Sexual Healing for Three (37 page)

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Authors: Gracie C. Mckeever

BOOK: Sexual Healing for Three
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She arched her neck, rolling her hips against him. “Yesss.”

“I have a condom, but I’d rather not use it. How do you feel about that?”

“You’re giving me a choice?”

“In this? Of course.”

“I…I trust you,” she murmured.

He could have hugged her but stopped himself from showing too much exuberance. He was supposed to be the in-control Dom, after all. He wanted to let her know her trust wasn’t misplaced, however, and leaned down to peck her nose.

“I love you.”
Way to go, Mr. In-control Dom.
That wasn’t what he’d meant to come out of his mouth. He was going to say something like “I’m safe,” but “I love you”
just blurted out.

Russ watched her throat muscles work as she swallowed, but she didn’t say anything, just left his declaration hanging out there forcing him to act as if he hadn’t just laid his vein open and drained his life’s fluid into a goblet as an offering to her.

“I want to feel you,” she whispered. “All of you. Do you trust me?”

“You know I do.”

“Then take me.”


Gracie C. McKeever

Russ lowered his head to take one nipple between his teeth, simultaneously sliding one finger into her tight, wet sheath.

Donna bucked beneath him, panting as he increased the friction and thrust his finger inside her faster and faster. By the time he licked his way from her breasts down to her center, her inner muscles were clamping down on his finger to signal the approach of her orgasm.

Russ seamlessly replaced his finger with his mouth, plunging his tongue as deep as it would go and working her clit with his thumb.

The sweet-tangy taste of her flooded his mouth when he licked and sucked her pussy. He was heady with her climax when she suddenly stiffened beneath him then began to convulse.


Russ took his last taste of her, moving up Donna’s body to share it.

She greedily took what he offered, straining against her bounds, arching her back and bumping his hip bone with her pubis.

Panting, he wrapped his tongue around hers, caressing it before pulling back to stare down at her. “You’re sure about this?”

“I’m negative.”

“So am I. But you’re not too old to get pregnant.”

She chuckled. “Thanks for saying so.”

“I’m serious.”

“I’m on the Pill. Any more questions?” She bumped her pussy against his balls, and he released a hiss through his teeth.

“Smart-ass,” he mumbled and bent his head to kiss her again. He guided his throbbing cock toward her opening, sheathing himself inside her in one easy stroke. He pushed further and slid deeper, deeper than he ever had before, her dew helping him seat himself to the hilt as she sighed against his throat and sent his pulse racing even faster than it beat already.

Russ braced himself, one palm planted against the mattress on either side of Donna’s face. He didn’t move for one long moment, just
Sexual Healing for Three


closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her warmth surrounding him, her inner muscles clutching him tight and pulling him home.

He grunted, flung his head back, and rotated his hips as he moved inside her, slowly at first, then gradually building a rhythm.

“God, I want to wrap my legs around you!” Donna pumped her hips, matching his rhythm beat for beat.

He had to admit he missed the feel of her legs wrapped around his waist. But he’d left enough slack in the ropes for her to bend her knees, and he hooked his hand under one of them as he angled his thrusts inside her, grinding, then undulating his hips against her.

Donna cried out as she came, her body quivering in the throes of one long, drawn-out orgasm that Russ absorbed and made his own.

When he came, it felt like his dick was blasting off, his balls churning cum out and into her scorching canal like lava.

Russ wrapped his arms around her, lifting and holding her close to his chest until her tremors subsided. He untied her blindfold, kissed her face all over, tasting the salt of her perspiration, the scent of arousal and sex heavy in the air.

Their pants echoed in the room until Russ was overwhelmed with the sound of it. He concentrated on her face to center himself as Donna blinked several times, obviously trying to bring him into focus.

Finally, she smiled. “That was…explosive.”

He waved the blindfold in front of her face. “I think this helped.”

“No.” She shook her head and nuzzled her cheek against his chest, her warm breath teasing his sensitized flesh. “It was you, Russ. All you.”

