Shorty Got My Head Gone (32 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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We all hoped in my black Escalade and I drove dropping off Kieara at home in the hood, opposite direction to where I planned on going this morning. Dropping her off I hopped back on the freeway heading back to the Valley.


"Where you taking me," Ashley asked with her arm in a paralyzed position in between her lap.


"Don't worry about all that just sit back and ride," I say not taking my eyes off the road.


She let out a light sigh. I glanced over to her then back on the road "You hungry,"


She adjusted her seat back "Naw I'm good," she replied getting more comfortable in her seat.


We made it back to the valley and I drove to Lakeview Terrace to my hidden farm house. Riding up the mountain to get to the location I notice Ashley looking around like she was lost.


"Where the hell we at, why we in the wilderness?" she questioned


"You don't need to look like that you good Shorty, trust me you in safe hands,"


"Of course I trust you Poppy I'm not even worried about that" she expressed waving her right hand, "I'm just saying what's in the mountains, what we bout to do go hunting or some shit?"


I chuckled "Nawl not quite, but I got a secret farm house up here that nobody knows about, you the first to even know about it and I'm bringing you up here so don't tell nobody iight,” I looked at her to let her know I was serious.


Her facial expression brightens as she smiles, "Really, you trust me that much,"


I glanced at her looking into her eyes then licked my lips "Yea. . . I see you trust me the way you do, so I feel like I can trust you too." I looked back focusing on the road "Can I?" I asked her.


"Yes of course you can trust me," she smiled. "So What so secrete about this farm house," She asked in curiosity.


"It’s just a place I don't want nobody to know about. I come out here some times to clear my head."


Pulling up in the driveway we parked then got out. From the outside it looked like an old white 2 story house that was still in decent shape. We walked up the brown brick walkway, stepping on the porch. I pulled out my key, and unlocked the door letting ourselves in.


Ashley looked around in awe "It’s so nice in here, you mind if I take a tour," she asked stepping in the living room that's on the right hand side as soon as you step through the door.


"Naw go right ahead," I said walking to the back where the kitchen was located at.


While Ashley toured the house I went down to my basement. Turning on the light I walked to my gun collections. I had over a hundred guns in all. I had grabbed a glock 43 and a glock 49 handgun, and AR 15 rifle. I picked up a few cases of shells and placed everything in my NCstar Discreet Breakdown case gun bag, then zipped it closed. Picking it up I grabbed the handle and made my back upstairs.


When I made it up the stairs Ashley walked in the Kitchen. "It's so freaking nice in here you should let me move in here, for real for real," She said sitting down in the stool up to the high counter.


"Can't do that, I told you this my secret spot," I placed the gun bag on top of the counter in front of her.


"Yea yea I know, anyways what you got in this bag though,"


I unzipped the bag exposing the guns inside then zipped it back up "Let's go," I said grabbing the bag from off the counter walking towards the back door that led to my back yard that was the size of a football field.


She stood up from off the stool "Wait, is we really about to go hunting?"


I smirked "Nah Man... But I am about to show you how to shoot a gun tho come on I'm bout to take you to my outside gun range."


She seemed excited "Alright let's Go,"


We walked out the back door and got in my go cart I had parked on the side of the house. We drove in the woods that surrounded my back yard. Making it to the shooting range about two minutes away; from the house.


When we got out everything was already in order and target already in place. I took out the gun and gave her a lesson on each gun and how to handle it. After explaining everything to her I grabbed the glock 43 handgun and got behind the both shooting at the target giving her a demonstration.


When it was her turn I could tell she was scared because of how shaky she was with the gun in her hand "Wow Shorty calm down, stop shaking like that. You gotta loosen up a bit "


She laid the gun down “I can't do it; I'm scared I can't stop shaking."


"Man pick the gun back up and stop being scared!"


She smacked her lips "Maan. ."


I picked up the gun and handed it to her "Here I got you."


She grabbed the gun from out of my hand and faced the target. I walked up behind her and placed my arms around hers, guiding her to hold the gun with both hands. I lightly lifting her hands up pointing at the target.


Leaning over her shoulder in between the crook of her neck I eyed the target as I whispered "Close your eyes and take a deep breath and relax." She was still tense and I needed her to loosen up a bit more.




She did as she was told closing her eyes taking a deep breath. I felt her body loosen up a bit "Still making sure you grip the gun tightly with a firm hold but don't tense up." I instructed.


Holding her arm in place I watched as she put her hand on the trigger. I continued to instructed her "now I want you to take another deep breath before you slowly open your eyes looking directly at the target, making sure the point of the gun in lined right on it"


She took another deep breath and opened her eyes. I gave her a second before I slowly backed up off of her "Go for it " I whispered


And with that being said she let off three shot's going straight through the head of the target hitting the bean bag behind it. Fascinated by her skills I clapped while she put the gun down and started jumping up and down. She impressed the hell out of me. She's a natural and don't even know it.


