Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection) (9 page)

BOOK: Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection)
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“Man, your mom is a serious MILF! How come she didn’t look like that when we were in high

Scott nearly choked on his punch. “A MILF?” The term tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop it.

The young man never hesitated, he turned to explain, “Yeah, mom I’d like to . . .” The startled look on the young man’s face had Scott biting back a smile.

“I know what it means, Carson.”

“Uh, Mr. Harris, sir, I, uh . . .”

Scott was sure he read terror on the man’s face. He raised a hand to stop the kid from embarrassing himself more. “I’m sure my ex-wife would be happy to know she’s a MILF.”

Eric turned a few shades of red. “Come on man.” Scott watched his son tug on his friend’s arm.

“It’s bad enough that you told me you wanted to bang my mom. Can we just forget this ever happened?”

Scott let his gaze slide over the fitted jeans covering the firm ass of his ex-wife. He had to admit that she looked even better than she did 20 years ago.
 They had been divorced for 10 years but the old desire plunged forward at full force. The curves Jaci were currently sporting were a lot different from the ones she had during the last few years of their marriage. That was one of the many things that drove them apart. Their constant arguments and her 
led to her spending days curled up in the bed while he killed himself to make ends meet. When he had finally given up and asked for the divorce, Jaci had been a shell of the person he fell in love with. She was currently involved in a discussion with her boyfriend. 
Is that what you still call it even though he was in his fifties?
 Jason; the man that seemed to have occupied Jaci’s life for at least the last three years. Scott had seen them together a few times. The first time had been at Eric’s high school graduation. The familiar animal of jealousy began to inch into his heart. Scott couldn’t tear his eyes away as Jaci pressed her lips to Jason’s, molding her breasts against his chest. Just as his arms moved to pull her closer, Jaci pushed away.  Her sudden laughter sent a ripple of excitement down Scott’s back. 
How could she still have this effect on him?

“She looks great, doesn’t she, Dad?”

Scott glanced over at his daughter, still unable to believe she was so tall. She was only a few inches short of his 6 foot frame.

“She looks a lot different than she did three years ago at Ethan’s graduation. Not that I got more than a glimpse of her then.”

“It’s not like you two have had an awesome relationship.”
“I’m thinking it had more to do with her boyfriend at the time.” He knew the jealousy was unwarranted, but he couldn’t help feeling like it should have been him that put the smile on his ex’s face.

“Don’t start.” Selena punched his arm. “Jason is a really nice guy.
  He even asked Mom to marry him.”

That caught his attention. “And?”

“And? You didn’t notice the rock on her finger?”

Why did he feel like he’d just been punched in the stomach?

“She’s really happy. I mean she’s been happy, but now she’s got an extra glow. It gives me hope that the end of a relationship isn’t the end of love forever.”

“I . . .” What could he say? His stomach burned. It wasn’t his fault that Jaci ate her way to over 200 pounds. That she dropped out of life except to take care of the children’s basic needs. You can’t make someone care.

“Don’t sweat it, Dad. It takes two to make something work. Personally I think she still carried a torch for you and that’s why it was hard for her to even get involved with Jason. Maybe you need to settle down. Although I don’t think Barbara is quite the settling down type. ”

Scott smiled and wrapped his arms around her. No matter how big she got, he would always remember her as a spunky 6 year old. “You always were the optimistic one. Barbara is just fine. We enjoy each other’s company and we both like the same things. She has her career and I have mine. As much as you wish otherwise, I am never getting married again. Twice is more than enough. You need to enjoy your party and finish planning your last Summer of freedom.”

Selena smiled up at him with golden brown eyes that he knew matched his own. “I just want you to both be happy.”

“We are. I don’t have to be married to be happy.”

“I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, Princess.”

“Selena, come here!” a young blond yelled from across the makeshift dance floor. “Jeremy just texted Allison back!”

And just like that she was gone. The swarm of teenagers still made him uncomfortable so he migrated towards the buffet table. Thankfully Jaci had moved somewhere else and Scott was able to find a semi-quiet corner with which to watch the action. Sipping the punch in his hand, he silently wished for a beer instead.

“You never did like large crowds.” The soft voice washed over him alerting senses he forgot he had.

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Alexandra is perfectly happy with life the way it is. She’s successful, healthy and her ex-husband is on the other side of the United States. She’s more than happy to have meaningless sex with the attractive executive she met at her favorite diner.

Jonathan knows that his heart is in danger of becoming involved with the sexy vixen that has graced his bed. When the two of them are thrown together outside their safe haven of the bedroom things begin to get complicated.  It’s not just emotions and extremely satisfying sex that are on the line. Someone’s life may be in danger when Alexandra’s ex-husband reappears in her life.

Release Date: May 22, 2013


What the hell am I doing here? I have a perfectly comfortable relationship back home. Why in the world did I agree to be dragged out to a bar?
A warm sensation spread through her body at the thought of the last night with her lover.
At least he’s away on one of his longer business trips. Spending time with Rob and Lisa is the perfect distraction from a few lonely nights.

“How do I look?” Alexandra pulled at her blue, flannel shirt.

Lisa rolled her eyes and slammed the Jeep door closed.  She shivered in the cool, night air. “I told you already. You look fine.” The gravel crunched beneath her feet as she walked around the front of the Jeep to watch Alexandra begin rolling down the sleeves of her shirt. “You always look fine. Even in my cowboy boots and flannel shirt you look good.” Lisa laughed. “Who are you trying to impress? Rob's buddies? Honey, if you're female and breathing then you'll do fine.” Lisa clicked her tongue. "You know it's going to be hot as all get out in that bar. Why are you rolling your sleeves down?"

