Rough [02] - Roughhousing (2 page)

Read Rough [02] - Roughhousing Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Gay Men, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories, #Gay Couples, #Architects

BOOK: Rough [02] - Roughhousing
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"Now you're just making things up.” The grin trying to escape finally broke free. James quietly laughed, leaning into Bram. Actions shielded by their bodies, James pressed his fingertips over the bulge in Bram's trousers. Voice low and heated, James murmured, “But I can tell this is real.” After a brief, tentative touch, James tried to wiggle his hand free from Bram's grasp.

"Damn right it is, lover. And all for you.” Bram winked at James and tugged him a little closer. “Think this place has an alley out back?” Bram released James’ squirming hand, but thwarted his anxious lover's effort to break free by grabbing Jamie's other hand instead.

"I don't think there is alley in this entire neighborhood. You'll have to save this,” James’ voice quivered slightly as he brushed the back of his hand against Bram's zipper, “for later."

Cheeks a bright shade of pink, James sighed, dipping his head to one side in a gesture Bram recognized as a subconscious effort to shrug off emotional discomfort.

Bram and James had been lovers for only a few weeks, but Bram knew his shy partner's self-conscious mannerisms very well. They were already deep into a committed, monogamous relationship.

Although they were both openly gay, James preferred to live life out of the public eye, where the bolder, more confident Bram took no pains to hide his feelings or his sexual orientation. After a chance meeting in a bar and a seriously hot, rough sex scene in the alley behind it the two men dove head and heart first down the rocky road to making a partnership that would last a lifetime.

They both had flaws and issues to work on, one being James’ skittish discomfort in doing anything in public that brought attention to the fact that he was gay. Bram was working on changing that.

While not one for blatant displays, Bram still wanted to be able to hold Jamie's hand, sling an arm around his shoulders or hug him in public, just like other couples. Bram was a very affectionate man and James responded hungrily to almost any form of loving attention Bram gave him. Bram knew his partner craved it as much as he did, so he took advantage of any situation where he felt he could safely work a little public hand holding into their day.

Catching sight of a blatant display of public affection going on across the room, Bram wrapped his arms around his lover and turned James to face his boss, Philip Dunn, who was presently kissing his wife, the lovely older woman in the wheelchair James had been talking with moments ago. It was a chaste kiss, but it lingered. Smiles graced their lips and a youthful light shone in their eyes.

When Dunn pulled back from his wife, Bram turned James back around to face him and murmured, “If they can do it here, so can we,” just before he planted a soft, sultry kiss on James’ startled, open mouth. Bram's touch was light, but his tongue moved against James’ full lips, tasting it, before pulling away with a slight, toothless nip to James’ lower lip.

Bram gazed down at James’ still closed eyes. A primal, hungry urge grabbed him and he had to fight off the urge to drag his responsive, young lover away to the nearest empty room. James’ eyes flickered open and Bram smiled, slowly drawing back from where he hovered over James’ panting mouth. He was pleased when James seemed to forget about everyone else in the room and stay focused completely on him.

A man cleared his throat behind James, breaking the romantic moment. James gasped, blinked furiously, and darted a quick look around them, but he didn't step back the way Bram was expecting him to. Bram's smile grew bigger and James matched it with a shyer version, nervously biting at his lower lip.

"You okay?” Bram slowly unwrapped his arms from around James’ shoulders, sliding them down James’ lean upper arms to rest at his elbows. His hands held on firmly, fingertips caressing the tense flesh under the expensive dinner jacket.

Releasing his abused lip, James dipped his head again, but smiled. “Yeah, I'm okay."

With a nervous glance to the floor, James suddenly popped up on his tiptoes and placed a quick kiss on Bram's surprised mouth then darted another fugitive glance around at the surrounding guests.

Bram watched as Mrs. Dunn caught James’ wandering glance, then smiled and nodded at them.

Seemingly unprepared for her accepting reaction, James gave her a hesitant, embarrassed look then turned to Bram. He swallowed hard, locked gazes with Bram, and just stood there, staring into Bram's eyes.

