ROMANCE: The Bad Boy Meeting (57 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: The Bad Boy Meeting
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Chapter Eleven


              Dancing at The Woodshed was like a rebirth for Rebecca. She finally felt like her own person again, rather than someone controlled by fear and anxiety. She felt a confidence that she’d never felt even before her mother was killed. She was twenty-six but she felt like she was finally blossoming for the first time and it was all thanks to Jude. Without him, her life would be empty and she couldn’t even begin to describe how thankful she was for him.

              They’d only been seeing each other for a few months and hadn’t even admitted that they were dating yet, but Rebecca knew she was falling for him. He was everything she’d ever wanted in a man and he gave her the things she never even knew she needed. He didn’t try to shower her with gifts or money. Instead, he showered her with praise and adoration which she needed more than she’d ever need things or money.

              She was on her way to meet Jude for dinner and hummed softly, locking to door to her house. When she turned around she let out a little scream, surprised to see her ex-husband standing beside her car. He was a raggedy mess with dirty hair and a ripped suit. His eyes were bloodshot and his shoes falling apart. Was he…Homeless? He looked like he’d been wandering the streets for weeks.

              “Jimmy  ? Jesus, you scared me.”

              “Yeah. Sorry about that, Becca.” He murmured, scratching his arm almost nervously. “Hey, so…Things didn’t work out with Ashley.”

              Rebecca frowned, clutching her keys tightly and keeping her eyes training on the man in front of her. “I’m sorry to hear that.” She murmured, making sure there was some distance between her and the ragged looking man.

              “I was wondering if I could move back in until I can get back on my feet? Maybe we can make things work between us. Leaving you was a mistake, Becca. I love you and it was the worst mistake of my life. Do you think you could ever forgive me?” He asked, stepping forward, his arms stretched out to her. He was asking her but he was clearly expecting a very specific answer.

              She stepped back, eyes narrowed. “Stay where you are, Jimmy  .”

              “Becca…It’s me.”

              “I know very well who you are and I’m not going to forgive you.” She said sharply.

              Maybe if he’d come to her door step three months ago she would have forgiven him and let him move back in. Maybe the old Rebecca would have been just desperate enough to let him in her house, but this Rebecca was stronger than that. This Rebecca had more respect for herself than Jimmy  ever had for her.

              “Rebecca…I’m begging you, here. You think this is easy for me?”

              “I never said that, but I’m not under any obligation to help you. You
me, Jimmy  ! You ran off with some girl you thought was prettier and deserved you more than I did. You weren’t willing to deal with me at my worst and you never even made an attempt to help me get better! You took advantage of me and then when you didn’t want to deal with me anymore, you just tossed me aside!” She said, voice rising in anger.

              “It was a mistake, Becca.”

              “A three-year mistake? You treated me like shit for three years and now that your dopey little girlfriend can’t support you, you think you’re going to walk back into my life?” She whispered, tears in her eyes as she stepped forward, her shoulders squared.

              It was Jimmy  ’s turn to take a step back. “What has gotten into you?”
              “What’s gotten into me? Ha! That’s laughable. This is the real me, Jimmy  . The version of me that doesn’t need
.” She whispered, eyes narrowed. “This is the version of me you kept stifled and now she’s out and she’s out for blood. You best get out of my way before I mow you down.”

              Jimmy  ’s eyes went from shocked to angry in a split second. The rage behind his muddy brown eyes was almost palpable, but Rebecca could care less.

              “You think any other man is ever going to want you?! Huh?! You’re so damn neurotic I’m surprised you still have any fucking friends. Or have they run off too?”

              She smirked and took another confident step forward. “I have plenty of friends and I have a boyfriend.” She snapped, making him stumble back.

              “Sure you have him now but when he sees the real you, he’s going to run for the hills just like I did! It’ll be a miracle if his lasts half as long as I did.”

              “Don’t insult him by comparing him to yourself. He’s ten times the man you’ll even hope to be and he’s seen the real me…This
the real me! Now get out of my way!”

              She shoved the car door open, feeling a certain amount of satisfaction when it slammed into the stubby, brown-haired man and knocked him to the ground.

