Shorty Got My Head Gone (19 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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Once I came to set I had make artist, hair stylist, and stylist all up in my face getting to work. I had so much fun and everybody on set was so friendly even Nipsey. It seem like he made sure I was straight and even dropped some models that was supposed to been in the video, because he overheard them slick hating on me because I was the leading lady. I felt kinda special he did that for me but the whole time he was slick flirting with me.


He and the director said I did pretty well for it to be my first time and I was a natural in front of the camera. I felt on top of the world after they gassed me up and shit. The whole day I was having so much fun it didn't even feel like I was working. Ashely and Teeko even stopped by the set showing their support earlier in the day


I was getting ready to text my mom so she can pick me up when Nipsey had walked up on me.


"What up, what you bout to do"


"Getting ready to go home, waiting on my mom to come get me"


"I'll take you home"


"Really" I asked low-key excited


"Yea, right after we come from the club. You my date tonight"


I gave him a weird look "oh so you wasn't going to ask me if I wanted to be your date"


''Why if I already know the answer"


I started laughing "ahaha you is too cocky" I looked at him up and down.


''Never cocky, very confident! But it's not like I don't have a right to be"


And he know he right about that I thought to myself.


''Well Mr. Confident" I playfully rolled my eyes "I will have to go home, take a shower and get dressed and all that"


"You don't have to worry about that, I'll have my stylist hook you up and you can get dressed at my hotel" He licked his lips and winked his eyes.


I couldn't help but laugh at that last statement.


"I see you got it all down packed huh"




I chuckle '' ok I guess I can roll with you"


"Iight then, you just sit here, we're bout' to roll out in a sec"


We were sitting in VIP popping bottles in Club Crawl out there in Hollywood. It was one of Nipsey close friends Birthday. Since Nipsey is who he is, one of his many connects was able to get me in the club. The whole night so far he treated me I was his girlfriend or something.


When we were at the hotel I was getting dressed and ready in my own hotel suite while he was doing the same in his. He had his stylist pick out four beautiful dresses from the top designers, for me to choose from, to wear for tonight. After I picked out this bomb ass all black Louis Vuitton dress and some all black red bottoms I went to take a shower and get dressed. When I got out and was about to put on my dress I had laid out across the bed, there was a jewelry box next to it. In the box was this Diamond bracelet and these Diamonds earrings to match. I was totally surprised by all of this and wondered how much he really liked me to be doing all of this


While we sitting in VIP Nipsey seemed like he couldn't keep his hands off me. He kept whispering in my ear how beautiful I looked and every time I felt butterflies going off in my stomach. I couldn't believe my celebrity crush was all up on me like this but I definitely loved the fact that he was.


He definitely made me feel as if I was that bitch. Like I'm not that average, ratchet ass bitch from the projects that people claim I am, but that pretty ass bad dark skin queen that I've always claimed to be and always will. But tonight he definitely had me feeling myself.


I excused myself to go to the ladies room. When I stood up I could feel I had a little buzz going on from the cup of patron I was sipping on.


After I finished using the restroom I washed my hands and made my way back to the VIP Section. When I was headed to my section Teeko came up to me.


"Girl what the hell you doing here" She said yelling through the loud music.


For some reason I was excited to see her and gave her a big hug.


“I’m here on a date" I said with the biggest grin, knowing she would be surprised about who I was on a date with.


She gave me a weird look scrunching up her eyebrows "On a date with who"


Right before I was about to answer Nipsey approached us putting his arm around my shoulder.


"It took you long enough I kind of missed you girl” he whispered in my ear not noticing Teeko standing in front of us.


I start grinning extra hard to what he just said. I looked to see Teeko giving a surprised look.


Nipsey finally notice Teeko standing in front of us "oh what up sis I see you finally made it" he yelled through the loud music dapping up Teeko.


"Yea you know better late than never, just trying figure out what this youngin doing here" she pointed to me.


"Oh she just coolin it with me, she my Lil date for tonight".


Teeko looked at me giving me the "OK" look. "Yea I see that, that's what up tho but yea I'm holla at you bro, I’m about to get ready to bounce, I just wanted to stop through to show love, got a couple stop to make before the night up, I get at you later" Teeko dapped up Nipsey again before walking away.


I felt some type of way that she acted like I wasn't there and didn't say goodbye to me, her mothafucking friend tho.


I yelled out her name but she kept it pushing as if she ain't hear me so I went after her.


"TEEKO, TEEKO" I kept yelling after her but I guess she couldn’t hear me.


I had to chase her but all the way out of the club.


"TEEKO" I shouted. She finally turned around.


"Yo what up" she asked like if I was buggin or some shit.


"Damn you act like you couldn't hear me I had to chase your ass down"


"I ain't hear you, but what's up"


"Nothing, who you came here with" I asked just trying to see what was up with her.


"Nobody, I'm solo" she answered still slowing walking off.


"OK why you leaving so early where you about to go?"


"To go handle some business why what's up?" she asked annoyed.


"Damn what the fuck is your fucking problem” I asked annoyed by her lil attitude she was giving.


