Rough [02] - Roughhousing (5 page)

Read Rough [02] - Roughhousing Online

Authors: Laura Baumbach

Tags: #Gay, #Gay Men, #Fiction, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories, #Gay Couples, #Architects

BOOK: Rough [02] - Roughhousing
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Bram nipped the side of James’ neck then soothed it with a wet lap of his tongue. “Who loves every single, sweaty...” He licked again. “...shy, delicious inch...” And again. “...of you?” He licked across James’ lips then dropped a quick, chaste, teasing kiss on them.

"Jesus, Bram!” James moaned and pushed at Bram's chest, struggling to sit up as Bram obligingly sat back on his haunches giving a cramped James more room to move. “Say one more word and we're never getting into the house.” His voice was low and choked, heavy with lust and reborn desire, his tone saying everything he couldn't put into words for his lover just yet.

James twisted his body, one hand groping blindly on the floor, the other stroking and pinching his stirring cock into temporary submission. Finding his pants, James surged up onto his knees and shoved himself chest-to-chest with his startled but grinning lover. He latched onto Bram's mouth and ravaged it, nearly choking Bram with his eager, questing tongue.

Excited by the unusually demanding move on his shy lover's part, Bram wrapped his arms around James’ slender body and crushed the man to his chest. Taking control of the hungry kiss, he kneaded the bare ass under his palm, caressing the cleft between James’ cheeks.

As James surrendered to his possessive embrace, Bram relaxed back on his hunches, readjusted his elbows to gain more maneuvering room, and the moment shattered as the blaring sound of the truck horn splintered the night air. Both men jumped and loosened their embrace. Bram smacked his head on the roof of the cab and his hip banged painfully into the unyielding steering wheel. James shifted back and one knee slid off the seat, forcing him to fumble for the dashboard to remain upright. Two doors down a dog began to bark, a high-pitched grating sound that made both men flinch. Several lights came on in the house next door.

Glancing sheepishly at each other, they both burst out laughing. Bram released the door behind him and nearly fell out of the cab onto the brick-paved driveway. Still in his stocking feet, pants open, shirttails hanging free, he reached into the truck and forcefully yanked his breathless lover to the edge of the seat on the driver's side.

"I think that's our cue to take it indoors.” He looked down at James, a new sense of want boiling in his veins. The man sat with his legs dangling out the door, his still swollen cock poking darkly up from between his open shirttails, a just-fucked look on his handsome, little-boy face. James’ hair was a halo of disheveled, dark curls and Bram longed to weave his fingers through them and bend James to his will. Bram felt his own shaft swell and his possessive urges bubbled to the surface again. He'd never get enough of this man, ever. “Let's move. The last thing we need is the neighborhood watch staring in the truck window while we're breaking in the upholstery.” A screen door slammed nearby and the dog's howls got louder.

"I'm only half dressed. Give me a minute.” James leaned back to grab his pants and found himself pulled and lifted into the air. “What the hell are you doing?"

Bram felt James’ hands scrabble at his back as he hefted the slight figure over one shoulder, careful to miss putting pressure on James’ now full erection. Despite his lover's protests, the physical evidence of James’ true reaction to Bram's caveman tactics was loud and clear. God, how he loved this man.

Playfully slapping one exposed asscheek, Bram grabbed the lost trousers, snagged a leather wallet off the floor by the pedals, and closed and locked the truck door. “Going in. Now.” He headed off toward the back door, James’ half naked body securely swinging on one broad shoulder. Bram smiled wider and enjoyed the indignant wiggles under his protective hand.

"You asshole!” Sounding like he was stifling laughter, James choked out his objection. “Put me down, damnit!"

Just then a small, reedy, feminine voice from the other side of the hedges asked, “Mr. Lord? Are you boys all right over there?"

James sputtered and punched Bram hard in the back, but Bram merely pinched his ass, forcing him to strangle on an outraged yelp. Never slowing down, Bram continued to the house, yelling over one shoulder, “We're fine, Miss Emily. Sorry to have disturbed you. James was getting a little frisky in the truck.” A muffled complaint interrupted him briefly, but he quelled it with another pinch. “I'm taking him inside now. Don't worry. I know a way to keep him quiet."

