Saucers of the Illuminati (9 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Another approach that may have been used is the transmission of "key concepts" to matters that the subject is already conversant in, creating a realignment of the subject's sense of reality by the injection of just a few bits of information, images, or sentences. In Dick's case this might have involved accessing his study of religious symbolism and history. A fast acting hallucinogen and a beamed transmission of religious concepts might have made him very susceptible to the idea that, due to an unexplainable event of

"gnosis" he had tapped into the secrets of reality.

Dick describes a message broadcast "Out over the airwaves by one of the largest TV stations in the world, NBC's Los Angeles outlet, reaching many thousands of children with this split-second information which would be processed by the right hemispheres of their brains; received and storied and perhaps decoded, below the threshold of consciousness where many things lay slumbering and stored." He terms the message the KING FELIX cypher, and reports that, "The United States Army cryptographers studied it but couldn't discern who it was intended for or what it meant."

Dick describes the way in which the message was broadcast: On the screen the words FOOD KING appeared--and then they cut instantly, rushing their film along as fast as possible so as to squeeze in as many commercial messages as possible; what came next was a Felix the Cat cartoon... One moment FOOD KING appeared on the screen and then almost instantly the words--also in huge letters--

FELIX THE CAT. There it had been, the juxtaposed cypher, and in the proper order: KING FELIX.

I don't know whether the KING FELIX cypher or the Food King/Felix the Cat messages were actually broadcast (other than in
, that is), but discounting the possibility out-of-hand would be unwise. Certainly similar messages have been sent over the airwaves, such as the Eye in the Triangle station break presented by CBS during 1992. A perfectly clear representation of the Eye in the Triangle was shown, quickly metamorphosizing into abstract patterns. Curious as to whether I was projecting my own fixations, I polled an audience of about a hundred people from the podium at a UFO convention; the majority of them had also noticed the depiction.

Another television subliminal was the image of the Statue of Liberty projected between the film frames of an ALF cartoon, as reported in
TV Guide
. Surely that image must have been slipped into the programming by some overzealous right wing patriot skulking in the CBS editing room. So one would tend to believe, but check out what conspiracy theorist and Freemasonic expert Norma Cox has to say in her
newsletter on the subject of Lady Liberty:

[This] is the statue of the Moon Goddess, Diana... This Queen of Heaven is also the Queen of Democracy... Diana's right arm holds a great torch (symbolizing the sun) high in the air. The left arm (right and left symbolic of male and female), grasps a tablet which bears the date of the Declaration of Independence. A crown with huge spikes, like sun rays, rests on her head (the crown covertly represents our satellite, the Moon)... Note the similarity between Juno, holding aloft a sword and Diana, whose statue, symbolizing Freedom, Equality and Worldwide Brotherhood, stands in New York harbor. Worshipped as Juno Lucina, the Bringer of Light, Illuminism's adoration of this Moon goddess ranks only slightly below that of the god of the Sun who, in the case of Juno, is Jupiter (Zeus), her husband.

I have been following examples of the injection of occult symbolism via other conduits; one of these, amazingly, impossibly, is Camel cigarette advertising. Although the media has been hip to the idea that the cigarette company is specifically targeting young people with their cartoon "Joe the Camel" cigarette campaign, no one that I know of has spotted the fact that the Camel ads are riddled with subliminal imagery, including occultist subliminal content. It begins with the Camel image itself, the camel being a symbol of Isis according to Aleister Crowley. Other images I have noted in these ads are the obviously phallic snout of Joe the Camel (this representation has been noted by other, including mainstream writers), the phallus being a seminal occultist obsession; a tiny representation of a man with erect phallus on the cigarette package's front; and a sprinkling of other important occult symbols such as the rose, the moon, the ocean, the eye in the triangle, and the pyramid, all Isis or Illuminati symbols, prominently featured for no apparent reason in Camel advertising. There is even a depiction in one ad of Joe the Camel as George Washington; is it possible that Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea were on to something in their
trilogy, when they suggested that George Washington was impersonated by Adam Weishaupt, after the suppression of the Bavarian Illuminati, and that this is the significance of this ad? Nah.