Alexandra shook her head, stirring the blond curls around her shoulders. “I'm not in the mood for twenty questions tonight.” She displayed the long, jagged scar on her right forearm before pushing the sleeve over it.

Staring up at the neon sign that read
Joe's Bar
, Alexandra took a deep breath.  It had been a long time since she'd stepped foot in a bar like this. She couldn’t imagine Sarah or Allison substituting their afternoon coffee fix for a singles bar. Not that she minded hanging out in bars, but she was technically single, and unfortunately that meant she was fair game for every man with his radar on.

Lisa opened the heavy, wooden door. Loud, honky-tonk music erupted into the quiet night air. Alexandra stepped inside the darkened foyer with Lisa close behind. Choking on a cloud of smoke, Alex coughed a few times.
Not a great place for an ex-smoker.
A bridge type path led straight ahead. Glancing to the left, she took notice of several couples sitting at tables with their heads close together. On the other side of the makeshift walkway was a large dance floor crammed with sweaty people of all shapes and sizes doing some sort of line dance.

Leaning close to Alexandra, Lisa had to yell to be heard, “Rob said he'd be sitting at the bar.”

Alexandra nodded and followed as Lisa threaded her way in and out of people. A cloud of smoke surrounded them. Apparently every chain smoker within a 50 mile radius was here. Lisa pointed across the room to a long bar lined with stools and patrons.

“Rob's at the far end.” Lisa yelled.

Alexandra followed her sister-in-law's petite form to the farthest point of the bar. She was grateful that the music was dramatically muted from this part of the bar.  That's when she spotted the muscular, blond, sitting four stools from the end. He certainly looked a lot different than the scrawny 13 year old he was when their parents died. She grinned as Lisa leaned over the blond-haired man's shoulder, “Hey, sexy.”

Rob turned and smiled before pulling her into his lap and kissing her passionately.

Alexandra put her hands on her hips,  “I see how you are. A hello or something would be nice here. Is this how you greet your big sister?”

Rob slid his wife off of his lap, jumped up and grabbed Alexandra in his arms. She squealed as her feet nearly left the ground. It took only seconds before she realized his lips were quickly approaching hers. Putting a hand over her mouth, Alexandra shook her head. Rob released her with a big grin.

“We're not that close.” she laughed, punching him in the arm.

“That's good to know,” said a familiar voice from the bar.

Alexandra's stomach flipped over with dual excitement and dread. She watched in shock as Lisa threw herself at the dark haired man sitting next to Rob's vacant stool.

“J.D.” she squealed and hopped into his lap. “When did you get in town?”

“This morning. I drove straight out to the field. Rob told me he was meeting you here and I couldn't miss my favorite red head.”

Rob playfully jerked his wife out of J.D.'s lap. “Get your own woman.”

Turning around, J.D.'s smile grew warm. “Hello Alexandra.”

Staring into familiar chestnut eyes, she fought the struggle in whether to run or smack the smile right off his face. Praying no one could see the dread sitting in the bottom of her stomach, she took a chance.

“I'm nobody's 'woman' as my brother so elegantly puts it. But yes, I'm Alex.” Ignoring the strange look from Rob and Lisa, silently pleading for him to keep a secret, Alex extended her hand, “And you are?”

“Johnathan Hamilton,” he answered, taking the proffered hand.

Alexandra released the breath she was unknowingly holding. The familiar warmth from his hand travelled the length of her arm. This would be harder than she thought.

Alexandra dropped his hand and glanced between her brother and Johnathan. “So you two know each other from work?”

“He's my boss.” Rob said.

A silent O formed on her lips and fear tightened in her chest. Did Johnathan know that all along? Had their meeting in Atlanta not been an accident?

Lisa tugged on Rob's arm. “Come on, let's dance.”

Rob smiled at Alexandra apologetically as Lisa half-dragged him to the dance floor.

“You look like you could use a drink?” Johnathan motioned to the stool Rob had recently vacated. Alexandra sat down trying not to touch him.

Don’t confuse sexual attraction for common sense, girl.

“Beer, right?”

Alexandra nodded, “Why didn't you tell me you were going to be in Texas?”

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, a surprised look crossed his face as he motioned to the bartender for another beer, “I don't believe I had the opportunity. Besides, that would be a personal issue and off limits, remember?"

She stared at the rows of bottles behind the bar. "Did you know that Rob was my brother? Did you . . ." Alexandra turned to catch his gaze. "Did you search me out those few weeks because I'm Rob's sister?"

She could read the annoyance and disgust on his face. "No. I had no idea about your connection to Rob and Lisa until this exact moment. And in case you forgot,

“You're Rob's boss?”
Meaning things just became extremely complicated
. Alex toyed with the bowl of peanuts in front of her, not looking at him. Her entire world seemed to be crashing around her.

Jonathan smiled, “Yes. And you're the infamous Alex. That's something I never would have guessed.”

Immediately suspicious, her emerald eyes narrowed, “Infamous?” she asked.

Jonathan nodded, “Rob talks about you all the time. Although you aren't at all what I pictured. I'm sure that he has no idea how sexy his sister is.”

It was Alex's turn to smile. The blatant look of desire in his darkening his eyes sent tiny flames crawling over her skin.

“Let me guess. Scrawny, flat chested, no make-up, mousy brown hair pulled back in a bun, glasses, dowdy clothing, and no personality. Does that cover the image you had?”

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