Seasons (6 page)

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Authors: Katrina Alba

BOOK: Seasons
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Me: You are drop dead sexy!


“Huh? Who did you text that to?” I look at him confused.

“I didn’t, you did.” He winks at me. “Now you have my number,” he says as he descends the steps and gets in his truck.

I spend the remainder of the day and night
to study, but mostly replaying the day with Charlie in my head. It isn’t easy for me to open up to people. It boggles my mind that I took him to the cliff, but I just feel at ease with him. I can’t pinpoint what it is about him that just makes it different, but I feel as if I can trust him. He makes me feel…safe.


*   *   *


The next day, as promised, he picks me up after my test at my locker. We eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch and then study through the afternoon and well into the evening. I learn that Charlie has one brother, Lenny, who is four years younger. His family is pretty low key and
. He has played soccer since he was able to walk, and he’s afraid of spiders, which I had to tease him about, of course. Charlie is attending college at one of the private colleges near home in the fall. He will be commuting, at least for the first two years. He’s considering a career in graphic design. Charlie is hardworking and driven from what I have seen of him. He’s one of the smartest most focused people I have met. It’s rare to find that in other people my age. Also, he’s a great study partner. I keep looking for fault. I’m certain there has to be something, but I have yet to find it.

We call it a night around eight p.m. I walk him out after he says a polite farewell to my mom, who has made herself scarce this evening.

“Night, Charlie. Thanks again for helping me study.”

“It was my pleasure.” He smiles. “Goodnight, girl behind the red door.” He waves and is gone.

I’m on my way up the stairs when my phone pings from my back pocket.


Charlie: Don’t stay up too late studying. I’ll pick you up at 5.

Me: 5am???

Charlie: Yes, ma’am. Night, hun, see you then. =)

Me: Okay… Goodnight, Charlie. Thanks again =)


What in God’s name does he want to do at five a.m.? I ponder what he has planned for us in the morning as I plop down into my bed with a sigh. I think it takes about five minutes before I’m down for the count. I wake up with a start as my phone chimes. It’s still dark out. I fumble in the sheets to find my phone. I push a button and it lights up. Four forty-five! Shit! I check the new message that woke me up.


Charlie: I hope you’re up. I’m on my way

Me: I am now! Umm…what should I wear?

Charlie: Something comfortable and bring a sweater, it isn’t that warm out yet. See you in 15.

Me: See you soon


I dash out of bed and shimmy into a pair of Adidas soccer shorts, a tank top, and throw on a hooded sweatshirt. After brushing my teeth and running a brush through my hair, I throw my locks up into a messy bun. I write a note for Mom and leave it on the kitchen island. I slip on my running shoes and walk out the front door just as I hear a truck coming up the driveway.

When I hop into the truck, Charlie hands me a Styrofoam cup of coffee, smiling entirely too brightly for someone awake when it’s still dark out, and says, “Good morning.”

“I’m pretty sure you mean goodnight? It’s still dark out! Where are we going anyway?” I ask as we reverse out of the driveway.

“Fishing,” he responds. “I thought I’d take you out on the boat since you have the day off. You’ve been studying so hard, I figured you could use a mental break.”

“I’m probably the least morning person you will ever meet, so you are lucky you have something good planned, Charlie Salazar!” I tease.

“Well, good. I’m glad you approve.”

“The coffee didn’t hurt either,” I say before taking a sip.

We drive just out of town and pull into a small parking lot. When Charlie parks, I can see a dock area with a bunch of rowboats and paddleboats tied up. I help him grab the fishing gear and some other stuff out of the bed of his truck. I follow him over to the white boat with
written in navy lettering.

“You built this?” I ask admiring the boat as we put in the equipment we just carried over from the truck.

“My dad helped me. It’s sort of our thing, making stuff together.” He shrugs.

“Charlie, it’s beautiful. Mira?” I ask confused.

