Shorty Got My Head Gone (24 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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As soon as he pulled up I sparked the match and dropped it in the lighter fluid on the ground that trailed up to the car. The trail caught on fire rapidly making its way to the unmarked car. I hopped in Dee's truck and before we could pull off the car blew.








Before we could start working on our class assignments my teacher announced that we partner up with somebody for this upcoming project next month. Also, whoever we partner up with was going to be our study partner from now on and we’d have to study and work together outside of class for at least three times a week.


Everybody scattered around going to the people they wanted to partner with. I didn't know who I wanted to partner up with because I didn't fuck with nobody up here. I just kept to myself, did my work and went home.


Everybody was settled with their partners and I noticed me and ole dude from Detroit was the only ones left without one.


My teacher pointed at the both of us, hand gesturing that we work together.


"Hell naw this shit ain't going to work," I stood up from my seat.


"I gave you a chance to pick your own partners, I'm sorry Ms. Williams but y’all the only two left so y’all have to find a way to get along and work together."


I folded my arms and sat back down in my seat.


"And what I mean by that is, y’all have to sit together in order to work together,"


I rolled my eyes and got up out my seat and walked to the single desk in front of Detroit. I sighed heavily as I plopped down in the seat. I was low-key mad as hell because I didn't want to work with him. I couldn't stand his ass and really wanted to get him touched.

hen I sat down he just sat there, staring at me with the usual cold look on his face. I just rolled my eyes at him, turned around and opened up my binder to start working on my assignment.


There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. I looked up at him and he continued to stare at me with the same cold look on his face.


"What the fuck you staring at?" I asked


He ain't say nothing just kept staring. He was low-key creeping me out. I had gone back to doing my work when he finally spoke.


"If you ever call my Granny a bitch again, female or not I'm popping you dead in your shit"


I turned around to face him "And when that day ever come that's going to be your last motherfuckin time ever putting your hands on another human being, because your ass going to get dealt, believe that" I scanned him up and down on how fucked up he had me. This motherfucka really just don't know.


He chuckled a little. "hmm well its only two ways to find that out then, call my granny a bitch again and watch me pop you dead in your shit" he leaned up in his desk like he was ready to punch me or some shit.


I wanted to call his granny a bitch again because he had me fucked up but also low-key scared because I ain't really want this nigga punching me. I didn't know how crazy he was. He’d probably knock my ass out.


"Man the only reason why I called her a bitch is because you called me one first, and a bougie one at that. Nigga you don't know me and you had no right to talk to me like that. If you can't take what you dish out then that's on you, but put your hands on me if you want to... hmm you gone see, like I said motherfucka you don't know me. That might be your last time breathing and that's on everything,"


When I said those last words he got heated. He balled up his fist and stood up hovering over me. My heart started pounding because I thought this crazy ass boy was about to punch my ass. He stood there for a second then walked off out the classroom. I was relieved and just went back to working on my assignment .


Ten minutes later he came back in the classroom and sat down in his seat. I shifted in my seat because I didn’t trust this dude behind me.


"I don't take threats lightly," he calmly spoke.



I gave him a weird look raising my eyebrow "and I don't either" I rolled my neck.


He kissed his teeth and folded his arms together. I scanned the tattoo that went across his forearm that read RIP Rosie Mae. That sounded like an old country name so I guess that was his grandma.


I looked up at him "Rosie Mae,"


"What?" He sneered tilting his head to the side.


"Rosie Mae, your grandma name right," I assumed.


He looked down at his tattoo then back up at me. "Yep," he blankly replied.


For some reason I felt awful now for calling his granny a bitch. Hell I would be pissed off if somebody called my momma a bitch and be ready to hit on sight. Yea he was wrong for calling me a bitch but I guess I was also wrong for popping back and taking it up a notch. I was wrong and I can admit that.


A guilty expression floated across my face as I bit my lip looking down at the desk. I looked back up at him with an apologetic look "I'm sorry I ain't know"


He shrugged it off, not saying a word just staring at me. I half way turned around in my seat then stopped, looking back at him. "You don't have to forgive me but I'm really sorry," I said then turned all the way around in my seat and continued doing my work.


Even though I may act hard and shit I have a really soft heart and I really did feel bad for calling his grandmother a bitch. I probably really hurt his feelings when I said that, death of a loved one in any form is a tragedy. I should know having experienced the death of my brother and parents.


I continue doing my work until the bell rang. Before we left the teacher told us that we have to exchange numbers and email with our partners so we can contact each other outside of school.


I took my phone out my purse and turned around facing him asking for his number and email. He gave it to me and I did the same. I had type Detroit above his info.


