Read Saucers of the Illuminati Online
Authors: Jim Keith
Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics
Conference at which William Moore spoke, Jacques Vallee was, and offered the following description:
In a confused and embarrassing presentation before the MUFON
Conference, Bill Moore indeed confessed that he had willingly allowed himself to be used by various people claiming to act on behalf of Air Force Intelligence and that he had knowingly disseminated disinformation, although he has never been "on the payroll." This is a mere play on words, of course. Not being on the payroll does not mean that he was not paid in cash or through other means...
Moore gave a weak excuse for his actions, claiming that he had acted in a heroic private effort to infiltrate and ultimately expose the operation.
Does Friedman avoid bringing up these matters because they provide additional evidence that the MJ-12 document is a hoax, or simply because he is Moore's friend? It is impossible to know, although Friedman's recent career as a "UFO expert" has been largely based on protesting too much about the discrepancies in MJ-12.
Although the MJ-12 document has not been conclusively proven to be a fake, the weight of evidence suggests that this is the case. More significantly, to be given serious consideration, in order to be factored in as valid data into any real evaluation of the nature of UFOs, it must be proven to be real, and this certainly has not taken place.
In a sense, it doesn't matter if the MJ-12 document or the Cutler memo are proven to be counterfeit, since the majority of UFO true believers will continue to believe what they want, despite any facts to the contrary. My experience is that a significant portion of the UFO hobbyist community use their obsession as a form of excitement, for the feeling of being "in the know," and as a substitute for a life. Deep down, they hope that we are being invaded by evil aliens!
That aside, it is obvious that the government is attempting to defuse UFO investigations by overwhelming them with incendiary disinformation and by having informants report on the activities of groups and individuals. This is no longer the matter of conjecture that has buzzed among UFO researchers since the earliest days of these investigations. Now there is more than enough proof to show that this is the case.
Providing more support for the idea that UFO abductions may have more to do with humans than aliens, we do know that the American government, at least, is in possession of top secret aircraft of a radically different type than orthodox aircraft, and that these may include saucer craft. Certainly there is much evidence to show that advanced disk craft designs confiscated from the Germans after World War II may have been put into production.
It is only in recent years that the existence of this kind of aircraft has been able to be fairly easily verified by observation outside the military installation known as Area 51 in Nevada. Before this sort of testing moved on to other regions, large crowds would gather outside this military preserve for UFO watching parties.
There, on many nights (Wednesday was said to be the most active night for the flights), one was able to observe strange aircraft doing aerial maneuvers that would have been impossible for the unclassified aircraft of which we are aware. But that does not make these craft extraterrestrial, nor does it make them extraterrestrial/
human technological hybrids. It does make it obvious, however, that the people who maintain that this is the case, without a shred of hard evidence, are blithering idiots.
The relatively common occurrence of garden variety humans being seen in the vicinity of, entering and leaving, and sometimes piloting UFOs may be another significant clue as to the meaning and origin of these craft. Many operations which are said to take place inside the saucers and performed by "alien" beings are in fact carbon copies of the kind of operations performed on the restraining tables of psychiatrists in the employ of the CIA and other military and intelligence agencies--right down to the reports of tiny electronic brain implants inserted through the nose, the standard insertion technique for both brain control shrinks (as exemplified by Dr. Jose Delgado, the originator of the technique) and, so we are told, the grey aliens.
A Symbolic Odyssey
It has been established, I think, that there are aspects of the UFO mystery that owe more to the activities of humans than extraterrestrials. But my purpose is not simply to show that humans forces of some sort--perhaps the CIA--are hoaxing the populace into believing that the aliens are here and pose a threat to the well-being of mankind. I am hoping to provide a look into the purpose behind the hoaxing.
There are strange clues that need to be examined in detail; these involve a tangled web of symbolism in the UFO mythos that, fortunately, resolves into a single meaning: Trust me on this. As I cite each reference in this symbolic odyssey, I will try to distill the relevant images that will assist in forming a conclusion.