“Yeah, it’s sort of a double meaning. Mira is short for my mom’s name Miranda, but also, it reminds to stop and look at what I have in life,” he reveals and I contemplate it, but don’t ask him for any further explanation.

The sky is still dim with just the first hints of the day starting to lighten the dark horizon. The smell of morning dew on the trees is in the air and chirping birds are in full force singing of the new day. By the time, we load everything into the boat and push off, the street lights have gone out, finally. We can see now, even though there are no rays of sun shining just yet. Charlie paddles us away from the dock at a fast pace. It’s obvious he has had a lot of practice. His shoulders are powerful, and I can see the ripple of his muscles through his grey long sleeve t-shirt with each rotation of the oars.

Within maybe five or ten minutes, we’re in the middle of the pond, and Charlie drops a small anchor off the boat to secure us in place. He opens a small plastic container and takes out a mealworm, puts it on his hook, and casts out his line. He hands me the container and another fishing pole he brought. I take out a mealworm, put it on the hook, and cast out my line as effortlessly as he did. I look over with a smirk, and I’m rewarded with one of his breathtaking smiles.

“I’m impressed.” He nods his approval.

“You seem surprised…”

“Everything you do surprises me,” he quickly retorts, “but it’s a good thing.”

“I’ve been fishing since I could hold a fishing pole. Mel didn’t move here until fourth grade, and before that, it was just me and the boys.”

We sit next to each other watching our lines and waiting for the bobbers to submerge telling us there is a fish on the line. A few moments later, subtle bursts of the sun start to streak the sky. Over the next ten minutes, I watch the most beautiful view I have ever seen as the sun rises over the water of West Lake. I feel Charlie’s hand brush mine, and then he ever so slowly entwines our fingers. It’s overwhelming. The sunrise is breathtaking and his touch both comforts me and sends me in a tailspin all at once. I take a deep breath and relax into his touch trying to take it all in. I want to absorb this moment into my brain. I know deep down this will be imprinted in my mind always. I don’t dare turn my head to look at him for fear of ruining the moment. We watch until the sun is completely illuminating the sky, and it’s incredible.

“Charlie, it’s breathtaking,” I whisper.

“I know. I have never seen anything so beautiful,” he whispers back.

I sneak a sideways glance at him and my stomach drops when I realize he was looking at me when he said it. He has the exact same look of awe that I had on my face watching the sunset—only he is watching me. Before I can think any further, my bobber dives under the water and my line is being pulled out of my reel at super speed!

“Whoa,” I jump up and grab my fishing pole to attempt to reel in my catch. A few minutes later, I pull a foot long bass out of the water.

“Nice catch!” Charlie says with a proud smile on his face.

“Thanks!” I beam at him.

I catch two more fish, and Charlie catches two nice size fish himself. I, of course, took full advantage of bragging rights for catching more fish and for him being beat by a girl in his own boat.

Around lunchtime, he takes me home to grab my suit, and we head to his house to swim. We lounge by the pool most of the day. I meet his mom, who is this petite, dark haired beauty, and we all eat lunch together on the patio. After lunch, I lounge in a chaise enjoying the heat of the sun on my face. The bright rays I can see through my eyelids disappear. I open my eyes expecting to see the clouds that I suspect are blotting out the sun, only to be surprised when I see dimples in their place. Before I can even question what he’s doing, he places one arm under my knees, the other behind my back and scoops me up in one fluid motion. He walks over to the edge of the pool, and despite my protests, he drops me flailing into the water. I jet to the top of the water and come up sputtering.

“Charlie! What the heck was that for?” I scream at him.

“Maybe next time you will respect my fishing skills.” He smirks. What a cocky ass. I brush my hair back out of my face with my hands. I smile and swim over to the ladder. Slowly and seductively, I ascend out of the pool and then ring the water out of my hair. My bikini bottom is riding up from being thrown, mercilessly into the pool. I leave it, since it’s revealing just enough cheek. I sashay over to where Charlie is standing.

