Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection) (6 page)

BOOK: Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection)
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“Well he doesn’t know what he lost.” The uncontrolled desire he felt made him rather uncomfortable. He prided himself on control. “I was wondering if you were busy tonight.”

“What do you have in mind?” Erica smiled big, pulling Will’s heart even deeper.

“I actually have dinner plans with my family this evening. It’s a whole big family thing. I’m sure it’s because Arianna and her parents are heading back home tomorrow.  It would be nice to have someone there as an ally.”

Erica looked away at the kids playing in the fountain. “Is Cameron going to be there?”

“I can’t say for sure. I suppose that would depend on his girlfriend. Although I’m pretty sure Mother would rip him a new one if he didn’t at least make an appearance.” He tried to keep the disappointment from his voice
.  What happened between you and Cameron?

“Is my Dad going to be where?” Ben had miraculously tuned in to their conversation.

Erica’s smile returned. “Uncle Will was inviting me to dinner at your Grandmother’s house. I’m not sure I should go because he said it’s a family dinner.”

“Oh please come. It will be so much more fun with you there. Uncle Will tries to be fun but
Nola gets mad. Maybe if you come then she won’t get mad at you cause you’re a guest. She says we have to always be nice to guests even if we don’t like what they do.”

“Nola?” Erica shot him a questioning look.

“Mother hates the word grandma so the kids call her by her first name.”

“Puh-leeeeeeze, Erica. You have to come.”

He had to give her credit. She didn’t let her unease show.

“Okay, I’ll come.”



Chapter 10

Erica felt the same butterflies that played football in her stomach when she was interviewing with a new client.
So far the dinner had been fairly uneventful. William had introduced her to his mother and father as well as his sister and brother-in-law. The inside of the house had been no less elegant and ostentatious than the outside. It was obvious that the home hadn’t been updated since the older couple moved in. But this wasn’t a job, this was William’s family. All she wanted to do was make a good impression and reflect well on William. She flashed her best “Hire Me” smile that seemed to work on most wealthy women. “Thank you for having me for dinner, Ms. Landers.”

Ms. Mayer. The moment William mentioned bringing a woman home I was ecstatic. I don’t believe he’s brought a woman into this house since high school.”

Erica caught Will’s gaze. He shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘no big deal’.

“Then I suppose I should feel honored.” Her grin increased as she saw a bit of red creep up from his collar.

Glancing around the dining room she couldn’t help but compare his family to her own. Everyone was dressed in what she considered their ‘Sunday Best’. Even the children had bathed and
were in new clothes. Ben was wearing a red Polo shirt and khakis while Arianna wore way more frills on her white dress than Erica thought any four year old would be able to bear.  If they were at her parent’s house everyone would be wearing whatever they had put on that morning and instead of the children sitting quietly at the table they would be running around playing tag. The older ones would have their heads stuck in their newest handheld video game.

Will’s younger sister, Maggie, cleared her throat, “So Erica, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m an interior decorator.”

“You’re THAT Erica
Mayer?” Will’s mother spoke rather loudly. “You just did Elaine Perry’s house?”

Erica nodded finding herself suddenly unable to swallow the delicious key lime pie.

“Oh Will you better hold on to her. Elaine’s house is just gorgeous! And Erica I hate to ask but you simply must work your magic on our home.”

“Mother, don’t you think that’s a bit of a conflict of interest?” Will squeezed her knee as if he sensed her discomfort.

“Only if you two break up. Oh my God, you’re not going to break up are you? There are always people breaking off relationships and no one ever sticks around.”

Erica bit the inside of her lip trying to snuff out the laughter that nearly erupted at the horrified look on Ms. Landers’ face.

“Well, Mother,” the male voice was all too familiar and sent an unpleasant shiver up Erica’s spine, “if people didn’t break up then we would all be out of a job and you would be living on food stamps.”

“Cameron, darling, where have you been? Poor Ben has been asking for you all evening.” Ms. Landers stood and embraced the younger Landers brother.

Erica busied herself with what remained of her dessert. She knew for a fact that Ben, who was seated on the other side of William, hadn’t asked about his father once.

“Well, well, well, it looks like my older brother finally found a woman.”

Erica could feel the tension from Will’s body. Carefully slipping her hand under the table she grabbed his hand and squeezed.

“Yes. And from what I understand you two have already met.”

Erica was sure that Cameron’s smile contained a leer.

“Ahh, yes,
the Stewart case. Such a pity that we couldn’t have reached a more amiable agreement. I really hated how things turned out.”

You’re just sorry you didn’t get laid.
Erica forced a smile, “I suppose things worked out for the best. If things had gone a different way then I probably wouldn’t have met your brother.”

She felt a tiny surge of satisfaction when she saw Cameron’s smile falter.
He opened his mouth to speak.

Ben jumped in, his voice full of excitement. “Uncle Will and Erica took us to the museum today. We even got to play in the fountain at the park.”

Cameron didn’t look the least bit interested in having a conversation with his son. Instead he glared at Will, “Don’t think I’m paying to have your car cleaned just because my kid rode in it soaking wet.”

Will shook his head, “My car is just fine. The kids had a blast.”

Ben tried again. “The museum was awesome. You could touch everything and you learned how things work.”

Cameron motioned to a young woman standing just outside the dining room. “I believe it’s just about Benjamin’s bed time. Please see to it that he settles down for the night.”

