Authors: Katrina Alba
Mel walks us right up to them and shamelessly, bends down to give Austin a full view of her cleavage before hugging him hello.
“Awesome. You guys made it,” Austin says. “Charlie said Brynn had to study or some nonsense.”
“Oh, you know me. I always have my nose in a book.” I’m starting to like Austin less and less.
“I dragged her for a swim,” Mel says in a flirty voice and then slaps my ass, eliciting a yelp from me. I shoot her an
I’ll get you back
look, which only makes her smile brighter.
“You girls know Ray and Gina?” Austin asks. They both say hi simultaneously.
“Hi, nice to formally meet you both,” I say.
“Let’s get in the water. It’s scorching. Loving that there is a volleyball net. Anyone game?” Mel asks.
“I’m down,” I say pulling my hair tie out and letting my locks fall down my back. I yank my cover-up over my head, preparing to get in the water. When it comes over my eyes, I see five faces staring at me with their mouths open. “What? You guys are looking at me like I just flashed you or something.”
told you
the purple one.” Mel smiles.
Charlie had come out without me noticing, and he’s staring right along with everyone else. He shakes his head, looks away, and jumps in the water with a splash.
“That is a fantastic bathing suit!” Austin compliments.
I shrug and dip my toe into the water. “Holy shit! You guys, the water is freaking freezing!”
“Really? It feels perfect to me after what I just watched,” Charlie jokes.
Before I can back away, Mel walks by and shoves me into the arctic pool toward where Charlie is treading in the water. My body brushes his as I come up from under the water. The sensation of our wet bodies brushing against each other sends tingling sensations through my entire being. I come up for air and look up into Charlie’s very serious, clouded eyes. “Sorry for that,” I start to say, but am interrupted when splash after splash hits us from around as the others jump in, also.
Once the splashes subside, I look at Charlie, who is still so close we’re practically touching. I can feel the warmth radiating off his body, and he has this scorching look in his eyes.
“Are you trying to kill me here? The freezing cold water isn’t even helping after the show you just put on.”
“What are you talking about?” I’m confused.
“The hair, the striptease, the bathing suit,” he says in a low voice.
“I think you’re losing it.”
“I sure the fuck am,” he says swimming over to grab the volleyball. We all move to the shallow end with the net. After three games of volleyball—Austin, Mel, and I versus Charlie, Ray, and Gina—I’m starting to feel both waterlogged and annoyed. Every chance she can, Gina is touching Charlie. It’s a no contact sport, so why does she keep touching him, and more importantly, why do I care?
“I’m going to go dry off on a lounge for a while and catch some sun before I have to get back to studying for finals,” I announce to the group as I head toward the ladder to get out of the pool.
“I’ll come with,” Charlie offers and follows. We lay out on some chaise lounges near the pool in the sun. I lay the chair all the way down and lay on my stomach to get some color on my back since I was facing the sun during the games. I cross my arms and rest my head on them facing Charlie.
“Did Gina mind that you came over to help me study last night?” I fish.
“Why would she care?” he looks bemused.
“I figured you two were seeing each other or something. She was just really
during the game,” I point out.
“Nah, Gina is a nice girl and all, but she’s not really my thing.”
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure she’s most guys’
“I’m not most guys. Besides, I’m interested in someone else,” he states.
“Yeah, but it’ll never happen. She’s way out of my league,” he says solemnly and then changes the subject. “If you need anyone to help you study anymore this weekend, let me know. Although, I’m pretty sure you’re golden after studying with you last night. You seem to know your stuff. It’s scorching out, I’m going to jump back in for a few.” He rises and dives under the water before I can respond.
After getting some much-needed vitamin D at Charlie’s house, I spend the rest of the weekend brushing up on everything for finals week. Monday morning, I walk out the door, arms full, gigantic backpack strapped on and heading to the car where Mel is waiting for me. As I get to the stairs of the porch, I notice there is something resting on the banister. I stop in my tracks and realize it’s a bundle of pencils. What the heck? I bend down to pick up the pencils. They are all sharpened to perfection and bound by a ribbon with a note attached.
Good luck on finals this week, even though I’m certain you’ll ace them all!
A slow smile spreads across my face. I put the pencils in my bag, grab my books, and head to the car.
“Morning, sunshine. You’re awfully bright for so early on day one of finals. What was that on the porch?” Mel asks.
Does she miss nothing? “Just some pencils.” I shrug.
“Charlie left them. With a good luck on finals note,” I say. I try but can’t help my huge smile. This is probably the single sweetest thing a guy has ever done for me.
“That boy has it bad,” she teases.
“He’s just a nice guy, Mel.”
We drive to school, silent in our thoughts. I smile the whole way, pondering about his sweet gesture. I conclude he’s just a nice guy, who did something sweet because he knew how doing well on my exams is important to me. Denial? Maybe, but ignorance is bliss. I had two tests today with an hour and a half allotted for each one. I flew through both, leaving time to study for other upcoming tests when I had finished.
I’m done for the day just before lunchtime and head to my locker. As I come down the hall, I see a familiar form standing arms crossed leaning up against the row of lockers. When he sees me coming, he smiles his dimpled, lady-killer smile. I falter in my step losing my balance and just barely regaining enough composure to stumble down the hall, rather than face planting.
Well, that was graceful, Brynn.
Damn those dimples! It’s entirely their fault. They are so big, I could probably do a shot out of them. I can see his smile turn into a muffled laugh as I almost trip. As I near him, I sigh. “Hey, you, what are you doing here?”
“Had to pick up our cap and gown today for graduation.”
“Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I’m glad you stopped by to say hi. I wanted to thank you for the pencils. It was really thoughtful.”
“How did your tests go?”
“I think they went well.” I smile up at him. “Must have been the lucky pencils.”
“Or it could have been that you’re a walking brain.”
“Nah, it was definitely the pencils.” I nudge his arm gently, and my smile drops when I feel the warmth of him. We are both momentarily quiet until he breaks through.
“If you’re done for the day now, do you want to go grab lunch?”
“Sure. Let me just let Mel know she doesn’t have to drive me home. I’ll meet you at your truck in the lot?”
“Sounds good. See you in five.” He smiles and brushes his hand down the back of my right arm before he walks away. I stand there dazed for a full minute before I can move. His touch throws me off every time. I feel this tingle like fire is running through my veins, but at the same time, it’s comforting. His touch feels…right. So, why do I feel so confused by it? We are friends, and yet there is more there. When I realize I’m standing stock still in the middle of an empty hallway, I snap out of it and grab my stuff. Then I take off in search of Mel.
I let Melanie know I have a ride home, and I meet Charlie at his truck. We hit JoJo’s diner for burgers and fries. I’m about to take another bite of my burger when I peer over at dimples. “What?” I ask confused. “Something on my face?”
“No, no, it’s just usually girls order a salad and pick at it. You eat like a normal human. It’s…refreshing,” he states.
“Well, I’m not like most girls. I’m basically a dude in a pretty uniform.” I smirk. “Besides, I don’t care what people think.”
“No, you’re not… like other girls that is.” He looks down almost shy. He’s such a puzzle. Charlie, this confident and outgoing jock, and yet there is a sweet, shy side that I don’t think many people get to see.
“So, Charlie, what do you do for fun other than play soccer?” I inquire.
“Fishing. I have a small rowboat I built that I like to take out on West Lake. It’s really a pond, but I like to go there on summer mornings to fish and watch the sun come up.”
“You’ll have to take me some time. I grew up fishing,” I add excitedly.
“What about you, Brynn? Tell me, do you have any hobbies? Likes, dislikes, dreams, aspirations?” he says in a smart-ass tone.
“Hm…well, I spend my weekend’s mainly doing underwater basket weaving,” I say with a straight face.
He snorts and spits out a little of his coke. “You what?”
“See, I can be a smart ass, too.” I giggle. “Seriously, though, I read a lot. Mostly romance, but really, I’ll read anything. I run most days. I think it helps clear my head. I like to spend time outside whenever I can, and I like relaxing and watching the stream at this hidden rock cliff I found as a kid.” Why did I just tell him that? I’ve never told anyone other than Devin about
“You’ll have to show me this cliff. We should go there,” he says, and I feel a slight panic rise up in me.
“I’ve never taken anyone there other than my childhood best friend. It’s sort of a secret.”
“How secret can it be if Melanie knows about it?” He laughs.
“Not Mel. When I was younger, my neighbor was my best friend. His name was Devin.” His smile drops.
?” His voice is unsteady.
“Yeah. Leukemia. When we were eight.”
“Brynn, I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Look, you don’t have to show me. I totally understand it’s a place with a lot of meaning behind it.” He’s so understanding and never pressuring. He always says just the right thing.
“You know what, let’s go. I’d like to show you.” I smile.
We finish our burgers and fries and he grabs the check. I try to fight him for it, at the very least to pay my half, but he gives me this fierce look and I back down letting him take care of it.
We get to my street, and I show him where to pull over to park. He follows me, and when we get to the group of trees, I reach back, grab his hand with my right, and feel the warmth that is Charlie.
“Duck.” I smile and duck in-between the pine trees, shielding my eyes with my left arm as I go through. A second after me, Charlie appears through the trees. I let go of his hand and go to perch on top of my rock. He comes to sit down next to me. We are sitting close enough to feel each other’s warmth, but not quite touching. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes. An hour? I’m not sure. I get lost in thought watching the stream.
“Thank you.” He breaks into my thoughts.
“For what?” I look over confused.
“Bringing me here. I know it’s a big deal. I love it here. You were right. It’s relaxing. I could stare at the view for hours. I can see why it’s your place,” he offers.
All I can offer back is a smile. It’s surreal sitting here with Charlie. This has been my safe place ever since I was a kid. I’m not sure what made me bring him here, but it’s nice to share this place with someone else. We sit for a while longer, and then we get up and walk hand in hand back to the truck.
Charlie drops me off at home and walks me up to the door. “Just want to make sure you get in all right,” he says.
“Thanks for lunch and today, Charlie. It was nice.”
“Thank you for trusting me enough to take me to your place. I was thinking tomorrow, maybe we could do something? After you finish your exams? We could hang out or I could help you study?” He seems hopeful.
“I do have to study. I’m a bore, I know.” I look down. “I’d love a study buddy though, but only if you have absolutely nothing better to do. Otherwise, I’m off Wednesday, because I have study hall and gym those exam periods, so no tests for me that day.”
“How about I pick you up tomorrow after your finals? I’ll let you bore me, I mean study, and then we can do something fun Wednesday?” he asks.
“Charlie, you’re going to get sick of me quick,” I tease.
He makes a disgusted face. “You’re right. I already am pretty sick of looking at you, actually. Better cancel our plans tomorrow,” he teases back.
“Well, now we’re hanging out for sure! I’d hate to miss an opportunity to annoy you.” I lightly punch him in the arm.
He laughs. “Go study, ya bore! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turns to walk down the porch steps and then turns back. “Give me your phone.” I take it out of my bag and hand it to him. He presses some buttons and then hands it back to me.
When I look at it, there is a new sent message that reads,