Romance: Sports Romance: ON SIDE (Secret Baby Pregnancy Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Fiction) (23 page)

BOOK: Romance: Sports Romance: ON SIDE (Secret Baby Pregnancy Football Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Fiction)
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Chapter Twelve


I decided that it would be best if I came out to my parents first then take on the heat of the press, who I was almost sure would be more forgiving than my folks.  The rest of the world seemed to be on the track of understanding more so than the Drakes and they would be my biggest obstacle when determining my happiness.  If I came out to my mother and she forbid me her love, it would surely break me but if she could come around and accept that I’m still the same person, I just have feelings for men like I’d never had for women, maybe our relationship wouldn’t suffer as I so anticipated.  The moment of truth was upon me and as I walked up the cobblestone path to their front porch, I felt as if my arms and legs were attached to cement weights and the breath in my chest fought its way into my lungs.  Unable to breathe, I paused before walking up the steps to the porch, held onto the railing and unfastened the top button of my shirt.  Telling myself that no matter what, my parents would stand beside me and love me, I tried to believe the words I was forcing into my mind as I lifted my right foot to take the first step towards truth.  I turned the knob to my parent’s front door and walked through as if I had never before been inside the house.  It felt as if my chest were crushing my heart and lungs and the air was too thin for me to catch a good breath no matter how hard I tried to draw a deep breath. 

“Slow down and breathe.  Just breathe, Chad, you can do this.”  I whispered the words aloud because not only did I need to say them, I had to hear them and reassure myself that this was what I needed to do if I was ever going to live my own life and find true happiness.  Walking through the foyer and into the living room, I found my parents sitting on the sofa awaiting my arrival, for I’d called them only minutes earlier alerting them that we had to talk.

“Chad, darling.  I hope all is well.  You aren’t sick, are you?  Please tell me that you aren’t sick.”  My mother was always so dramatic and the idea of telling her that I had cancer to lighten the fact that I was just  gay had crossed my mind but I couldn’t do that to her on top of breaking her heart with my gayness. 

“Oh, Margaret, sit down and let the boy breathe.  If he wasn’t dying before he walked in, he surely will be once you suck out all the oxygen from the room, now just sit down and let him say what he’s got to say.”  My father had always been a man who liked to just get to the point and speak his mind and my mother couldn’t be more opposite when it came to conversation.  She could take ten minutes to let you know that her mailman ran late or explain how the humidity in the living room seems to change around midday.  She was a talker and had been known to over explain and I’d taken some of her traits but never hated the fact that I wasn’t like my father and just said what was on my mind more than I did in that moment.

“No, Mom, I’m not dying but there is something that I have to tell you and I’m pretty sure that you aren’t going to like it.  I mean, it’s nothing too horrible but I know how you don’t like to be disappointed and I just want you to know that I’m sorry if what I’m about to say hurts you because I never want to do that.”  I noticed that my father shifted in his seat and could tell that he was already getting aggravated by my rambling.  They knew that I tended to rattle on when I was nervous but my father was not the type of man who liked to just sit and talk so instead of dragging it out any longer, I took a deep breath and looked at my mother’s sweet face and said,

“I’m not sick, mother, I’m gay.”  She blinked as if she’d not heard me and my father gave a slight chuckle under his breath, looked at me and said,

“I’ve got yard work to do.”  As he walked out, he patted me on the shoulder but he didn’t say another word, leaving me confused but slightly relieved that he didn’t want to stay and yell at me.  Mother’s face was exactly as I’d imagined it would be and she silently began to sob as her eyes filled with tears.

“Why?  What did I do wrong?  I did everything right to make sure my family turned out normal and I’ve got a daughter who only used her talents of reproduction instead of her marvelous mind, a son who chooses to stay high or in jail rather than be a good son to his mother and now this.  Oh, goodness.”  My mother shook her head as she wrung her hands in her lap and I sat down beside her and put my arm around her shoulders.