              She turned the key and started the car, tires squealing as she pulled out of the driveway, her heart racing and a grin plastered all over her face. She’d never stood up to Jimmy  before and damn it felt amazing to tell him off.


Chapter Twelve


              When Rebecca arrived at the café she and Jude were supposed to meet at she was all smiles. She spotted him on the other side of a short, wrought iron fence, sipping his coffee and reading that day’s newspaper. He didn’t look up until she settled across from him and smiled softly, chuckling at her bright grin.

              “What are you so happy about today?” He asked, setting the coffee and the paper down, offering her his undivided attention.

              She put her shaking hands on the table and he frowned, looking over at her and touching her fingers gently. “Why are you shaking, darling?”

              “Jimmy  came to my house.” She whispered, still grinning even though her voice shook a bit.

              Jude’s eyes snapped open and he stared at her, frowning deeply. “What do you mean Jimmy  came to your house?”

              “He just showed up and he was begging me to take him back! I think he’s homeless! Oh my god, he was a mess.” She whispered, running her hand through her hair.

              “Rebecca..If he came to your house this is very serious.” He murmured softly.

              She blinked and cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

              Sometimes her innocence terrified him. “He could be a threat to you. What did he say?”

              “He just kept asking to move back in and I told him no.”

              “Did things get violent?”

              She chewed her lip and looked down at her hands, wringing her hands nervously. “Well…I yelled a lot and I almost ran him over…” She murmured.

              Jude’s eyes narrowed. “Did he touch you?”

              “He tried but I got away before he could get too close.” She said softly, twisting her hair around her finger.

              He nodded and ran his hand through his sandy hair, sighing and nodding. “Alright. Okay…” He murmured, his gaze going blank as he got lost in thought.

              Rebecca watched him silently for a moment before she reached out and touched his cheek gently. “Jude?”

              “Yeah, angel?”

              “Do you really think he’d hurt me?”

              He sighed softly and leaned forward. “I really don’t know and that’s what scares me.” He pointed out, touching her hand and patting it gently.

              She nodded and twisted their fingers together for a brief moment. “I’ll be okay. I mean…Maybe I shouldn’t have been so…aggressive but it felt really good to give him a piece of my mind.” She admitted with a weak smile.

              Jude nodded and brought her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles. The scruff of his beard tickled her hand and she let out a little laugh. He smiled and leaned back, humming softly.

              “Well, luckily I have a solution to this little problem.”

              “I think you’re giving him a little too much credit by calling him a ‘problem’.”

              “I know you think he’s harmless, but men do stupid things when their spited and turn away…Even the most unsuspecting person can be a snake in the grass when they’re desperate.” He pointed out.

              She nodded and hummed. “What do you suggest then?” She finally asked.

              “You should move in with me.”

              Her eyes widened at the suggestion and she just blinked at him as if she didn’t understand what he’d suggested. “Move in with you?”

              “Was that too bold?”

              “I mean…I’d love to, Jude…You…Complete me, you know? I never would have had the confidence to tell him to get lost without you…”

              “So it’s my fault, huh? Even more reason for me to be the one to fix it.” He said with a little lopsided grin.

              Rebecca couldn’t help but smile at that grin and she leaned over, kissing the tip of his nose with a smile. “Well…If it’ll make you feel better, I guess I could move in with you.” She said, chewing her lip

              Jude paused and took her hands again, looking down at her fingers. “I never expected this…”

              “Having to moving me in?”

              “I never expected wanting you to move in.” He admitted. “Most of my relationships and one night stands or flings that last for a week or two. I’ve never wanted to be with a woman like I want to be with you.

              A deep blush came to her cheeks and she looked away for a moment, regaining her composure before catching his steady, emerald gaze again.

              “I never saw myself falling in love with you either, Jude. You were a wild stallion and I was afraid you might throw me off.” She whispered, tucking some hair behind her ear

              “You fell in love with me?”

              She laughed and nodded slowly. “I fell hard, Jude Larson.”

              He leaned over the table and pressed his lips to hers as a few people in the café whistled their approval. As they pulled away from the kiss Jude smiled and pressed his forehead to Rebecca’s offering her one more chaste kiss.

