Saucers of the Illuminati (16 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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A tangent that backs up this notion: it's interesting that a lot of ritual magicians have used sex as a tool for accessing different states of consciousness, for providing "oomph" to their workings.

Although I'm not a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis group, I have a copy of their Gnostic mass, and it's a straight sexual symbolization, dramatization. Crowley was very much into this, Kenneth Grant, Austin Osman Spare, the Templars, the Mystery Religions, tantric yoga, even some of the Christian adepts like Baron von Zinzendorf's Christian-Freemasonic group who got their kicks from rhapsodizing about the ecstasy of using Christ's side wound as an orifice for their penetration.

Sex can provide an access port into energies that are useful in manifesting other realities... This, as in the case with drugs, may have something to do with the relaxing of inhibitions to experience.

Sometimes, though, things are manifested that are not desired. In the Hebrew Talmud masturbation is warned against because with each act are created incubi or succubi or disembodied entities which they refer to as Qlippoth. Certainly it's no secret that in a lot of UFO

abduction cases the aliens make free with the abductees, even going so far as having sex with them.

I also want you to note that researchers have long connected poltergeist, "noisy ghost" phenomena with the presence of pubescent children, children phasing into sexual maturity. Certainly a lot of energies are aroused during this period, energies which apparently manifest Qlippoth-like entities and even impact with the physical environment and toss dishes around and so forth.

I wonder if there's a correlation between alien abduction and sexual frustration? I know a woman who had an alien encounter and impregnation, or thought that this had happened to her, and she dramatized all of the signs of pregnancy, including the enlargement of her stomach. She's a New Ager so she wouldn't have appreciated my down-to-earth suggestion that she get a sonogram and find out what's really going on. Anyway, the aliens apparently intervened at the last moment and spirited the alien half-breed away before birth. I didn't question the woman closely enough to really have an informed opinion about what was going on--there are such things as what are termed hysterical pregnancies, and fathers sometimes dramatize the characteristics of pregnancy, you know--so I don't know the nature of what actually took place. But what I am pointing out is the sexual and birth connection to the UFO/ET experience.

Another matter of high curiosity is that ET abductions often contain elements which seem to be able to be traced to events which took place at the time of the abductee's birth. This was brought out by Alvin H. Lawson in a paper about what he calls the "Birth Memory Hypothesis." Lawson did a study of abductions in the 1970s and noted that in three hundred or so transcripts of persons who believed that they had been abducted by ufonauts, birth imagery was "abundant" in their descriptions of the events. These narratives linked "the fetus with the abductee, the placenta with the UFO, the cervical opening with UFO doorways and the umbilical cord with levitating light beams or pillars..."

Lawson commented that "most" abduction accounts are

"dominated" by prenatal details. I know this sounds speculative and pretty wild, but Lawson did additional studies in which he compared abduction sequences with events which actually took place during the person' birth, and noted striking correlations. For instance, in the case of one woman who had a breech birth (rear end exiting first), she got aboard the UFO "by being vacuumed up a tunnel, through a small door, and into a tiny bubble-like room (like the amniotic sac), where she remained throughout her experience. She exited the UFO

in a unique manner..."

Remember, this woman was a breech birth. "She 'sat down'

over a trap door in the floor and sank to the ground. Another subject, a breech birth, who was born feet first, exited the UFO by walking backwards until she was outside. A forceps-aided... breech birth, she said that 'they' pushed on her head, slipping her outside; later she said that during the examination 'they' moved her body to 'center'


Bud Hopkins says that he has regressed over 160 abductees whose narratives were loaded with reproductive imagery. Here the veil seems to have been pulled back a little, and we see the direct influence of the human psyche, at least in its sexual and birth aspects, directly influencing the UFO and ET experience, as if the psychic portion of the contactee is phasing into, shading into, shaping and influencing the reality of the contact, the actual circumstances. Might this be straight delusion? Sure, in many instances I'm certain that this is the case, but I don't think that we're talking delusion in all cases.

