Shorty Got My Head Gone (22 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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"This not for me, I'm cooking it for you. I'm getting tired of you


Chapter 20




As my eyes closed while kissing his soft, moist lips, a shiver ran down my body when I felt him embraced me, gently grasping his full plump peckers onto mines. Gripping my arms around his neck, I ajar my lips, signaling him to enter inside to deepen the kiss.


He then stopped kissing me back, forcefully placing his firm hands around my waist, thrusting me back off of him.


"Yo what you doing???" he asked with exasperation in his tone


I shot my eyes open astounded by his force. The look on his face had me aghast, as I didn't know what the fuck he was thinking at this moment. He stood there staring at me in shock.


''What the fuck is you thinking?" he raised his voice "Yo that's out, you out of line Shorty for real" he mugged me looking at me up and down.


I soon realize I was at fault and was totally in the wrong for kissing him. I immediately felt guilty and didn't know what the fuck came over me when I to kissed him. I was just caught up in my emotions and felt that was the right thing to do at that moment and I was totally wrong.


''I I ah. . .  I ain't mean, I mean I. . .  I I don't know. . . I I'm sorry" I stuttered dropping my head apologizing, ashamed to look at him.


"You can't be doing shit like that, I'm a happily engaged man and your legal guardian, that shit ain't right. What the fuck came over you to do some shit like that huh"


I looked up to see him with the same unpleasant look on his face that made me cringe. Him looking at me like that had me really feeling some type of way. As I tried to fight it, tears started forming in my eyes.


"I'm sorry Ok" not being able to hold it any longer tears start streaming down my face.


Not wanting him see me cry again over my guilt, I dashed past him in towards my room, but before I could get out his reach, he grabbed my hand spinning me around to face him. I snatched my hand from his grip and was about to continue to proceed to my room but he had stopped me in my tracks, turning me around to face him again. Embarrassed, I had my head down not being able to look up at him.


He gently placed one hand on my shoulder and lifted my chin up, to look at him with the other.


He soften his face and his demeanor changed "Look I'm sorry for making you cry man, I aint mean to yell at you like that. I know what you’re going through and I'm not mad at you just to let you know. I'm always  going to be here for you to help you through anything. . . it just some things are unacceptable and that was one of them Shorty. That can't never happen again Ok."


I nodded my head up and down losing eye contact with him. I was so ashamed I couldn't look at him in the eyes any longer.


"We got to get up early to head back to Cali in the a.m, so you go ahead and get some rest iight, I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight" he said walking off leaving me alone in the living room.


A couple seconds later after standing there alone I went to my room and went to bed, going straight to sleep.


Finally touching down in Cali I couldn't be any happier. I had a good time in Atlanta but there's nothing like home. Also ever since this morning being in Poppi’s presence has been very awkward between us.


I hardly even said two words to him or gave him any eye contact since I woke up.  I made a big mistake by kissing him last night, I feel like nothing is going to be the same between us. Just awkward tension and I'm not trying to have that. I don't want to make things uncomfortable between us any more than it is now so I'm just going to keep my distance as much as I can.


As soon as we made it to the crib I went straight to my room to unpack. After putting everything up, I decided to call my girl Keke because I haven't talked to her in about a week or so.  We used to talk every day because I was around her twenty four seven, but ever since I moved from the projects, we hardly talk as much as we used to.


I dialed her number but she didn't pick up so I tried again.  She picked up on the second ring


"What up bitch ccccccc hh" she answer yelling through the phone. I started laughing because I can tell by her tone she missed me.


"Bitch what's up, I missed you hoe."


"I miss you too girl what you been up to. I haven't talked to yo ass in forever."


"It hasn’t been that long now, but shit just got back to Cali from the A" I answered putting her on speaker, walking towards my dresser so I can pick out something to where after my shower.


''for real how long you was out there" she asked.


"Since Friday"


"Oh ok, that's what up, what you do when you was out there, go to the strip club?"


I started laughing hard as hell "Girl I wish l, but I'm too young to get in."


"Oh I forgot you still a child" she laughed through the phone


"Bitch fuck you" I flicked her off as if she could see me "just because you're 18 now you ain't the shit, I be up there with you in a couple more months."


"Ha Ha I'm just fucking with you and I am the shit, anyways what you about to do?"


"I don't know I'm trying to get out the house tho, that's why I hit you up, let's go out to eat or do something" I answered wanting to get out this house as soon as possible.


"Man hell yea, but you should've asked me earlier I just came from the grocery store, I'm about to start cooking dinner for ma now."


"Bitch what you cooking?' "I asked curious.


"Smothered pork chops with gravy, white rice, collard greens, black eye peas, with some jiffy corn bread. I'm also making some banana pudding because a bitch been craving it for the longest."