“This isn’t the end of the world, Mom.  I’m healthy, happy and have a good career and all I need is to finally be able to be myself and not have to hide who I am anymore.”  Fat tears rolled down her face as she looked at me and said,

“But, you’re going to hell.”  The words sliced me like a knife through the heart as I looked at her and said,

“I simply can’t believe that, mother.  You raised me right and did everything exactly the way you were supposed to and that includes teaching me right from wrong and lying about who I am is wrong.  I’m attracted to men, not women.  Nothing has changed, I’m still the same man that was here not long ago for a barbecue, tossing the ball around with dad and drinking beer with the neighbors.  I’m still your son, I just will have a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend.”  She let out a whimper as the thought of me with another man entered her mind and she stood up and walked towards the hallway, stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to face me.

“My firstborn son is going to hell and I can’t go with him, the least I can do is feed him while he’s still on earth.  Come in the kitchen and get something to eat.”  She turned back towards the rear of the house and I felt my heart drop, knowing that she felt such disappointment in me and also knowing that she didn’t want me anywhere near her food or her kitchen so I slipped out the front door and walked to my truck.  I’d call my father later and we’d talk but my mother would need more time to sort things out in her own mind.  Even if she thought I was going to hell, she didn’t tell me that she hated me or call me an abomination, so that’s always a good sign when dealing with Margaret Drake.  As I drove out of the residential neighborhood, I decided to call Jason instead of going home and when he answered, I smiled and said,

“Hey, secret lover.”

Chapter Thirteen


Coming out to the coaches and public weren’t part of Jason’s deal in making me wait to be with him so when he agreed to meet me at my house in an hour, I immediately became rattled, for I wasn’t sure what to do in order to seduce him properly.  I could do anything my heart desired but had no idea what to do for such a special night, so I decided that I couldn’t go wrong with Chinese delivery and booze.  I stopped off at a liquor store and grabbed a couple bottles of champagne, some bourbon and a bottle of vodka to add to my nearly stocked bar at home.  I’d not felt this nervous in a while and decided that the best thing to do was probably go home and pamper myself a bit before my date showed up.  Had I specified that it was a date?  Should I have picked him up and taken him somewhere?  The last thing I wanted to do was start off my homosexual life on the wrong foot and make a mistake somewhere that may cost me somehow.  What I needed to do was calm down and relax because I already knew that Jason was gay, interested and waiting for me to come out to my parents so it was pretty much a done deal.  But I had to wonder, to what extent?  Was he going to be my boyfriend or someone who passed the nights at my side?  How was it all going to work?  We would have time to figure all of that out soon enough and as I got closer to my house, the more nervous I became, knowing that soon I would have Jason in my arms and could finally begin my life.

He arrived precisely when I expected and before I could get the first sentence out of my mouth, he placed his hands on the back of my head and pulled me in for a kiss.  Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his body and moaned as I kicked the door closed behind us before pushing him against it.  The feeling of his body against mine was refreshing and so inviting that I didn’t want to release him but I couldn’t begin the evening by ravishing his body, no matter how badly I wanted him.  Pulling away while playfully biting his bottom lip, I smiled as I said,

“Welcome to my coming-out party, right this way, sir.”  Taking him by the hand, I led him through the house to the back where I’d arranged for us to dine beside the pool.  I didn’t go too overboard but I did whip up a few chocolate covered strawberries to go with the wine and instead of Chinese takeout I decided to let Jason decide and we could order later since I didn’t want it to get cold before he arrived.   There were takeout menus from every eatery within ten miles laid out on the patio table and as he took his seat, I waved my hand in front of them as to present them to him in an elaborate manner.

“Food will be served as soon as you pick your cuisine, good sir.”  I smiled as I took my seat across from him and saw that he seemed totally at ease and pleased with the corny gesture.  He glanced to the menus on the table and looked up to me with a hunger in his eye and said,

“What I want isn’t available for delivery,” then with a sly wink, licked his top lip.  The urge to jump across the table to him was severe but I also felt the need to show a bit of restraint and not act like a hopeless schoolboy.  His blue eyes seemed to burn a hole into my soul as he seductively pulled me in with them as I could feel nothing but the pounding in my chest.  Desire drove me towards him but the need to seem as if I were in control of it pushed me to stay in my seat against the intense urging from my loins. 