It's reminiscent of the anecdote where the shrink shows the woman a Rorschach test and she slaps him. I think it has more to do with the concept that Aldous Huxley talked about in
Doors of
that the mind functions, at least in part, as a reduction valve on experience, a tuner that limits the bandwidth of what is perceived, and puts perception into a manageable or understandable format, and perhaps even shapes the experience into what is dictated by the content of the awareness, particularly through its beliefs. I suggest that not only does awareness interpret what is perceived, UFOs and ETs and whatnot, but that it also creates these phenomena at both the mass consciousness and individual level.

Another suggestion that our experience of UFOs and ETs is influenced by our mindset is that a lot of these experiences portray far stranger motifs, ones which come from Freemasonry and the Mystery Religions and the New World Order.

The Frenchman Claude Vorilhon was taking a pleasant hike in the mountains one day, so he relates, when he saw a UFO hovering nearby, the craft bearing a Star of David with a swastika inside the emblem. A glowing childlike figure stepped forth from the craft.

The child conversed with Vorhilon, bestowing a new name on him, Rael, and informed the man that the reason he had been chosen to be contacted was because France was the birthplace of earthly democracy (i.e. during the French Revolution). The being entrusted Vorhilon with the mission of building an embassy in which the aliens, which Vorilhon calls the Elohim from the biblical reference, could meet with dignitaries of Earth, with the stated purpose of spreading "Peace, Love, Fraternity."

Vorilhon was informed that humans had been created by the Elohim, godlike space travelers who were also skilled in the arts of DNA alteration and cloning. Vorilhon was now to assist the Elohim in preparing mankind for the final age of Revelation. Vorilhon, having adopted the name "Rael," now insists to his numerous followers that "a world government and a new monetary system must be created. A single language will serve to unify the planet."

He and his followers sport the Star of David/swastika emblem that he observed on the side of the UFO, and they practice a form of

"sensual meditation" which may be similar to tantric yoga as practiced by the OTO and other ritual magicians.

Quite obvious to anyone with a conspiratorial bent who has studied the literature are the New World Order/Illuminati references within this UFO encounter and the mission that was imparted to Rael. The childlike alien might as well have been on a mission from George Bush.

Another case is that of Betty Andreasson. Taking place in 1967, the events of Adreasson's abduction were later brought out through the use of hypnosis. Andreasson recalled being kidnapped from her home and spirited into what appeared to be a spacecraft. She was transported to an unknown location and then taken through a series of underground passageways that she believed to be part of a city.

Arriving at an underground chamber, Andreasson experienced, in a manner which she describes as highly painful as well as emotional, a kind of mythic psychodrama enacted before her that may or may not have been different from the kind of mystical dramatizations enacted in Mystery Religions and other mystic cults.

She saw a huge bird, that she estimated be fifteen feet in height, which resembled an eagle but having a more elongated neck. The creature was apparently alive, but as Andreasson watched, it began to transform. It began to glow with a light and heat that was so intense it caused her pain.

When the heat and light vanished the bird was gone and she was gazing on flickering embers. As Andreasson stared at the embers she saw a worm wriggling in the ash.

"Now, looks like a worm," she described it in her hypnosis, "a big fat worm. It just looks like a big fat worm, a big grey worm just lying there."

Also during the experience, Andreasson was told by her abductors: "We are going to measure you for light... You have not completely understood the word that you have. You are not completely filled with light."

Andreasson said, "I believe that I'm filled with the light! I believe, I believe that I'm filled with the light!" Andreasson also recalled that, "They called my name, and repeated it again in a louder voice. I said, 'No, I don't understand what this is all about, why I'm even here.' And they, whatever it was, said that 'I have chosen you.'"

"'For what have you chosen me?'

"'I have chosen you to show the world.'

"Are you God?" Andreasson asked, "Are you the lord God?"