              “I love you too, Rebecca.”

              When those words slipped past his lips she felt her heart flutter and put her hands over it as if she were afraid it might fly away. She’d waited so long for this affirmation and to have it now felt amazing. Sure, Jimmy  told her he loved her but she never felt it. With Jude, she felt loved every second of every day, right to her core. She wanted the rest of her life to be like this and she couldn’t help wanting Jude to be the love of her life.

              When she was with him, everything was perfect.


Chapter Thirteen


              The move was easier than Rebecca expected it to be and she had to admit that she was happy when Jude told her he’d be going with her to pick up the things she would need immediately. She packed a large suitcase that would go with her to Jude’s and mover’s would be there the next morning to get the rest of her things.

              By the time they arrived to pack her bags Jimmy  had disappeared, most likely afraid that Rebecca would come back with the cops or a much bigger boyfriend who could easily kick his ass. She was thankful that there wasn’t going to have to be an altercation and she and Jude returned to the condo.

              After she moved, Rebecca decided it was best if she started working from home for a while. Jude’s genuine worry regarding Jimmy  made her a little nervous and she decided it was better to just bring her office home with her. Most of her job either involved working from a computer or going out and meeting clients. It would be easy to telecommute and so she explained the situation to her boss and he was happy to agree to the set up. Sara was disappointed that her best friend was leaving her but understood that it was temporary and necessary.

              It was hard for Rebecca to believe that she was living in one of the most expensive condo’s in New Orleans and it was even harder to believe that she was a billionaire’s girlfriend. She knew Jude was rich but she hadn’t realized just how rich he was until she moved in with him and she started getting everything she wanted. Rebecca was very good at what she did and she liked to consider herself moderately wealthy but it didn’t even come close to stacking up to Jude’s fortune. She was an event planner and he was a successful investor. It was hard to compare their financial status.

              If she even looked at something longer than a few seconds it would end up on the doorstep in a few days with a pretty bow wrapped around it. Apparently, Red had become Jude’s official present wrapper. She appreciated the presents but she appreciated the fact that he took the time to learn the thing she loved and encourage her to follow her dreams. At one point, they’d sat down and he offered to pay for her to go back to school if she wanted to. He would support her so that she could be a professional dancer.

              The offer was enough to bring Rebecca to tears, but the honest truth was that she was happy. It was hard to believe but she liked what she did and she liked her life just the way it was. She would change a thing. She was in love, she was excelling at her job and she finally seemed to be free of her anxiety.

              It wasn’t completely gone yet and she still had bad days. She had days where she would get in her own head and run around the apartment, cleaning every little surface and dusting every book and every piece of furniture. Rebecca would scrub counters and dishes until her knuckles were so raw they bled. She wasn’t perfect but she was getting better.

              On her bad days Jude would come home and wrap his arms around her, kissing her face as she cried. She was afraid he would get tired of her just like Jimmy  had. She was afraid that she’d chase him away and she’d be alone again. Every time She told him she was afraid, Jude just kissed her and promised he would always be there. It was more than she ever could have hoped for and she would break down into tears, holding him tight and rocking against him as she apologized and cried.

              Those were the worst days but they were few and far between. For the most part, she was happy. Living with Jude reminded her of why she’d fallen in love with him and nothing made her happier than to fall asleep beside him.

              He was home most nights, but living with him gave Rebecca a glance into what his working life was like. She’d always assumed he was the type of guy who had a million little henchmen running around making everything happen, but the longer she lived with him, the more she realized he was a very hands-on man who took pride in being a major part of his investment firm. He always seemed to be on the phone or on a skype call. He was a busy man, but Rebecca didn’t mind. He always made time in the evening to sit with her and talk, even if it was only for a few minutes

              When he was too busy to spend time with her, Rebecca taught herself how to cook and kept their house tidy. She’d started dancing at The Woodshed regularly and could often be found practicing her routine in the living room once she pushed all the furniture to the side. Her dancing was graceful and fluid like water and Jude loved watching her.

              Their lives were perfect as far as Rebecca was concerned. They had each other, a beautiful home and a happy life. She was getting better by the day and Jude’s love and devotion didn’t waver one bit.


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