After the little celebration she gave me a hug then we continued shooting. After practicing on range for about an hour and a half we finished and went back to the farm house. We stayed out the whole day just vibing cooking and watching movies.


Enjoying her company throughout the day she’s like a breath of fresh air, I escape work and all the other bullshit I deal with on a daily. I just chill, relax, have fun and make sure she's good. That's all I worry about and that is just how I like it.





Sitting in the back corner inside the chilled Starbucks, I was slurping on my double chocolate chip cappuccino while I was on my laptop on this website called Wattpad reading this book called 'Innocent' by an author named A'Shanti Sanders. This book was so good, since I found it last night I haven't been able to stop reading it. All day I was in class reading instead of doing my work. I was so gone in the book I didn't even notice Dwayne walking up.


"What up," He gave me a head nod as he sat down in the chair across from me.


"Hey I see you made it almost on time," I said looking at the time on my laptop.


This our second time meeting up to study. I got here ten minutes earlier from the time we were supposed to meet up. I been waiting on him for about fifteen minutes so he just about five minutes late.


"Nobody need yo ass trippin nomo' " He leaned back in his seat.


"You got that right, glad you know," I said slurping on my cappuccino.


"Shut up I don't know shit,"


I mugged him "Nigga you shut up,"


He chuckled "Why you ain't order me one," He asked looking at me licking the whip cream from the straw.


"Because nigga I would not spend my money on you anymore, you can buy yo own, I don't need you wasting my money,"


He kissed his teeth "You act like your bougie have ass don't get it to waste,"


I frowned up my face "How you figure, and how you figure I'm bougie? You know what I'm getting tired of your ass saying that,"


"Because first off most of the females at that school is bougie as fuck, you wanted to meet at Starbucks to study, and by the way you dress and the neighborhood you live in, its written all over you,"


I started laughing loud as fuck "Man you really don't know me. I'm not even from the valley, I'm from south central low bottom eastside baby came straight from the gutta. Ain't nothing bougie about me I just moved out here this year booboo,"


He laughs licking and biting down on his lip "I knew I seen some ratchetness in yo ass too," I flicked him off " so tell me how you move from the hood to the suburbs, yo parents must be making that gwuap,"


I shook my head "No I don't stay with my parents, they passed away years ago," I said putting my head down looking at the keyboard.


"Damn," Dwayne whispered "I'm sorry to hear that,"


I gave a slight grin "Naw it's cool," I waved it off rolling my eyes.


"So who you stay with if you don't mind me asking,"


I was going to say Poppi but then I caught myself "Oh I stay with my brother he got custody over me,"


I didn't want to tell him I was staying with my deceased brother best friend because I feel like he doesn’t need to know all that. The reason why I'm staying there is my personal business.


He nodded his head "Cool cool,"


His phone he had placed on the table start vibrating. He picked it up looking at the caller ID then Immediately answered it. I went back to reading my book zoning his conversation out. When he got off the phone he had got up from his seat.


I looked up at him "Where you bout to go," I asked.


"I'm sorry but I gotta dip,"


I gave a confused look "For what, you just got here," I asked irritated. Last time he was late now he leaving before we even get a chance to study.


"Shit came up and I gotta go pick up my little brother,"


I rolled my eyes "Aight whatever," I waved him off. I was low-key mad.


He smacked his lips "How about you come to my house and we study there,"


I agreed, got my things together and left out of Starbucks right along with him. We hopped in our separate cars and I followed him all the way these apartments in Burbank, where he lived. We entered the apartment and walked up to the 2nd floor. When we go to his apartment he opened up the door letting me in first.


When I walked in it was nicely furnished with all black and white decor. I walked to the leather couch and sat down.


"You need anything to drink," He asked walking toward the kitchen.


"Naw I'm good,"


"Iight then I be right back," he turn walking his way toward and out the door.


I looked around the small apartment then gazed my eyes to the collage of pictures I seen on the coffee table. It was a collage full of pictures of him and younger boy and a lady. Not even a minute later her came back in the door talking to somebody behind him.


"You got some homework," He asked as the little boy crept from behind him.


"Yea math and English. I got some new vocabulary words,"


He was so adorable looking just like Dwayne with his little black Polo shirt on with some dark blue jeans and some all black polo boots, with a small gold rope chain hanging around his neck with a gold letter D charm hanging from the rope.


He looked over at me then up at Dwayne "Who she," He asked pointing at me.

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