Read Scandal (Tainted #1) Online

Authors: Aimee Duffy

Scandal (Tainted #1) (17 page)

BOOK: Scandal (Tainted #1)
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She was glad when he turned away and started walking down the street, because there was no way to hide the well of emotion lighting her up from the inside at what he’d said. No one had ever called her amazing, or said she didn’t have to change. It was ironic that the man who did think that was the one she’d been pushing away since she’d met him.

Whatever this was between them couldn’t last, but that didn’t matter. For the first time in ages she looked sexy, she
sexy, and around Sebastian that was OK because he thought she was sexy.

There were no judgements on how her actions would lower her reputation, nothing but a mutual attraction with a man most women – she had to admit – would kill to have with him. And Alicia wasn’t going to throw that away again.

Arthur Simpson didn’t believe drinking solved anything, or tempered anyone’s emotions. But when he ended the call to the private investigator he’d hired to follow Collins, he headed straight for the cabinet and poured himself a double brandy.

He hoped the smooth liquid would quench the rage burning through him, but had little hope. When it came to his family he knew what was best for them. Daria had listened and she’d ended up with a man who was more than fit to marry a daughter of his. After the engagement party, Sylvia would be matched with a man whose father he respected and had an iron-clad business relationship with.

Alicia, like before, was putting a black mark against his family’s name. If he’d cut her out when she was fifteen instead of listening to Juliette he wouldn’t have to face the public spectacle she was making of herself now.

And a spectacle was exactly how it was going to turn out if what was discovered today continued.

He swallowed the remainder of his brandy, but it didn’t take the edge off his rage. If anything, it made it that much worse. First Collins dared to get close to his whore of an ex in public before he led her away from the street to God only knew where, and now he was embarrassing Alicia – and by extension, Arthur himself – by feeling up his daughter in a club?

His first instinct was to tell Juliette he was going to London to put an end to this, but it was late and she would have retired for the night. Plus, he didn’t have long to wait until Alicia brought Collins to the house. Then he would have his chance to rid them of the disrespectful nuisance once and for all.

He would just have to be patient – and it would give him more time to gather enough evidence to convince Alicia to give him up. She may have done as he wished in the past, but he knew she’d grown more headstrong over the years. That she dared to argue with him when he told her to end the relationship was proof enough.

And at this point, Arthur wasn’t above fabricating evidence if he had to. After all, he’d done worse to ensure his family name remained untainted.

They didn’t talk much as Sebastian led her to his building, a few streets from the club. The tension between them wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was underscored with worry that he was pushing her too fast and too hard.

The woman next to him was different from the one he’d met a few weeks ago, a far cry even from the woman kicking him to the kerb in her office today. As he reached the steps leading up to the door to his building, he dropped her hand and turned to face her.

‘You know what happens if we go up there, and I need to know you’re ready. Also, I want to be straight with you. This thing between us –’

She pressed a finger against his mouth, a smile on her lips. ‘Is temporary. We’re focused on different careers that will draw us apart, but you were right. We can’t ignore what’s between us and I don’t want to anymore. I want tonight to happen.’

His throat constricted and a sense of urgency made him speak without thinking. ‘We can have more than tonight.’

‘Let’s see if that ego of yours lives up to the hype before we make any more promises.’ She took the key from his hand and climbed the stairs, swinging her hips provocatively. If he didn’t know any better he’d swear this was Alicia’s twin, not the reserved woman he’d met in Maine’s boardroom.

Sebastian caught up to her quickly. ‘Be prepared to eat your words, Blondie. My ego’s understated, if anything.’

She rolled her eyes. He smirked, then bent to pick her up so his arms were beneath her knees and back. Alicia squeaked a protest, but he silenced her with a kiss. He didn’t think he’d get used to her taste, as sweet as honey and more. The way she let down the walls of who she thought she should be when their lips met was almost as good as winning at the Opens.

‘Care to do the honours?’ he asked, jerking his head toward the door.

She put the key in the lock and twisted, then opened the door. He carried her through, kicking it closed behind him and taking the stairs two at a time with Alicia cradled to his chest.