Everything sound good other than the black eye peas "Well shit I be right over there then to get me a plate. I'm about to take a shower now then I'm on my way.


"Iight then I see you when you get here," She said then hung up the phone.


After I took a shower, I put on my new pink and black Jordan sweat suit that I bought when I was in Atlanta, since it was kind of chilly outside. I put on my pink and black air Jordan 10 retro G's to complete my outfit.


I put my hair in a ponytail, more like a horse tail because of the length of my weave, and a side bang. I had lots of new growth coming in and I need to get A re touch bad. I be sure to make an appointment tomorrow when I get out of school. I made my way out the house and drove to the east side to the projects.


Keke just got through whipping up the mix for the cornbread placing it in the oven.


"Kieara is the food bout ready" her mother yelled out sitting down in the living room.


"Yes ma just waiting on the corn bread and the food will be ready," she said walking in the living room with me following behind her.


''I'm about to say the hell with that corn bread and just make my plate I'm starving" Keke mother said puffing on her cigarette.


"It be ready in a few minutes just chill, I make your plate when I come back in. I'm about to step outside and smoke this blunt real quick. I’m sorry but I have too."


Her mother gave her an evil glare “what I tell you about smoking that shit around my house."


"Man I'm not smoking this shit in yo house so it shouldn't be a problem," Keke said walking toward the door. She opened it and I stepped out.


"Bitch who the hell you cursing at."


"I'm sorry ma, I ain't mean to shit, I mean shot" I shook my head laughing to myself at Keke silly ass.


"Get the fuck out my house so you can hurry up and make my plate."


"Don't rush me, got to wait on the corn bread to finish anyways," she said then slammed the door behind her.


"And stop slamming my got damn door."


Kira shook her head and sat down on the step next to me. "Spark that blunt up she said handing me the lighter. ”She irking me already, she better be happy I'm even cooking for her ass, but that my baby tho I love her."


"You need to not talk to your momma like that" I said sparking up the blunt. I can't never imagine myself talking to my mother like that if she was still alive.


"What, you see the way she talking to me calling me bitches and shit and I'm cooking her dinner and shit, hell naw she got me fucked up."


"Oh hush you want say that shit in her face."


She started laughing " You damn right, I'm not that crazy, I don't be talking to her any kind of' way I know how far to go."


"hahaha I know that's right" I passed her the blunt after a couple pulls. ''so what you do on Valentine's day," I asked looking at her.


She turned her head ignoring my question. I scrunched up my eyebrows giving her a weird look "Bitch I know you heard me."


She turned her head facing me" I was with Teeko on Valentines."


"oh, yea what y’all do,” I asked raising an eyebrow.


"Look I got a whole lot of shit to tell you, girl that I ain't got a chance to talk to you about."


She took a deep breath and told me the whole situation about Teeko and her. My mouth gaped open and my eyes grew big when she finished telling her story.


I place my hand over my mouth "OMG" I spoke onto my hand. I couldn't believe the shit she just told me.


She and Teeko fucked twice and I had no idea. The day of her video shoot and on Valentine's Day.  I was shocked but wasn't too surprise because I knew one day Teeko was going to get a piece of that pie.


"I know right” Kieara shook her head looking down at the ground embarrassed.


"So you telling me both of my best friends officially a couple now" I looked at her with a surprised look still on my face.


"No bitch I'm not gay" she yelled getting offended.


"Ah shit you is now, you let Teeko get the cookie you officially gay" I Looked at her up and down.


"No I'm not I don't fucking like females, that was a once in a life time, spur of the moment type situation ok" she rolled her eyes.


"More like twice in a lifetime plus some" I said whispering the last two words.


"Whatever that don't change my sexuality, I'm straight I love dick."


"Only dick," I asked


"Yesss bitch strictly dickly, fucks dicks not pussy."


"So you ain't fuck her" I took a pull from the blunt.


"No just fucked her face."


I bust out laughing and started choking on the smoke I had caught in my throat. I shook my head clearing up my throat.


"So was it good," I asked wanting to know.


She rolled her eyes to the back of her head "Girl was it, the best I ain't lying . . . that's why I couldn't resist the second time" she started giggling.


I shot my eyes wide open "Wooooow that's deep."


"Laughing my ass off, shut yo high ass up it’s not that deep" she snatched the blunt from my hand.


'Did she just say laughing my ass off" I thought to myself. I shook my head “you burnt out, anyways so where do y'all stand now?"


"I don't know, you know that’s my bitch and I love her as a friend but I can tell she really like me by what she did for me on Valentine’s day and I'm not feeling her in that way, so I'm just going to keep my distance from now on."


I shook my head not really knowing what to say "Y’all just fucked up our friendship" I fake cried.

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