Trying to distract the lust that built itself deep within, I reached for the bottle of champagne that had been chilling and poured us each a glass, returned the bottle to the ice then raised my glass with a smile.  Jason picked up his glass by the stem and listened intently as I said,

“Here’s to finally being able to breathe, at long last being able to live and after all this time, giving myself the chance to be happy.”  Jason smiled as he raised his glass and said,

“To happiness,” as he delicately touched the rim of his glass to mine.  The way he looked at me seemed to fill my heart with such a feeling that erased the disappointment that I’d seen on my mother’s face.  As we drank to my newfound life, the phone in my pocket began to ring and I embarrassingly looked to Jason and said,

“Excuse me,” when I saw that it was my father.  I answered and rose from my seat, placing my back to Jason as I spoke just in case my face gave away something that I wasn’t ready for him to see yet.

“Hi, pops,” was how I always answered his calls and I saw no reason to change that now.

“I just want to say this once and don’t feel like having to repeat it, so listen up, boy.  It surprised the hell out of me when you took Alice Taylor to the prom because I’d always known that you weren’t like the other boys when it came to girls.  Your mother never wanted to see it but a father knows his son and loves him regardless of who he loves.  Just know that she’ll come around and we love you.  Alright?”  I was glad that Jason couldn’t see my face because the tears running down my cheeks weren’t very sexy or masculine and would probably ruin my chances of appearing macho.  I sniffled and straightened my face as I smiled and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, replying,

“Yeah, pops.  I love you, too.”  I could see my father’s face in my mind as he nodded and said,

“Well, alright then.”  The phone went silent and I turned around to look at Jason with a smile on my face as I rushed to his side and took him in my arms.  Kissing him deeply, I felt the rise between his legs as I held him close to my body, feeling his strong arms pull me closer to him.  With my hand on the back of his neck, I lightly traced my fingers down the curve of his shoulder, down his arms where I found his hand and interlaced my fingers with his.  As I pulled away to look into his eyes, Jason smiled and said,

“That must have been one hell of a phone call.”

Chapter Fourteen


Jason and I kissed and groped each other with a heated passion that was far more intense than anything I’d experienced before, even with Mateo.  Knowing him before becoming physical gave us a stronger bond and deeper connection so when I finally found myself in his embrace, the pleasure was that much more satisfying.  The driving lust that pushed us together was feeding my soul, making me a savage when it came to the powerful desire I had to be near Jason.   Moaning as I tugged at his shirt, he raised his arms so that I could pull it over his head before removing my own.  His body was muscular and hard, toned with the perfect six pack and I couldn’t help but run my hand down the front of his body as I made a guttural moan while biting my lip, using every bit of restraint that I had left not to take him then and there.  He took my hand as it reached the waistband of his pants and placed my palm on his rigid erection as he rolled his hips forward.  I gasped as I placed my mouth on his, gripping Jason’s cock through the jeans as I massaged his tongue with my own.  Jason’s eager hand manipulated the buckle on my belt with an agility that showed he’d done it a time or two and as nimble fingers unfastened the button on my pants, I attempted to free him of his jeans as well but he pulled his hips away with a coy grin.  Staring into my eyes, Jason reached into my pants and pulled out my massive erection, gripped it at the base and slowly stroked towards the head.  He gave me a quick kiss then dropped to his knees before me, placing his eager mouth around my cock as I released an audible sigh.

His warm mouth gently pulled on the tender flesh of my stiff rod as he slid his mouth up and down, going deeper each time he bobbed his head, sending the entire length of my shaft down his throat.  I closed my eyes as I placed my hand on his head, feeling the way he was working my dick and loving every second.  Rolling my hips toward him with each stroke, thrusting into his mouth as he greedily sucked every inch, I watched as my dick disappeared into his mouth with a smile.  I was entirely too worked up to contain myself and I was about to come so I locked eyes with him and slowly nodded my head and said,

“Oh, that’s it, oh shit, Jason!”  He closed his eyes and pumped my throbbing dick with his hand as he took every drop that I’d given him with a smile.  I couldn’t wait to taste him so as soon as he removed myself from his mouth, I urged him to trade places with me and I dropped before him like an eager servant.  I would serve him anyway possible if it meant that I could feel his touch any time I wanted and as soon as I got the round, taut head of his dick into my mouth, I was hooked.