"Well, then, that's all right.” Her voice quivered, but Bram couldn't tell if it was from age or amusement. “A little friskiness is a good thing. Keeps you young and limber, I say. Good night, then.” There was a slight hesitation before she added, “Don't worry about keeping too quiet. I'll just turn up the TV set."

Bram opened the back door. “Good night, Miss Emily. Enjoy your show."

A faint, wistful, “You, too,” nearly made him drop James on the porch, but he managed to get through the door despite the death threats being muttered into his back.


Chapter Four

Landing on his back on Bram's over-sized bed where the big man had heaved him, James just lay there, rumpled and sprawled. All thoughts of retribution for being blamed for the commotion outside and manhandled into the house and upstairs dissolved away.

The deep green bed covers were already pulled back as if waiting to embrace him. The sheets were cool and silky against his heated skin. Plump, soft pillows rested at the top of the mattress, leaning enticingly against the sturdy, carved headboard. James ignored them, choosing to gaze at his lover through half-lidded eyes.

Most of his clothing had disappeared during the trip upstairs. James was only dressed in his dinner shirt, its crisp, white cotton lines now crushed and wrinkled. It gaped open to his waist, held together by two tiny buttons that had resisted Bram's earlier attempts to access every square inch of James’ chest. Gaze darting to his groin, James could see his own erection standing proud, heavily engorged. From between the parted edges of his shirttails, the glistening crown curved upward facing him.

Average in size and girth, the surrounding starkness of the white shirt accentuated its flushed, rosy color and jutting stance, making it appear larger and surreal, as if it was an erotic still life. A drip of pre-come filled the slit in the dusky tip, breaking the illusion. James groaned softly at the sight and one hand reached down to touch the needy, beckoning flesh. When a sudden, deep growl of disapproval rumbled out of his lover, his hand instantly fell to his waist, fingers fidgeting restlessly with the last unyielding buttons of his shirt.

"No touching yet."

Pushing away the slight sense of helpless awkwardness he felt at laying there like an obedient, debauched but willing plaything, James couldn't stop the shiver that slithered through his body at the commanding tone of Bram's voice. No matter how much he was in control of his life and emotions, the moment they closed the bedroom door, he instantly needed to give himself over to the massive, tender-rough man. Sometimes it scared him how much he trusted and wanted Bram.

James’ anxious gaze flickered up and he was captured in his lover's waiting, pale blue, heated stare. Fascinated stare locked on the tall, powerful body, James watched Bram slowly remove his clothing one tailored, fashionable piece at a time. As mouth-watering and stunningly attractive as the brawny man had been fully dressed in dinner wear, the expensive suit had nothing on the amazing body it covered. James swallowed hard to ease the sudden, unexpected tightness in his throat. He let his eyes take in the impressive sight.

Slowly unbuttoning his shirt, Bram shrugged it off his shoulders, one sculptured deltoid at a time. He let it slide down his arms, its soft brightness framing his tanned, contoured body. Chest exposed, Bram's muscles rippled with each movement he made, showcasing the graceful power that hid under the massive bulk of hard flesh.

Feeling the heat of arousal flush through him, James licked his lips and remembered how it felt to drag his tongue over the twin dark nubs that formed Bram's nipples. He loved the way the big man clutched his head to them as he suckled the sensitive buds, moaning and encouraging him with a heavy, demanding grasp, square fingers woven tightly through James’ hair. He imagined he could feel the heat of Bram's palm on his scalp and his cock jerked at the thought.

A small whimper slipped out of his parted mouth and his breathing increased to a shallow panting. Eyes still directed at his lover, James’ shook as his fingers fumbled with the remaining buttons on his shirt until they popped through the tight holes. The yielding fabric fell to his sides, exposing his quivering abdomen. He ran his fingertips lightly through the dark trail of fine hairs on his stomach tracing them down to his straining cock. One commanding glare from Bram stopped him just short of his instinctive goal. James took a deep breath and relaxed, dropping his arms to his sides, forcing his fingers to caress the cool fibers of the sheets instead of the bulging veins of his beckoning shaft.

Bram nodded approvingly and dropped his discarded shirt to the floor. Toeing off his socks, he ran his thumbs leisurely around the inside of his open waistband, pushing his pants and shorts over the firm curve of his muscular ass. Once free, he shimmied his hips and the cloth fell to the carpet in a whisper-soft swish. Bram stepped out of them and then bent down and retrieved them, giving James an amazing view of his ass.