In the incredible account "My Life Depends On You!", which has circulated widely in the underground press, Martti Koski describes the experience of literally going mad. In 1975 he began to be plagued by unwanted voices that he believed were being broadcast from the hotel room above him. Assuming that he was experiencing a neurotic bout he put up with the voices until, in the late summer of 1979, his mental torture escalated. Now Koski found that he was losing control of his bodily functions, and that his senses were being scrambled. His heartbeat became erratic to the point that he entered the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton, Canada.
Once checked into the hospital, the voice in his head identified itself, claiming to be a spokesman for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and telling Koski that he had been chosen to be a spy. The voice dubbed Koski the "Microwave Man." Koski claims that while in the hospital bizarre experiments were performed on him by the doctors while, in the meantime, interior voices were telling him to perform acts like stealing shirts and engaging in covert sales of cigarettes to other patients.
After leaving the hospital, Koski attempted to escape the barrage of voices by traveling to his native Finland, but to no avail.
The voices did not let up.
After eighteen years of psychic attack, Koski has, to a degree, learned to live with it. In Finland he works with other individuals who claim that they have been victims of government mind control experimentation, some of them being able to back up their claims with x-rays that seem to show tiny mushroom-shaped brain implants.
Koski's plight may be interpreted in at least two ways. He may be simply crazy, and the voices may be entirely the product of his own mind. The lucidness of his written account of his ordeal, however, argues against this possibility. He may also be correct in his conclusions. He may be mind controlled by, as he suspects, the RCMP. Certainly there is a huge body of literature detailing the activities of government intelligence operations on civilians, and there is proof that brain implants in fact actually are performed, including numerous x-ray photos of tiny, otherwise unexplainable brain implants. It is also interesting that the most infamous of doctors working in the CIA MKULTRA mind control experiments of the 1950s was Dr. Ewen Cameron, his horrendous experimentation performed at his gothic Ravenscrag facility in Montreal, Canada.
But there is an additional strange element to the Koski story that may provide a piece to the puzzle that we are researching. After Koski returned to Finland, the voices he was hearing began to tell him a different story. Now they told him that they weren't RCMP, at all. They were beings from the "Dog Star," Sirius. So Koski is being mind-manipulated by extraterrestrials?
There are further symbolic linkages on this speculative trail that may or may not lead to the stars. At the beginning of this century, contact with the Sirius star system was claimed by the occultist Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine who, through the famous occultist Papus, learned the rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge, founded by Aleister Crowley, and formed his own group in his native Haiti. Jean-Maine is said to have in 1922 combined the OTO rituals with voodoo practices to form the Cult of the Black Snake in Haiti. He also claimed to be in contact with a disembodied being or voodoo loa named Lam, an entity who OTO Grand Master Kenneth Grant said was one of the Great Old Ones, an elder as well as eldritch god nigh-identical with those portrayed by the American horror writer H.P. Lovecraft in the 1920s and 30s.
Lam, according to Grant, has the task of uniting the current that emanates from the Andromeda galaxy with the current that flows from Sirius. Grant believed that a dimensional portal exists in the Andromeda galaxy, and through this portal will enter the Old Ones, demonic entities intent on returning Earth to their dominion and having humanity for breakfast.
Prior to Jean-Maine's contact with Lam, the famous occultist and founder of the OTO Aleister Crowley reported that he had summoned the same entity through one of his own "magickal"
workings. Crowley also penned a drawing of Lam, reprinted in Kenneth Grant's
The Magical Revival
, adding another strange dimension to the now inter-dimensional puzzle.
Crowley portrays the entity Lam as a prototypical big-headed
"Gray," i.e. as the picture of modern popular conceptions about what a UFO alien is supposed to look like. Crowley, relates Grant, also
"unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis (Sirius), or Set-Isis." The obvious connection here is the significance of Sirius, although the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge, Crowley, and Lam also have their own special relevance.
