to answer it. It was Juan telling me he had left and there was a note for me on the TV. I was angry at him and shouted, “Juan! Are you kidding me?! I brought Peppa back home. She wanted to see you.”

I hear him say shit and he says, “Read the note Noah.”

I hear Peppa call my name, “I have to go. I can't believe you would do this Juan.” And I hang up on him. I hear Peppa call me again and this time something in her voice makes me run to her.

My blood runs cold when I see my sister lying on the floor battered and bruised. I run over and ask Peppa what happened, but she doesn't know. I look over my sister and I know who did this to her but I ask anyway. I see red when she says his name and I want to kill the bastard. I calm myself outwardly, but inside I'm raging. I ask Lara where he is and she tells me. I make sure Peppa will stay with Lara and the red mist of anger comes over me and I walk away to deal with the bastard called Eric.

I don't remember the ride to Lara and Peppa's flat. I don't remember kicking in the door, but I do remember the first punch to Eric's face and landing him on his ass. I spit out my next words as I looked down on him, “You touched my sister, and marked her body. Now you will fucking suffer and I hope I kill you.”

He gets up and comes at me and punches me in the face but I laugh at him. “Come on woman beater is that all you have. Why don't you show me how big and tough you are?” I kick him in the balls. He grabs me as he goes down and we both end up on the floor. I punch him again and again.

I suddenly feel myself being lifted off him and I hear Juan's voice when he puts me back down, “Noah don't move, let me sort out this piece of filth.” I watch him stalk Eric as he struggles to get up. Juan lifts him up in the air by his throat and I wait for the punch to happen, but it doesn't.

Juan speaks calmly to him saying, “You will walk away from here in the next five minutes and go to the nearest police station. Once there you will confess to trying to kill Lara and you will also admit to the burglary at her home.” Juan drops him to the floor.

All I can think is that's not enough. I want him dead like I want Jacob dead. They need to be wiped from this earth for hurting the one's I love. I try and crawl over to Eric but Juan stops me. He talks some sense into me and makes me realize what I can lose. And he helps me to my car and drives us to the hospital.

When we get there I'm told a doctor will come and tell us more and we are pointed to a room to wait in. When I see Peppa, I see the relief on her face and I take her in my arms. I know I made the right decision to walk away from Eric because she is my forever. I tell her I'm off to see if I can get anyone to tell me about Lara and when I walk past Juan I say quietly, “You told me not to let her go, that she was my forever, now it's your turn. Make it right Juan.” And I leave them to it.

I head to the nurses station and I see a doctor stood there. I ask again about Lara and the doctor tells me he was coming to see me and points to some chairs and he walks over and sits and I follow.

He looks down at his file then back up at me, “Your sister is resting right now, I gave her something to sleep as she is in a lot of pain.”

I nod, “Will she be ok?”

He smiles, “She will heal. The ribs will take longer to heal as will the bruises. She is a very lucky woman.”

The doctor goes to stand but I put my hand on his arm, “She has broken ribs?”

“Yes, two in fact, but like I said she is lucky and will make a full recovery.”

I mutter, “Bastard” under my breath.  I stand and shake his hand, “Thanks for looking after her.”

He pats me on the shoulder and walks away.

I make my way back to Juan and Peppa and I'm greeted by them eating each other’s faces and voice to them I always miss out on the fun. When I tell them about Lara's injuries, Peppa blames herself but I won't let her and tell her so. I know I'm not to blame, but part of me feels I should have seen the signs. The image of Lara's body on the floor comes to me and I let the emotion take me over. All three of us are soon wrapped around each other and I feel the love from them both and show it back by holding them that little bit tighter.

We decide to head home and Juan and Peppa talk about meeting tomorrow to talk. Juan leans in and kisses me and whispers to my lips, “You need each other tonight, make love to her Noah as the three of us will be together soon.” We say our goodbyes to Juan and head home.

I ask her to stay with me and she agrees and when I notice she is covered in blood, I look down at myself and see the same, so I suggest a shower. I can see she is tired and I feel it too. I wanted to take her to bed and make love, to hold her and tell her I love her. But as soon as we are in the shower and washing each other’s bodies, I knew we wouldn't make it to the bed. I needed her, I needed to make her mine after the devastating weekend we all had. This was our moment to enjoy each other and I needed to be inside her so bad. I didn't waste any time. I had her up against the shower wall and I fucked her hard and fast and we both took each other’s pleasure and screamed it out.

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