* * * *

Donna lay on her side, one cheek in her palm, propped up on one elbow, her free hand idly caressing the light sprinkling of hair between Russ’s pectorals. She watched the gentle rise and fall of his 298

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chest, doing figure eights around his nipples with one finger before roaming down to caress his rib cage.

Russ caught her hand and pulled her over and onto him, his semi-erect cock pressing into her belly. He gave her a gentle smack on the ass, and she yelped with the appropriate amount of histrionics before snuggling close. He slid his hand up from her buttocks to cup the base of her skull, drawing her forward for a kiss.

His tongue slid into her mouth as he wrapped his arms around her and tumbled them onto their sides. He eased a thigh between her legs as she curved a leg up around his hip.

She was damp and getting damper by the minute, her dew seeping down her thigh as Russ reached between their bodies and skillfully rubbed and plucked her already swollen clit, shooting a jolt of electricity through her body. She bucked against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss. Her nipples sang as she pressed closer to him, the hard buds rubbing against the warm skin and hair on Russ’s chest.

For several long moments, their tongues battled for supremacy, Russ easing a finger into her wetness and decisively tipping the scales in his favor.

Donna gasped and pulled back to whisper, “No fair,” against his lips before he collared the back of her neck to draw her back, taking her to new heights with his demanding mouth, the dexterity of his finger, delving, twirling, and wiggling before he finally hit pay dirt.

The orgasm snuck up on her, rising from her core and spreading out until her whole body was engulfed in tingling heat. Her inner muscles convulsively clamped down on his finger, sucking him deeper as she gushed into his hand and cried out.

Russ held her until her tremors abated. He stared at her and eased his hand from her pussy, finger glistening with her juices. He raised it to his lips, tongue darting out to lick his finger as if it was the sweetest lollipop and he was a little kid addicted to sugar.

Sexual Healing for Three


She smiled, pussy throbbing, as she watched him, already aching to be filled again. “I miss Chance,” she blurted and watched as Russ froze, his face falling. “Oh God, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like you think.”

He looked at her but didn’t say anything.

“I just wish he was here with us.”

“Not instead of me?”

“No! I just miss something when he’s not here. The same as I miss something when I’m with him and you’re not here.” It was so easy to admit that it shocked her.

He nodded as if he understood how she felt. “I miss him too.”

Donna sighed, relieved she hadn’t put a complete damper on things, especially when she needed to ask him an even more uncomfortable question. She took a deep breath and felt Russ stiffen beside her as if he knew what she was going to ask.

“Have you spoken to Suzie since that day at your house?”

He gritted his teeth before answering, and she wondered if he was upset with her. “She hasn’t called me yet. I’m trying to give her time to come around before I call her.”

“What if she doesn’t? Come around I mean?”

He pulled her close and held her. “She will. She has to.”


Gracie C. McKeever

Chapter 30

Chance parked his bike at the curb in front of Donna’s brownstone, not surprised to see Russ’s SUV already there. He grinned as he slid off his helmet and strapped it to the back of his bike, wondering if he would be interrupting anything more than sleep.

It was early, after all, the sun barely peaking over the dusky, rose-hued horizon.

Chance glanced back over his shoulder to see the unmarked car that had been shadowing Donna’s every move since Naomi had been murdered.

Goddess, he still couldn’t believe those two adorable kids he had taken out for dinner with Donna a month ago had had their mother snatched from them in such a horrible way.

What had the husband been thinking? Despite his gift, Chance just didn’t understand what made some people tick and knew that Naomi’s husband was one person he would never understand. He knew too, much like Donna, he’d like to get Mr. Morgan in a room alone for just five minutes. He didn’t think he’d be his usual diplomatic self with the man, however. Some situations just called for hands-on action and not talk.

He gave the officer behind the wheel a covert wave, bounded up the stairs in front of the brownstone, and rang Donna’s bell. When Russ’s voice sounded over the intercom, Chance chuckled and said,

“It’s me.” The buzzer sounded an instant later, and Chance pushed open the door to take the inside staircase two at a time until he reached the top floor, where Donna’s apartment was located.

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The door was ajar. Chance pushed his way into the apartment, his nostrils leading him to the kitchen from where the enticing aroma of cooking drifted.