Evaluating this mish-mash of occultism, who would imagine that the telepathic transmissions from Sirius might have something to do with military intelligence? Occult investigator James Shelby Downard, in his wonderful "Sorcery, Sex, Assassination, and the Science of Symbolism" (published in my
Secret and Suppressed
anthology) researches the existence of a Sirius-worship cult that he believes exists at the highest levels of the CIA! He cites as one of their ritual locations the telescope viewing room of the Palomar Observatory in California. There, he says, the adepts of the Sirius-military intelligence cult enact rituals in the telescopically-focused light of the Dog Star, in imitation of the Egyptian priesthood, astral rays bathing the viewing chamber and the participants when the telescope is aimed Sirius-ward.
Utter madness? Tell that to Colonel Michael Aquino of U.S.
military intelligence, the admitted head of the satanic Temple of Set, a deity identified in occultism with Sirius. Aquino makes no bones about the fact that he is the head of his offshoot of Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, known to draw many of its leaders from military circles. Again, we see the strange conjunction of Sirius, occultism, and military intelligence.
Another occultist and "spirit channeler," championing the cause of Sirius, the Dog Star, in the 1950s and 60s, was well-known ufologist George Hunt Williamson (the penname for Michel d'Obrenovic). Williamson authored the classic UFO book
Tongues--Other Flesh
, an extended treatise on the beneficence of the ufonauts from Sirius, who supposedly provided mankind with civilization in the far distant past.
Williamson treats this theme at length again in his book
Places of the Lion
, extolling the "Goodly Company," the "Star People," the "Children of Light," who "migrated to earth"--the "dark star"--"planet of sorrows"--about eighteen million years ago and have worked ceaselessly and tirelessly in their gigantic task of acting as the Creator's mentors to a backward, fallen race.
Williamson claimed that he had met these benevolent "space friends," and was in fact a member of the group of witnesses who claimed to have seen George Adamski contact a saucer craft and an alien being in the California desert. The alien warned him about the evil influence of the beings from Orion.
Williamson also rhapsodizes at length, but in a somewhat circumspect fashion, on the seemingly-unrelated theme of Solomon's Temple and the reappearance of the Messiah, hinting at certain "secrets" relating to same. Although it may seem quite a digression, Williamson's treatment of the Messiah theme provides the solution as to his own and to others' "secret" orientation in ufology.
Drawing upon a selection of quotes from his book, Williamson maintains that:
Throughout the entire history of the earth, the "Goodly Company" or the multitude of "Christ Souls" have incarnated in a group...
Pharoah was addressed as "The King, the Ra, the Sun." This signified his position as leader of the "Goodly Company" of star born beings dedicated to the salvation of a planet!...
A special hereditary order of men was now created to keep a semblance of Aton (One God) worship amongst the Israelites; although the Greater Light could not be theirs because they were not yet ready for it, a less spiritual worship was set up, based on pagan ritualism, that nevertheless was symbolic in its sacrifices, ceremonies, vestments, etc...
The promise of an Eternal King, to arise out of David's Family, was repeated over and over again: to David, to Solomon, and again and again...
There are references to the breaking of the bread and drinking of the wine as a symbol of "the sacred repast." The wine represents the
"Holy Vine of David" and the bread "the life and knowledge of God."
Those "Children of the Greater Light" who are descendants of the
"Holy Vine of David" serve, through the "sacred repast," "the life and knowledge of God!! God made a covenant with David of an eternal dynasty."...
David and Bathsheba prepared the way for the coming of the Master or the Fulfillment in Israel...
When Solomon ascended the throne of his father, he consecrated his life to the erection of a temple to God and a palace for the kings of Israel. David's faithful friend, Hiram, King of Tyre, hearing that a son of David sat upon the throne of Israel, sent messages of congratulation and offers of assistance to the new ruler...