Saucers of the Illuminati (14 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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The [IRS] is launching a massive effort to forestall a breakdown of the income tax system when the year 2000 arrives... If the agency cannot quickly revise millions of lines of obscure software code... it will throw the government's financial operations into chaos. Computers throughout government and private industry face the same problem...

Experts say the federal government has been dangerously late in recognizing the problem.

Los Angeles Times
, October 16, 1996

The world of finance... is especially vulnerable... The absolute worst case is a global financial meltdown. Clearing and settlement of transactions could break down. Stocks held electronically could be wiped out. Interest might not be properly credited. Deposits or trades might not be credited to an account. The consequences may be catastrophic.

Business Week,
August 12, 1996

This book, however, is not a treatise on the Millenium Bug, and so I will not go into all of the possible ramifications of a majority of the computers in the world suddenly being rendered non-functional, but can you imagine the effects on this country--

particularly in the inner city--if welfare and social security checks were not delivered for a few months?

Events of the sort mentioned above would leave the country, ripped apart by strife, ripe for elitist intervention. After push does come to shove, the small groups of survivalists and patriots hanging out in the woods of Oregon will provide little more than possibilities for further Establishment PR coups as these "murderous terrorists"

are routed out.

There will be no resistance. Hungry, threatened people would be eager for any answer, especially if it was transmitted in "divine"

fashion, and seemingly from the stars.

Regardless of whether there are any bigheaded grey aliens in the bleachers for the gala coronation, whether or not the occultists at the top are able to launch a fleet of UFO-style flying disks to perform synchronized aerobatics over the newly-rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, wouldn't the appearance of a singularly impressive stellar display, a supernova flaring forth in the midst of a triangle composed of three stars, be a wonderfully impressive and awfully convenient harbinger of the Illuminati World King?

UFOs at the Edge of Reality

A lecture delivered in Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1995

What I intend to explore today are some of my thoughts and opinions about the nature of UFOs and aliens and reality, based upon an interest that goes back to about 1957. I'm going to focus on some material suggesting that UFOs and ETs walk a fine line between reality and thought (or awareness). This is not to suggest that this is an illusory experience, however. I don't believe that the UFO experience is illusory. I want to explore what you might call the edge of manifestation of this UFO phenomenon.

I'm not suggesting that UFOs and aliens are imaginary, nor will I pledge that they are always completely, materially, solidly "real."

Actually, I think that their existence challenges the tightly-formulated definitions of reality and imagination, and points up the limitations of those definitions. It seems to me that UFOs sometimes happily cross these lines of demarcation, and defy the definitions.

The way they do this gives us some clues to something else, to the nature of reality, what is really real and what is possible, in terms of the understanding and potential expansion of awareness.

Reality is an amorphous concept. My experience suggests that there is an in-between realm in this universe or omniverse where thought and matter meet, like one of those paradoxical graphics by the Dutch artist M.C. Escher, where thought and matter coalesce and partake of each other, where matter manifests from pure awareness, where reality takes form... and that the nurturing bed where matter, reality and, incidentally, where UFOs and ETs manifest, is what we might loosely call awareness, or the mind.

When I say "mind," I'm not limiting that to the purely physical conception, to the computer that resides behind your forehead, to the electrical activity sparking in your brain pan, or whatever, because that is a rather limited and limiting conception. If we stick with that, we're not going to accomplish what I want, which is to provide a little more familiarity with this borderland reality, with the interface between thought and material solidity.

When I use the term "mind" I am talking about awareness in a generalized sense, in a theoretically absolute sense. My own belief is that awareness is not necessarily limited to an awareness resident in the body, in a meat body. You can believe anything you want, but anyone who has any experience with meditation, with hallucinogens, or with ritual magic is going to have a sense of what I'm suggesting.

Awareness, as far as I am concerned, and in my own experience, ultimately has no limitations whatsoever, beyond the limitations that it conceives for itself. Awareness is potentially a creator, and it can create freedoms and it can create limitations.

Awareness, interestingly enough, creates its own conception of itself, which is what it then proceeds to be.

I just want you to try on the concept that awareness may not proceed from solid reality. In fact, I'm not certain that I could prove this to you unless you were willing to entertain this possibility and play around with it a little bit yourself. If you think that the possibilities that I have mentioned are absolutely impossible, then you are maintaining that the beliefs and knowledge of this insignificant tide pool of awareness, the planet Earth, determine the possibilities of the entire universe. This has a corollary that UFO

aficionados are often vocally decrying; the absurdity of people who believe that life could only exist on one planet in this vast universe.

I'm also saying that awareness, very loosely defined, is senior to solid matter. It stands above solid matter. Awareness creates thought and belief and, ultimately I think is the creator of solid matter. Reality, I believe is defined and created from this immaterial plane of thought and mind. I think that you create the entirety of your physical reference, and the only reason this isn't obvious to everyone is that one also creates the belief that one can't create or even influence physicality to the slightest degree with the mind.

I believe that you create your own reality entirely. In addition, you create yourself according to whatever template you choose, in whatever body you choose, on whatever planet you choose, based upon your belief structures.

It follows that if you create your own reality, if you change your beliefs about what you can and can't do, can and can't experience, can and can't see, then you can change your reality. You can restructure your own experience entirely, change your identity entirely, and experience anything whatsoever that you wish. This is perfectly true, at least in my own experience and belief structure.

Reality. The word is a semantic absurdity. Reality, according to my American Heritage dictionary, is "the quality or state of being actual or true." When you look up "actual" or "true" you find that defined as "Consistent with... reality." The definition goes in circles, and is never grounded in anything that is separate and verifiable.