But to return to Philip K. Dick... Ultimately the VALIS enigma is difficult to interpret with any absolute sense of certainty about what took place that day in March of 1974. It shines with points of illumination whose meaning remains elusive against the explanations of prosaic reality. What we do know is that, for whatever reason, in whatever fashion, Philip Dick had almost the entire Illuminist/Freemasonic mythos fired into his forebrain, and that he struggled with those images, trying to make sense of their symbolism, for the short period of time that remained in his life.

Either he was force-fed a massive injection of Freemasonic mythology via electronic beam (as he believed), or in a moment of dreadful illumination--or perhaps hallucinogenic receptivity--Philip K. Dick saw the truth of the world.


The Sirius Connection

The Freemasons tell a very curious story about the origin of their order and of civilization. They believe, in a mythology with roots dating back to the time of the Sumerians, that civilization on Earth (not to mention the secret occult doctrine) was established by divine visitors from the star system Sirius, which they symbolically equate with the Egyptian god triunity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus. In the Sumerian mythology they are explicit in stating that these extraterrestrial visitors, who they term Oannes, were fish-like in form. Isis, it may be observed in Egyptian representations, wears a fish headdress. The home system of these alien visitors, the star Sirius, was of such significance to the Egyptians that they based their calendar and the alignment of their temples on the star's rising times.

Harry Lebelson in an essay titled "The Search for Ancient Astronauts" reports the following of the fish-like extraterrestrials: The Oannes were described as teachers who gave the people insight into letters, the sciences and art. Referring to cuneiform and pictographic records compiled several thousand years before his time,

[the scholar] Berossus describes how the Oannes taught the people to found temples and codify laws; they taught the principles of geometrical knowledge and 'everything to humanize mankindt,' as Berossus put it.

Here is the theme of extraterrestrials visiting Earth thousands of years ago and civilizing it, along with the information that these visitors specifically imparted information on building ("The Builders") and geometrics, orientations central to Freemasonic lore and symbolism.

We do know that, for whatever reason, there was a sudden quantum leap in civilization that took place virtually simultaneously in Sumeria and Egypt. According to Professor W.B. Emery in Archaic Egypt:

At a period approximately 3400 years before Christ, a great change took place in Egypt, and the country passed rapidly from a state of advanced Neolithic culture with a complex tribal character to two well-organized monarchies, one comprising the Delta area and the other the Nile valley proper. At the same time the art of writing appears, monumental architecture and the arts and crafts developed to an astonishing degree, and all the evidence points to the existence of a well-organized and even luxurious civilization. All this was achieved within a comparatively short period of time, for there appears to be little or no background to these fundamental developments in writing and architecture.

And the reason for this remarkable increase in human knowledge is known to us, although not admitted. Although the truth has not filtered into the hallowed studios of the 6:00 News, it is not in question as to whether mankind has come into contact with an extraterrestrial culture. We have. There is complete confirmation of the legend of the Oannes, which has been obtained in the 20th century. Proof of that contact resides in the secret cosmological traditions of the Dogon tribe of Africa.

The traditions of the Dogon have been transmitted in oral fashion for centuries, and may comprise the most pure offshoot of the secret tradition that underpins the religious beliefs of diverse religions and secret societies - including the Illuminati. Their tradition clarifies the secret agenda of the major occult and religious traditions of this planet. And that pure transmission from the Dogon speaks of, verifies and conclusively proves extraterrestrial contact.

The secret tradition of the Dogon is centered upon the star Sirius, but more significantly, upon its smaller companion Sirius B.

The problem is that Sirius B is totally invisible to the naked eye, and was only discovered through the use of a powerful telescope in the 20th century. It might have only been a lucky guess that the Dogon attributed an orbiting companion to Sirius, if only they hadn't made so many more "lucky guesses" that prove their scientific knowledge of the star system:

--They know that Saturn has a ring around it, although it is impossible to determine this fact without the aid of a telescope.

