Shorty Got My Head Gone (23 page)

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She started to laugh "You so childish."


We finished smoking the rest of the blunt then went inside to eat dinner. I demolished my food in less than 10 minutes. I tore that food up. I don’t know if it was because I was high and had the munchies or it was just that good. Kieara can cook her ass off, I got to give her, her props.


After we finished eating, we stepped back outside to smoke another blunts. While we was smoking vibing to some old school 90's R&B music on my phone, I seen my cousin Keshia walking past us.


At first, I didn't notice her because she looked way different from the last time I seen her. She lost a lot of weight and was way skinnier then me and that never been the case. She always been a heavy set girl and now she is nothing but bones.


"Yo is that your cousin Keisha," She asked pointing at the girl


"I believe so."


"Man I haven't seen her in a while but I didn't know it was true."


I raise my eyebrow looking towards her “what you mean."


"I don't know why I forgot to tell you but I hear she got that shit."


My mouth dropped, I was taken aback "Aids?" I questioned making sure I heard her correctly.


She nodded her head up and down “I don't know how true it is but it sure do look like she got something.”


I shook my head feeling kind of bad for her for some reason.


"Hold up I be right back," I said standing up from the step.


"Keshia" I yelled out to her walking up on her from behind.


She turned around looking trying to figure out who I was " who that," she asked with a raspy voice.


She looked really bad when I got up close to her. She was dirty, her clothes were dirty with holes all over them, and a foul stench to her.


"This Ashley” I stepped closer to her so she would realize who I was. When she noticed me, I felt like she was ashamed to look at me.


"Hey what you doing out here" she murmured not giving me eye contact.


"I'm just chillin what you been up to,” I asked wanting to know what's going on with her.


"Oh, nothing same oh, same oh " she replied with a shaky tone in her voice. She scanned me up and down "You looking really good tho, I missed you," She dropped her head.


I was surprised to hear those words coming out her mouth. I can tell something was really wrong.


"Is everything ok with you, you don't look too well."


"Yea I'm ok," she said but shook her head.


I gave her a weird look "You sure, you look like you on something and homeless, what really good with you."


Tears start to form in her eyes and she went to shaking her head continuously

"I'm sorry Ashley, I'm so sorry,"


"Sorry about what Keshia talk to me," I asked concerned.


She dropped her head still shaking it back and forth

“I’m sorry for the way I treated you all these years, you was supposed to be like my little sister but I treated you as if you wasn't shit to me. I was horrible to you and I'm sorry for every wrong doing I did towards you and I hope you forgive me one day," she starts breaking down and I had no idea where all of this was coming from.


"Keshia you good. . . "


"No I'm not I’ve been a very bad person and what they say is true, God don't like ugly," she wiped the tears from her face.


"What you getting at, what's going on with you for real, you acting weird yo?”


"After you left momma was going crazy because she was broke after they cut the checks she used to receive for keeping you. She made me go out to look for a job for the first time. I didn't have any luck finding a job so a couple days later she started pimping me. She used to bring strange men to the house to have sex for money. She threatened if I ain't do it she was going to kick me out.  I ain't going to lie I didn't have a problem with that because I know I'm already a hoe so why not fuck for a couple bucks so I can have a roof over my head. Everything was all good at first until I found out I was HIV positive. Momma told me I was useless now and she didn't need me anymore then kicked me out." she started back crying hysterically “I been homeless for a month now and I feel like God is punishing me by the way I treated you and I'm so sorry Ashley”


I couldn't help but to tear up. Even though months ago I hated her with all my soul and wished she died at one point, I take that back, my heart ached for her and I felt so bad seeing her like this. Once upon a time I really loved her i looked up to her as a big sister. I don't know what went wrong and why she started treating me bad after my brother died. We used to be so close but shit changed and we couldn't get along for nothing.


"It’s Ok Keshia I forgave you a long time ago" I lied just now forgiving her "But I appreciate you for apologizing and I'm so sorry you have to go through what you going through. I knew Aunt Wanda was cold but damn. . . I can't believe out of all people she did you like that, her own seed."


"Momma don't care about nobody but herself" She started coughing hard "Sorry about that but I got's to go, it was nice seeing you little cousin" she said then turned to walk off.


"Wait Keshia where you headed," I yelled out for her.


"Home," she turned around facing me.


"Wait I thought you was homeless,"


"I am I sleep in that abandoned house across the street, they boarded up all the vacant apartments out here so us homeless wouldn't be able to get in,"


"Wow when the last time you ate something," I asked very concerned.


"It been almost a week,"


"Dame you got to be starving, you hungry?"


She shook her head "Yea just a little."


"Hold on I be right back" I turned around and walked over to Kiera to say goodbye and walked back over to Keshia.


"Is you on any type of drugs” she shook her head no.


"Come on we bout to grab you something to eat" we hopped in my car and I took her to in and Out so she can put something in her stomach.


After that we went to Walmart and I bought her a couple outfits, underwear, a pair of shoes, a small straight talk phone and some snacks. After we finish up Shopping I took her to the homeless shelter in Downtown L.A. Before she got out the car I handed her my last 250 dollars I had in my wallet. That wasn't nothing to me because Poppi gave me a weekly allowance of 1 thousand dollars faithfully.


