Saucers of the Illuminati (10 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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An investigation of the beliefs of Freemasonry (and, incidentally, of the other major religions both exo- and esoteric on this planet) shows that this "charitable fraternity" is merely an updated version of ages-old and archetypal Osiris/Isis Sun God/

Mother Goddess programming. This form of worship can be traced back to the literal beginning of recorded history, its mythology anciently crystallizing into the Isis/Osiris Sun/Moon cultus of the Egyptian priesthood.

Osiris, it so happens, was one more divine visitor who is claimed to have civilized the backward and mud-rutting people of Earth with his teachings. From Egypt the deities of the Sun pantheon may have taken on different names (including Ra, Odin, Jehovah, and Jesus, with feminine counterparts including Diana, Mary, Ishtar, Rhea, Astarte, Cybele, and Ma), but the mode of worship and populace control was essentially the same.

The adepts of the Sun/Moon programming (of which Freemasonry is a major surviving branch) have always called themselves variations on the term "the Illuminati," the origin of the phrase betraying its source. Illuminati--Illumination--the adepts of the Sungod and his consort. When I state this derivation of the term there are no doubt many who will think I am distorting and oversimplifying this religio-occult progression--but I am not.

A quick and cursory sketch of the main branches of the Illuminati might go something like this, although I admit that others might offer a family tree somewhat different in its branchings. This is a secret society, remember, and what we know of the Illuminati has been obtained by accident (as when lightning struck down a member of the Bavarian Illuminati in the late 1700s, providing us with a cache of inner circle documents), or has been eked out through conjecture, inference, and interpretation of their double-talk code language.

In Isis/Osiris veneration, we can see the beginnings of the ritual trappings of the Mystery Religions that were to follow. One reason that the Greek and Roman Mystery Religions are mysterious is that little is known of what actually took place in their rites, celebrated primarily at night and in caves. We do know that Mystery Religions were the source of many of the practices that were taken up by later secret societies including the Freemasons, and that they partook--practices varying somewhat from one Mystery group to the next--of secret ritual initiation involving dramatizations of the lives of the gods, the imbibing of psychedelic drugs such as magic mushrooms, sex orgies (with an emphasis on homosexuality), and at least in some instances, human sacrifice. The symbology of "light"

pervades the Mystery Religions, adepts having been said to "have seen the light," "had their eyes opened," and so forth, all very appropriate to celebrants who enacted their rites in the dead of night in caves. Light = Illumination = Illuminati.

From the Mystery Religions, which were extremely influential upon the tenets of Christianity, came the philosophies of the Gnostics, composed of a number of secretive European sects, the most prominent perhaps being the highly secretive, perhaps even fictional, Priory of Sion.

Again, we know very little of what the actual practices of the early Gnostics were, but we do know that the Sun God/Mother Goddess orientation had in certain cases taken on a more philosophical bent, dealing with the eternal cosmic war between darkness and light. Again, the motif of "illumination" is represented.

A recent translation of a document of the Cathars, perhaps the most prominent of the Gnostic groups, suggests that one of their secrets was that they were a straightforward Isis cult.

The Jewish/Gnostic mystical practice of the Qabalah, whose origin may have been about the time of Jesus or shortly after, was a primary influence on a number of secret society tributaries, including the Rosicrucians and the Knights Templar. Qabalism was also the singular greatest philosophical influence on the Freemasons, which in the mid-1700s evolved a return to an overt Sun God/

Mother Goddess mythology, along with an emphasis in their practices on the importance of the star Sirius. Freemasonry, aside from being an essentially Gnostic religion, has comprised since its inception a vastly important influence in world politics and in world intelligence agencies, and may be the most active and far-reaching of the Illuminati fronts at the present time.

Freemasonry and the Rothschilds international banking group (the Rothschilds being from the beginning of their dynasty Freemasons) were the main influence on diamond magnate and Freemason Cecil Rhodes' Round Table secret society, formed around the turn of this century. Rhodes was the single most important Freemasonic spearhead into world political control.

Currently we may note the Trilateral Commission (with their symbolic "666" triangular emblem and orientation), the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberger Society as being among the most influential organization on this planet; these sprung from the Round Table group.

While I am limited in space in this thumbnail sketch, it is very possible to trace the twistings and turnings of the Illuminist philosophy until we encounter the secret Freemasonic rituals of the elitist leaders of today, men like George Bush of the Skull and Bones German Illuminati offshoot, Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig, alleged to be members of the Freemasonic P-2 group, and in all probability the (Cecil) Rhodes scholar, Trilateralist, and saxophone player from Little Rock, Arkansas, the highly symbolic Masonic location where the arch-Mason Albert Pike formulated his schemes.

Why were the Sun and Moon chosen by the Illuminati of ancient history as deities for the worship of their slaves and underlings? My guess is that it is a relatively arbitrary choice that reflects solar-lunar influence in a simple, understandable fashion, particularly as it might be understood in an agrarian society where these astral bodies are the obvious and all important influences in a people's day-to-day life. If the sun doesn't shed its beneficent rays on the Earth, then the crops don't grow.

There is an additional associative quality of the Sun God/

Mother Goddess programming that pertains to the human mother and father and accesses our unexamined and authoritarian-inlaid childhood programming, digging into deeply ingrained programming much in the same way that beer commercials on television access a different level of instinctuality, by being larded with sexual imagery.

