Shorty Got My Head Gone (14 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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Chapter 14




As we're riding in silence, I see the world passing me in a blur as Teeko was speeding up the highway. I can't help but to think back to the fight that just occurred between Marcus and I.


So many emotions overcoming me I don't know how to feel. I know what, though, I'm getting tired of that mothafucka putting his hands on me, that shit ain't cool. I been nothing but a ride or die bitch for him, and his ass can't trust me and do me like this. I'm fucking pissed, that nigga got me all the way fucked up.


Every time I step out or every time I'm not up under his ass, he thinks I'm out up under another nigga, up to no good. Like really, that's some fucking bullshit for real! That never been the case or even crossed my mind me fucking around on him. I'm too loyal and love him too much to ever do him like that. I never gave him a real reason not to trust me, other than the fact Robert kissed me and that's exactly what happen. He kissed me, I ain't kiss him and tried my hardest to prove to Marcus I wasn't fucking around and would've never cheated on him.


But he don't fucking get it and it's sad. I'm getting tired of trying to prove my love to him. I'm just getting tired of every fucking thing he's been putting me through with his possessiveness down to his abuse. That shit is getting old and I'm no longer about to put up with it. I'm done with his ass.


My thoughts got interrupted as the car came to a sudden stop.


"We're here," Teeko said while taking off her seat belt.


I looked out the window and notice we was in six-O (rollin 60's) neighborhood down the street from Slauson and Crenshaw. We pulled up in front of a small grey brick house that had a black gate around it with a few guys standing in front of the house. There was an apartment complex on the right side of the house and was a vacant house on the left that looked abandoned with a couple of teenage boys standing on the porch.


I was a bit confused as to what in the fuck we were doing in this neighborhood and why the fuck Teeko brought me here. What type of business she got going on here?


I looked at her with a confused look on my face.


"What," she said with the biggest grin on her face.


"Bitch don't what me, you know where the fuck we at?" I asked guessing she honestly didn't know where the fuck we was at.


She smacked her lips “Yes we in Crenshaw duh, do you know where the fuck we at."


"Yes bitch I know where the fuck we at, the question is why the fuck we're here, better yet what the hell you got going on?"


"Don’t worry about all of dat, you asking too many question, just know I know people" she smiled then bit down on her lip.


“And who the hell you know from here? Don't tell me you're banging now" I started laughing "what you rollin, your crip’ it now?" I asked still laughing.


"Ha Ha Ha you're funny but no," she said with a serious face, and stopped laughing like shit wasn’t funny. “But now we're here because I got a surprise for you, now come on let's go.


I gave her another confused look. "Surprise, what kind of surprise you got for me?"


"Like I said you're asking too many questions now get your ass out the damn car," she said opening the door and stepping out the car.


I just sat there looking out the window at the guys standing in front of the grey house. Teeko walked around to my side and opened the door.


"Why the hell are you still sitting there get your ass out" she mushed my arm.


"I wish you would've told me we was coming here, I would've brought my pepper spray."


She looked back at the guys standing in front of the house, gave them a head nod, and then looked back at me grinning.


"What you scared or something, “she asked smiling biting down on her bottom lip, showing off her pearly whites.


"No I'm not scared, I just don't know nobody from here, this is not my hood," I said rolling my neck.


"Girl whatever, get your ass out" she bent down reaching over me unbuckling my seat belt.


I still sat there not moving.


"Come on, I promise nothing going to happen to you," she said while grabbing me by the hand and pulling me out the car.


"I don't need your help, I got this" I snatched my hand away.


“Well hurry your ass up then, slow ass."


I proceeded to walk in front of her and she slapped my ass. I turned around so fast I almost hit her in the face.


"Teeko don't do that shit, I'ma slap your ass for real, don't play," I said rolling my eyes.


She put her hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself. That ass looking fat in them leggings tho" she teased licking her lips.


I reach out my hand trying to slap her but she dodged. I can't stand when her ass does shit like that. She play too much.


As we were walking inside the gate, I was getting kind of nervous because the three large men that were standing in front of the house were staring at us. Got me low key scared to even walk up to the house as hard as they were staring us down.


I was scared for many reason, and not because I'm a punk ass bitch. I had some bad experiences during the past years being in neighborhoods that I'm not from. Like last year when I was helping my auntie and cousin move in there new place in the projects in watts.


They were moving in Nickerson Gardens housing complex. After moving all the furniture in the house my cousin and I decided to take a break before moving in the rest of the stuff. We decided to walk to the corner store to get something to snack on and something to drink. While we were walking out the projects to the store, three guys came up to us and were trying to talk to us and asked for our numbers.  All three of them was all ugly and we was not trying to give them any play. We dissed the fuck out of them and went on about our business to the store. When we came out walking back to the projects we see the same three guys walking back up to us with five bitches behind them. All eight of them jumped us just because we didn't give our numbers up. That why when I'm in a hood where I'm not from, I'm a little skeptical because you never know what might happen.


