Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection) (5 page)

BOOK: Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection)
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I saw your niece at the Japanese restaurant. Where was your nephew?” Erica felt compelled to fill even the short car ride with something other than silence.

“With his mother. Benjamin is Cameron’s son. He has full-custody so the family doesn’t intrude on her visitation.”

“Oh.” She couldn’t help but wonder what type of woman was so awful that she lost her child. “How old is he?”


“I have to admit I’m surprised that Cameron has kids. He doesn’t seem like the fatherly type.” The words came out with her unable to stop them. They were much more tactful than what was in her mind.

William cut his eyes at her while trying to keep his eyes on the road. “How is it that you know so much about my brother?”

“He represented my ex-husband in our divorce. I got to know him rather well.” She couldn’t keep the resentful tone from her voice.

The black sedan pulled to a stop in front of the massive Landers estate. Erica had never been here but somehow she just knew that the
plantation-style mansion belonged to William’s parents. He switched off the car and she heard him shift in his seat.  The silence grew thick.

“Do you want to explain what that means?” his rough voice made it clear that it was more of a command than a question.

“We didn’t sleep together if that’s what you’re asking.”
Ok so it was a half-truth
. It was then that she saw the two children appear at the top of the front steps with an older woman. “Go get the kids. I’ll tell you all about my messy divorce another time.” She thought he was going to press the issue until she heard the door open and close.

Erica couldn’t resist a grin as she watched the children tackle William. One clung to his arm, the other to his legs. The little boy had chestnut brown hair and was a bit on the heavy side. ‘Husky’ her mother would have called it. He was dressed in a bright orange t-shirt and jeans but Erica was sure they cost more than the dress she wore last night. The little girl was dressed in a pink t-shirt and
blue jean overalls with pink lace trim. The blond curls were pulled into twin pigtails.

William nodded numerous times to the older woman as she handed him a
backpack and a car seat. He pointed to the car sending the children racing down a handful of stairs and pulling open the door behind the driver side. Benjamin stopped and stared at her.

Erica flashed him her best smile. “Hi. I’m your Uncle William’s friend. Is it okay if I hang out with you guys today?”

“I guess.” The smile on his face wobbled. 

The door behind her opened bringing with it the chaos of excited children’s chatter
as William attempted to secure the car seat into the car. He then helped the little girl into the seat and made sure both kids were buckled. Erica wanted to offer to help but she was afraid Benjamin might bolt from the car. William dropped the backpack in the trunk before sliding behind the wheel.

Erica was feeling just a little guilty watching Benjamin cross his arms across his chest while his smile turned into grumbling. She glanced at William wondering if he had noticed the change in his nephew’s mood. If he did he didn’t show it.

“Ben, Arianna, this is my friend, Erica. She’s going to hang out with us today.”

Ben made a few grumbling noises. “I thought it was just us, Uncle Will. Why do you have to bring a girl?”

“I’m a girl.” Arianna’s little voice spoke up.

“I mean a big girl. Whenever big girls are around, us kids get ignored.”

Erica’s heart broke a little. “I promise that today is all about you guys.”

Ben seemed to relax a little and soon began telling them all about the aviation museum he saw on the television. Erica lost track of the number of different airplanes and their stats. Thankfully it wasn’t long before they reached the children’s museum.  William pulled the car into a nearby parking deck.
Erica took the backpack as William picked up Arianna and Ben grabbed his free hand.

Chapter 9

After the first hour or so, Ben began to warm up to her. He showed her how certain displays worked and explained why he thought they did what they did. Even Arianna stayed with her when Ben had a bathroom emergency that sent William running for the nearest men’s room. They migrated from zone to zone playing until the kids had done virtually everything there was to do.  It was then that they made their way through Centennial Park to the CNN Center Food Court.

“We’ll play in the water after lunch.” Will picked up Ben just before he headed straight into the fountain area. “Now what do you guys want to eat?”

“Chicken nuggets and French fries!” they yelled in unison.

“Now how did I know that?” he laughed. Glancing over at Erica, her grin made his bigger. “What about you? What do you want for lunch?”

“I’m open. If you can’t tell, I’m not a picky eater.”

ill drew his eyebrows together but didn’t ask the question out loud.
Was that a dig at her weight?

He brushed it off thinking he would ask her about it later. Right now it was time to feed everyone. Erica was great with the kids. They took to her rather quickly. Will knew that Ben had a harder time because
of how often he was separated from his mom. He noticed an older couple at another table waving to Arianna who thought it was awesome to smile and show off her pigtails. The elderly woman leaned over placing her wrinkled hand on Erica’s arm. “You have an adorable family my dear.”

William found t
he wide-eyed look of panic on Erica’s face mildly amusing.

She stumbled over her words.
“Oh this isn’t, I mean these aren’t my. . .”

But the old woman wouldn’t listen, “And that one over there.” She gestured to Will, “He’s something special to still look at you like that after two kids. Hold onto him. He’s a keeper.”

Great, apparently I look like a love sick dog.

Ben was smarter than he let on. “Are you gonna marry
her, Uncle Will?”

The idea was oddly tempting. He could see waking up to her in bed every morning.

Erica jumped up. “Of course not, Ben. We’re just friends.”

Will shook his head and grinned at Ben trying not to let his hurt feelings show. “I think you scared Miss. Erica.”

The question was pushed to the back of his mind as they cleaned up their table and headed out to Centennial Park.  He quickly pulled out the sunscreen to put on the kids. Erica helped put it on Arianna before putting sunscreen on her own arms and legs. Will noticed the white liquid on her back that she hadn’t rubbed in.

“You have some still not rubbed in.” he point
ed to her back.