Bram made sure that the look on his face and in his eyes told James he was the only one in the room Bram had eyes for, no matter how many others might be looking at him. He let all of the love, deep affection and burning desire he felt for James express itself, holding back nothing. He felt the rush of desire for the handsome man in his arms flood his heart and travel south to his already interested cock. Bram loved the rush being with James gave him. No one had ever affected him as easily and as deeply as this small, shy architect did. Gradually, he felt James relax under his gentle hold.

A blinding smile transformed James’ solemn face, as he slowly nodded and said, “I'm more than all right, Caveman. I'm yours."

Pleased, Bram flexed his huge hands to momentarily tighten his hold on James’ arms, winked at James and murmured, “Damn straight, Tiger. And I plan on showing you just how true that is the first chance I get to carry you off, too."

James snorted, an amused, guttural noise, and pushed away from Bram's questing hands as they lightly traveled down the front of his body. James smiled, but murmured, “You're just going to have to wait. No caveman impersonations in public, please."

Bram slid his hand down James’ arms and captured his lover's wrists before James could break away. He nuzzled the side of James’ face briefly, raking his lips over the man's sensitive ear, and whispered, “Then how about we find ourselves a little privacy?"

"What? We can't! Bram!"

Pulling a hesitant James along behind him, Bram guided the protesting man through the nearby kitchen doorway, past the curious but formal catering staff, and into a side pantry. Bram closed the door, swung James around, and pinned him to it, lips instantly sealed to James'.

Fingers curled into James’ hair on both sides of his head, Bram swallowed down the other man's fading protests. He devoured his lover's heated mouth, working his tongue over every inch of James’ teeth and warm, curved palette. He battled with James’ tongue for a moment before coaxing it into his own mouth. He nibbled and sucked on the sensitive muscle until James’ small, slender body squirmed helplessly against him, head held immobile in Bram's effortless grip.

Sliding one thigh between James’ legs, Bram increased the intensity of their kiss until James was breathless and moaning.

Bram delighted in the feel of James’ hands. First they pushed at his thick upper arms, then kneaded his muscles in what he knew was desire, until they finally twisted into the fabric of his coat sleeves with a desperate sense of urgency.

Bram waited until James began to rub against his restraining thigh before he ended his ravenous assault. He could feel the fleshy rod under James’ trousers harden and shift. The twitching of his lover's cock was hot and unmistakable, held tightly confined against Bram's massive body by his weight and dominating strength.

Barely breaking away, Bram kept his hold on James’ head and leaned their foreheads together, his lips brushing over his partner's as he spoke.

"Did that help you remember who you came with?” Bram kissed a trail of soft caresses down James’ cheek to his exposed neck and back up to his mouth again. Instead of kissing James, Bram nipped at James’ swollen lips and ran the tip of his tongue between James’ lower lip and teeth, teasing the sensitive, slick membranes.

"I know who I came with, and who I belong with. I'm just a little nervous about showing it here.” James lowered his voice and his gaze. “You know that.” He squirmed against Bram's firm hold. Indignant, James hissed, “And it makes me even more nervous to have my boyfriend drag me off to some
broom closet
to make out in
my boss'
house.” He punched Bram hard on one beefy shoulder. “People will talk!"

Bram laughed and enjoyed James’ increased squirming. “People are already talking. They're saying how attractive you are, how sexy you look, how desirable your ass is. Stella Harper couldn't stop talking about you.” He nuzzled James’ ear and blew a stream of hot breath down his lover's neck, delighting in the gasp it produced. “First time I've been turned on by talking to a woman.” He rubbed his jaw over James’ chin and up James’ cheek, enjoying the slight, abrasive slide of their budding five o'clock shadows. “Made me all possessive and horny just listening to how much she wanted you."

"That's nuts. I don't think about other people seeing me that way, you know that.” James moaned and licked at the cleft in Bram's chin as it passed by his mouth.

With a small understanding laugh, Bram kissed the tip of James’ nose. “Yes, I do.” He ran his hands over his lover's lithe form, lingering over the firm globes of James’ pert, rounded ass. “And I've vowed to help you overcome this horrible defect in your otherwise sterling,” he tipped James’ face up by using the pressure of just his forehead to look directly into the other man's eyes, “and very arousing, character."