Moaning as I pulled the thick shaft in and out of my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the head and worked the length with my hand.  I was working into a good rhythm when I heard him moan and inhale sharply as his fingers gripped my hair.  My own erection began to rouse once again as the feeling of him sliding in and out of my mouth drove me into a frenzy.  He moaned and bucked his hips forward as I took him down my throat, relishing the taste of his flesh as I closed my eyes.  Jason pulled himself from my mouth and looked into my eyes as he said,

“Let’s take this inside.”  With a nod of his head and coy smile from the corners of his lips, I decided that he was absolutely right and we needed more privacy and comfort than the concrete around my pool could offer.  I took him by the hand and led him into the house but before I could head to the stairs that led to my room, he pulled my hand and we met in a wild embrace before falling onto the couch in each other’s arms.  I could feel his manhood pressing against mine as his hand pulled my head to his and my arms tried to envelop his body.  Kissing with such a passion that I felt as if I would come again simply from his touch, he raised my head from his mouth and looked into my eyes as he said,

“I want you.”  He hungrily kissed me before once again staring into my eyes and giving me a resonating, “Now!”  Burying my face in the tender flesh of his throat, I suckled as I playfully nibbled the crook of his neck as my hand wandered farther down his body.  When I met his engorged cock, I gave it a few strokes as he moaned in response to my touch and I allowed my fingers to venture a bit past his balls where I found his tight, eager hole.  I slid my finger around the opening before inserting it to the knuckle as I kissed him deeply, readying him for my entrance.  He moaned and rolled himself towards me, attempting to take more of my finger than I was willing to give, teasing him beyond his limits.

Jason placed his head back against the arm of the sofa and I nestled myself between his legs as I playfully bit his bottom lip before tenderly sliding my tongue between his lips and being greeted by his hungry, suckling mouth.  Leaning down to retrieve the lube that I used for masturbation that was kept underneath the coffee table, I opened the door and found the petroleum jelly that was calling my name.  Dipping my fingers into it before generously applying it to not only my head and shaft, but Jason’s anxious ass as well, I made sure that we were more than amply ready for the fun to begin.  Pressing the head against his tight ass, he moaned and gripped the flesh of my back as he closed his eyes and rolled his hips forward.  I pulled back from him, allowing his ass to grip the tip of my cock before slowly driving myself into him as he pulled his legs up and wrapped them around my waist.  He held on to me as if he never wanted to let me go and I began to gently slide in and out of him, Jason matched my motions with the bucking of his hips.  I raised up on my knees and ran my hands the length of his chest, watching his body as he took the length of my dick.  My hand took his thick cock and stroked it in time with the thrusting of my hips and as I jerked him off, he took every inch I had to offer.  Jason closed his eyes and smiled as he moaned and writhed underneath me in complete ecstasy.  His cock was hard and rigid and he opened his eyes to stare into mine as he whispered,

“That’s it, just like that.”  I kept my eyes on him as he began to slowly nod and search my eyes as if he were looking for help just before he shut them and exploded in my hand, shooting semen all over his own chest with potent thrusts.  I groaned as I felt his ass grip my cock as the powerful pulsations that fueled his orgasm brought me to a climax of my own.  Closing my eyes as I grabbed both of his hips and delivered a heartfelt,

“Fuck, yeah,” I emptied myself into him.  Jason’s hand found the back of my head and he pulled me in for a kiss as I fell beside him on the wide sofa, breathless and completely satisfied for the moment.  It didn’t take us long before we were once again worked up enough for round two, which started on the floor in front of the sofa and ended on the stairs then round three in the shower.  We finally managed to go to bed in each other’s arms after spending the entire night getting to know each other as well as possible. 

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