Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection) (8 page)

BOOK: Second Time Around (Yvonne's Naughty Story Collection)
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“I do.” Erica grabbed his hand and led him back to her bedroom. “She had to take her brother to the airport so she’ll be gone for most of the night.”

The bedroom was filled with white antiques and an ancient wrought iron bed. The teal and grey comforter was covered in a small horde of pillows of all colors, shapes and sizes. The bed wasn’t nearly as big as his king size but it had more than enough room for what William had in mind.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist he drew her soft curves to his hard planes. Afraid of scaring her off, he allowed her to
control the kiss. All blood left his body to focus on one central point as she nibbled on his bottom lip, her tongue brushed his lips lightly. William opened his mouth allowing their tongues to meet and fire to erupt. Her moan of pleasure made him hard. He knew she could feel his erection through the flimsy dress and was encouraged as her kiss grew hungrily.

Another groan escaped her as she thought of his tongue on other parts of his body. She pressed her hips closer to his. His answering groan brought a smile to her lips.

William was the first to pull back. “You think that’s funny do you? A day ago you wanted to throttle me.”

Make love to me.”

was tired of talking. It didn’t matter that they had been apart for two weeks or that she had no idea where the whole relationship was going. She needed more than sex. She needed the emotional connection. Her body was on fire and every inch of her screamed to be touched. The silk fabric of her dress only teased her more. Grabbing his hand, she brushed it over her breast where her hardened nipples poked at the fabric.

Taking his hand she led him
to the bed. Both of them began working on the buttons of his dress shirt as he slipped off his shoes. Erica needed to feel his skin against hers. Once his shirt was off she touched every inch she could reach. Every muscle, every ripple seemed deeper, more pronounced, more masculine than she remembered.

He placed a gentle kiss on her hand before moving once again to her mouth, her jaw, her neck.
Erica wasn’t sure if she would explode or cry from the reverence in his kisses. The dress was pulled up and over her shoulders and tossed on the floor. Her skin burned from the fire in William’s gaze.

studied her full breasts and hips. Her porcelain skin was marred with red splotches from his kisses. He watched as her tongue appeared to moisten her lips and nearly came undone. “God you’re beautiful.”

“Not exactly
a swimsuit model.” She joked about her body.

“That’s good because they are nothing but skin and bones and look like a pre-teen boy. You’re all woman.
Absolutely beautiful and perfectly made. No more negative remarks about this amazing body.” He knelt, twirling his tongue around her nipple before wrapping his moist mouth around it.

thought her knees would give way. He released one only to move to the other. Erica felt the wetness between her legs increase. She whimpered, intertwining her fingers in his hair trying to bring him closer.

Standing up he motioned for her to layback on the bed.  She was more than eager to comply. Pressing her legs together
Erica couldn’t stop from squirming. “I need you.” Sitting up she began taking off his belt and unbuttoning his pants. Reaching a hand inside, she cupped the rigid length of him. The warmth from his hard, naked flesh only aroused her more. “I need this inside me. Please.” The deep desire in her voice, the pleading, startled her.

He chuckled. “Slow down honey. I’m going to take good care of you.” Slipping off his pants and his boxers,
William crawled onto the bed. William lay down beside her so that his chest met her shoulder. He kissed her gently brushing his hand over her breasts, her stomach and even lower. “Let the rest of it go.” he whispered in her ear.

nodded. Everywhere that William’s hand touched left trails of fire. His hand cupped the V between her legs. He stroked her, rubbing that extra sensitive spot with his thumb.

William. I’m so close.” She caught his gaze. He looked as pained as she felt.

Using every last ounce of control,
William trailed kisses down between her thighs to where his hand had been playing havoc. Everything about her made him want to please her. He devoured her, licking, sucking until her screams filled the room from her climax.

felt every nerve in her body explode.  Her nails bit into William’s shoulders as she convulsed in pleasure. Never in her life had she done such a thing. Her ex had never even offered and she had been too embarrassed to ask. “Wow. That’s what all the fuss is about.”

“Are you ready for round two?” he rasped.

“Mmm, if it’s even half as good as round one then bring it on.” She couldn’t help grinning.

Sliding up over her,
William nestled himself between her thighs.

Lifting her hips of
f the bed she smiled, “Stop teasing.” She lifted her hips upwards again taking in a small part of him. “Please. I want all of you inside me.”

The moment’s hesitation was gone and he plunged into her
tight, moist body. The sheer pleasure of being buried deep inside her, being skin to skin was almost too much.

He kissed her
. Slowly dipping his tongue in and out of her mouth, William began to imitate the motion with his hips. Her groan of pleasure left him struggling to keep control; he wanted her to experience another magnificent release.

knew he would always be the perfect fit. Every nerve screamed in pleasure from the stretching and stroking of his hard shaft. She couldn’t get enough of him, running her hands over his hard chest and well-muscled back. Her nails lightly grazed his back causing William to groan. Erica grinned and dragged her nails down his back.

grumbled enjoying the animalistic side of her.


“Look at me.” It was more of a request than a demand.

Erica raised her gaze to his passion glazed eyes which were now more of a cerulean blue. To have him over her, joined with her and meeting his eyes was the second most intimate moment in her life. She knew it would always be this way with him. She never looked away. “Harder.”

