Saucers of the Illuminati (3 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

Tags: #General, #Body, #Mind & Spirit, #Unidentified Flying Objects, #Philosophy, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #Metaphysics

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Perhaps the answer is that the beings driving these vehicles aren't alien at all, or at least not quite so alien as we have been led to think. There is no shortage of available accounts of human beings being unaccountably connected to UFOs in the annals of this research, and "close encounters of the human kind" often take place without any accompanying extraterrestrial-appearing characters being involved in the incidents at all. Statistics compiled by James M. McCampbell in the book
show, surprisingly, that over one third of "close encounters of the third kind" that are reported involve contact with UFO occupants who are apparently human.

John Keel is the source of another anecdote:

One family of seven people swore they had seen a circular object land near a wooded area on Long Island. They stopped their car to watch and were astonished when they saw two figures, normal-human-sized beings, exit through a door in the object as a large black car crossed the field and stopped nearby. The two beings got into the car and it drove off. The object took off quickly and disappeared into the night sky.

Another UFO encounter involved two highly credible women, Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, and Landrum's young grandson, Colby. The trio were motoring near Dayton, Texas in 1980 when they noticed an unusual moving light in the sky above them. They pulled the car over to the side of the road, and the light approached, hovering at approximately 135 feet in altitude and only a few hundred feet away, until it was so close that it was blinding in intensity. By that time the witnesses were able to perceive that they were viewing some kind of huge aerial craft.

Betty Cash, the driver, got out of the car in order to better view what they could now see was a huge, diamond-shaped craft. Flames shot out of the base of the UFO, and a roaring sound engulfed them.

Betty Cash returned to the car, where she found the door handle hot to the touch. The strange aircraft slowly moved away. Then the observers saw the approach of twenty-three large, twin-rotor helicopters (apparently Army Chinooks), that looked as if they were escorting the UFO at a distance of about three-quarters of a mile.

After returning home all three of the witnesses of the strange craft had come down with what was apparently radiation poisoning.

Betty Cash, the woman who had exited the car for a better look, suffered the worst case, with headache, loss of hair, eyes swollen shut, and sores on her skin, causing her to be hospitalized for six weeks. Since the incident Cash has also contracted cancer that she attributes to the incident. The other two witnesses suffered lesser degrees of eye inflammation and "radiation burns."

When contacted by Cash and Landrum, the Army responded in typical cover-up fashion. Despite the reports of other witnesses that Army helicopters had been in the area at the time of the UFO

sighting, they issued a denial of having taken part in the maneuvers.

An independent UFO investigator found a blackened area on the road in the vicinity where the witnesses had observed the UFO and the choppers. Within a few days an unidentified road crew hurried to the location, dug up the portion of the road, and replaced it.

What these and similar accounts seem to say is that UFOs and encounters of the third kind are not always an entirely alien affair, that tabloid television may not have all the answers, and that humans may be involved to some unknown extent in many of these incidents--perhaps in some unknown plan of directed transformation that they are trying to implement. Few, very few, contemporary researchers have made this connection, most of them instead opting for the more-easily-graspable notion that the ufonauts are visitors from nearby star systems. There, leave it at that, they seem to say.

What else could they be?

There are exceptions in the research community, however.

Some prominent investigators such as Jacques Vallee, Martin Cannon, Alex Constantine, and John Judge seem to have entirely abandoned the idea that UFOs are extraterrestrial phenomena, although any alternate hypotheses are rarely hinted at in the mass media. Bogeymen "Greys" from outer space make better press it seems, and there are other reasons.

For the general public, I suspect the possibility that UFOs are controlled in some fashion by humans, for some conspiratorial purpose, is unthinkable. Why? The answer is simple. The public is the victim of a massive propaganda assault where you would be least likely to expect one. There is an almost total media blackout about the possibility that UFOs are anything other than extraterrestrial phenomena.

When humans are mentioned in relation to UFOs it is always in the context of some eldritch and vast science fictional conspiracy that includes government/alien collaboration and secret treaties, underground bases, and macabre scenarios of human-alien vat clonings. The monolith of this unlikely scenario is sustained upon a foundation of no hard evidence whatsoever; odd, since it apparently involves hundreds of thousands of human participants scuttling in the dark underbelly of terrestrial politics and selling out the human race for a place in the sun after the coming alien takeover of Earth.

An additional filter on the truth is that the whole subject of the existence of secret, conspiratorial groups manipulating politics from behind the scenes is treated as a big joke by the media, and as the province of crackpots, as can be readily deduced from the treatment accorded to Oliver Stone's motion picture
. Six months prior to the release of the film, there was a huge media campaign to discredit the production, along with the whole notion of a conspiracy being involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination. Certainly there is abundant evidence showing that it is almost impossible that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole individual responsible for the murder of Kennedy, and that the large number of inconsistencies in the government story suggest that a conspiracy is at least possible. But that evidence, so it seems, is irrelevant. There are no political conspiracies, and that's that, chump.

Likewise, against the preponderance of evidence, almost the entirety of UFO literature (including motion pictures and television) assumes that the solution to the enigma of the saucers is, in a sense, already known to us. It is taken for granted that we already know that extraterrestrials from other planets pilot these super-science craft. Perhaps, after all, it serves someone's purpose for the public to believe this way. Perhaps it assists the transformation I have spoken of, a transformation that is taking place all around us.


The Mind Manipulators

To understand the motives that might prompt humans to organize such a massive deception, a mass mind-twisting of this scope, I believe that we should look outside the literature of UFOs, consulting the history of other recent and verifiable mass manipulations and deceptions. If we are attempting to unravel the secret of the most perplexing mystery of this century, we should acknowledge that certain segments of mankind, in order to accomplish their power-hungry plans, have often been happy to pull a veil over the eyes of (if not put out the eyes of) their fellows who inhabit this earth.

