Shorty Got My Head Gone (17 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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I snapped out my little dazed I had going on for a second when the shower cut off. I quickly walked out the room, shutting her door behind me.


I hope she didn't catch me staring at her because I know I was for sure gone in my little world before the shower stop. I looked down and seen I was on rock hard. What the hell wrong with me man? I wiped my face with my hand and shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. Why I have a feeling Shorty might get me into some big trouble.




The doorbell rang and I went to go answer it. When I opened the door, my mother, my two youngest siblings, my two cousins and my uncle Pete was standing before me with pans and bags in their hands. My mother stepped inside leading the way for the others.


"Hey mama's baby" she hugged and kissed me on the cheek. “how my baby doing?" she asked.


''I'm good man just trying to get this over with"


She hit me on the chest "Oh hush boy you act like you can't spend time with your family"


I started laughing ''I'm just messing with you ma you know I'm happy y'all here" I said giving her another hug and kiss on the cheek. "And here let me take this" I grabbed the glass dish out of her hands.


''Be careful now that's mommy favorite dish, so don't break my shit."


''Man I got this ma,'' I said as I approach my little brother and sister and cousins


They are around the same age as Ashley but a little old. My little sis Zya is 19 and my little brother Angle is 18. After we put everything up in the Kitchen I showed them around the house because this was their first time being here since I moved back to Cali.


They settled in the Media room and I went back to the kitchen where everybody else was at.


''Where the meat at boy , I'm ready to start putting stuff on the grill" my uncle said approaching me.


"I sent someone to the grocery store they will be back any minute, you can go watch some tv or something while you wait." I said pointing to the living room.


I sat down at the kitchen table next to my mother.


"So where's Ashley baby" my mom asked.


"She at the grocery, she been gone for about 2 hours now she should be here any minute"


"Aww ok I sure can't wait to see her, I haven't seen that precious Child in over 3 years."


''She ain't no child no more'' I mumbled really to myself.


''What was that baby"


"Oh I ain't say nothing" I said shaking my head trying to play it off.


"Well I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you, not only for your success but for also taking that Child in." she rubbed my hand.


My mother and Fiancé were the only ones I told about me taking in shorty and becoming her legal guardian. Everyone ‘didn’t know because it wasn't their business to know and I wanted to keep it that way.


Ashley Finally came 45 minutes later back with the groceries and her friend Kieara. My uncle cranked up the grill and my mom and the chef were cooking it up in the kitchen. More and more family and friends started showing up.


Everybody was in the back yard vibing and listening to music. The kids were in the pool, my mom and two aunts and uncles were sitting around by the grill and me and my boys D and E, and two of my older male cousin were just cooling, sitting around the empty fire pit drinking.


We were chopping it up talking man talk when this Fine ass black beauty approached us.


E stood up from his seat. "Hey y'all meet my friend Denise, Denise meet my Boys.''


She waved at us all and took a seat next to E.


"Bae can you go grab me and my brother another beer out the cooler over there.'' HE asked his female friend. She stood up and walked away.


''Bae? Nigga I thought that was yo friend, don't you have a bae already" I asked taking a swig from my beer.


"She is my friend and one of my girls too, fuck you mean. You know how I do''


"That's a bad little mamma you got right there young blood, and that exactly what she is bad, if only I ain't no better I would take her from you" my cousin Mel said.


He did a hand gesture as if he was shooting a ball "Shoot yo best shot"


''Nigga don't tell my cuzzo that you going to take his girl man" I shook my head because this motherfucker just don't know.


"You sure" my cousin gave him a side look.


"Shoot it"


"I'm Kobe bro you sure about that''


"Shoot your shot" E did the same hand gesture.


"So that’s open game"


"Do your thang bro, if you can get her you can keep her."


I shook my head, this mothafucka is a damn fool. My cousin got up out of his seat and approached the lady.


We all watched as he was talking and minutes later they both went inside the house. I just shook my head again.


"Boy you stupid as fuck, he just snatched your bitch up and you let it happen" Dee told his brother that was just sitting there looking dumbfounded.


We all just started laughing at that nigga. He acted like he wasn't fazed but you could see it all over my boy face, he was.


The food was done and it was time to start making plates. The kids got their plates first then the grown folks. I went inside the house to grab the bbq sauce. When I was walking in the kitchen my brother Black walked up at the same time, coming from a different direction. Cboii was also with him.


"What up y’all" I dapped my bro and Cboii up.