"That not my name," he said looking dead in my phone as I saved his contact.


"Ugh all up in my phone," I said moving it back so he couldn't see. "Anyways shit tell me your name then."


"Dwayne," He spoke standing up.


"Ok and my name is Ashley," I said typing his name in.


"I already know,"


"Really," I raised my eyebrow.


"Yea," he nodded his head in a 'duh' motion.


"I thought I was known as a bitch to you, that’s what you called me out my name so I just figured,"


He slightly chuckled then walked off leaving the classroom. I scrunched up my face because I was really hoping for an apology. He’s so rude and obnoxious, I really can't stand his ass.


School let out and I was starving so I drove to El Pollo Loco right down the street from my school. I parked and got out the car because the drive thru line was way too long.


I ordered a loaded chicken burrito with a medium sprite. Within five minute my food was ready instead of me having to wait for 20 minutes in line to get my food. I grabbed a few sauces and headed out to my car. I placed my food and drink on top of the car so I could grab my keys out my bag to open the door.


When I put my key in the door knob I felt someone grab my waist from behind. I turned around and instantly got mad when I saw who it was.


"What the fuck is you doing here Tyrone," I said pushing him up off me.


"I'm here because you haven't been returning my phone calls and you’ve been ignoring my messages, what up? I thought we was good?"


"Well you thought wrong, just leave me alone I don't want to ever see or talk to you again"


"Man where is all of this coming from I thought you forgave me? Now you acting funny,"


I was going to tell him why I was mad but what's the fucking point. I'm really done with his ass and want him out my life for good.


"It doesn't even matter, I just don't want you apart of my life no more I'm good," I looked at him up and down then turned around and was about to place my keys in the door.


He grabbed my wrist forcefully spinning me around "What" he sneered "Out your life. . . Baby you ain't going nowhere,"


"Let me go," I said trying to get out of his grip because it was hurting


"No, you think you about to leave me again, you know how much I love you that's not going to happen. Now talk to me so we can work this shit out" he wrapped his spare arm tightly around my waist.


I pushed him back and slapped him as hard as I could. He slammed me against the car grabbing me by my neck choking me.


"You must want me to hurt your ass, you want me to put my hands on you huh?" He said squeezing his hand tighter around my neck for a quick second then loosen up a bit. "I ain't trying to do that, just talk to me man"


I tried to kick his ass in the nuts but he caught my leg between his. He had raised his hand as if he was going to slap me but somebody caught it before he did.


Dwayne grabbed him by the shirt yanking him around and with two punches to the face Tyrone dropped to the ground.


"What up punk fight a man," Dwayne barked throwing his set up.


Tyrone got up and tried to swing but missed. Dwayne caught his ass with a cold two piece, a left and a right causing Tyrone to fall back down to the ground. Dwayne stood over him throwing haymakers to the face. I saw Tyrone go in and out of consciousness with each punch and his head bounced like a basketball against the concrete. I was petrified for a second because I thought he was going to kill him based on how hard he was throwing those blows to his head.


"Stop you bout to kill him, stop!" I screamed trying to get him off of him. I grabbed his arm and he stopped punching him, looking up at me with his nose flaring up.


He got up off of him and walked straight to his car like it was nothing and drove off. I was shocked and seen a few people standing around looking, some recording.


I looked down at the ground and seen Tyrone laying there knocked out. A couple guys ran over trying to get him up. A couple seconds later he regained conscious. That was good enough for me so I hopped in my car and drove off.


Driving on my way home I was just stunned with the entire situation that just happened. I ain't really care that Tyrone got his ass beat, that's what the fuck he gets for stalking me and putting his hands on me and having a mother fucking baby when we was together. He deserved that beat down. I was more shocked that Dwayne jumped in when just a couple hours ago he was threatening to punch me his got damn self. That shit had me wondering all the way home.


When I got home the situation was still on my mind. I went to the kitchen to put my food in the refrigerator then sat down at the table. I took out my phone and went to Dwayne's number. I was debating whether I should call him just to thank him for jumping in and helping me out.


I decided not to call and just send him a text. I ain't quite know what to say so I just typed "Hey," then pressed the send button. I waited for a minute to see if he was going to text back then got up leaving the kitchen going to my room to do some homework.



Chapter 22




Already 10 minutes late I wasn't in such a rush to get to class, so I decided to go use the restroom to empty my full bladder I've been holding since I left the house. After relieving myself, I washed my hands then automatically checked out myself in the mirror to make sure I was on point and looking good as always before I left out the rest room and best believe I damn sure was looking good.