"Yo what the fuck is you talking about?"


"This Lil attitude you giving, and how you just going to play me to the side like I'm a nobody and ain't say bye, bitch I thought we was better than that."


"You right I thought we was better than that, and you wasn't going to tell me you was going out with bro"


I was confused "wait what that have to do with us being friends on who I'm going out with"


"Man he all up on you like he know you. You don't know that man, and you letting him be all up on you like that. Ma that ain't cute that's disturbing. I thought you was better than that."


I stood there for a second kind of shocked then became furious. I couldn't believe this bitch just tried me up with her words.


"What you feeling him or something. . ."


"Wait what is you saying, I'm a hoe?"


"I ain't say that, you did"


She was really about to make me snap on her ass. "Bitch get the fuck out of here how you going to call somebody a hoe and you the biggest hoe I know. . . ."


"I ain't call you a hoe"


"Stud or not you still a fucking hoe”


"Shut yo ass up I ain't call you no hoe"


"No fuck you, that's what the fuck you basically said and that's what the fuck you meant" I pointed my finger in her face. "Now I don't know what the hell your problem is but you really got me fucked. . . ."


Before I could finish telling her she pushed me against the wall and shut me up by planting a kiss on my lip before I knew it.


Shocked as my heart started to pound I stood there not forcing her off me but embracing the kiss. I slowly closed my eyes enjoying the taste of her cherry flavored chapstick while a sudden chill rushed through my body. I then opened my eyes and Teeko backed up off of me.


I just stood there surprised at what just happen. Teeko looked surprised herself.


We both just stood there for a second without saying a word then both start slowly walking away in different directions.Finally breaking eye contact Teeko turned around and walked away from the club.


I just was still standing there in utter shock watching her walk off. I couldn't believe that just happen.




Chapter 17




I broke from the kiss looking at Kieara with a surprise look on her face. I was surprise myself at what just happened. I finally built up the courage to do what I been dying to do and that was to let Keke know I wanted her.


I been knowing her for about a year and ever since I met her I had a thing for her. Even though she can be out there loud and ratchet acting sometime that the shit that attracted me to her. Her and her loud ass mouth. She don't have no filter on it and say whatever the fuck she feel but going to keep it real with you, and you can't find that now days. These bitches ain't real!!


Not only that, she has a classy side to her too. I love the way she carries herself and don't do all the extra just to get a nigga attention like a lot of project hoes I know. She very confident in herself and I like that shit. She can get a little cocky sometime but I don't blame her, I'm cocky myself. She’s one of the coolest chicks I ever met, funny as hell, and her dark complexion bout drive me crazy.


I have a thing for chocolate. I don't know what it is but I love dark skin chicks and the first time I ever laid eyes on Keke lil sexy chocolate ass, I wanted to taste her Hershey kisses. But lil baby was a lil' young and claimed she wasn't gay and don't like girls, so it wasn't no pressure this way.


I always felt that there was some attraction between us though but wasn't too sure on her end until now. She let me kiss her and didn't even stop me and to my surprised she kissed me back.


It was so much tension in those few second I walked off not knowing what else to do. I got to my car and got in. I sat there for a while thinking on what the fuck just happened. I had so many thoughts lingering in my head. I was happy I finally built up the courage to do what I been wanting to do, But I don't know where that leaves our friendship now.


If anything I don't want to lose her as a friend but I couldn't hold back on how I feel anymore. I knew my feelings was really strong toward her the second I seen her tonight with Nipsey. The sight of him all up on her like that got me so mad I wanted to fight bro, like he stole my girl or some shit, and the thought that she was still up in there with that nigga is making me even madder by the second.


I started up the ignition i pulled out the lot. The way I was feeling I didn't want to be bothered and just left alone, so I went home and called it in early for tonight.


Once I got home it was about 1am on the dot. This was pretty early for me because usually I don't get home until 7 o'clock in the morning on a Saturday night. No exaggerating.


I got to my room and stripped out my clothes changing into some sweats and a sport bra with no shirt. I took my hair loose from the high bun and let it flowed down my back.


I went to the kitchen and poured me a cup of Hennessey straight on the rocks. I grabbed my phone from off the counter and checked and seen I had 20 missed calls. I didn't even bother to look at them.


I went to the living room i plopped down on the sofa. As soon as I was about to turn on the TV I get a call from this chick name Sabrina. I was supposed to been stopping by her party she was throwing but obviously that wasn't going to happen. I ignored her call and put my phone on airplane mode.


I turned on the TV and start scrolling down the channels. Wasn't shit on cable so I put in one of my Martin DVD's from his third season collection.


I finished my cup of Hennessey and was about to go to the kitchen to pour me another cup, the doorbell rang. I paused for a second wondering who the fuck could this be. Whoever it was, I didn't want to be bothered so I didn't answer.


They kept ringing the doorbell then start banging on the door. I looked through the window to see who was it but I didn't see nobody else car out front but mines.


They stopped banging on the door and kept ringing the doorbell and again and again so I said "fuck it" and opened the door.