"I shall show you as your time goes by."

The following is part of an interview with Andreasson conducted by Raymond Fowler:

Fowler: Have they [the UFOs] anything to do with what we call the second coming of Christ?

Andreasson: They definitely do.

Fowler: When is this going to occur?

Andreasson: They know the Master is getting ready, and very close.

Since we are ranging cosmically far afield in our search for connections, it should be noted that Eye in the Triangle emblems have been seen on some UFO and the uniforms of their occupants, and that in recent years a significant percentage of two thousand UFO sighting reports in Belgium describe triangular craft with lights at each point of the triangle, and another light in the center of the triangle.

Anyway, the Lords of Light and various other references relating to light, the Star of David, the Phoenix, the Eye in the Triangle... All of these symbols convey a very earthly origin and are often seen in accounts of encounters and abductions. These are symbols from the mythology of the Freemasons and the Illuminati.

As I mentioned in my book
Saucers of the Illuminati,
incidents like these strongly suggest a Freemasonic/Mystery Religion/

Illuminati motivation and/or manipulation. Both American and British intelligence agencies are still much aligned to Freemasonic goals, and so this might point out an intelligence agency connection, say in terms of staged incidents, mind control, whatever. That's the argument that I make in
Saucers of the Illuminati,
but since then I've come to see that there are other possible explanations.

There is the possibility that, since Freemasons and their ilk are quite involved in ritualism and magic, that this might be a straight magical transmission evoking these UFO events and even influencing them from a non-physical standpoint. These events may be summoned by Illuminati ritual.

At the very least I would suggest that these symbols might have crept into the common subconscious coin, from which position they are dramatized in reality. Again, I am not suggesting that incidents like these are examples of delusion, but that we may be looking at something quite different: that the content of the mind can influence and shape the manifestation of real events.

Another clue suggesting the UFO experience draws part of its meaning from the human experience or the subconscious or mass consciousness experience is that one can see that one of the major concerns of this era is, and should be, the interface of human consciousness with outer space. We have finally evolved tools, that is rockets and other modes of propulsion, for travel among the planets, and are getting to the point where the creation of a faster than light drive is possible. We can see this as conceivable, and something that mankind may accomplish in the near future.

We might conceive that humans or mass consciousness may be pondering upon these things, upon this position in time and the possibilities inherent in it. And these experiences with spacelings may in part depend upon and be flavored by this focus of attention, but also possibly because we have not objectified our experience of outer space yet, we have not solidified our beliefs and views, standardized our interpretation of the possibilities of this experience.

UFOs may wholly or partly constitute an "imagining into"

future possibilities. Perhaps a testing out of realities that we are going to put on or manifest in the future. A trial run in a new pair of shoes. Maybe like the Rorschach test, space is relatively amorphous to us at this moment, in our present perception, a somewhat neutral oracle that we are reading meanings into, that we are beginning to play with.

I suspect, although since I have not conducted the experiment I cannot prove, that there are major correlations between the type of UFO/ET encounters one has and one's chronic emotional tone... i.e.

anger, apathy, grief, whatever; one's obsessions, philosophy, and material circumstances, roughly gauged.

I have the feeling that a statistical analysis would show significant correlations between people who feel that they are victimized and abused by life and those who feel that they are victimized and abused by ETs. I have the feeling that people who have a generally airy-fairy New Agey view of life might tend to encounter benevolent space brothers who impart homilies about transcendence and golden eternity. Naturally, this would not correlate on a one-to-one basis, it wouldn't always be true, but I think that a decent statistical sampling would show that I am on to something here.

Again, I am not saying that these non-human contacts with humans are not sometimes real. I am saying that we tend to attract experiences that correlate with our mind and emotional sets, and that we ultimately create our own reality, including traffic jams, bad television shows, toothaches, trips to the corner grocery, being a human on the planet Earth, and having our mind blown by an ET

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