Before exiting out I felt my phone vibrate inside my purse, signaling I just received a text message. I stopped to grab my iPhone out my Louis Vuitton bag, and then exited the restroom. Looking down at my phone I was reading a text I received from Poppi telling me he hoped I have a good day and that we need to talk as soon as I get home from school.


Reading the text message over in my head again I was wondering what he wanted to talk about. As I was wondering a sudden nervousness struck my stomach as I was uncertain of how our next and first conversation since the night of the kiss, is going to go. The last time he spoken to me his words and bad attitude made me feel disgraceful and shameful at the time and I don't want to ever in life go through that unpleasant feeling ever again.


Focusing on my phone not paying any attention I slammed into somebody causing my phone to knock out of my hand onto the ground face down. I didn't have an otter box over it so I was praying my screen didn't break as I was reaching down to pick it up.


"Fuck," I shouted as I seen my screen cracked at the top corner. I looked up to see Dwayne looking down at the phone shaking his head.


"Next time pay attention and watch where you going lil mama," he said as he cruised by me entering into the classroom.


"I can say the same for you," I rolled my eyes walking in the other direction to where my class was located at. "Ole rude ass," I whispered more to myself. Today I was planning on thanking him for helping me out yesterday; since he ain't reply back to my message; but the way his attitude is set up is having me like fuck it and fuck him too.


Settling down in my last period class my teacher told us to work with our study partners we were assigned with yesterday, and study on a quiz this upcoming Friday. Study time like this our teacher let us either study in or outside of the class room at either the library or at the lunch tables located right in front of the class.


I and Dwayne decide to go outside to get some fresh air. Instead of going to the lunch tables outside of the class room we went to a table under a tree that was behind the bungalow to catch some shade.


Sitting there for a few minutes in an awkward silence I finally spoke to startup a conversation.


"Why you so rude," Was the first thing that came to mind. I really wanted to know. It didn't make no sense how rude he can be for no reason.


Taking his eyes off his history book he looked up at me "If I was so rude I would've let your little boy friend or whoever the fuck that nigga was, whoop your ass yesterday, you should be thanking my rude ass for saving you from getting your ass beat," He looked at me down then up.


"First of all that's not my boyfriend and second of all, for your info, I was planning on thanking you until your rude ass made me drop and crack my phone," I squinted my eyes at him.


"Naw you made yourself, you bumped into me,"


"I know that but you don't have to be so rude about it," I rolled my neck.


"What you want me to say, I'm sorry?" He placed his pen down on the table intertwining his fingers together.


I sarcastically spoke intertwining my fingers together. "Yes, as a matter of fact that would be nice,"


He chuckled a little shaking his head "Well you out of luck because I'm not a sorry ass nigga I don't say sorry," He announced scrunching his eyebrows together. "But my bad tho," he paused licking his lips "You know for being so rude or whatever,"


Not really feeling that was a heartfelt apology I accepted it anyways.


"It's all good I guess," I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders looking back at him "And thank you for jumping in and helping me out yesterday, you didn't have to do that,"


He just shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing then looked down at his book to continue reading where he left off. I was curious as to why jumped in to help me when he threatened to put his hands on me himself.


"What made you jump in, in the first place?" I finally spoke. "I mean I could've sworn you wanted to punch me yourself, so what made you jump in stopping another nigga from punching me,"


"You know what I asked myself that same question," He shook his head and then continued reading his book.


"You know what I can't do this shit," I stood up getting annoyed with his impolite manner. "You’re such an asshole," I said before walking off leaving him sitting there alone.


I walked back into class to study on my own. I couldn't stand being near him any longer. I tried to be nice now I'm done trying, he can kiss my ass.


Sitting at my desk doing my work Dwayne entered the classroom five minutes later, sitting down in the desk next to me. I looked up to roll my eyes at him then continued to do my work. I really wasn't trying to be bothered by his presence.


"Aye," I looked up at him to see what he wanted.


"What," I blankly replied.


"Listen here, you right I'm an asshole I know this, and I can be rude as fuck so I'm a just gone head and apologize to yo ass so we can squash this little tension we got going on if that's what you want,"


I shook my head "No, if you don't mean it I don't want it,"


He paused for a second smacking his lips. "Man I'm really trying to apologize to you're stuck up ass, something I don't do. So you can take this shit or leave it because I really don't give a fuck. I'm not about to kiss your ass."


I stared at him for a second as I realize how fast this mothafucka snapped on me. He has an anger problem for sure.