‘You can put me down if you want. I’m not exactly svelte.’

It was his turn to roll his eyes. ‘I have more endurance than your average guy, Blondie. We’re good for another few flights.’

Her grin was wicked. ‘I don’t want to tire you out before we get started.’

He rounded the corner and jogged up the next set of stairs, controlling his breathing to prove his point. ‘Where you’re concerned, I have unlimited reserves of energy. The question is, can
keep up with me?’

‘Um …’

Her cheeks flushed and her lids dropped, reminding him that though she wanted him, whatever had been holding her back wasn’t easy for her to shake. When they reached his floor, he slowed as he carried her down the hall to his front door. Setting her on her feet, he took the keys then tilted her chin.

‘We go at your pace, OK? If I go too fast, tell me and I’ll slow down.’ It wasn’t just reassurance for her, he needed to believe he would because he had a feeling the second he got his hands on her behind closed doors, slow would be impossible.

‘I don’t want to overthink this,’ she said, and he could see the desperate plea in her eyes.

He opened the door and let her in, barely giving her a minute to look around. Instead, he pulled her close, pressed his lips back against hers, and groaned when she gripped his hair. Remembering to go slow wasn’t easy, especially since Alicia ground her hips against him again and again, making the erection he’d been sporting for the best part of an hour swell back to full capacity.

He slid his hands over her backside and squeezed her closer, but there were too many clothes in the way. Finding the hem, he tugged the dress up and she got the hint, letting go of his hair and helping him pull the material over her head and fall to the floor.

The gym shorts and vest that drove him insane at training was nothing compared to Alicia in a skimpy bra and thong. He caught her hips, rubbing his thumb up and down the silky indentations above her underwear, but it wasn’t her body that snagged his attention, it was the hunger in her eyes, the flare of her nostrils, and the flush on her cheeks.

Still, her arms were stiff by her sides, like she was fighting whatever that voice of virtue in her head was telling her, and he couldn’t have that. Moving them so she was pressed against the wall, he said, ‘Who needs alcohol? I know a better way to forget. Do you want me to show you?’

He was giving her the choice, and although her hormones were screaming yes, standing in front of him almost naked was so unlike how she’d told herself she needed to be that she was torn.

Leaning close to brush his lips against her collarbone was all it took for the fire to smoulder through her, blurring her thoughts until all she could see and feel and smell was Sebastian.

‘Let me show you,’ he whispered against her throat.

She couldn’t speak. Nothing got past her throat except puffs of air. Instead, she nodded, wanting more of what he wanted to do. In a move she barely registered, he’d unclipped her bra and pushed it off her shoulders. The cups fell away and cold air hardened the tips of her breasts. His mouth made its way down her cleavage with little licks and kisses, fanning the flames and making her knees feel bendy.

As soon as his mouth fastened over her nipple, Alicia slumped against the wall. The spark that ignited from that hot, wet suction sent a current between her legs. Sebastian caressed her with his tongue and lips, sucking gently until moans of bliss escaped her throat, but it wasn’t enough. The ache between her thighs only got more urgent, and she shuffled forward, trying to get friction where she desperately needed it.

He pinned her back against the wall, taking one of her hands in his. After a final flick of his tongue against her breast, he placed her hand on her stomach, right above her thong, and whispered, ‘Show me what you want.’

Panic froze her until his mouth gave her other nipple similar attention. The ache throbbed harder now the cool air hit her other breast. The warmth and cold mixed a cocktail of pure lust and she slid her hand down over her pants, pressing her index finger into the damp fabric at the spot which begged for his touch the most.

A gasp escaped her throat as his finger pressed down on hers harder, swirling the pad of her digit around and around. He kept up the light suction on her nipple, his hair tickling her chest and collarbone as the cocktail mixed and swirled inside her. Their fingers kept up a quick pace that left her gasping, but it still wasn’t enough and she pulled at the waistband of her thong.

Sebastian released her then dropped to his knees. She grabbed the table next to them for support as he pulled the material down her legs, never taking his gaze off hers. Her heart beat so hard she felt winded, but at the same time she wanted this more than she’d wanted anything.