Ridged with pulsing veins, Bram's full cock and heavy scrotum swung between his thickly corded thighs, broad shoulders bulging with each sinewy ripple of firm muscle as he gathered up his clothes and then stood. Bram took James’ breath away. One look at the hot expression in the big man's eyes made his mouth water and his chest ache with a need to have Bram nearer to him. James’ hands twitched with the desire to touch the luscious mountain of heated, tanned flesh unabashedly displayed before him. When Bram slowly slid one hand over the planes of that hard-packed abdomen and down to stroke that bobbing erection, James’ hips involuntarily bucked up, wordlessly enticing his lover to come to him. His insides felt like someone had poured molten lava into his bloodstream as waves of raging fire coursed through every cell of his being. Even his mind felt fevered and his vision blurred, overwhelmed with a consuming emotion he didn't dare try to name. He knew he loved Bram, but this, this was something more, something indefinable and new.

God, the things this man made him feel, made him want, without even touching him, were absolutely frightening. Here he lay, sprawled and vulnerable, wanting to give everything he had to someone who had been a complete stranger only a few weeks ago. This whole relationship was terrifying on levels James couldn't even think about yet.

Afraid he'd run from the room if he thought any more about loving this possessive, perfect-for-him man, James forced out the verbal challenge again, inviting his lover to ravage him and stop his mind from spinning.

"Come on, Caveman. Reclaim me, take me again, I know you want to.” James swallowed hard and raised one leg, provocatively exposing his opening to his lover's hungry stare. His voice was rough and unsteady. “I want you, Bram.” James licked his lips, sucking his lower lip into his mouth, shutting off his words before he said too much. He felt his jaw tremble and he bit down hard on his captured lip to still it, hoping Bram wouldn't notice the tremor.

"Hey.” A long, warm mass of flesh and muscle slid close as Bram plastered himself to James’ side. He rolled part of his weight onto James’ chest, hooking a leg over both of James’ to trap them in place. Bram faced James, hovering over him. Bram tapped a callused finger against the tortured lip, slowly coaxing the bruised, plump skin from between James’ teeth.

Whispering softly, Bram smiled. “I have plans for those lips. Ease up, Jamie.” He rubbed his thumb over the swollen contours, concern shining in his eyes. “Ravaging your mouth is my job."

James’ eyelids fell closed at the first touch of Bram's skilled lips. Bram filled his senses, and he sank into the sensations flooding him as his lover's solid, reassuring weight and questing tongue pushed away his nagging fears and anxiety.

Suddenly overwhelmed by the need to have Bram even closer, he wrapped his arms around the big man's neck, hands feverishly touching and grasping at whatever part of his lover's body he could blindly find. James’ fingers dug into Bram's sides and shoulders, only to release them and skitter off to take hold somewhere else seconds later. His tongue danced wildly against Bram's, darting and jabbing, fueled by a panicked impulse to devour and possess and be devoured and possessed. His hips ground up against Bram's firm thigh and his cock eagerly slid over the other man's warm, supple skin.

James felt like he was about to burst into flames. With a sudden rush of panicked energy, he rolled up and over until he was lying on Bram's chest, pinning the big man to the bed with his full weight.

He had never wanted anyone the way he wanted Bram, never needed anyone this way. James had known that after the first early moments in their relationship when Bram had declared his love to James. They had know each other less than twenty-four hours and Bram knew what he wanted and what he felt and had been able to say it. James had known, too, but hadn't been as brave as Bram. Now he wanted to shout it to the world, but the words were stuck, choked back by the intense emotions flaring through his frantic body and mind. He bucked hard against Bram, increasing his assault on Bram's willing mouth. Gradually James became aware of his partner's persistent touch and he let the sensation of Bram's strong, demanding hands invade his frenzied thoughts.

James felt Bram gradually take control of the manic embrace, starting with the kiss. Bram coaxed James’ darting tongue into his own mouth and held it there, slowly stroking it again and again until its frantic actions became a mirror of his own leisurely caress. Bram's rough, blunt hands massaged and kneaded James’ tense shoulders and back, working their way down to the curve of his hips and beyond, but never doing more. Their heat seeped into his flesh and their powerful touch reassured and comforted him, easing his desperate movements.

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