--They are aware that the planets in this solar system orbit around the sun, and that the solar system is contained in the Milky Way.

--The Dogon say that Earth's moon "is dry and dead like dry dead blood."

--They are aware of four moons of Jupiter.

--They know that the Earth turns on its axis.

--They also know, most significantly, that the orbital period of Sirius B around Sirius A is fifty years; again, a fact impossible to determine without a modern telescope.

Where did they obtain this information? They say that they were taught it by intelligent amphibious beings called the Nommo--

the term used in both a singular and plural form--who came from Sirius thousands of years ago in a circular, spinning ark. Their tradition is a precise correlation with the Sumerian tradition of the Oannes. The Dogon call the Nommo "the Shaper of the world"--

note the similarity to Phil Dick's concept of "the Builders."

The Dogon have a number of interesting things to say about Sirius and the Nommo. During Dogon ceremonies the Sirius system is portrayed on a checkered blanket, recalling the tessellated or checkerboard pattern that the Freemasons favor for their floors: is this a reference to Sirius?

The Bozo tribe, cousins to the Dogon, call Sirius the "Eye Star," a concept hearkening to the Eye in the Triangle and to the Egyptian glyph for Isis' consort Osiris. It is noteworthy that the Bozo say that Sirius A is "seated." Isis is depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics with a symbol of a seat or throne.

Remarkably, there is another religious tradition on which the lore of the Dogon may cast a penetrating light. The Dogon refer to mankind as Ogo, the imperfect, the outcast. They say that the Ogo were rebellious and were unfinished as a creation. In order to make up for the rebellious--sinful--nature of the Ogo, one of the Nommo, named O Nommo, "Nommo of the Pond," was sacrificially crucified on a tree to atone for our imperfect nature, died, and will return in an ark with the ancestors of men.

According to Robert K.G. Temple in
The Sirius Mystery
: The name Nommo comes from a Dogon word linked to the root nomo, "to make one drink." It is said: "The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe

'had drunk of his body' the Nommo also made men drink. He also gave all his life principles to human beings." He was crucified on a kilena tree which also died and was resurrected.

The helical rising of Sirius was key in Egyptian--as well as Dogon--religious ceremonies. The Dogon also portray the helical rising of Sirius as a cross with a flower-like sun in its center, an image very reminiscent of the flowering cross of the Rosicrucians and their successor groups like the Freemasons and the Ordo Templi Orientis.

It may be speculated that the fish symbol of the secret soiety that Philip K. Dick felt had contacted him may have derived from the Oannes/Nommo connection. The fish symbol, stood on its head, also portrays a representation of the fertility cult of Isis, and it is even possible that the Christian fish symbol is similarly derived, since it may be argued that Christianity is at core a Mystery Religion of Osiris-Sun God worship, transmogrified by claims of an historical uniqueness that it specifically does not possess.

As Aleister Crowley wrote in
The Book of Thoth
: In this card [Death, a Tarot card] the symbol of the fish is paramount; the fish (il pesce, as they call him in Naples and many other places) and the serpent [symbolizing the Messiah] are the two principal objects of worship in cults which taught the doctrines of resurrection or re-incarnation. Thus we have Oannes and Dagon, fish gods, in western Asia; in many other parts of the world are similar cults. Even in Christianity, Christ was represented as a fish. The Greek word IXThUS, "which means fish, and very aptly symbolizes Christ," as Browing reminds one, was supposed to be a notariqon, the initials of a sentence meaning "Jesus Christ Son of God, Saviour." Nor is it an accident that St. Peter was a fisherman. The Gospels, too, are full of miracles involving fish, and the fish is sacred to Mercury, because of its cold-bloodedness, its swiftness and its brilliance. There is moreover the sexual symbolism.

Michael A. Hoffman II in
Secret Societies and Psychological
observes the following of the star Sirius, that it is, "regarded in the highest occult circles as analogous to the 'hidden god of the cosmos'... The emblem of the All-Seeing Eye above the unfinished pyramid is the representation of the eye of Sirius, of its omniscient surveillance."

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