As the cult of the Sun God and his consort first evolved, the Illuminati made it well known that they were the chosen representatives of these immortal deities--and did the people REALLY want to take a chance on not believing what they told them? The masses had better treat the Illuminati real nice, or they might have a word with the Sun God and his consort and have them bring a punishing plague of frogs.

"In the beginning," the Sun God and Moon Goddess were in absolute control, working in mysterious and usually sadistic ways that were only fully decipherable to their Illuminated envoys. A lot of people fell for this stuff, and they were probably given little tin badges that clearly identified them to the hold-out heretics whom they in turn tortured and murdered in order to assist them to "see the light."

In time (say about the time of the Chaldeans) the Illuminati started to believe some of their own programming and began to study the movement of the Sun and moon and their brother and sister stars and planets. This gave the Illuminati another leg up, via astronomy, in being able to predict coming occurrences like eclipses and comets. By the time astrology was formulated, the Illuminati had it all pretty well sewn up, with franchises in operation all over the planet.

Science began in a similar fashion as astrology--gasp! But the dominant belief modes of humanity have always been given names like "Science," which simply means "knowing." During the sixteenth century when the noble Illuminati popularized this latest version of "knowing," they had lots of free time to dabble in astrology and alchemy (the forerunner of modern chemistry) and, for a change of pace, to participate in sex orgies in groups with names like the Hell Fire Club.

Since the Sun God (and his various relations, including sons and wives) were, after several thousands years of worship, beginning to fray around the edges in terms of believability, and a lot of commoners were beginning to grumble that this stuff was all made up, the Illuminati came up with a new and improved version of their mind control software that didn't depend upon the Sun God or Moon Goddess for ultimate authority. As the Sun/Moon cult lost some of its popularity, "Scientists" were quick to take up the slack.

According to their propaganda, the physical laws of the universe were the ultimate causative factors, and naturally, those physical laws were only fathomable by the scientific (i.e. Illuminati) elite.

Now the Illuminati restored their waning dominance with their promotion of the arcane wisdom of bunsen burners, stupefying Mesmerism and electricity, and they no longer--at least at the present time--needed to draw their powers from mystical associations of the stars and planets. Their vision of the universe and society, as fostered by members of the British Royal Society and other Illuminati-conceived groupings, became the predominant worldview. The main tenet of their new religion, Science, was that whether you understood it or not, it was always Right. Not so different a creed than the programs that preceded it.

The British Royal Society of the late seventeenth century was the forerunner of much of the media manipulation that was to follow. After the re-tooling into "scientific" values was accomplished by the Illuminist masters, society (in the view of the Illuminati) needed to be conditioned for stability in a capitalist and non-religious format. The cogwheels had to be greased. This was accomplished by the launching of non-religious, pro-scientific attitudes through the same media vehicles that influence us today: newspapers and books, with radio, motion pictures and television soon to follow.

And heretics against either Science or Religion have always been dealt with in summary fashion--sometimes possibly in dark blue vans by CIA technicians dressed to look like space aliens.

Now we are in an era--which we arbitrarily term "modern," but which seems to have no claim to that appellation--whose religion is a hybrid of both science and mysticism: this is the religion of the UFO and the New Age. It is a religion that performs the functions of all religion: it induces awe and susceptibility and confusion and guilt and restimulation of infantilism, and opens up the believer to intervention by the priesthood.

Attempting to crack the secret of the nature of this elusive beast, the UFO:

-- Isn't it odd that the U.S. military just happened to be working on disk craft back in the 1950s when the whole UFO flap started?

-- Isn't it odd that the mind control implants that are supposed to be inserted through the nostrils of UFO abductees just happen to conform exactly to the implants designed by Dr. Jose Delgado, the CIA mind control researcher?

-- Isn't it odd that several of the most prominent among "UFO

researchers" have been members of military intelligence, men such as John Lear, "formerly" of the CIA?

-- And isn't it the oddest thing of all that the intelligence agencies of all countries crawl with Freemasons, and that the CIA just happens to have a reported faction of Mother Goddess cultism within its ranks?

Attempting to get a grip on this topic, why would "UFO"

testing be done relatively "out in the open," on military reservations that can be fairly easily observed by a public notified of UFO flights by "former" CIA men eager to spread the truth about the little grey men? Are the military authorities teasing us, as it were, with this open testing, along with all the other revelations of the secret order that underlies the normalized facade of our society and media?

When George Bush spoke repeatedly of the New World Order, is it likely that he would have simply forgotten the thousands of right wingers and conspiracy buffs who for years have used that phrase as the personification of world fascism, evil, and mind control? Or was something else going on, some other process or directed transformation?

When CBS broadcast an Eye in a Triangle in their station identification, could it possibly have been done by accident? Does this not hearken to the "cant" language, the mystical double-talk employed by Freemasons and other secret societies?

Michael Hoffman II has spoken about similar processes involving "revelation of method" or the purposeful giving away of arcane secrets of Freemasonry, which he dubs "the cryptocracy." He likens this to the activities of the alchemists:

This is what simplistic researchers miss: the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further. That is the game plan operant here.

To the belief system of the modern man it sounds too crazy. Why would the perpetrators want their secrets revealed after the fact?... This question can only be definitively answered if one has an understanding of the zeitgeist which overseers in the cryptocracy have partly manufactured and partly tailored their own operations to coincide with.

As I've pointed out, secrets like this were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing (of mind control). To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the cryptocracy. It would have proven fatal to them.

But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no willpower and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.

There is an occult/Freemasonic stratum in the command structure of media and world control. There is a long-term occult agenda in geopolitics that is just now coming to poisonous fruition.


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