Shorty Got My Head Gone (33 page)

BOOK: Shorty Got My Head Gone
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"That's my classmate," He answered walking in the kitchen "You hungry boy," he asked him.

Without answering him the little boy walked up to me "Hey I'm Denzel his little brother but you can call me Zel, what's your name?"


I smiled "Well it's nice to meet you Zel, I'm Ashley. You're a little cutie,"


He blushed cheesing hard. Dwayne walked back in the living room "What you over there doing you bet not be bugging.”


"Naw he's good. He's just introducing himself. He's soo cute,"


Denzel turned facing Dwayne with a smile "All the ladies say that." I was taken aback. No he didn't just say that' I thought to myself.


Dwayne shook his head "Man don't be pumping his head up."


“Well it's true," I said.


"Man whatever," he waved his hand.


"Bro don't be a hater because the lady thinks I'm cute," Denzel said


"Denzel you funny, you hungry boy?"


''Naw I'm ok,"


"Alright, pick your backpack up and go to your room to do your homework."


Denzel grabbed his book bag and did what he was told. Dwayne came and sat down next to me placing a cup of kool aid on the table. Soon after we took out our books and began to study. During our little study session not really studying the whole time I came to find out his grandma who raised him passed away a few months ago, he's a tattoo artist and he taking care of his little brother.


He stopped going to school for a second right after his grandmother past then came back because he decided he wanted to graduate to set a good example for his little brother. I really admired that about him and stepping up as a man to take care of his little brother. It's scary how much he reminds me of Baby. The love he has for his little brother was the same love baby shared with me.


While we were sitting there talking there was a knock at the door. Dwayne got up to go answer it.


"Who is it," he yelled out before opening up the door.


I heard a female voice say "Me."


"You know I'm fuck you up right," he told the person that was standing at the door.


Some female with a burgundy bob stepped through the door facing him "Mane I'm sorry Wayne, I had to do some real quick so I left Zel with momma, but I ain't know her job was gone call her in, hell" she said with a thick country accent.


"Man I ain't trying to hear that shit, you should've never left him. I asked you to watch him not Medea." Dwayne said closing the door and walking back in the living room.


"Well I came back as soon as I could, where he at I'll watch him," she walked behind Dwayne into the living room.


"It's too late now it’s cool I got him,"


She stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw me and twisted up her face. Who dis Wayne," She pointed her index finger at me, being the second person questioning who I was. I slightly mug her of the bluntness she was giving.


"This my classmate Ashley, Ashley this A town lil sis Yana," He introduced us.


Restoring my facial expression since she gave off a bad vibe, I smiled trying to try this thing over "Hey," I spoke waving my hand.


She slicked rolled her eyes not speaking back, walking to the recliner plopping doing in it. "Where my brother at," she asked Dwayne.


If I ain't know any better at first, I definitely sense the shade now. I furrowed my brows giving the "Ok," look.


"I don't know where he at, he ain't here, but we up in here studying so get yo ass up," He snapped his fingers.


She got up from the recliner "Don't be actin shout out in front of yo lil company," She said walking toward the door. He didn’t say anything letting her continue to leave.


She stopped at the door and turned around before opening it. "Wayne come here let me talk to you,"


I smacked his lips "Man what you want," he asked standing in the same spot he been standing in.


"Boy come here, I gotta tell you something dayum, let me talk to you out here really quick,"


He walked up to her slick annoyed, leaving out the door. For some strange reason I have a feel like they might have something going on. About 5 minutes later he came back in sitting down next to me.


"My bad about that she be buggin' sometimes,"


I raised one of my eyebrows looking at him "Hmmmm,"


He did the same looking over at me ''Hmmm what,"


"What y'all got going on," I asked sitting back cross my legs.


He looked back at me scrunching up his eyebrows and forehead "Not a damn thing why you ask,"


"Well I think she like you," I looked at him up and down.


"Shit," He licked his lips leaning back on the couch "Probably so, but I don't give a fuck" He tilted his head looking at me "Why you worried about it?"


"I ain't worried about it, I'm just stating the obvious," I rolled my eyes correcting him.


He chuckled, "Hmm whatever you say Shorty,"


I shot my eyes at him "Please don't call me that,"


"Damn you got defensive but Ok I won't call you that then, Ashley," He said dragging the "Ash,"


I giggled, I didn't mean to snap like that. I just wasn't use to nobody else calling me Shorty other than Poppi. He's the only person I would let call me that.