"I'm not trying to have you kiss my ass because I really don't give a fuck either,"


"Well that makes the two of us, now that's going to be my last time apologizing so you can accept it or not. But we're going to have to find a way to get along if we going to work together."


"Finally you said something I can agree to" I said, sitting straight up in my seat.


"So you accept my apology or what?" He slapped the back of his right hand into the palm of his left hand.


"Yea I guess," I replied back with a nonchalant attitude going back to my work.


He kissed his teeth "Yea ok whatever," He spoke as he placed his book on top of the desk opening it to start studying.


A few seconds later I glanced over to him before speaking "So is you going to tell me the real reason why you jumped in to help me," I asked scanning the words in my text book, not looking up at him.


He turned facing me "Because I don't believe a guy should put his hands on a female,"


"Oh really" I shot my eyes at him” I could've sworn you threatened to punch me if I called your granny a bitch,"


"If I really wanted to touch you I would've punch the fuck out of you, when you first called her a bitch, No warnings! But since I don't hit females I had to calm myself by walking off before I ended up smacking your ass."


I let out a small chuckle "Yeah that’s good you don't hit females but I don't blame you though. I would want to smack a bitch too for calling my mom a bitch so I understand where you coming from, and I apologize once again for calling your granny a female dog. I was wrong for that,"


He waved his hand "You good, and I was wrong for calling you a bitch, my bad," he apologized in his own little way. After we apologized to each other we went back doing our work.


Five minutes before the bell rang all the groups came into class to gather their things to get ready to leave. The little blonde white girl that been all up on Dwayne dick had walked up to him handing him an envelope.


"Hey Dwayne here's an invite to my party I'M throwing at my place this weekend, Saturday 8 pm until two and I would love for you to come" she said in a flirtatious way then turned to me. "You’re welcome to come too if you like. . . I hope to see you guys there," she said before walking away.


I snatch the envelope out his hand grabbing the card out that was held inside "You going," I asked as I read what was on the card. She lived in the same neighborhood as me in Beverly Hills' so I know she got money.


"No," he said putting his book inside his backpack.


"Why not I think she like you,"


"You think. .. I know I'm not worried about it though,"


I chuckled "What you smashed Becky already" I said calling her out her name because I really didn't know her name.


HE looked at me within blank expression. "No but I can if I want to. . . She not my type though,"


"What's your type then," I asked wondering


He cut his eyes at me "You sure do ask a lot of questions,"


I shrugged my shoulders "I ask questions when I want to know something. How else I'm going to find out, now is you going to answer my question," I asked right before the bell rang.


He bit down on his bottom lip. "Since you really want to know I don't do white girls. . . Black women, that's my type." He stood up slanging his backpack around onto his back.


A sudden interest hit me when he answered that question. I like the fact that he only dated black girls unlike most of the guys from L.A. These niggas act like they allergic to their own kind.


I sat there for a minute leaving me the last one to exit out of class.






Yawning as I stretch my arms out waking up from a nap, I reached to grab my phone off the nightstand to check the time. It was 8:30 and I noticed I was sleep all day. I decided to take a day off of all work today to catch up on some rest but didn't think I was going to be sleep for this long.


I got up to take a piss then hop in the shower. After I got out the shower I went down to the kitchen to see what my chef done cooked up. As I was entering the kitchen the good smell of seafood invaded my nostrils causing my stomach to growl. I try not to eat big meals at this time of night, but I was starving I ain't eat shit all day.


Entering the kitchen, I was slightly disappointed to see a clean kitchen with the food already put up. I was hoping to come in smashing on some food on sight but came into an empty kitchen. I went to the fridge to see a big bowl with foil wrapped around the top with a sticky note in front that read Mr. Gonzales.


Rubbing my hands together I grabbed the bowl out the refrigerator, removing the foil to see what the chef had thrown down. Looking down to see a big bowl of chicken seafood gumbo I got excited as I placed the bowl in the microwave.


Sitting there waiting on my food to warm up I can hear the TV coming from the living room. I walked in the living room to see Ashley knocked out on the couch.


I walked up to her grabbing the remote control out and turned off the T.V. I was just about to walk back out to let her sleep but she soon woke up when I turned off the T.V. She looked at me blinking her eyes then looking around uncertain where she was at.


"My bad for waking you up, you can go on back to sleep" I say as I was about to head back to the kitchen.


Rubbing her eyes, yawning and stretching sitting up on the couch not saying a word.


Right when I made it make to the kitchen my food was hot and ready. I grabbed the bowl of gumbo out the microwave and made my way to the table where I began my feast.


Ashley walks in the Kitchen by passing me going straight to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water.

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