Rough [02] - Roughhousing (3 page)

Read Rough [02] - Roughhousing Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Gay Men, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories, #Gay Couples, #Architects

BOOK: Rough [02] - Roughhousing
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His one hand darted down to grab Bram's as it fondled and stroked his hardening shaft. Instead of shoving it off as he had intended to do, James found himself guiding the massive paw down to massage his balls and press up against the swollen length of cock. His shaft strained against the soft silk of his shorts and the cold metal of his trousers’ zipper raked along the covered flesh with each slide of Bram's firm grip.

The stimulation disappeared for a moment as Bram shifted around in his seat, then it was back. This time Bram was using the arm that had been behind James’ head. From any other diner's point of view, the two men were simply sitting side-by-side with one hand under the table, probably resting in their lap. Luckily for James, they were resting in his willing and responsive lap.

Dinner conversations began to get into full swing around him. James was having trouble concentrating on the various threads, Bram's handiwork at his groin having slowed to a leisurely pace that heightened his desire and frustrated his now leaking cock. The maddening caress didn't stop until Dunn cleared his voice and welcomed everyone, saying grace and getting the meal under way with a few short sentences.

With a final tug and squeeze, Bram's hand inched off his lap. James gave a sigh of frustrated relief, covering his slight groan with a nod and mumbled thank you to the serving staff member who placed a bowl of fragrant soup in front of him. With effort, he turned his attention to his hosts.

Philip and Lenore Dunn proved to be a very interesting and entertaining couple. Though in her seventies, and disabled by crippling arthritis, Lenore Dunn was a sharp, vibrant woman who James instantly liked. Still retaining a fair measure of her beauty and grace, her outstanding wit and keen mind were evident in her playful manner and comments to her guests. Between the two of them, the dinner passed quickly and before he knew it James was sipping coffee and swallowing down the last of his dessert.

Social chatting satisfied, the conversation turned to a topic James found more comfortable—work.

Philip Dunn leaned forward and addressed Bram.

"Mr. Lord, I understand you have a house in the East District. That's a beautiful old section of the city. I've always loved the architectural details from that era of construction. So much craftsmanship in each unique structure. Some of those buildings are amazing examples of creativity for their time."

Bram smiled graciously at Dunn and nodded. “Bram, please, Mr. Dunn. My father always spoke very highly of you, your stunning wife,” he gave Lenore a dazzling smile, which she returned, “and your firm. He would never forgive me if I didn't insist you call me by my given name."

Giving Bram and then James an appraising look, Dunn set down his coffee cup. “Your father was a marvelous man and a fine business associate. I was always proud to do business with Eclipse Construction when your father ran it and I am with you at the helm, as well. You've done great things with it, Bram. Your father would be proud of your accomplishments.” His kind gaze moved meaningfully to James and back. “Sound decisions on all fronts, son; your parents would approve. And call me Philip, please."

Lenore leaned forward. Her voice shook with the effects of age, but it was crisp, her eyes clear and bright. “I won't be the only one here made to feel old. You may call me Lenore, young man."

She smiled and her still smooth, flawless face transformed her into a classic beauty. “Your mother was a beautiful woman, Bram. She had marvelous organizational skills, too. I remember being jealous of her ability to keep both your father and you out of trouble. She was a strong woman.” Her thin, tastefully bejeweled hand trembled slightly as she sipped from her glass. “We had many a garden luncheon together. I remember she loved yellow roses. I still grow her favorites out in the garden. I liked her very much."

"Thank you, Lenore. I've got pictures in some old albums of the two of you together. I made fun of the frilly hats and white gloves women wore back then.” Bram gave her his most charming and flirtatious smile. “You both look stunning to me now. It's amazing what a few years of maturity can do for a man's eye."

"I'd love to see those pictures. They were very pleasant times.” Lenore chuckled, a light laugh full of confidence and joy. “You're just like your father, Bram. He could charm the blush right off the roses when he put his mind to it. He was a handsome man, as well.” Looking thoughtful, she quietly added, “I've missed them. Outside of Isabel, you're alone now."

"I miss them all very much.” Bram nodded and casually, but pointedly, slipped his hand over James’ lax hand resting on the table. “But I don't have time to be lonely. I bought a fabulous old home right in the heart of the historic part of town. It had been extensively renovated, but not to restoration specs, before I got my hands on it. I've tried to limit the modernization of it to a degree, but comfort is important to a man my size. My home, and my family,” Bram said, glancing tenderly at James and squeezing his hand, “are very important to me."