When I opened the door I was surprised to see Kieara standing in the doorway. She was just staring at me but didn't say nothing.


I widen the door stepping back, signaling for her to come in. She walked passed me and walk straight to the kitchen with me following behind her.


It was quiet for a second so I broke the silence.


"So what's up" I asked wanting to know why she was here right now.


She looked like if she was a bit nerves or something. Her eyes scanned to the Hennessey bottle I left on the kitchen counter.


''Pour me a cup that “she pointed to the bottle.


I gave her a confused look. ''You look like you don't need anything else to drink tonight you already drunk"


"No I'm not drunk, I'm just a little tipsy'' she slurred through her words lying like a muthafucka.


"Girl whatever what you doing here anyways" trying to get to the bottom of why she was really here.


She tilted her head to the side ''why would you do that" she spoke softly.


"Do what" playing like if I didn't know what she meant but just didn't want to answer her at the moment.


"KISS ME!'' she shouted "why would you kiss me" she yelled getting angry.


I smacked my lips and was about to turn around and walk off because at this moment and time, I didn't feel like pouring my heart out and confessing my love for her.


She grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Why would you that that" she yelled in my face.


"Why you want me to do it again." I pushed up on her causing her to back up against the sink.


''NO" she pushed me off of her and turned her back on me facing the sink.


I swear she turn me on when she get mad at me and this time I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around her holding on the sink. She was trying to push me off of her but my grip and hold was to strong. Plus she wasn't trying to hard herself because if she really wanted me off of her she would've gotten me off of her.


''I can't hold back no more I want you "I whispered in her ear.


"Let me go" She kept trying to break loose but not hard enough so I didn't let her go.


''No, stop fighting it I know you want me too" I gently kissed her on the neck.


"If you didn't you wouldn't be here" I kissed her again on the neck.


"You ain't come here to ask me why I kissed you, you came here because you want me to kiss you again." I started back kissing on her neck.


She let out a light moan then I started sucking on it. I can tell she was enjoying it so I started to explore my hands around her stomach and thighs. I stuck my hand under her dress and start rubbing on her pearl through her panties.


I wanted to make her cum right then and there but stopped because I felt like I was taking advantage of her cause she was drunk.


I backed up off of her "I'm sorry I can't do this." She gave a confused look.


''It just you’re drunk I can't do this to you, you confused not even sure on what you want"


She scanned the kitchen for a second then look back at me "You right I am confused but I can't lie I couldn't get you out of my mind after you kissed me and you right I Wanted you to kiss me again." She step close to me and pulling me down to kiss her.


We passionately kissed each other and I know right then and there she wanted me as bad as I wanted her.


I grabbed a hold on to her thighs picking her up with her legs wrapped around my torso. I carried her to the room a gently placed her on my king size bed. She turned around on her stomach and I zipped down her dressed and stripped her out of it. I took off my sweats and turned her back around.


I got on top of her and kissed her lips. We start massaging each other tongues with one another. The kiss was so good I couldn't help to bite her bottom lip. I went to kissing her down to her neck on down to her breast. I undid her bra then start sucking on her nipples. Her moan intense when I start licking her all the way down to her thighs.


I spread her legs wide and continues to kiss and lick on her inner of her thigh. I slowly pulled down her panties exposing her chocolate cover cherry.


Oh my fucking Lawd, Keke know she got a pretty ass pussy. One of the prettiest I ever seen. I start rubbing on her click feeling how wet she was. My ass was getting thirsty and was ready to dive in and taste all her juices.


I went in and start tongue kissing her pussy lips. She began to rub her hands through my hair and start moaning even louder. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers and start going to work on her pearl tongue. I was flickering my tongue as fast as possible in and out my mouth causing her leg to shake. I start sucking on it like if it was a piece of candy then started back doing the same thing.


I can tell she was about to cum pretty soon so I stick one of my fingers inside of her and start penetrating her walls.


"mmm bae yea right there, I bout to cum don't stop" She start gripping my hair tighter. That shit was turning me on even more.


I began start fucking her faster and faster with my finger and tongue. She then came busting all in my mouth while I'm sucking up all of her juices. She was shaking uncontrollably and by the looks of her face I knew I did my job.


After finishing busting all of her nutt she looked down at me and said "I love you" trying to catch her breath.


I laughed because I knew this mouth game will have any female feel that type of way. She Got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I admired her dark naked body as she got up. I love the sight to finally see her with no clothes on but shocked at the same time.


I wanted Kieara for a while and finally got her. I was falling more and more for her by the second and I can honestly say I love her to.


She came out the rest room still naked and got under the covers next to me. She laid her head on the pillow laying on her stomach and turn to face me. She reached out her hand and gently rubbed my bottom lip with her index finger.


''That was the best" She whispered then softly kissed my lips.


I kissed her back and wanted more of her. 


''You taste so good I want to taste you again" I got up and got on top of her from the back and start kissing on her neck.


''Can I'' I whispered in her ear. She nodded signaling yea and from that que I went to feasting and eating her from the back.


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