As we got to the front of the house, one of the guys was big and tall with a full beard and bald head. He gave me a headnod. Looking like a light skin version of Rick Ross, I gave him a fake smile and waved my hand. Teeko dapped up all the guys before proceeding to walk in the house. She grabbed a hold on to my hand walking in the house with me following behind her.


Once we walked in the house, all you could smell was straight up skunk. I looked around the house and it was nicely furnished. I saw 3 guys in the living room ona black leather couch smoking a blunt and playing a game on a 60 inch screen TV. Teeko walked up to the guys and dapped them up. One of the guys told her "They're down stairs."



She grabbed me by the hand once again and we walked down this small hallway into the kitchen. All you can hear is loud music bass just booming, but I didn't know where it was coming from. Teeko opened up this small door in the kitchen that led to a basement. Once she opened the door the music and the bass became louder.



When we got down to the basement, I was actually shocked to see that it was a nice sized studio. There were about five guys sitting around listening to music and smoking and two females that looked like they were dressed to go to a club standing up. One of the guys whose face I couldn't see because he was in the chair turned around with a beanie on his head, messing with some studio equipment.


"What up bro" Teeko yelled through the loud music.


The guy turned around in his chair and dapped Teeko up and gave him a hug.


"What’s happening sis."


Once I realize who he was my mouth dropped to the floor. My surprise was my celebrity crush Nipsey Hussle standing right in front of me.


''Oops this my home girl Kieara, I introduced you to her at the grand opening of the club the other night, she's a big fan."


"Oh yea I remember, what's good lil mama" Nipsey extended his hand to give me a handshake but pulled me into a hug.


I slightly hug him back and didn't say a word.


"Dang you gone' be rude or you gon' speak, " Teeko said looking me up and down.


I opened my mouth just to say hey but for some odd reason, I couldn't get myself to say anything.


Nipsey picked my chin up with the tips of his fingers. "Damn lil mama pick your mouth up, that ain't cute."


"Sorry," I caressed the side of my face shyly looking down at the ground, embarrassed of the groupie moment I just had. Even though I met him before at the club, I j was in utter shock standing right in front of him in a more personal setting.


Teeko and the other guys started laughing "Relax he just fucking with you."


''Haha yea I'm just messin with you" he smiled.


My heart just melted when I saw his gorgeous smile.

'Lawd this motha'fucka is fiiinneee, oh my oh my' I thought to myself. I couldn't really see his face like that at the club because it was so dark, but now that I got a better view YESS LAWD he's even sexier in person.


He had on a plain white V-neck, with some light grey denim Levis with a Louie belt, some grey, and white low chucks, with a gold chain around his neck. Simple as fuck, but sexy as hell on him. HELL, it made him even sexier to me being so plain, auhhh I love that shit.


I soon realize what the hell I had on. I had on a plain white tank top with some black and white tribal leggings, with some black boots and a leather black jacket. My hair was looking a mess up in a messy bun. Ugh Teeko is so going to get it, I wasn't prepared for this.


'' Y’all can have a seat while I wrap this track up real quick" Nipsey said walking to the booth.


I and Teeko sat down on the sofa up against the wall. Nipsey was in the booth laying down his track. It was just surreal to me, actually seeing him do his thang in the studio. I always been a huge fan of his since I first heard his music.


Teeko leaned towards me "so how you like your surprise" she whispered in my ear.


I turned to look at her "I love it" I said with the biggest smile on my face.


"What is that a smile."


I mushed her arm and rolled my eyes "yes this is a smile thank you" I said really appreciating this opportunity and helping me get over the bad break up I just had minutes ago, sooner than I thought.


She sat up "wooooooooow, that’s what’s up tho, better seeing  you smile then that ugly ass mean mug you’ve had ever since I picked your ass up " She teased.


I mushed her arm again "Shut up, I had a reason to look like that."


"Well I'm glad I can help with that punk" she mushed my arm.


I reached over and gave her a big genuine hug. Always playing because she going sniff my neck “mmm you smell good" she whispered then kissed my neck.


I mushed her head and we both start laughing. We sat there just vibing while Nipsey was still in the booth. A Moment later he walked out and sat back in his chair.


He turned around in his chair facing us. "Teeko you trying to bang a verse or what."


Teeko shook her head. "Nah man not this time."


“Aww man her ass just be fronting yo" the guy that was sitting next to Nipsey said.


"Yea I knew yo ass wasn't going to lay a verse, just talking shit," Nipsey teased.


"Man I was just playing, I haven't been in the booth in a while."


“what you rap," I asked her.

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