A few more strokes
and she felt the pleasure coil deep inside her, “Don’t stop. Oh, yes!”  The deep coil inside her shattered into a million pieces causing her to cry out but never looked away. Her wave of excitement continued as he thrust inside her faster and faster.

took his breath away. The tightening around him from her orgasm combined with her screams and the look of complete ecstasy on her face was the most exquisite thing William had ever seen. Feeling her pleasure building again he lost all sense of reason, thrusting faster and faster until they both erupted. Her screams of pleasure echoed again throughout the quiet room.

lay down beside her. Erica, feeling empty after being filled so completely, turned to face him. Placing her head on his shoulder, she felt less insecure when he wrapped an arm around her to bring her close. Erica ran a hand through his light chest hair. “My neighbors are going to be looking at me a bit strange for a while. These walls aren’t exactly soundproof.”

“They’re just jealous they aren’t having mind-blowing sex.”

“Maybe.” But the term ‘mind-blowing sex’ left her grinning.

William placed a finger under chin and made her look up. “Your screams sent me way over the edge. Don’t let anyone shame you into being quiet. Many men would kill to have a woman as sexual as you are.”

“Want to do it again?”
Erica draped her thigh over his.

“As much as I’d like to say yes, I’m
not super human.

“Party pooper.”

“Consider it the trials of an older man.”

stuck her tongue out at him before turning over to present her back to him. “We’ll have to work on your stamina.” She mumbled.

Glancing over at her naked form, his gaze traveled from her shoulders to her well curved backside. Placing a kiss on her shoulder, a softer chuckle escaped as he heard the slight snores coming from her side of the bed. She was more tired than she led on. Spooning behind her, William lay in the bed watching Erica sleep. The sheet was around her waist and she was curled up on her side facing him.
God, she’s beautiful.
  Somewhere in the night his dreams had melded together. Cameron bending Erica over his desk, fucking her. And then there was a rush of blood from somewhere. Erica started screaming and writhing in pain as blood poured down her legs. A chilling scream rent the air. William bolted upright in the bed covered in sweat. He swore her screams were what woke him up. In reality, all was quiet.

Erica shifted in her sleep soft snores coming from her side of the bed. Unable to calm his racing heart or get the dream out of his head he decided that sleep would be impossible.
Hearing his stomach growl he pulled on his boxers and headed straight for the refrigerator. He grabbed a container of leftover Chinese food and popped it in the microwave.

An hour later
Erica called out, “William,” then louder still, “William.”

“In here, babe.”

A sleepy and naked Erica emerged from the bedroom. “I woke up and you were gone. I thought that, well . . .I . . .”

“Come sit down.” He patted a spot beside him on the sofa.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious, Erica grabbed an afghan blanket from a nearby basket and wrapped it around herself. Sitting down on the plush sofa she felt William’s fingers on her chin. The understanding in his eyes clamped down on her heart.

“You though
t I left like before.”

A weight settled in her s
tomach. “You . . . “

“Are you ready to talk to me about. . . about why you lied about sleeping with Cameron?”

“Because I thought it would be really awkward to tell you how after you left me I started dating your brother. He pulled the “if you love me then you’ll sleep with me” routine and since I wasn’t a virgin anymore I didn’t think I should hold myself back. He dumped me the next day and had a field day with the fact that both you and he had slept with me.”

“So after high school you didn’t . . .”

“No. He knew who I was when he propositioned me during the divorce proceedings. He even said it would be like a reunion of sorts. I told him to go screw himself.”

“And the hysterectomy? You’re only 30. Why would a doctor agree to such a thing?”

“I got pregnant while I was married and I had a placental abruption. That’s where the placenta separates from the uterus during the pregnancy. Not only was I losing the baby, but I nearly bled to death. They had to remove everything in order to save my life. It was so sudden. The baby didn’t make it. “

“Oh God Baby.”
Rubbing his hands over her arms, William pulled her into his lap. “Do you still have medical issues? Is there something that is going to affect your health in the future?”

“Not that I’m aware of.”
She laid her head on his chest.

“I wish I could have been there to help you. Do you think you’d let me be there for you now?”

felt the hurt in her heart disappear. “What are you saying?”

His hand came up to caress her face. “I’m saying I’ve been in love with you since the night I took your virginity. Now that I’ve found you I never want to let you go.”

Tears slid down her cheeks unheeded. “Oh, William, I always thought my 16 year old crush was nothing more than that. But I’m sure I fell in love with you too that night. That’s why I was so crushed when you were gone.”

The pain of the past poked at him, “
Promise me no more secrets.”

Her head bobbed, “Promise.”

“Let me make it up to you. If it takes my entire life, I’ll make it up to you. Think the next 50 or 60 years can make up for the last decade?”

grinned broadly, her heart filling with joy and love for the man in front of her. “I’d love to see you try.” She curled her knees up to her chest, tilting her head back. “You can start by kissing me good morning.”

Whatever you say, Sweetheart.”




More Yvonne Michaels books:

Getting It Right

Jaci finally has her children out of the house and a new man wanting to walk down the aisle with her. The problem is that her ex-husband, Scott, has come back into the picture and makes sure she knows that he wants her. Jaci has no rational reason to want to indulge in physical escapades with her hunky ex until her current fiance’, Jason, starts pulling away. Will Jaci end up happily ever after with Jason or will her body’s reaction to Scott override her head?


Scott couldn’t help but chuckle at the enthusiasm of the two men in front of him. He had spent the better part of an hour listening to his son and the other man discussing the variety of women in the room. He was thankful that his son had at least some self-control when it came to the barely 18 year old girls celebrating Selena’s 
  Glancing across the banquet room, Scott spotted his dark-haired little girl that would be leaving for college in a few months. Selena seemed totally engrossed in conversation with the two best friends she’d had since middle school. He swore she was playing dress up in Jaci’s closet just yesterday.

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