The problem is that the concept of reality is indefinable, and the concept of something being "real" is dependent upon proving that something is "real," with a verifiable existence which is apart from some subjective belief or illusion. Something that can be nailed down using a disinterested measuring stick of comparison.

Unfortunately or fortunately, so far as I know, it is impossible to do this with any aspect of reality or of thought. The reason for this can be exhibited by hauling forth the standard argument one encounters for the existence of something called "reality." I don't know how many times I've heard this one. You're talking to the guy at the party and presenting your crazy ideas about how reality isn't real, and the guy stands up and [bangs on the podium]. "See," he says, "This is real. This is solid. This is reality! Try and disprove that!"

The point is that knocking on something, feeling something, feeling the weight of something, does not prove its existence, because you are proving its existence with something that is essentially identical, that is, a solid hand is impacting with a solid podium. You have not removed yourself from the context of that existence and compared it with "reality."

It might as well be meaningless babble that takes place in a dream. You might as well be dreaming that you're banging your hand against a podium and hearing the rap in the dream. In fact, every time you do that, pound on the podium, you are dreaming in a sense, because solidity, solid reality, is not the basis of reality. You can dream that you're touching solidity, you can imagine it, and in fact, once you start working with this thing called imagination, once you regularly exercise your ability to dream up realities and all of the perceptions that are allied with them, you'll also be exercising your ability to mold and transform this one, that which you've considered to be your original reality. You'll theoretically be able to change your reality and everyone else's in any manner you wish.

That might seem like a contradiction, but I don't think that it is: that you can change another person's reality. The reason it seems like a contradiction is that you are identifying your awareness with the limited definition of being fixated in a single physical body. You're really not stuck.

In my experience, there really is no "other" whose reality toes you're going to step on if you get a little too frisky with your awareness play, but it is one awareness inhabiting a multitude of bodies. At least until you change that conception, and that reality.

So the "truth" about "reality," bottom line, is that there ain't no such beast. Reality is only what we believe it to be. Reality is only a contingency of awareness. The fact that ten people or a thousand people believe the same thing, does not render the thing any more real in an absolute sense, but it does point out the structural underpinning of the determinant of this shared illusion called reality, what causes it to manifest in the shapes and forms that it does; and that determinant, that reality-shaper is called "belief." What people believe down deep is what they consider to be reality, and also what they experience. Sometimes this can be different from what they say they believe.

The existence of UFOs can be voted down due to the relative rarity of the experience, and its sometimes insubstantial character.

It's the same thing with people who study conspiracy politics. You look into this subject and it becomes quite apparent that the world is run on conspiratorial lines, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, regardless of what Rush says. But the conspiracy is outvoted by the pundits in the media who know better without actually having researched the subject, and so it's not true, it's not real.

What can be accomplished by playing around with belief systems? I think that potentially we can remove finally all barriers to perception, to creation, and theoretically come up with an unlimited awareness, capable of knowing anything, capable of doing anything, and one which is totally free of limiting definition. This naturally smacks of conceptions of godhood, but I'm not trying to get religious here. I'm saying that this is part of the spectrum of possibilities of awareness. Human beings are part of the spectrum of possible awareness manifestations; snails are another.

And in this latter portion of the 20th Century mankind has come up to having awareness characteristics, enough smarts where it is possible to attain states of awareness that were hitherto unimagined, at least by the majority of awareness points on the planet. Of course, this is a belief structure in itself that I am communicating; that we are on this planet, that we are human life forms, that we have certain awareness characteristics, that we inhabit bodies, that there is such a thing as time and human evolution.

Awareness is a fascinating thing and in my belief, if consciousness that has been localized on the planet Earth would finally begin to flow a little and be liberated from some of its former boundaries and self conceptions. Awareness just won't stay in a localized, fixated condition and position forever. That's its nature.

The human condition is an interesting thing. I thought about just what the human condition is, what a human body is, what this fleshly container for our awareness is, and I think I've had some insight on this. It occurred to me that a real reality, something that you know is true, is more satisfying to awareness than simply a dream or a work of art or a movie, let's say.

It's far more interesting to an awareness to be involved in something that is real, something unchangeable, something that cannot be denied, a true story, let's say. And that's what the human body is all about. It is the awareness creating itself solidly inside of the drama, the awareness play making itself a solid portion of the play so that the drama is real!

The awareness of death even creates itself within the illusion that when the reality creation ends, when the structuralization ends, the awareness ceases to exist. This doesn't actually seem to be the case. But the solid creation of the human body--pinch me so that I know I'm not dreaming--is based upon interest. So long as you are an omniscient awareness that exists outside of its creation, knowingly having created or creating that reality or game or whatever, it's not half as interesting. You know that your creation is an illusion, it's a game, a movie, it's pretend.

You, the awareness, know that it is a form of play that you're experiencing and that it really doesn't ultimately matter. But to pretend that it's real, true, that it's reality, to put yourself in the 3-D

holographic picture and say that you had no hand in its creation and that the physical creation in fact was responsible for creating you, that you were born into it and had no hand in the creation of the drama, now that makes for some real involvement, some real fun even if it's only of the tragicomic sort!

Ultimately, consciousness has to flow. It works like a rushing stream of events. No single, localized event ultimately has any meaning; only its localized meaning. It draws its meaning from the larger context. As we expand in terms of our own self conception, as we free ourselves from self-created barriers and limitations, you might say that we are refamiliarizing ourselves with the energy of the ocean of awareness, rather than fixating on the energy swirlings locked in the little tide pool, the tide pool of Homo Sapien's conception and delusion at the tail end of the 20th Century.

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