She grabbed the money and looked up at me with tears in her eyes "Thank you so much for everything Ashley, put I can't take this, you did so much for me already,"


"No you take this and get yourself together, I don't want you ruining your life because of the disease that's inside of you. You still have a life to live. Don't give up and please go to the doctor to get some help. It's not a cure for it but you can still treat it and live for a long time before it gets worse. It might not feel like you have nobody and want to give up but I'm here for you. Call me whenever you need me you got my number ok,"


She nodded her head up and down for the first time and not shaking it “Ok, thank you so much once again. I love you so much," Hearing those words coming out of her mouth for the first time in years, a single tear ran down my cheek.


''I love you too cuzzo," and with that being said she hopped out the car and disappeared into the shelter.



Chapter 21





Finishing up a meeting with my manager Jason and faculty advisor; discussing upcoming project, agenda points and current club issues; I stayed back going over appointments and committee meetings we have this and the next week coming up. Everything ran smoothly during my absence and my manager Jason booked a few new major clients I was excited to do business with.

After going making sure business was straight I was about to head out to go handle some other business.


When I was heading out the back to get to my car I seen two guys coming out of the janitor closet. That shit looked real suspect so I ducked off around the corner before I exited out the back door. When I peeked around the corner I seen my manager Jason and some other guy zipping up their pants.


I got heated instantly and wanted to fuck both of them niggas up doing that gay shit in my club. I'm not homophobic or have anything against gays; to each its own; but this shit got me blowed as fuck. Two niggas fucking in my Janitor closet, in a place where I conduct my business, and my manager at?! That is way out of line and disrespectful as fuck and I'm not having that shit.


As I moved to approach them, something halted my steps and made my mouth drop open. As Jason’s fuck buddy turned to kiss him goodbye. I was taken aback and offended at the same time, when I realized who it was.


I quickly ducked around the corner, when I saw C Boy turn around walking my way. Before he saw me I stepped back into the dark shadow and he walked right past me out the back exit.


I couldn't believe my fucking eyes and for a second I thought they were playing tricks on me. I did not just see this nigga leaving the fucking janitor closet kissing my motherfuckin manger on the got damn mouth! This got to be the most fucked up sight I ever saw in my life.


I knew Jason was gay and didn't have a problem with his openly happy ass, but this nigga Cboii, a motherfucka I used to call my friend before I found out he was snitching, a dude I grew up with since grade school, and used to get money and bitches with is a motherfucking, down low closet booty lover.


Oh hell naw!!!!!! That nigga got me all the way fucked up!!!!


It's crazy though how shit happen. God exposing this dirty as nigga before I end his life on earth and sending him to his judgment day.


After leaving the club I went to my hidden farm house in Lake View Terrace that nobody know about. I Changed out of my suit, into some all black attire that was appropriate for the business I was about to handle. I had on some black leather boots, black Levis, a black hoodie with some all black gloves and shades on.


I went down to the basement next to my underground garage where I stored all my army and military equipment. I had everything from Knives, hand guns, rifles, machine guns, grenades, gas bombs. You name it I got it.


I grabbed my M6B handgun, placing it behind my back. I grabbed some lighter fluid, matches and the keys to my unmarked car that was in the garage. I hopped in the car and made my way out the garage.


I staked out in the Wendy's parking lot across the street from the motel Le Brea on Hollywood Blvd, for about an hour until 9 o'clock hit. It was 8:58 and I saw Cboii pull up in the motel parking lot in his 2010 grey and black Impala, as expected.


About 15 to 20 minutes passed and I saw his car pull out from the motel. I pulled out of Wendy's parking lot following behind him. I was about two cars behind so he wouldn’t get suspicions of anybody following him.


I followed him all the way to the projects where he stayed and trapped out of. When I saw him get out the car I quickly pulled up on him.


He turned around and I rolled down the windows. "Aye bruh what's up?"


He bent down looking through the window trying to see who I was "who the fuck is that?" he asked squinting his eyes slowly approaching trying to get a better look.


"This Poppi nigga, hop in the car lemme holla' at you for a second," I waved for him to get in the car.


"Shit I'm tired as hell I was just about to go lay it down,"


"Nigga you trap, dope boys don't sleep especially not this early,"


"Yea you right but a nigga been up for 42 hours, I need to catch some z's and I'll be back on my shit you know how I do," he stood up straight stretching his arms out.


I smacked my lips "Man it won't be but a second let me holla real quick," I scrunched up my eyebrows getting inpatient.


"Iight man," he hopped in the car and I pulled off. "So what's up nigga what you wanted" he asked.


"Just ride," was the only two words I said then kept driving.


He gave me a weird look then shook his head once "iight,"


The car ride was silent about 30 minutes until I broke the air.


"Where the hell you be C," I cut my eyes at him then focused back on the road.


"What you mean, I been in the same place you just found me or handling business with you brother."


"Why you lying?"


"The fuck you mean, dog I ain't lying," he slightly raised his voice.