''What’s good little bro I haven't heard from you''


I looked up at him knowing he didn't come to have a fun time with the family ''What up''


''let me speak to you in private." We went to the hallways that was leading to the room.


"So what good bro" I asked giving him a blank stare.


''Have you talked to your uncle for me yet’’?


I knew he was going to bring this shit up.


''nawl I have gotten to that yet''


''Man what you waiting on, I need that ASAP''


"I been busy with this event that’s coming up''


''Don't look like you're busy now, throwing cookouts and shit''


I put my hand up stopping him ''This was all last minute and momma idea boy, she come first before everything''


''So when you going to get on it.'' He asked irritated.


''The events tomorrow so I’ll be sure to make that phone call for you Monday'' I stated. ''Don't worry bro I got you'' I shook his hand. Then walked away with him following behind me.


As I'm about to walk out the patio to the back I see Cboii all up in shorty and her friend face. I saw he had grabbed her hand bending down kissing it.


I felt my blood boiling at the sight and I immediately walked over to approach them.


''Hey boy what you doing over here'' I forcefully placed my hand on his shoulder.


He looked towards me "nothing just speaking to these beautiful ladies"


"Naw bra you can come over here with us, and don't ever let me catch you putting your crusty ass nasty lips on her again.''


'' Ooow Poppi you need to stop'' Ashley giggled.


I just gave her a stern look, to let her know I wasn't joking around. She quickly shut up and I just looked at her up and down walking away, making sure Cboii was following behind me which he was.


A couple hours later after everybody ate it was time to go. I ain't have no more time to waste, it was time clock back in and get that check.




I was taking pictures on the red carpet with the head event planner of Vibe magazine Valerie Bihet. The event was going smoothly so far and it was lots of media out tonight. I was excited, I needed as much exposure as I could get and this was the perfect event to do so with.


After finishing up taking pics I went inside my packed club full of big time celebrities and big time investors. As I'm doing my job, introducing myself as the owner of the club to some possible new clients my home boy DEE came up to me.


"Bro I need to holler at you asap, it’s important'' he yelled through the loud music into my ear.


"Hold up give me about 30 minutes I'm talking to some important people right now''


‘‘Man fuck that this here is more important than this shit''


I gave him a weird look and he looked back with a serious face. We made our way out of VIP Down stairs to the side where the restroom was at.


''Man what the fuck so important that got me losing out on money'' I looked up at him irritated as fuck.


''Yo your bro and Cboii just snatched some nigga up and took them down to the basement. I don't know what the fuck they got going on but it didn't look good and . . . ''


Before he could finish talking I immediately went down to the basement. When I was approach the door I could hear a man yelling ''please don’t kill me man, I promise I get your money”. 'The fuck this nigga just say' I thought to myself.


I can hear him get his ass beat as he screams out in pain. I quickly open the door and made my way down the stairs a fast as possible. I know damn well this nigga is not about to kill nobody in my fucking club.


As soon I reached the bottom step I heard a loud gunshot.




Black shot some tall light skin guy right in the middle of his eyes. His brains and blood was splattered everywhere.


''Fuck'' I yelled out loud.


Black, Cboii, and some other guy quickly turned around looking at me.


''Man what the fuck wrong with you man'' I ran up to black pushing his ass back.


"I'm handling business man what the fucking you doing down here'' he pushed me back.


''Man are you seriously going to kill this man in my goddamn club with all of the people up there, what the fuck wrong with you boy''


Even though I knew for a fact that nobody upstairs heard the gunshot, but that was beside the fact. This nigga brought his dirty work to where I do my business, and tonight was definitely not the night to try that shit.


He just chuckled ''He was at the wrong place at the wrong time"


''You damn right this the wrong place at the wrong motha fucking time for you to do some shit like this. Are you stupid bruh, bringing your dirty work to where I conduct business, is you fucking stupid'' I yelled all up in face. I just want to punch the fuck out his stupid ass.


"This my business too, fuck you mean nigga"


I wanted to fuck my brother up right then and there. This dumb shit he's doing is putting everything I worked hard for in jeopardy. If it wasn't for the event going on upstairs and my fresh ass suit I would fight this nigga right now.


''Naw nigga not anymore, we had a deal, this shit over with'' I said walking off dead ass serious. I and black was no longer business partners, if he thought he could pull some shit off like this in my club. I'm buying his way out, he's is no longer a co owner of 323.


I turned around mean mugging Cboii and then looked back at Black ass. I glanced over at the man’s lifeless body laying on the ground with his brains blown out.

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