Erica pulled
her ponytail out of the way. “Can you get it for me?”

Putting his hands on her soft skin sent flames
through his fingertips. The lotion was rubbed in but he couldn’t stop from massaging the skin, kneading it.  He leaned closer so that no one else could hear them. “I really enjoyed last night.”

Erica stiffened. “Me too.”  She turned her face towards his. “Are you done? The kids are watching.”

He wasn’t sure how to take her response. Removing his hands from her shoulders he watched as she ran towards Ben and Arianna sending them scattering into the fountain area.  The kids squealed as the cold water shot up from the ground drenching them from the feet up. Will laughed when Erica jumped in with them. Erica leaned over and whispered to Ben a playful grin on her face.

“Uncle Will, come play. You’ve got to get wet too!” Ben cupped his hands around his mouth in megaphone style.

Will pulled the backpack on and headed into the water area. He was a few steps into the alternating water shoots when a blast of cold water soaked his butt. Jumping at the sudden intrusion an involuntary yelp left his mouth. Erica and Ben dissolved into laughter. He growled low in his throat causing Ben to put on his best dinosaur face and growl back. Will fought back the smile from his nephew’s response. Most people were scared of his growl, but not Ben. Will held up his hands in surrender.

“Wow, I need to teach that trick to your opponents.” Erica grinned. “If they feel intimidated then they just need to growl at you like a Tyrannosaurus and you cave. Now that would be an interesting way to win a divorce settlement.”

“That only works when I do it, Miss. Erica. Uncle Will is an awesome lawyer. He never loses.”

Erica’s smile faltered. “I’m sure he’s a great lawyer, Ben.”

Before Will could question her change of mood Arianna let out a scream. “I don’t wanna be wet anymore.” She plopped down in the middle of the fountains and began to cry. When water shot up from under her it only increased her screams and cries. Will scooped her up and walked over to a nearby bench.

“I think someone’s ready for a nap.” He shifted to pull a towel out from the backpack and wrap her in it.

Arianna laid her head on his shoulder. “Nu-uh. I just tired of being cold.”

Will nodded.
He was sure it was no less than ninety degrees today but Arianna always had to take things to the drama level. “Okay. So we’ll stay here and let Miss.Erica play with Ben for a little longer.”


Will held her tight knowing that he was going to be soaked from her wet clothes but as long as Arianna felt safe and warm he would deal with the inconvenience. Moments later he was rewarded with quiet snores and even breathing indicating that Arianna had dropped off into sleep.

Erica caught his gaze, warming his heart and his body. 
Her eyes glittered from the sun and the water. She was quickly tackled by Ben sending them both to the ground. He heard her growling like a dinosaur encouraging Ben to join in her fantasy. The other children, perfect strangers to Ben and Erica, joined in with their own dinosaur sounds. There weren’t many women that played like she did. Most certainly none of the women that he had dated since college, women that were too busy worrying about their hair or makeup.

An electronic chirp came from the backpack. Pulling out the phone he clicked on the
text display.

Family Dinner, tonight 7pm, at the house

Well his mother was nothing if not to the point. Another squeal from Ben drew his attention away from the phone. The idea of dropping Erica off and spending the night alone with his family sent a ball of steel into his stomach.

It was then that Ben and Erica chose to head over to the bench.  “I was telling Ben he and I should find some ice cream while we all dry off. I don’t want to ruin your car.”

Will couldn’t help but notice how her t-shirt clung to her curves. Real curves that proved she was a woman and not a child. “I think the car would survive but I’m sure Arianna would appreciate the nap time.” Before he could offer her money, the pair took off. He was just beginning to get worried when they reappeared. Ben was carrying two cones while Erica sported a huge scoop of strawberry ice cream.

“Ben said that you liked cookie dough ice cream so that’s what we got.”

Will grinned. Leave it to Ben. “That’s my favorite.”

Ben was soon seated on one side of him and Erica on the other.
Will couldn’t help but smile as Ben raced to eat his ice cream before it melted.

Turning to Erica, h
e watched her tongue run over the cold pink treat. “Having fun?”
Great Will, that’s all you’ve got?

“A blast. I don’t believe I’ve ever been here.”

“You should get out more often.”

“I spend most of my time buried over my design table. Rich people are rather insistent that you not only show up to a meeting on time but that you are able to change things at a moment’s notice.”

“That’s right. You’re an interior decorator. And by rich people you mean?” 
God her eyes are so beautiful when she smiles.

“Doctors, lawyers, CEOs. I’ve even worked on a few high end hotels.”

“You’ve been at this a while?”

“It was part-time until my divorce. Then things really took off. Most of that was be
cause my husband wanted me home; cooking and cleaning instead of working. So I waited him out until he told me to quit all together so we could start a family. I was a twenty-something, loving my career. I was sooo not ready for a family.”

William grinned. “You didn’t say anything about loving your husband.”

Erica licked the ice cream in between sentences trying to keep it from melting all over her. “Yeah well he didn’t give a flip what I wanted. He only cared about what HE wanted and informed, or should I say whined to, me that if I didn’t do what he wanted then I didn’t really love him. So I told him he was right and that it was over.” She left out the part where she cried her heart out knowing that her ex didn’t love her enough to consider her wants and needs. Or the fact that he sabotaged her birth control. “A woman has a right to her career just as much as a man. This isn’t the 1950’s where every woman has to stay at home and raise kids.”

Well he wasn’t sure what he expected, but being lectured about women’s rights certainly wasn’t one of the top five. William did notice the ice cream that dripped onto the top of her breasts. The desire to lick it off almost made him forget there were kids around.

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