James felt his chest tighten and his breath catch in his throat at the depth of love evident in Bram's eyes. He forgot all about the other guests at the table, unabashedly returning his lover's open stare.

Dunn tactfully cleared his throat, breaking the spell.

Bram grinned and turned his attention back to Dunn. “Jamie is a big fan of the era, too. His area of expertise, I believe. He did a fabulous workup on the Becker restoration project your firm has. His plans are outstanding."

James squirmed in his seat, suddenly nervous. One quick look at Bram's reassuring face eased his pounding pulse and made his still half-hard cock stir. Bram gave him a wink and smile before turning back to Dunn.

"Shame no one's seen them besides me, but I can appreciate them from a builder's point of view, the research and attention to original detail is superb.” Bram took a sip from a snifter of brandy on the table, pausing a moment then asked, “Do you know he even found out there is a building missing from the present site that was there in the original blueprints? After seeing Jamie's plans I took a look at the proposed blueprints filed with the historical society yesterday and there wasn't any sign of it. I doubt many people know about it."

"Is this true, James? Is there a building missing from our plans?” Dunn's concern seemed genuine, with no trace of blame in his voice.

"I don't know, Mr. Dunn. I haven't actually seen the firm's version.” James glanced hesitantly from Dunn to Bram and then back to Dunn. “I did all the research for it on my own time, over the last six months, and worked on the plans at home."

Dunn turned to Art Wheeler, the architect who had been given the project. “Do you know about this, Art?"

Wheeler had come alone, stating his wife Eve was out of town visiting family. A distracted, closed expression marred his normally friendly face, Wheeler sat several chairs down on Dunn's left, close enough to make conversation acceptable. He started at Dunn's question. “What? Ah, excuse me?"

Dunn smiled tolerantly at Wheeler. “The plans for the Becker Estate. Is there an original building missing from our plans?"

"What kind of building?” Panic skittered across Wheeler's drawn face.

Pausing a moment to study Wheeler, Dunn frowned slightly and turned to the one person in the room who would know. “James?"

Shifting uneasily in his seat, James rubbed a finger on the edge of his dinner plate. He cleared his throat, aware that the entire table was now focused on their conversation. “The original architect's personal journals on record show it was an intricate gazebo with hand-carved pillars, elaborate lattice weaves, and birds carved into the facade. It was dismantled and sold to an English merchant two years after it was erected. Apparently, Becker's wife didn't like the birds."

Wheeler gave James a blank stare. James colored a bit, embarrassed Dunn had put the man on the spot. “I'm sure you'd have run across a reference to it before long. It took me a while to find it, too, Art."

Frowning, his voice low, almost monotone, Wheeler sighed heavily, slowly placing his napkin on the table. “I ... I don't think so, James. I completed my research on the estate already and never found it.” He looked up from his half-eaten meal, his tone sincere. “Thanks for bringing it to my attention, though."

Relieved the awkward moment had passed, James nodded. “No problem. Anything I can do to help, Art, just let me know."

Raising his brandy glass, Dunn tipped the rim towards James and winked. “Well done, James. Why don't you bring those Becker plans to work Monday morning and we'll see if there are any other areas that might need a little more attention? Can't be too thorough, can we gentlemen?"

It was spoken as a question, but both men recognized it as an order. Wheeler just nodded, continuing to stare at his plate. James smiled, darting one last hesitant look between Dunn and Wheeler before murmuring, “I'd be happy to help in any way, Mr. Dunn."

"Outstanding, then.” Dunn sipped from his glass and sat back, obviously satisfied with the conversation.

"I'm obviously prejudiced, but I agree,” Bram gave both Lenore and Dunn a secretive smile, “James is outstanding.” He subtly reached under the table and squeezed James’ knee.

Bram's eyes were on the Dunns, but James knew Bram's thoughts were still with him. At the same time, James watched as Lenore Dunn touched her husband's hand and give him a warm smile. Suddenly the touch on his knee was more than a covert, sensual caress, it was a sign of support and acceptance from his own loving partner. He and Bram really weren't much different than Dunn and his aging wife. They were both couples in love living outside the traditional box.