Russ was standing at the stove scrambling eggs in a pan. His short wavy hair was wet as if he’d just left the shower. He was shirtless, barefoot, and in a pair of jeans, looking more relaxed and comfortable than Chance could ever remember seeing him.

“We were expecting you.”

Chance arched a brow. “You were?”

“Donna mentioned how she missed you.”

“And you?”

“I agreed.”

Chance chuckled, couldn’t imagine what had prompted Donna’s admission, when and where she had said it, and how Russ had taken it. He was just glad that they weren’t mad at each other anymore.

They couldn’t be, could they? Not with Russ cooking in her kitchen and Donna…

“Where is she?”

“In the shower. Why don’t you go join her?”

“You don’t think she’d be too tired?”

“Go check and see. Won’t hurt to try.”

Chance slowly turned to go, then paused when Russ asked, “Want some coffee?”

“I’d prefer tea.”

“Right. Tea’s healthier than coffee. I forgot, Mr. Vegan.”

“Vegetarian. Get it straight. Vegans are much stricter.” He grinned at Russ’s teasing smile and again turned to leave.

Russ was so natural and nonchalant his attitude rubbed off on Chance, made him feel like he belonged and would automatically be welcomed into Donna’s arms. Yet he halted briefly in the middle of her bedroom, wondering what he was doing.

Donna’s seductive, smoky voice lifted in song, her slightly off-key rendition of Rod Stewart’s “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?” wafting 302

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with the steam from the shower made up his mind, and Chance quickly stripped out of his clothes before walking to the bathroom and pulling back the shower curtain.

Donna yelped and jumped back, bubbles glistening and running down her full breasts, smooth abdomen, and curvy hips.

He watched the glistening, soapy trail, his gaze lingering on the wet thatch of russet curls covering her sex. Chance licked his lips, felt his hard-on growing, before he brought his gaze back up to meet hers.

She smiled and proffered the bar of soap to him. “Get my back.”

He took the bar, stepped into the tub with her, and pulled the curtain closed behind them.

Donna turned, but instead of washing her back, Chance pulled her against his chest as she continued to hum her song and glided her palms down her front.

Chance slid his arms around her, following the path of her hands, gliding the fragrant soap down to her center then back up to tease her breasts, rubbing the bar over each nipple again and again until she moaned and turned in his arms.

“That’s not my back,” she whispered.

“My mistake.”

“You’re forgiven this time.”

“Just so you know—” He bent his head to kiss her, his tongue sliding into her mouth and slowly tasting her beneath the hot cascade of water before he pulled back to say, “Yes, I want your body, and I think you’re sexy.” He leaned in to kiss her again. “Very sexy.”

“Then reach out and touch me.”

He grinned as he smoothed the soap down her back, pausing at her buttocks to skim the bar over each round, shapely cheek before he placed it on a shelf of the shower caddy.

He guided Donna under the water, watching it sluice down her body, rinsing the soapy residue away before he slid down to his knees in front of her. He gripped her hips and drew her close, burying his face between her legs and inhaling the scent of soap and her arousal.

Sexual Healing for Three


He spread her labia lips with his thumbs and dipped his tongue into her entrance, rolling his tongue experimentally, as if she was a fine wine he wanted to savor. He collected her female dew on his buds and licked his lips before moving in and delving deeper.

Donna groaned, bracing her hands on his shoulders, rocking her hips against his mouth, and Chance alternately stroked her vulva with his tongue and sucked her swollen clit into his mouth to nibble and nip.

He replaced his tongue with two fingers, working her pussy with his mouth and hands for several intense moments before Donna cried out and buried her fingers in his hair. She fisted her hands and held on tight as an orgasm rolled through her.

Chance wrapped his arms around her hips and held her against him until her tremors dwindled before he slowly worked his way up from her center. He kissed and nibbled a path from her belly to her breasts, where he spent the next several moments concentrating all his attention on her erect and flushed nipples. He sucked them into his mouth, swirled his tongue around each areola, so damn inviting that he didn’t want to leave them and wouldn’t have if Donna hadn’t cupped his face and lifted his head until he met her glazed eyes.

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