"Yes the fuck you are, Black just told me today he hasn’t seen yo ass in over a week where the hell you been Cboii,"


"I been out and about handling my business, what the fuck that got to do with you," He mugged me.


"Out handling your business huh," I nodded my head up and down.


"Yea, my business,"


"Cboii tell me how long we been boys,"


"Hell, shit . . . about 17 years now." he counted on his hands with his dumb ass.


"17 lonnng mothafucking years you been my nigga, whatever happened to us,"


He chuckled "What you mean, you still my nigga bro,"


"You know I loved you like a brother right" I said reminiscing some of the good times we had when Baby was still alive.


Baby was my best friend but Cboii was also a close friend of ours. We all went to kindergarten on up together before we dropped out together. He was like a brother to me just as much as baby was.


"I love you too my nigga no homo,"


I looked at him and shook my head, this gay ass nigga.


"You funny," I commented "anyways you remember that time when we just dropped out of high school and me, you and Baby was on the train on our way to Long Beach when we ran into those three females from blood, and me and Baby got the two pretty chicks number and left you with the ugly fat man looking bitch"


He smacked his lips "Man why you gotta bring up old shit?"


I started laughing "And even though she was a ugly fat sloppy looking bitch, yo ass still tried to holla and she played your ass to the left."


"Man I ain't try to holla at that bitch, I just tried to get my dick wet,"


"Yo ass always tried to get your dick wet but was the only one who ain't never got no pussy,"


"Just not around y'all but I got pussy,"


"Man whatever," I shook my head. The car came to a stop when I pulled up in front of this abandoned building



"Where the fucking we at dog?" Cboii asked looking out the window.


I unbuckled my seat belt "You know.  .. my momma always told me you can't trust a nigga who ain't getting’ no pussy,"


"Huh?" he gave me a weird look.


"You got a wire on you?" I asked calmly.


He scrunched his face up "What nigga, hell naw I don't got no mother fucking wire,"


I pulled my M6B from behind my back and pointed straight to his dome "Pull up your motherfucking shirt,"


"Man what the fuck you doing Poppi, get that thang out my face," He put his hands up in surrender


"It's Emanuel to you, I don't want your faggot ass calling me Poppi, now lift your fucking shirt,"


He quickly pulled up his shirt "I told you I don't have no fucking wire now get that shit out my face,"


I went to searching and sure enough he ain't have a wire on him. I grabbed the 9 millimeter from his waist now point both guns up to his face.


"Get the fuck out the car," He was about to say something but I busted him in his mouth with his gun "Get the fuck out the car," I shouted.


HE opened the door and we both got out the car at the same time. I guided him into the abandon dark building that had a sliver of moonlight peeking through the broken glass window.


"Man Poppi what you doing man," he said with his hands up still in surrender.


"Shut the fuck up, don't fucking call me that," I clenched my jaw together.


"Now tell me what was our first rule was, when we first got in the game together," I asked placing my M6B behind my back, but still aiming his 9 to his dome.


"Loyalty or die," He softly spoke


"Exactly loyalty or die. . . Now before I kill your faggot ass tell me what the fuck you been talking to the FEDS about,"


"Man G I haven't been talking to no motherfuckin FEDS,"




I shot him dead in the knee cap making him drop to the floor screaming out like a little bitch. I approached him, hovering over him with the gun aiming on him.


"This your second time lying to me today, what the fuck you been snitching to the FEDS about," I shouted.


"Man I promise I. . ."




I shot him dead in the foot before he lied again. "Awww fuck," he screamed out in pain.


"You better think before you speak, now answer my motherfucking question"


"Aww man ok ok just don't shot,"


"I ain't making any promises, speak nigga," I shouted making him flinch.


"Alright look them motherfucka’s been on my back ever since I got out of prison. They caught me selling dope and threatened me if I ain't work for them they were going to lock my ass back up and I would be facing life in prison because this is my third shrike. I wasn't trying to go back to that hell hole so I decided to work with them and they had me set your brother up to tear down his drug business because it was impossible without me." he started crying "I promise man I ain't bring your name in shit and they only trying to bring down your brother"


"You bring him down, you bringing me down. But you knew that already" I pointed the gun back up to his dome.


"You going to really kill me man, ain't we better than this shit"


"We was until you broke the code, Loyalty over everything and now you got to go my boy,"


"Please don't kill me man I got a child plus I wasn't trying to go back to prison so them niggas can continually fuck me in the ass and me suffering from severe anal penetration damage."


I chuckled loud as fuck "Ain't that what you like, getting fucked in the ass? Since I caught you and my manager sneaking out the Janitor closet,"


"Hell naw I don't like being at the bottom getting fucked, I like to be on top doing the fucking, the fuck you mean nigga," He said in a serious tone


I squat down putting his Nine millimeter in his mouth. "This what the fuck I mean," and with that being said I let two hot ones in his mouth go through his skull.


I placed his gun in his hand and slowing removed myself from the abandoned building. I hopped in the car and called Dee to meet me at the L.A River. When I got there I jumped and grabbed the lighter fluid and matches from out the trunk. I sprayed lighter fluid all over the car and waited about two more minutes until Dee pulled up.

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