Chapter Three

They pulled up outside of the old, rambling house. Bram parked in the driveway, placing his truck by the back door, bracketed on one side by a nine-foot hedge and on the other by the house. A single light from the kitchen window shone brightly into the truck. Its warm, golden glow mirrored the streaks of pale moonlight peeking out behind a thin layer of clouds.

Bram pulled James close to his side. He slid his left arm across James’ lap and nestled his hand between James’ legs. As his fingers stroked over the fabric of one inner thigh, he gave his lover a smoldering glance.

"I had a nice time tonight, Jamie. Thank you for inviting me.” Bram squeezed the warm flesh under his hand, adding pressure to the continuous caress. “You've seen me with my crew; it was interesting to see you with your coworkers.” He moved his hand a little higher to caress the bulge at James’ crotch. “Do you have any clue just how hot you are?"

"To you, maybe.” Stuttering a soft, disbelieving snort, James pushed his hips up to meet Bram's hand. He gasped as Bram made the touch firmer and more insistent. “God, Caveman.” He clenched his eyes closed, and then glanced longingly at the back door. “Can't we get into the house first?"

"There's no maybe about it, baby.” In one swift move, Bram pulled James down onto the seat and pressed him onto the truck's upholstery. Bram grinned down at his trapped lover, settling his upper body over James, pinning the man down chest-to-chest. A startled huff of air from James’ parted mouth blew over his face.

"And, no, I can't wait.” Muttering a decisive, “Gotta have you,” Bram dove in to capture the breath, sealing his lips to James’ open mouth, stealing James’ air and a muffled “okay". He felt James melt under him, relaxing into the sudden, demanding embrace. Deepening the kiss, Bram explored the supple mouth under his, licking and stroking his tongue over the sensitive, hard palette and mapping the outline of James’ teeth.

The faint whiskey taste and musky, masculine scent of his lover heightened his arousal. Bram slid one hand into James’ curls and gently forced that head back. He pressed his lips more tightly to James', opening his lover's jaw wider, allowing greater access to the hidden treasures of James’ sweet mouth. He caressed the tongue sliding under his, each thrust demanding and bold, ravenous in its quest for more contact.

Bram felt as if he could devour James with just this kiss. Need, desire, and a powerful force he didn't have a name for surged through him and added an element of primal urgency to this courtship ritual. Bram needed to reclaim James, mark him, take him, show the world that James had chosen him and him alone for his lover.

With their mouths still sealed together, Bram expertly tugged and pulled at their dinner clothing until he opened their shirts and removed the ties from around both of their necks. Releasing James, leaving him red-lipped and panting, Bram made a trail of kisses and sharp nips across James’ jaw and down his neck and shoulder while pulling James’ unresisting arms up over his head and holding them there.

Latching onto the soft flesh of the curve of James’ neck, Bram sucked and bit down, knowing he was leaving a mark, his mark, on his now bucking and writhing lover. James’ squirming pushed his groin against Bram's abdomen. The heat of his lover's full, hard shaft fanned the flames of Bram's own raging arousal even higher. Wrapping the ties around James’ wrists, Bram blindly lashed them to the passenger door handle. James struggled a little, his breathing turning shallow and rapid, but Bram could feel his cock grow harder. A tiny whimper vibrated against Bram's lips as they moved to lick and suck at James’ throat. Bram raked his teeth lightly over the man's voice box and James’ hips bucked and that body shook.

"That's it, baby, shake for me. Yeah, show me what I do to you.” Bram nuzzled the side of James’ head, inhaling the scent of sweat and arousal, burying his nose in the soft, clean curls. He bit the tiny lobe of James’ ear and murmured deep and low into it. “Going to make you come right here and now, baby, going to claim what's mine."

Snaking his hand between their bodies, Bram unzipped his own pants, pulling out his cock. Rubbing the leaking tip with his thumb, he encouraged more fluid to drip from the sensitive slit while his other hand worked open James’ trousers.

In one swift, graceful movement full of power and the fearsome strength his huge, well-muscled body was capable of, Bram surged up onto his knees in the seat, taking James’ lower half with him. He curled James up, his lover's legs over his shoulders. His straining arms were planted firmly, one on the back of the seat and one the dashboard of the roomy king cab. Once he was steady, he grabbed the waistband of James’ trousers and yanked them down James’ hips, leaving them bunched at James’ knees, trapping James’ legs against his chest.

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