Erica’s heart broke at the obvious dismissal of the little boy. Ben’s face fell. The excitement drained from him as he realized that his own father couldn’t be bothered. She wanted to scream at the arrogant man seated across from her. What kind of man dismisses their child so easily? Looking at Will, hoping he would stand up for the little boy, she watched the emotions play across his face. He looked as if he was going to say something but the words never came.  Ben stood and made his way to his grandmother, kissing her cheek. Will ruffled his hair and gave him a quick hug. Turning towards her, Ben put his hand out.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss.Erica.”

Erica looked at his hand hanging in the air then up at the downturned mouth that had been so full of laughter only a few moments ago. She yanked him into an embrace so tight that part of her wondered if he could still breathe. The little arms wrapped around her with more strength than she thought possible.

“Sweet dreams, Ben. We’l
l plan another day to have fun.”

She was greeted with soft sniffles causing her chest to ache. How often was he shown compassion and understanding?

“Maybe you could play baseball with me and Uncle Will next time he takes me?” Ben’s voice was so soft she had to strain to hear him.

“How did you know I can play baseball?”

Ben grinned. “I just knew it. I guess cause you’re fun like that.”

Cameron sighed, “Benjamin . . .”

“Good night Miss. Erica, good night Uncle Will. Good night, everybody.”

Silence fell over the table as both nannies took Ben and Adrianna up to bed. Will’s hand gripped hers tightly. “You are such a
n ass, Little Brother. All he wanted to do was share his day with you. Why even have him around if you are just going to ignore him?”

The elder Landers cleared his throat, “Here now, William. No one outside the Landers’ family is going to raise a grandchild of mine.”

Erica bit her lower lip until she tasted blood.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
“I . . .Thank you for dinner this evening but I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask William to take me home.”

“Oh dear,” Ms. Landers fanned herself with her hand “I do hope my son hasn’t offended you.”

“No ma’am.” She lied. “I have a great deal of work to do tomorrow and it’s been a long day. Kara Turlington wants to see the finished designs for her pool house first thing Monday. She wouldn’t be happy with what’s on my drawing board right now.”


Chapter 11

William cast a side glance at Erica’s profile. She hadn’t said a word for most of the ride. “I’m sorry about my brother. He’s not a kid person, which really sucks for Ben.”

“I’m not sure where this affair thing is going but there’s something I need to tell you.”

He gripped the steering wheel tighter

“During my divorce Cameron propositioned me. He kissed me in the mediation room and. . . And then he told me that if I would sleep with him he would convince my soon to be ex that he could live off of a considerably smaller amount than the 50% they were asking for. I turned him down. Now I live with a roommate to make ends meet and my ex works when he wants to.”

William concentrated on the asphalt in front of him.
I’m going to fire his ass.

“Now I know where he gets all of his asshole qualities from.”

Will did a double take, “I’m sorry?”

“Your father.”

“I know Dad isn’t the greatest person but asshole might be –“

Not only did he justify Cameron’s treatment of Ben but . . .he grabbed my ass, Will. When we were leaving and he gave me a hug goodbye. He grabbed my ass and said ‘looks like William has plenty to hold on to’.”

“Oh my God.” He wasn’t sure if he wanted the car to swallow him up or if he wanted to turn around and beat the shit out of his old man. “
I’m, Erica I am so sorry. Baby, why didn’t you say something? I would have –“

“What? Punched your father?” she laughed.

He could tell it was a dry, forced laugh. Wanting nothing more than to take her in his arms, “I hate that they ruined such a nice day. I shouldn’t have invited you tonight. It was selfish of me to not want to be apart from you.”

Her hand touched his thigh sending heat straight to his groin. “It’
s okay. At least I know what I’m getting into.”

“Does that mean you’re going to stick around for a while?”
William kept his eyes on the road hoping she didn’t read the virtual desperation he was feeling.

Maybe. You were really good with the kids today.” Her voice was so soft he had to strain to hear her.

“I try to spend as much time as possible with them; especially Ben. Cameron is so busy with work and his social life that he rarely has time for his own son. So I take him to baseball games and play football with him. Sometimes I take him to the movies or do stuff like today.”

“You’ll be a great dad someday.”

The wistful look on her face cut some place deep inside his heart. “There’s plenty of time for kids.” The silence was like a giant hole. “You were pretty awesome yourself. How many kids are you going to have when you settle down?”

She smiled showing the dimples he was growing to love. “Not sure. But it will be a while before I settle down. My career is just really starting. I’ve got plenty to do before adding more people to my life.”

“Speaking of your career,”
The thought of waking up alone in the morning left an empty feeling in his chest. “Do you really have work to do tomorrow?” his voice betrayed his thoughts of getting her naked.

“Yes, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.” Her hand moved towards the inside of his thigh. “Did you have something in mind?”

“Thought you could come back to my place and I’ll take you home in the morning.” The growing erection in his pants was becoming uncomfortable. “I would really enjoy . . .
holding you all night. . .
making you pancakes in the morning.”

“Is that all you want?”

Her small hand cupped him through his slacks sending massive amounts of blood away from his brain. He could only manage a groan in response. “I could think of a few more things we could do tonight.”


Before the door closed, William was unbuttoning her blouse. Erica slipped off her heels while trying to undo the buttons on William’s dress shirt. Their lips met together in urgency, while hands fumbled to remove pants, socks, and underwear. Moving as one towards the stairs, the two never parted. Hands groped, lips kissed and sucked on various body parts. Erica abruptly turned to run up the stairs only to be nearly tackled by William. He kissed her deeply, drinking from her inviting mouth. His hands roamed her breasts and stroked between her thighs. Erica broke free and crawled up the remainder of the steps before sprinting for the bedroom. William followed close behind.

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