His mouth found her clit and she swayed as he mimed the licking and sucking he’d been using on her breasts, right where she needed him to. Then his finger speared her, followed by another, and her hips jerked into his face. The shame that should have engulfed her was lost in a wave of pulsing heat that stole her breath, her voice, and her ability to control her muscles.

Before she could fall, Sebastian scooped her up with her legs around his waist and carried her through to his room. He sat her on the edge of the bed, whipped his shirt over his head, and the sight of his torso, there and hers for as long as she could stay awake, gave her a second wind.

Grabbing his belt buckle, she pulled him closer. With her hands and mouth she explored his chest, licking his flat nipples and suckling them when they grew. Scoring her nails down his abs all the way to his waistband, she heard his groans, revelled in the quick movements of his chest.

Hastily, she undid his belt and buttons and greedily stroked his erection, tracing the thick vein on the underside with her thumb. She shouldn’t have fought this. They’d already lost weeks because she refused to give into what she wanted. No more. She was going to take and take until this thing between them had run its course.

‘Alicia …’ Sebastian groaned as her finger swirled around the tip.

‘Shh.’ She leaned forward, inhaling that fabulous scent that was all him; male, musky, and totally virile. Closing her lips around the cap of his erection, she fisted the length and swirled her tongue.

A second later she was pinned back on the bed, his hands securing her wrists above her head and his chest heaving against hers. ‘You’re driving me insane.’

She pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed she didn’t get a chance to knock him off-kilter like he had her, but with his hips nudging his erection very close to where she wanted him, she couldn’t protest too much.

‘I thought missionary was too boring for you,’ she said.

He swooped down and licked her breast, sending a stab of pure need south. ‘It has its advantages.’

She shook her head, hiding a smile. ‘Come on, surely you can be more creative than that.’

Of course she was teasing. No man had ever stripped her naked in his hallway and had her on the verge of screaming like he did. Only now she was realising there was no shame in that and for the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel like what she desired was wrong. This wouldn’t end in a broken heart and her father forcing her hand. She’d be careful.

It was like a weight had been lifted and she wanted to do so much more than what she’d been forced to believe a woman shouldn’t do with a man, and she wanted to do that with Sebastian.

He rose, dragging her to the edge of the bed, and turned her around. She panicked a little until her feet found purchase on the lush carpet, then she looked over her shoulder. Sebastian tugged his jeans and boxers over his hips, until he stood there, looking down at her rear. His body was all hard lines and sexy angles. Definite chocolate, champagne, and caviar for the eyeballs.

Something cooled the flames inside a few degrees, probably unease at how exposed he had her. She refused to give into it, not now she’d been freed from her past, and wiggled her hips.

Though his eyes darkened, he grinned at her then slapped her bum lightly. Thrill flushed through her veins, heating her erogenous zones and leaving her panting. Sebastian’s knowing look as he studied her expression should have embarrassed her. After all, just three weeks ago she’d never consider lying over a bed with her bum in the air enjoying a light spanking, but now …

Now she could. Now she wanted it.

‘More,’ she demanded.

His lips parted and his eyebrows shot up like he’d never expected her to admit how much she liked what he was doing. Well, he better get used to it because she had years of living like a nun to make up for.

He massaged her flesh, sending tingles up her spine. She bit her lip as she watched him, waiting for his next move and his chocolate eyes melted until they smouldered black.

One hand had barely left her skin before it cracked down on her flesh again. The shock and sound was worse than the light sting. More thrilling than anything she’d ever experienced. She was about to beg for more, but his fingers slid into her and Alicia buried her face in the covers, hiding a groan while she bucked back into him. She was deliciously full, but not nearly enough. She wanted
inside her.

The sound of a drawer sliding open and the tear of foil barely registered as he worked his fingers inside her. Her muscles contracted around his digits, trying to pull him in deeper. The next slap and sting on her flesh sent more tingles and jolts catapulting over her skin, then his fingers were gone.

BOOK: Scandal (Tainted #1)
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