“Oh, Mr. Amazing Fisherman, do you have a towel?” I ask in my best sex kitten voice.

He reaches over and grabs a towel from the chair next to him. I look up at him from under my lashes innocently, and he holds the towel open for me. I’m about two feet from him when I turn around so that he can wrap a towel around me knowing that he has a glorious view of my butt cleavage. I hear a small whimper behind me and there is hesitation before the towel comes around me. I try to contain my smile, but it’s impossible.
Teach him a lesson of my own,
I think as I laugh internally.

Charlie drops me off at home around dinnertime. I come through the front door, followed by the clang of the storm door.

“Mom?” I call out. “Are you home?”

“Brynn, in the kitchen!”

I walk into the kitchen and Mom is at the table with her bifocals at the end of her nose, hair pinned up in a messy bun, and paperwork covering every surface of the tabletop.
“Hi, Mom.” I kiss her cheek and head to the fridge for a bottle of water.

“Hey, babe. How was your day?”

I face the fridge and hesitate before turning around, because I can’t help the smile on my face when I respond. “It was all right.”

“I can hear your smile. My guess is it was better than just
all right
. What did you and Charlie do? You left so early this morning, and then you popped in and out in such a flash, I didn’t get to talk to you.”

“This morning, we went fishing, and there was the most amazing sunrise over the lake. I caught more fish than he did, naturally,” I brag. “Then, we spent the day by the pool. I had fun.” When I look over, Mom has a giant smile from ear to ear that I haven’t seen in ages. “What?” I ask, puzzled.

“Baby, you really like this boy.”

“We’re friends. I really enjoy hanging out with him.”

“You practically floated in here on a cloud, and you haven’t stopped smiling since you came through the door. Plus, he’s not so hard on the eyes, either.” She chuckles.

“Mom!” I roll my eyes.

“Well, it’s true, and besides, I’m just happy to see you happy. I haven’t seen you smile this much in far too long.”

“He’s become a really good friend, Ma, but that’s it. We’re just friends, okay?” I say before I head upstairs.

I hear her say behind me as I walk away, “Okay, but me thinks thou dost protest too much.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I mutter under my breath as I leave the kitchen.


*   *   *


The next two days, I have one final each day. I spend Thursday evening studying and gearing up for my last test of the year. I walk out of my last exam breathing a huge sigh of relief, one year closer to college, and hopefully, at least a partial academic scholarship. When I turn down the hallway that my locker is in, I realize a friend is waiting for me leaning up against my locker.

“You again?” I tease.

“Figured we could celebrate your last day of school.” He throws his dimples my way.

“I have plans with Mel to go to the Commons. We could get a group to go, maybe play some Frolf? If you promise not to purposely throw any Frisbees at me.” I snicker.

“Ha ha, very funny. I’ll text Austin and see if he’s up for it. There was something else I wanted to ask you. It isn’t really that big of a deal, and if you’re busy, it’s totally cool…”

“Charlie!” I interrupt him. “Just ask.” I laugh.

He looks nervous for some reason. “Well, graduation is tomorrow morning. I thought maybe you would want to come? I have an extra ticket.”

“Of course, I’ll come!”

He lets out a deep breath, but I don’t understand why he seems anxious. It’s just graduation.

A huge group of us spends the rest of the day in the sun playing Frolf or Frisbee golf. Austin and Mel spend much of the afternoon shamelessly flirting—typical Melanie.

The next day, I wake up early, shower and go all out with hair and makeup. I’m not really sure why, I mean, it’s just graduation. I slip on my favorite yellow sundress and throw on some jeweled flip-flops since I’m sure it will be killer heat crammed in the football stands with all the families of those graduating. I park Mom’s SUV in the school lot, hop out, and head toward the football field. There are swarms of people all over the parking lot and school grounds. Someone grabs my arm as I’m about to walk through the gate to the stadium. I know who it is before I even look, just by his touch alone.

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