Since the middle of this century (and very probably before that) the intelligence agencies of the United States, as well as other countries, have been involved in covert programs intended to modify beliefs and behavior--to control the minds of the population of the world. The rubric "National Security" is employed by these manipulators as a catch-all shield to veil the illegal (and definitely immoral) activities of intelligence agencies involved in a welter of Orwellian mindbending programs such as ARTICHOKE, MKULTRA, and MKDELTA.

Although intelligence agency brainwashing is only very rarely spoken of in the mass media, this does not reflect on its prevalence or on the magnitude of its ambitions, which have involved thousands of programs and billions of dollars of funding into research on mind alteration and the control of often unwitting victims. Many volumes (although few published by major publishing houses) have been filled with horrendous accounts of brainwashing, electroshock, psychosurgery, drug experimentation, and the experimental injection of hostile bacteria and viruses, all performed by "our" employees, the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.

Walter Bowart in the classic expose
Operation Mind Control
characterizes the purpose of intelligence agencies as being take human beings, both citizens of the United States and citizens of friendly and unfriendly nations, and transform them into unthinking, subconsciously programmed "zombies," motivated without their knowledge and against their wills to perform in a variety of ways in which they would not otherwise willingly perform. This is accomplished through the use of various techniques called by various names, including brainwashing, thought reform, behavior modification, hypnosis, and conditioned reflex therapy.

A survey of some of the gothic monuments in the landscape of mind control research include:

The advent of television in the late 1940s has provided a potent mind drug administered to the vast majority of the population.

Providing a substitution for actual human life in the modulating and hypnotic electronic flicker of the television tube, studies have been conducted showing that television actually induces a trance state that, with years of watching, becomes permanent. Television is, without a doubt, the most potent societal soporific in the mind control arsenal.

Susan Bryce, writing in
, aptly describes what takes place during television watching:

There is so much information coming at viewers over a short time, that they sit lethargically staring blankly at the screen. This is precisely what you are supposed to do. In this lethargic mode, when people are almost snoozing, more is taken in subconsciously by the mind. Have you ever wondered why people fall asleep in front of the TV? Viewers become passive recipients, on the treadmill of mindless consumerism, routed endlessly from one shopping center to another, buying, buying, buying. Mass programmed shoppers. Becoming absorbed in the pursuit of media popularized roles or fashions, in the vain hope of becoming loved, respected, rich, socially popular or sexually desirable. Sheep who venerate compulsive neurotic behavior as normal, desirable human contact.

Madness Network News
chronicles that:

Between 1953-1967, the CIA paid Ewen Cameron over $18,000

to test LSD, Thorazine, and sensory deprivation on mental patients. Dr.

Carl Pfeiffer was paid $25,000 a year by the CIA to drug prisoners with LSD. Dr. Harris Isbell drugged prisoners with LSD for 11 years under CIA auspices. Dr. Louis Jolyon West of UCLA, Dr. Sidney Malitz, Dr.

James B. Cattell, Dr. Amadeo Marrazzi, Dr. Paul Hoch, and many other psychiatrists were also on the CIA payroll.

Robert Heath at Tulane University in 1955 was employed by the U.S. Army to combine the administering of LSD with implanted brain electrodes on psychiatric victims.

Between 1952-57 Dr. Paul Hoch at the New York Psychiatric Institute was funded to the tune of $200,000 by the Army, to research mind control by drugging on humans.

Nineteen fifty-six saw the CIA authorizing the use of Bulbocapnine and other drugs on state penitentiary inmates.

Bulbocapnine was deemed to be especially useful in inducing catatonic states in which brainwashing and implanting of information or commands could be performed.

In 1961 Dr. W. Fry and Dr. R. Meyers conducted experimentation involving the use of focused ultrasonics to create brain lesions, while in 1963, Dr. Peter Lindstrom at the University of Pittsburgh used sonic beams in the focused destruction of brain tissue--a technique said to have been evolved to replace pre-frontal lobotomies.

One prime notable in mind control is Dr. Jose Delgado who, beginning in the 1950s and funded by Naval Intelligence and the Air Force, among others, crafted the first radio controlled brain implants, what he termed "stimoceivers."

Delgado described the capability of these early, crude stimoceivers in the following terms:

It is already possible to induce a large variety of responses, from motor effects to emotional reactions and intellectual manifestations, by direct electrical stimulation of the brain. Also, several investigators have learned to identify patterns of electrical activity (which a computer could also recognize) localized in specific areas of the brain and related to determined phenomena such as perception of smells or visual perception of edges and movements. We are advancing rapidly in the pattern recognition of electrical correlates of behavior and in the methodology for two-way radio communication between brains and computers...

The individual is defenseless against direct manipulation of the brain because he is deprived of his most intimate mechanisms of biological reactivity. In experiments, electrical stimulation of appropriate intensity always prevailed over free will; and, for example, flexion of the hand evoked by stimulation of the motor cortex cannot be voluntarily avoided. Destruction of the frontal lobes produced changes in effectiveness which are beyond any personal control.

Delgado's stated purpose in the invention of the stimoceiver was the "master control of human behavior," although after a popular treatment of the subject in his book
Physical Control of the
was released, research into the area of direct electrical stimulation of the brain was rarely referred to again.

In the mid-70s, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, director of the Neuropsychiatric Institute at UCLA, suggested a centralized

"violence reduction center" to be created at an abandoned missile base in California, a concept that was greeted with approval by then-Governor Ronald Reagan. West reported in a secret memo that one purpose of the center would be the implementation of brain surgery techniques: " by implanting tiny electrodes deep within the brain... [it] is even possible to record bioelectrical changes in the brain of freely moving subjects, through the use of remote monitoring techniques."

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