Swooping down, Bram captured James’ mouth in a searing, no holds barred kiss, taking away his partner's breath and a little of James’ inhibitions with it. When he finally released his lover, James was panting, flushed and mussed, clothes slightly askew and lips red and delightfully swollen.

Bram ran his thumb over the plump flesh and then slipped it into James’ parted mouth where it was immediately sucked in and caressed with a hot, eager tongue. Bram, growled under his breath and let his gaze turn sultry and heated, locking it on James’ own deep blue, needy stare. A timid knock on the pantry door interrupted, and both men reined in their rising desires.

Releasing James, Bram opened the door wide enough to shove one broad shoulder in the space and grinned rakishly at the sweet, young maid blushing outside the door. “We'll be through in a minute. Promise. Then the room's all yours, darling."

The young woman blushed and giggled nervously at the quick wink and wiggled eyebrows he gave her. Bram shut the door and turned to see James straightening his clothing, one hand absently rubbing over his inflamed lips.

Grabbing James’ hand, Bram kissed his lover lightly, opening the door with his other hand. “Let's go get this dinner over with. I want to take you home and spend the rest of the night showing you just how aroused your character has made me.” He wiggled his eyebrows again, earning a smile from his lover, then he pulled James out of the pantry and into the brightly lit kitchen. Ignoring the stares and knowing smiles from the staff, Bram led the way out into the main living area to rejoin the party.

James stepped back into the room, Bram at his side just as his boss raised his hands to attract his guests’ attention. Dunn raised his voice over the murmured conversations. “I think it's time we moved this little party into the dining room. I'm hungry."

Ignoring the covert, curious glances from the people around them, Bram answered the few disapproving stares he meet with a blinding smile, slung one long, powerful arm across James’ shoulders, and steered them both toward the dining area. When a hesitant hand settled on his low back, he rewarded James with a sly wink and a squeeze of the arm under a possessive hand.


Chapter Two

The dining room was a huge rectangle. In the center was a long table that easily accommodated the thirty dinner guests. James wandered down the sleek row of mahogany chairs until a nameplate signaled his seat. Bram was to his right, only four place settings from their hosts at the head of the table. Mrs. Dunn and her wheelchair occupied the empty space to her husband's right, the table being large enough for them to sit side-by-side at one end.

Feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of having to carry on a dinner conversation for an entire evening with his boss, James sat down, subtly moving his chair closer to Bram's.

Stella Harper shambled by, drink in her hand and wry twist to her red painted lips. She leaned in close as she passed, muttering in a biting stage whisper, “You two certainly play hell with the boy-girl-boy-girl seating arrangements, don't you?"

James blushed and blinked at her, unprepared for the forward comment. Not one to be wounded by a snide remark without returning fire, Bram just tossed his arm possessively around the back of James’ chair and murmured, “Makes it less obvious there are some women here who had to come alone. Balances the numbers."

James’ blush deepened, but he couldn't hide his grin when his lover gave Stella a saucy wink and a most charming smile. He heard a choked noise from behind him, but Stella had already moved off to find her seat at the other end of the table by the time he turned in his chair. James arched his eyebrows in admonishment, but Bram only gave him a brilliant, non-repentant grin.

James glanced around, eyes darting over the dinner guests taking their seats near them. When it was obvious no one else had heard or cared, he relaxed back in his seat. “I never was quick enough with the snappy comebacks.” His neck settled into Bram's warm fingers still resting on his chair back and he allowed himself a covert moment of enjoyment at his lover's playful touch.

"One of the many reasons you keep me around. My ability to ward off unfriendly hordes of enemies and smite them down in a single blow.” Bram leaned closer, pulling James to him. James shivered and huffed out a little gasp when Bram's moist lips brushed over the sensitive shell of his ear to whisper, “And when we get home, I'll show just what a single
can do."

"God, Bram, not now, please.” James quietly hissed, but his body pushed against the warm, soothing fingers at his neck all the same. “I can't go through an entire meal with a hard-on and my boss five feet away."

"Uh!” James hissed and jerked up straight when a groping hand materialized under the table in his lap. Fighting to keep the shocked arousal off his face, James felt the faint glow of embarrassment tinge his cheeks.

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