We continued to study and chop it up for about another 40 minutes before I left making my way home, then calling him soon after assuring him I made it home safely. I ate took a shower then went straight to bed as soon as my pillow.














Chapter 26



2 weeks later



I'd ran to the door on my tiptoes to let Dwayne in. He has been waiting in the driveway for about five minutes calling me to let me know he was here, but I had no idea he was calling because my phone was on silent. I opened the door seeing Dwayne standing in front of me holding the strap on his back pack that hung over his left shoulders.


"It took you long enough, having a nigga waiting and shit," Dwayne spoke grinning.


"Boy I know you ain't talking, plus my phone was on silent and I ain't know you was here,"


"Yea whatever, it's cool though," He said. I raised one brow up. "Is you just going to stand there or you going to let me in," He asked licking his lip.


I stepped aside holding on to the door handle, signaling for him to come in. While he stepped through the door he was just staring at me up and down.


"Boy what you looking at me like that for," I asked shutting the door


"I'm just looking; you look comfortable,"


I looked down at my attire. I had on some black and white Pink shorts by Victoria’s secret, with a white V-neck and barefooted. I looked back at him "Well yea this is what I wear when I'm at home what you expected,"


"Nothing man I'm just say. . .." he looked at me then shook his head. "Anyways. .." he said looking around "You got a nice ass crib tho. I ain't know you was living this good" He admired the house.


This is the first time I invited him to the house to come study. We been meeting up at his house for the past two weeks and I decided it was time to meet up at my house for a change. Me and him have gotten real cool over the past couple of weeks, and I' was comfortable enough to finally invite him over.


"It's not my crib but thank you. . . come on," I said as I signal him to follow me to my room. Walking inside I closed the door behind us.


"You can have a seat," I said as I sat down on the bed against the headboard.


"Where at," he asked looking around


"You can take a seat at the desk, the bed, the floor, it really doesn’t matter I don't care just have a seat," I sarcastically instructed.


He smacked his lips and sat down at the edge of the bed "you always trying to be funny"


I just laughed and grabbed my history book to finish my homework I had been working on.


"What assessment you on," He asked pulling out his book.


"24," I replied not looking up.


"Let me copy that when you finish,"


I nodded my head "I got you,"




Sitting in silence doing our work I get a like three Facebook message back to back. I looked to see it was Tyrone hitting me up. I haven't talked or seen him since he gotten his ass whooped by Dwayne I didn't even open the messages putting my phone down and my book looking at Dwayne while he was laying on his stomach across the bed doing his work.


He looked over at me just looking at him "What up,"


"Guess who just hit me up,"


He shrugged his shoulders "Who,"




He paused for a second giving me a blank stare then spoke "What the fuck he want," he asked, I shrugged my shoulders "What he say,"


"I don't know I ain't read the message yet, but I haven't spoken or seen his ass since that beating you put on him, I'm kinda surprised he's hitting me up, but then again I'm not,"


"He must be crazy," he asked turning around sitting up.


"I'm starting to believe he is." I replied reading his message "He text saying that we need to talk. He missed me, he's sorry and he love me," I read the text then looked up at Dwayne.


He shook his head "Damn with the fuck you do to that boy."


I shook my head and smacked my lips "Man nothing man," I whispered for no reason, replying to Tyrone message. The only thing I text is I don't love him anymore and he's getting block. I can see Dwayne staring at me through my peripherals.


"I know next time I see y’all together I'm fucking you up,"


I frowned my face up at him, "What?"


"You heard what the fuck I said, next time I see y’all together I'm fucking you up," He said with a serious face.


I bust out laughing because he can't be serious "And why is that?"


"Because you don't need to be around him and if you are you must want yo ass beat by him, and if he do I might have to kill him, so in order for me not to go to jail for murder, I'm fucking you up myself because I'm not going to let anybody else put they hands on you,"


He low-key made me blush, I thought it was cute how protective he was over me when it came down to Tyrone. It was actually pretty sexy to me and made him more attractive to me.


I smiled "That's good to know but nigga put yo hands on me I might have to cut you,"


He chuckled "I'm not worried about that, you ain't that crazy,"


I folded my arms up under my chest "You don't know," I rolled my neck eyeing him.


"You right, I'm trying to find out though," He bit down on his lip eye me "I kinda like em' crazy,"


I rolled my eyes smiling "I bet you do," I got up from the bed and turned around catching him staring at my ass "You want something to drink or you hungry," I asked ignoring the fact he was looking.

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